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Console commands allow you to modify gameplay settings. Pressing '''F7''' will open the developer console, which allows you to run commands.
Console commands allow you to modify gameplay settings. Pressing '''F7''' will open the developer console, which allows you to run commands.
== All Known Convars/Commands ==
{| class="wikitable" <!-- generated with [[w:de:Wikipedia:Technik/Text/Basic/EXCEL-Tabellenumwandlung]] V2.1 -->
|- style="font-size:11pt;font-weight:bold" align="center"
| width="236" height="15" | Command
| width="64" | Default value
| width="111" | Flags
| width="1342" | Description
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" | @panorama_min_comp_layer_cache_cost_TURNED_OFF
| ?
|style="font-weight:bold" align="right" align="center" |
|style="font-weight:bold" align="right" align="center" |
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  _record                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Record a demo incrementally.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  adsp_debug                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_debug_decisionmaking                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, a                           
|  Draw sparks on NPCs in their thinks. Sparks at their feet mean they skipped decision making, sparks high above them means they didn't.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_debug_dyninteractions                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Debug the NPC dynamic interaction system.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_debug_enemy_position                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Draw a debug line from a selected NPC to its enemy.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_debug_los                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  NPC Line-Of-Sight debug mode. If 1, solid entities that block NPC LOC will be highlighted with white bounding boxes. If 2, it'll show non-solid entities that would do it if they were solid.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_debug_scripted_sequence                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_debug_shoot_positions                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_debug_squadslotusage                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Report squad slot usage for npc_selected NPCs.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_disable                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Bi-passes all AI logic routines and puts all NPCs into their idle animations.  Can be used to get NPCs out of your way and to test effect of AI logic routines on frame rate
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_disabled                                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_drop_hint                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Drop an ai_hint at the player's current eye position.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_ignore_collision_player_noclip                                               
|  false           
|  sv, a, cheat                   
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_inhibit_spawners                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_keep_interrupt_path_across_schedules                                         
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_motor_debug                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_motor_debug_animgraph                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_motor_debug_override_path                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_motor_debug_path                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_motor_debug_transitions                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_motor_draw_entity_facing                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_motor_nav_links_force_facing_time                                           
| align="right" | 12
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_navigator_repath_enable                                                     
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Enable dynamic repathing based on goal movement.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_navigator_repath_on_change                                                   
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  When nav mesh changes along an NPC's existing path, force a repath.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_navigator_repath_tolerance_alpha                                             
| align="right" | 20
|  sv, cheat                       
|  The distance a target entity can move before triggering a repath is ( arrival time * ai_navigator_repath_tolerance_alpha ), clamped to the min / max allowed values.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_navigator_repath_tolerance_max                                               
| align="right" | 300
|  sv, cheat                       
|  The maximum distance that a target entity can move before triggering a repath to that target.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_navigator_repath_tolerance_min                                               
| align="right" | 8
|  sv, cheat                       
|  The minimum distance that a target entity can move before triggering a repath to that target.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_navigator_repath_tolerance_min_speed                                         
| align="right" | 100
|  sv, cheat                       
|  When calculating repathing tolerance, clamp entity speed to be at least this value (i.e. consider slow entities to be this fast).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_navigator_snap_to_ground_goal                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_navigator_use_arrival_direction                                             
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_off_nav_show_nearest                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_path_return_a                                                               
| align="right" | 0.5
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_path_return_d                                                               
| align="right" | 50
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_path_return_parallel_speed                                                   
| align="right" | 100
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_path_return_t                                                               
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_path_show_discard_immediately                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_report_task_timings_on_limit                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, a                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_resume                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  If NPC is stepping through tasks (see ai_step ) will resume normal processing.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_select_box_alpha                                                             
| align="right" | 20
|  sv, a                           
|  The select box alpha.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_setenabled                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Like ai_disable but you manually specify the state (with a 0 or 1) instead of toggling it.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_show_task_fail                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_step                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  NPCs will freeze after completing their current task.  To complete the next task, use 'ai_step' again.  To resume processing normally use 'ai_resume'
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_think_limit_label                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, a                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ai_vehicle_avoidance                                                           
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  alias                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Alias a command.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  anim_resource_validate_on_load                                                 
|  true           
|  release                         
|  Validates the animation group channel list against the animations on load for every animation
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animated_material_attributes                                                   
|  true           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animevents_dump                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  List all the currently registered anim events.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph2testprop_create                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Create  animgraph2 test prop a short distance in front.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_debug                                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Debug animation graph
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_debug_entindex                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  The entity to specifically debug
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_footlock_ik_enable                                                   
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Enable IK.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_record_all                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Automatically start recording AnimGraphs when they get created, and save them to disk when they are destroyed
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_set_parameter_bool                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Specified entities will have the specified bool parameter set to the value specified.  Useful for animators to test.  Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_set_parameter_enum                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Specified entities will have the specified enum parameter set to the value specified.  Useful for animators to test.  Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_set_parameter_float                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Specified entities will have the specified float parameter set to the value specified.  Useful for animators to test.  Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_set_parameter_int                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Specified entities will have the specified int parameter set to the value specified.  Useful for animators to test.  Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_set_parameter_string                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Specified entities will have the specified bool parameter set to the value specified.  Useful for animators to test.  Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_set_parameter_vector                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Specified entities will have the specified vector parameter set to the value specified.  Useful for animators to test.  Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_slope_draw_raycasts                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_slope_enable                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  animgraph_trace_static_only                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  announce_create                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  <title> <message> <URL> [Priority] Create a new announcement with the specified title, message, and URL. use empty quotes if you want to skip message or URL
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  announce_delete                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  <ID> Deletes the specified announcement ID
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  announce_show_ids                                                               
|  false           
|  cl, release                     
|  When set, will show the IDs of the various announcements, making updating/deleting easier
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  announce_update                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  <ID> <title> <message> <URL> [Priority] Create a new announcement with the specified title, message, and URL. use empty quotes if you want to skip message or URL
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  audio_display_soundstack_debug_base_3d                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays citadel_base_3d sound stack debug.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  audio_display_soundstack_debug_dialog                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays citadel_dialog sound stack debug.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  audio_log_damage_recency_bias                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Prints player damage recency information.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  automatically_open_saved_animgraph_recording                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cl, a, user, rep           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  axis                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Draw an axis  Arguments:  x y z pitch yaw roll <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ban_ignore_after_player_abandons                                               
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cheat                       
|  After this many players have abandoned a match, no longer penalize additional abandons for the match. Set to 0 to not penalize abandoners
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  battery_saver                                                                   
|  false           
|  archive                             
|  OBSOLETE replaced by mobile_fps_* - Battery saver mode. 0=off, 1=on
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  benchframe                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  bind                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Bind a key.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  binddefaults                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Bind all keys to their default values.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  bindss                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Bind a key for a particular splitscreen player.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  bot_kick_all                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Kick all the bots
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  bot_mimic                                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat, release     
|  Allows bots to mimic player
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  bot_mimic_spec_buttons                                                         
|  true           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  +attack, +jump etc are used for spectator control instead of being passed on to spectated bot
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  bot_mimic_target                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Selects the targeted bot for mimicking
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  bot_mimic_yaw_offset                                                           
| align="right" | 180
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Offsets the bot yaw.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  bot_puppet                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat, release     
|  Allows bots to be puppeteered by the player.  The player will do nothing while the bots perform the inputs
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  bot_puppet_target                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Selects the targeted bot for puppeteering
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  bot_record_target                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Selects the targeted bot for puppeteering
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  box                                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Draw a bbox  Arguments:  minx miny miny maxx maxy maxz <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  buddha                                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, nf, cheat                   
|  Player takes damage but won't die
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  buddha_ignore_bots                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, nf, cheat                   
|  Bots always buddha 0
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  buddha_reset_hp                                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, nf, cheat                   
|  HP to set when damaged below zero in Buddha Mode
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  bug_submitter_override                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  button_info                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Display information about the specified key or button.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_maxdistance                                                                   
| align="right" | 200
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_maxpitch                                                                     
| align="right" | 90
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_maxyaw                                                                       
| align="right" | 135
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_mindistance                                                                   
| align="right" | 30
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_minpitch                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_minyaw                                                                       
| align="right" | -135
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_orthoheight                                                                   
| align="right" | 100
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_orthowidth                                                                   
| align="right" | 100
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_thirdpersonshoulder                                                           
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist                                                   
| align="right" | 120
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_thirdpersonshoulderdist                                                       
| align="right" | 40
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_thirdpersonshoulderheight                                                     
| align="right" | 5
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset                                                     
| align="right" | 20
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cam_collision                                                                   
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive                         
|  When in thirdperson and cam_collision is set to 1, an attempt is made to keep the camera from passing though walls.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cam_command                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Tells camera to change modes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cam_idealdelta                                                                 
| align="right" | 4
|  cl, archive                         
|  Controls the speed when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cam_idealdist                                                                   
| align="right" | 150
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cam_ideallag                                                                   
| align="right" | 4
|  cl, archive                         
|  Amount of lag used when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cam_idealpitch                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cam_idealyaw                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cam_showangles                                                                 
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  When in thirdperson, print viewangles/idealangles/cameraoffsets to the console.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cam_snapto                                                                     
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  camortho                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Switch to orthographic camera.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cast_aabb                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Tests box collision detection
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cast_capsule                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Tests capsule collision detection
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cast_convex                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Tests convex hull collision detection
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cast_cylinder                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Tests cylinder collision detection
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cast_intervals                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Tests interval ray cast
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cast_obb                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Tests cylinder collision detection
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cast_physics                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Tests physics shape collision detection
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cast_ray                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Tests ray cast
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cast_sphere                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Tests sphere cast
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cc_delay_time                                                                   
| align="right" | 0.25
|  cl, archive                         
|  Close caption delay before showing caption.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cc_lang                                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|  Current close caption language (emtpy = use game UI language)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cc_linger_time                                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive                         
|  Close caption linger time.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cc_spectator_only                                                               
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cc_subtitles                                                                   
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|  If set, don't show sound effect captions, just voice overs (i.e., won't help hearing impaired players).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cc_vr_caption_speed                                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive                         
|  0 = slow, 1 = medium (default), 2 = fast
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cc_vr_font_size                                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive                         
|  0 = small, 1 = med (default), 2 = large
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" | cc_vr_width                                                                     
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive                         
|  0 = narrow, 1 = med (default), 2 = wide
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" | changelevel                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  changelevel <mapname> : Multiplayer change level.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  +chatwheel                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Opens chatwheel menu while held
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  +chatwheel_pingwheel                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Opens the second chatwheel menu while held
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_1v1_bonus_health                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_1v1_bonus_health_regen                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_1v1_bonus_tech_power                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_1v1_bonus_weapon_power                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_1v1_bullet_damage_multiplier                                           
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_1v1_tech_damage_multiplier                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_ability_cooldown_max                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_ability_debug                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_ability_preview_path_debug_draw_dt                                     
| align="right" | 0.075
|  cl, archive                         
|  DT for debug drawing ability preview path.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_ability_target_debug                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_activate_cps_for_team                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Makes the CPs for a team available to capture
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_activate_window_on_unpause                                             
|  false           
|  cl, release                     
|  If set, brings Citadel to the foreground when unpaused
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_active_lane                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|  Which lane should be active? 0 means all
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_air_drag_min                                                           
| align="right" | 0.2
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_aircontrol_speed                                                       
| align="right" | 50
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_allow_client_higher_version_for_reconnect                               
|  true           
|  cl, release                     
|  When set to true, the client is allowed to connect so long as the client compat version is higher than the server's
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_allow_duplicate_heroes                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|  If enabled, heroes can be selected by multiple players
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_allow_purchasing_anywhere                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  If enabled, you can purchase upgrades anywhere
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_allow_ranked_schedule_selection                                         
|  false           
|  cl, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_assume_pawn_control                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Take control of the pawn under the crosshair, or by name if specified
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_ban_account                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  <Account ID> <Comment> <Ban Invites: 0|1> <Ban HWID: 0|1> Bans the specified account
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_book_open                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  [BookID/Book Name] Opens up the specified book by ID or name
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_boss_tier_3_testing_enter_phase2                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_boss_tier_3_testing_reset                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Respawns the boss
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_ability_friendly_life_threshold                                     
| align="right" | 70
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Maximum life for friendly ability to be used (prevents healing when full health)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_ability_friendly_pitch                                             
| align="right" | 60
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Pitch (aiming down) for bots when using a friendly ability
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_ability_min_cast_range                                             
| align="right" | 800
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Default Cast Range for abilities that don't specify
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_ability_min_cast_range_friendly                                     
| align="right" | 800
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Default Enemy range to use friendly abilities
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_ability_window_size                                                 
| align="right" | 0.85
|  sv, rep, release               
|  How much in range before doing an ability (ie not casting on edges)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_attack_enemies_inaccuracy                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Bots choose a random angle in this range to offset their perfect aim
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_attack_enemies_inaccuracy_distance                                 
| align="right" | 25
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Distance (m) to make bots even worse accuracy
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_attack_enemies_inaccuracy_distance_scale                           
| align="right" | 1.5
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Scale the accuracy by this amount at distance
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_attack_enemies_inaccuracy_scale                                     
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, rep, release               
|  When trying to miss, how much to scale each miss attempt
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_attack_enemies_inaccuracy_threat_scale                             
| align="right" | 0.5
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Scale inaccuracy by this amount when threatened
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_attack_miss_chance                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Desired bot miss chance, [0.0 - 1.0]
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_attempt_deny_orb_pct                                               
| align="right" | 10
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Percentage of the time to look for red orbs to shoot
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_attempt_orb_range                                                   
| align="right" | 35
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Range(m) to Scan for Orbs
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_attempt_orb_start_time                                             
| align="right" | 180
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Try to deny orbs
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_attempt_secure_orb_pct                                             
| align="right" | 5
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Percentage of the time to look for gold orbs to shoot
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_avoid_human_ally                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Forces citadel bots to avoid human allies
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_bonus_regen                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_bonus_regen_outofsight                                             
| align="right" | 0.03
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_bonus_run_speed                                                     
| align="right" | 6
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_aim_angle_attack                                             
| align="right" | 0.9
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Min Dot Product result from target that we will try to shoot from
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_aim_inaccuracy                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Max Angle for Inaccuracy
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_aim_inaccuracy_speed                                         
| align="right" | 0.01
|  sv, rep, release               
|  How fast the inaccuracy moves - mimic mouse movement correction
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_aim_vertical_offset                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  How many vertical units to aim from world space center on players / troopers
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_enemy_reaction_time                                           
| align="right" | 0.75
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Amount of time for a bot to react to a player
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_infrequent_tick_rate                                         
| align="right" | 60
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_melee_chance                                                 
| align="right" | 0.1
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_melee_chance_in_reload                                       
| align="right" | 0.3
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_melee_check_time                                             
| align="right" | 30
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_melee_heavy_chance                                           
| align="right" | 0.5
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_melee_heavy_hold_time                                         
| align="right" | 0.31
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_move_goal_tolerance                                           
| align="right" | 40
|  sv, rep, release               
|  How close to goal to count as made it
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_parry_chance                                                 
| align="right" | 0.02
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_stop_shotting_los_time                                       
| align="right" | 0.5
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Amount of time for no Los to stop shooting at enemy
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_brain_zipline_distance                                             
| align="right" | 400
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Distance away from zipline node we want for pathing to it
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_buddy                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|  List of heroes to choose from that should follow a player around
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_choose_balanced_lanes                                               
|  true           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Bots try to balance lanes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_choose_lane_on_death                                               
|  false           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Bots pick a new lane when they die
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_choose_lane_on_interval                                             
| align="right" | 5
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Bots pick on a time interval
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_critical_health                                                     
| align="right" | 0.15
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Critical
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_critical_health_pushed                                             
| align="right" | 0.35
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Critcal at tower
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_crouch                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Forces citadel bots to crouch
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_enemy_hero_engage_distance                                         
| align="right" | 10
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Distance away from target to search for an attack location
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_engage_distance                                                     
| align="right" | 1500
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Distance citadel bots are willing to engage enemies at
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_engage_hero_distance                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Extra distance citadel bots are willing to engage heroes at
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_engage_lane_side_dist                                               
| align="right" | 200
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Distance citadel bots will engage to the left or right of the target
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_engage_player_side_dist                                             
| align="right" | 200
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Distance citadel bots will engage to the left or right of the target
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_fight_for_idol                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Fight for the idol
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_fight_midboss                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Fight the midboss
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_free_gold_per_minute                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Bots get free gold over time
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_free_gold_per_minute_scaled                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  GPM that scales with game time
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_give_team_gold                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Give all bots on a particular team gold
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_hero_testing_pitch                                                 
| align="right" | 5
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Aim Pitch in Hero Testing
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_jump                                                               
|  false           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Forces citadel bots to jump
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_jump_sometimes                                                     
|  true           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Forces citadel bots to attack nearby enemies
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_lane_change_duration                                               
| align="right" | 5
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Duration Bot prioritizes changing lanes vs fighting
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_last_hit_distance                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Extra distance citadel bots are willing to engage enemies at to get last hits
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_last_hit_threshold                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Forces citadel bots to prioritize getting last hits on enemies below this health
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_list_ents                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  List ent id of all players that are bots in this game
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_list_objectives_ent                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  List all entities that are associated with a Citadel Game Objective
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_low_health                                                         
| align="right" | 0.3
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Low Health
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_low_health_pushed                                                   
| align="right" | 0.5
|  sv, rep, release               
|  When pushed against tower
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_max_attacker_memory                                                 
| align="right" | 6
|  sv, rep, release               
|  How long to remember recent attackers
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_melee                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Forces citadel bots to melee continuously, 1: light, 2: Heavy
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_message_interval                                                   
| align="right" | 20
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Min time between messages a player bot can send
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_mimic_player_pitch                                                 
|  true           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  User player's pitch in hero testing
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_move_random                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Forces citadel bots to move all around
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_playrecording                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Play back commands recorded via 'citadel_bot_record'
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_practice_opponent                                                   
|  hero_gigawatt   
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_practice_teammate                                                   
|  hero_kelvin     
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_projectile_range_scale                                             
| align="right" | 0.5
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Factor from Projectile speed to usable range
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_purchase_random_upgrades                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Citadel bots will randomly purchase available upgrades every few seconds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_purchase_upgrades_in_order                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Citadel bots will purchase available upgrades in order every few seconds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_record                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Causes bots to mimic your commands as well as record them to be replayed
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_reload_pct                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Bot reloads when clip is this low
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_roll_after_damage                                                   
|  true           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Forces citadel bots to attack nearby enemies
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_roll_chance                                                         
| align="right" | 0.4
|  sv, rep, release               
|  How often bots will roll given damage conditions
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_roll_chance_lowhealth_scale                                         
| align="right" | 1.6
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_roll_frequency                                                     
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Time between roll attempts
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_sensing_tick_interval                                               
| align="right" | 12
|  sv, rep, release               
|  How many ticks between the bot performing sensing
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_shoot                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Forces citadel bots to fire continuously. 1:scope shooting, 2:unscope shooting.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_shoot_duration                                                     
| align="right" | 0.75
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Seconds after a bot sees you before it can react
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_spend_random_ap                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_takeover_ally_range                                                 
| align="right" | 30
|  sv, rep, release               
|  How far from Allies that is acceptable
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_takeover_spend_currency_time                                       
| align="right" | 240
|  sv, rep, release               
|  How much time until a takeover bot till spend gold/ap
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_takeover_time                                                       
| align="right" | 30
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Time for a disconnected player to be taken over by a bot
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_test_mode                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Set citadel bots to be and in test mode (default idle)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_use_ability                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Causes Bot to Constantly use Ability when its available
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_use_ability_cooldown                                               
| align="right" | 5
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Time between bot using ability
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_use_ability_once                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Set if you only want enemy to use ability once and stop
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_use_item_ability                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Causes Bot to Constantly use Ability when its available
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_visual_reaction_time                                               
| align="right" | 0.75
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Seconds after a bot sees you before it can react
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bot_zig_zag                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Forces citadel bots to zig-zag side to side if > 0 or back and forth if < 0
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bounty_aoe_radius                                                       
| align="right" | 750
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  The radius in which teammates gain a portion of bounties
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bounty_aoe_radius_neutrals                                             
| align="right" | 800
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  The radius in which teammates gain a portion of Neutral
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bounty_aoe_radius_troopers                                             
| align="right" | 1968.5
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  The radius in which teammates gain a portion of things besides Neutrals and Players
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bounty_aoe_radius_troopers_from_hero                                   
| align="right" | 1378
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  The radius in which teammates gain a portion of things besides Neutrals and Players
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_bullet_obscured_shot_distance                                           
| align="right" | 256
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_camera_height                                                           
| align="right" | 63
|  cl, cheat                       
|  The look at point of the camera is vertically offset by this distance.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_camera_height_approach_speed                                           
| align="right" | 100
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_camera_height_npc                                                       
| align="right" | 33
|  cl, cheat                       
|  The look at point of the camera is vertically offset by this distance when viewing NPC units.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_camera_interior_medium_distance                                         
| align="right" | 75
|  cl, cheat                       
|  How car back the camera is allowed to go in interior spaces
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_camera_interior_small_distance                                         
| align="right" | 25
|  cl, cheat                       
|  How car back the camera is allowed to go in interior spaces
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_camera_offset                                                           
| align="right" | -25
|  cl, cheat                       
|  The look at point of the camera is horizontally offset by this distance.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_camera_pitch_inverted                                                   
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|  Set to 1 to have inverted mouse pitch
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_camera_sensitivity                                                     
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive                         
|  Mouse sensitivity for the camera
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_complete_new_player                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  [flag] Marks the new player state as complete
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_coop_sandbox                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crate_client_notification_time                                         
| align="right" | 30
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crate_delivery_base_payoff                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crate_delivery_overtime_bonus                                           
| align="right" | 50
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crate_disable_early_spawn                                               
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crate_early_spawn_delay                                                 
| align="right" | 30
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crate_respawn_interval                                                 
| align="right" | 300
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crate_spawn_initial_delay                                               
| align="right" | 600
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_create_test_time_warp                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Create a time warp volume at your feet
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_create_unit                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, vconsole_fuzzy             
|  [hero_name | none] [team] - Creates an unit.  Pass 'my_hero' as hero_name to use your current hero
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crosshair_color_b                                                       
| align="right" | 255
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crosshair_color_g                                                       
| align="right" | 255
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crosshair_color_r                                                       
| align="right" | 255
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crosshair_dot_opacity                                                   
| align="right" | 0.7
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crosshair_dot_outline_opacity                                           
| align="right" | 0.9
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crosshair_hit_marker_duration                                           
| align="right" | 0.1
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crosshair_pip_border                                                   
| true
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crosshair_pip_gap                                                       
| align="right" | 3
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crosshair_pip_height                                                   
| align="right" | 16
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crosshair_pip_opacity                                                   
| align="right" | 0.4
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_crosshair_pip_width                                                     
| align="right" | 4
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_damage_text_batching_window_ability                                     
| align="right" | 1.05
|  cl, archive                         
|  When ability damage events are within this amount of time of each other, they will be added together into a single entry.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_damage_text_batching_window_bullet                                     
| align="right" | 1.05
|  cl, archive                         
|  When bullet damage events are within this amount of time of each other, they will be added together into a single entry.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_damage_text_distance_far                                               
| align="right" | 4000
|  cl, archive                         
|  Far distances at which we use far offsets for damage numbers
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_damage_text_distance_near                                               
| align="right" | 100
|  cl, archive                         
|  Near distance at which we use the near offsets for damage numbers
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_damage_text_height_offset_far                                           
| align="right" | 200
|  cl, archive                         
|  How much to offset damage numbers above when far from the camera
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_damage_text_height_offset_near                                         
| align="right" | 130
|  cl, archive                         
|  How much to offset damage numbers above when near from the camera
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_damage_text_lifetime                                                   
| align="right" | 1.5
|  cl, archive                         
|  How long do numbers live.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_damage_text_x_offset_far                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|  How much to offset damage numbers left and right when far from the camera
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_damage_text_x_offset_near                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|  How much to offset damage numbers left and right when near the camera
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_death_replay_enabled                                                   
|  true           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_debug_ent_los                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Debug:  Draw Spheres on Ent Being Los Tested
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_decrease_replay_speed                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Decrease the Replay speed while watching a replay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_deny_text_height_offset                                                 
| align="right" | 35
|  cl, archive                         
|  How much higher should deny text show up.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_deny_text_max_distance                                                 
| align="right" | 4000
|  cl, archive                         
|  How far away before we stop showing in world deny events.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_disable_duplicate_heroes                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, release             
|  Disable usage of Duplicate Heroes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_disable_fast_cooldowns                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Disable fast cooldowns
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_disable_fast_stamina                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Disable fast stamina
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_disable_no_hero_death                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Make heroes able to die
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_disable_unlimited_ammo                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Disable unlimited ammo
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_display_new_player_recommendations                                     
| true
|  cl, release                     
|  Do we want to show the decorations for new player friendly heroes?
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_dps_multiplier                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Increase weapon damage for testing
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_enable_duplicate_heroes                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, release             
|  Enable usage of Duplicate Heroes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_enable_fast_cooldowns                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Enables fast cooldowns
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_enable_fast_stamina                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Enables fast stamina
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_enable_no_hero_death                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Make heroes unable to die
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_enable_unlimited_ammo                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Enables unlimited ammo
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_fake_bots_as_pinging_player                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_fake_number_of_games_played                                             
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_fake_number_of_ranked_games                                             
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, release                     
|  Fake the number of ranked games you've played. -1 is disabled
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_fake_ranked_open_status                                                 
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, release                     
|  Fake a ranked mode status. -1 is disabled, 0 is fake rank closed, 1 is fake ranked open
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_fake_schedule_selected                                                 
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_fibonacci_sphere_trace                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Draws the LOS check generated by our fibonacci sphere trace algorithm
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_fly_accelerate                                                         
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_forced_hero_model                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Forces all heroes to use this model
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_give_gold                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  <gold> Give gold value to all players
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_give_player_gold                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  <player name> <gold> Gives the specified player gold
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_gold_text_height_offset                                                 
| align="right" | 35
|  cl, archive                         
|  How much higher should gold text show up.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_guide_bot_neutral_info                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Guide bot talks about neutrals
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_guided_bot_match                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_guided_bot_match_hint_time_mult                                         
| align="right" | 0.25
|  cl, release                     
|  How much faster/slower to show hints in guided bot match mode
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_guided_bot_t1_boss_ignore_damage_threshold                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, rep, release               
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_gun_max_spread_penalty                                                 
| align="right" | 5
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Max spread penalty you can incur from taking damage
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_healthbars_enabled                                                     
|  true           
|  cl, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_builds_show_all_languages                                         
| true
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Whether to show builds from all languages or just your current locale
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_demo_enable_fast_stamina                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cl, a, rep, release         
|  Do we enable fast stamina cooldowns
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_demo_enable_unlimited_ammo                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cl, a, rep, release         
|  Do we enable unlimited ammo
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_demo_hero_spawn                                                   
|  hero_inferno   
|  sv, cl, a, rep, release         
|  Which hero do we spawn when we spawn and enemy or ally hero
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_demo_infinite_resources                                           
|  true           
|  sv, cl, a, rep, release         
|  Do we start our hero demo with infinite resources
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_demo_no_cooldowns                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cl, a, rep, release         
|  Do we start withough cooldowns when launching the hero demo map
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_demo_no_death                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cl, a, rep, release         
|  Do we start withough death when launching the hero demo map
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_demo_no_troopers                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cl, a, rep, release         
|  Do we start withough troopers when launching the hero demo map
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_demo_persist_convars                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cl, a, rep, release         
|  Do we persist convars between sessions in hero demo
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_demo_spawn_items                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat, release     
|  Items to give a hero post spawn
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_demo_unlock_flex_slots                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, a, rep, release         
|  Do we start flex slots unlocked
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_roster                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive release                 
|  A comma separated list of hero IDs that hold the currently selected roster heroes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_roster_high_priority                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive release                 
|  A comma separated list of hero IDs that hold the currently high priority roster heroes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_roster_preferred                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive release                 
|  A comma separated list of hero IDs that hold the currently preferred roster heroes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_ability1_state                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_ability2_state                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_ability3_state                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_ability4_state                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_ability_learn_finished                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_ability_purchased_finished                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_ability_upgrade_finished                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_dash_finished                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_dummy_target                                               
| align="right" | 55
|  sv, release                     
|  Dummy Target heroID
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_enabled                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_give_abilities                                             
|  true           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Grant Abilities on Character Spawn
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_guided_sandbox                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_hide_mods                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_infinite_money                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|  Enable infinite money in Hero Testing
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_jump_finished                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_mantle_finished                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_mods_purchased_finished                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_money                                                     
| align="right" | 4000
|  sv, rep, release               
|  How much money to buffer item purchases in Hero Testing
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_movement_finished                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_reload_finished                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_shoot_finished                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_show_intro_modal                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_show_outro_modal                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_wasd_finished                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_zipline_attach_finished                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hero_testing_zoom_finished                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hide_replay_hud                                                         
|  false           
|  cl, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hint_system_disable                                                     
|  false           
|  cl, release                     
|  Set to disable hints
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hud_exclusive_visible_id                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat                       
|  When set, only show the panel with the corresponding id
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_hud_visible                                                             
|  true           
|  cl, release                     
|  Turns on/off rendering the HUD
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_increase_replay_speed                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Increase the Replay speed while watching a replay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_invert_ping_type                                                       
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|  Inverts the ping types so single ping would be aggressive and double ping would be passive
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_item_early_gold_duration                                               
| align="right" | 30
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_item_glow_local_dist                                                   
| align="right" | 800
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_item_idol_label_offset                                                 
| align="right" | 50
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_item_neutral_gold_label_offset                                         
| align="right" | 6
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_item_pickup_fall_tolerance                                             
| align="right" | 16
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_item_pickup_fallrate                                                   
| align="right" | 5
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_item_rejuvenator_label_offset                                           
| align="right" | 75
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_item_used_text_height_offset                                           
| align="right" | 25
|  cl, archive                         
|  How much higher item used text show up.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_lane_matchups_mmr_variance                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, release                     
|  specifies how much of a gap between MMR's we allow to randomize lane assignment
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_last_used_hero_builds                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive release                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_lock_flex_slots                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  <team number> - Lock the flex slots for a team (or both teams if you omit the team number)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_mantle_max_height                                                       
| align="right" | 134
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  How high the maximum mantle is
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_match_details                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  <MatchID> [Metadata Salt] Opens the match details to the specified match
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_min_accel_speed                                                         
| align="right" | 400
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  How fast we accelerate depends on our move speed - this lower bound ensures it doesn't go below ground friction
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_minimap_draw_fow                                                       
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_minimap_spectator_fow_team_view                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, release                     
|  Which team to view the minimap as when freeflying
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_move_goal_tolerance                                                     
| align="right" | 8
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Some extra tolerance for considering an NPC moved to a goal; can be reduced as we fix other issues
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_new_player_flow_visible                                                 
|  true           
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Are we still showing the new player instructions
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_new_player_progress                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Tracks the local settings for the new player progress so they can be synchronized with the GC for client authoratative progress
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_npc_allow_jump_down                                                     
|  true           
|  sv, rep, cheat                 
|  Allow NPCs to follow any drop-down navigation links.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_npc_health_regen_stall_time                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  How long after the npc gets hit before health regen resumes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_observer_roaming_speed                                                 
| align="right" | 600
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_one_on_one_match                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_one_on_one_match_starting_gold                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat, release     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_open_ability_vdata_by_name                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Open an ability by name in the VData editor
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_open_ability_vdata_by_slot                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Open an ability by slot in the VData editor
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_open_hero_sheet                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Open the current hero character sheet
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_open_hero_vdata_by_name                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Open the VData editor to a specified hero
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_open_modeldoc_to_model                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Open ModelDoc to the model under the cursor.  Pass any parameter to open your own model
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_open_vdata_file_to_node                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Open the VData editor to a specified file and node
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_party_invite_in_game                                                   
|  true           
|  cl, release                     
|  When set, only users in game can be invited
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_pause                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Send a game pause request.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_pause_countdown                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Countdown timer to pause after a user has pressed pause
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_pause_minimum_time                                                     
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Disables unpausing for this many seconds after a pause occurs
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_per_unit_hotkeys_checked                                               
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_player_attack_enemy_npc_fow_reveal_duration                             
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, cheat                       
|  How long a player is visible to enemy FOW after attacking an enemy trooper or boss
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_player_attack_enemy_player_fow_reveal_duration                         
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cheat                       
|  How long a player is visible to enemy FOW after attacking an enemy player
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_player_glow_begin_delay                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Enemy players who are visibly obstructed won't glow until they've been revealed via FOW for this long
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_player_ground_dash_max_percent                                         
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Max ground dash scale
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_player_ground_dash_min_percent                                         
| align="right" | 0.6
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Min ground dash scale
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_player_move_speed_min                                                   
| align="right" | 80
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Min walk speed
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_player_move_speed_scale                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Scales how fast players can move
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_player_pawn_ag2_enable                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_player_ping_duration                                                   
| align="right" | 6
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_player_regen_zone_bonus_base                                           
| align="right" | 60
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  When standing in a regen zone, how much extra do we regen per second?
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_player_regen_zone_bonus_pct                                             
| align="right" | 6
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  When standing in a regen zone, how much extra do we regen per second based on max health percentage?
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_pregame_duration                                                       
| align="right" | 10
|  sv, cheat                       
|  How long pre-match is until we start the match
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_previous_umuted_audio_level                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_ranked_popup_shown                                                     
| false
|  cl, archive                         
|  Have we shown the ranked popup for players who are eligible for ranked gameplay.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_rapid_stamina_regen                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_record_hero_animgraph                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Record the animgraph for a specified hero
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_region_override                                                         
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, release                     
|  Override the region of the client
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_render_minimap                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Render the minimap
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_replay_manager_download_chunk_size                                     
| align="right" | 1048576
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_replay_manager_download_simultaneous_requests                           
| align="right" | 3
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_replay_toggle_pause                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Toggle a replay being paused
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_reset_new_player                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Resets the new player experience back to the initial state
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_safe_spot_safety_radius                                                 
| align="right" | 7
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Radius for bots to consider whether a position is safe
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_safe_spot_samples_max                                                   
| align="right" | 3
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Maximum number of spots to sample looking for good positioning
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_safe_spot_samples_min                                                   
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Minimum number of spots to sample looking for good positioning
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_safe_spot_target_radius                                                 
| align="right" | 6
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Radius for bots to look for better locations to path to
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_send_gc_match_info_s                                                   
| align="right" | 30
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|  Determines the rate that we should submit match info up to the GC, 0 disables this functionality
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_server_all_players_disconnected_grace_period_s                         
| align="right" | 120
|  sv, release                     
|  How long a server should run after all players have disconnected before notifying that all players have left
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_server_max_spectator_slots                                             
| align="right" | 3
|  sv, release                     
|  The maximum number of spectator slots we allow. This is so that the GC can restrict this remotely if we need to. -1 disables this limit
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_show_account_ids                                                       
|  false           
|  cl, release                     
|  When set, account IDs will be shown on player tooltips
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_show_bullet_lag_compensation                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  if > 0.0, show lag compensated hitboxes (value is seconds) whenever a bullet is lag compensated and hits something.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_show_npe_bots_modal                                                     
|  true           
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Show the NPE Bots modal when navigating to the bots page.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_show_npe_modal                                                         
| true
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Show the NPE modal when navigating to the roster page.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_show_post_game_survey                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Shows post game survey test
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_solo_bot_match                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_spawn_all_heroes_in_a_line                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Spawn all of the heroes as bots in a line in front of you
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_spawn_nearby_neutrals                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, release             
|  Spawns any neutral camps within 800 units (~20m)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_spawn_payload_for_team                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Spawns a payload for a team
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_spawn_practice_bots                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" | ' citadel_spawn_practice_bots_count                                               
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_spawn_urn                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Spawn an urn for testing
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_spectator_voice_mode                                                   
|  true           
|  cl, user                       
|  Spectator voice transmit mode: 0 spectators and players, 1 spectators only
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_spectator_voice_mode_toggle                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Toggle the value of citadel_spectator_voice_mode
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_standing_spread_is_aimed_spread                                         
|  true           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_start_lane_challenge                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, vconsole_fuzzy             
|  [hero_name] - Creates an unit to lane against in the test map
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_stop_lane_challenge                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, vconsole_fuzzy             
|  Ends the lane challenge
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_streaming_mode_enabled                                                 
|  false           
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Enable to alter various game UI elements
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_stuck_camera_trace_extra_length                                         
| align="right" | 100
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_stuck_normal_find_trace_fallback_elevation                             
| align="right" | 24
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  +citadel_swtich_player_cam                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Player Cam switching button pressed
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_teleporter_enabled_time                                                 
| align="right" | 480
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_test_survey_popup                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Tests bringing up the survey popup
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_tether_pull_speed                                                       
| align="right" | 200
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_tether_pull_speed_scale_per_meter                                       
| align="right" | 120
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_tightcamera_alternative                                                 
| align="right" | 1.3
|  cl, archive                         
|  Tight-camera test mode alternative.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_time_after_damage_to_show_hints                                         
| align="right" | 10
|  cl, release                     
|  Time after the local player has taken damage from another player before we show hints again.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_toggle_mute                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Toggles muting/unmuting the audio.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_track_player_vs_player_accuracy                                         
|  true           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_trooper_ag2_enable                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_ui_allow_feature_bot_test                                               
|  true           
|  cl, release                     
|  When true, we can feature bot test matches
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_ui_prefer_region_spectating                                             
|  false           
|  cl, release                     
|  When true, we will give a boost to spectating matches within our region
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_ui_watch_active_game_refresh_s                                         
| align="right" | 5
|  cl, release                     
|  The number of seconds to wait between refreshes of the active matches while on the watch page
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_unlock_flex_slots                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  <team number> - Unlock the flex slots for a team (or both teams if you omit the team number)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_unpause_countdown                                                       
| align="right" | 3
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Countdown duration to the unpause after a user unpauses
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_update_gc_connection_check_count                                       
| align="right" | 50
|  sv, cheat                       
|  How many tries we check if the GC is still connected before terminating due to no response
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_update_gc_connection_check_time                                         
| align="right" | 1200
|  sv, cheat                       
|  How often the server should check the GC is still connected (in seconds)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_update_gc_connection_check_time_variance                               
| align="right" | 60
|  sv, cheat                       
|  How much variance to allow the GC check time to avoid swamping the GC (in seconds)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_upload_replay_enabled                                                   
|  true           
|  sv, release                     
|  Controls if replay uploading is enabled. Mainly used as a kill switch if something goes wrong
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_use_contextual_ping_wheel_option                                       
|  true           
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_use_ui_keybindings                                                     
|  true           
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Use UI key bindings otherwise use engine keybindings.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_viewed_book_prototype                                                   
|  false           
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Track if they have opened up the book prototype or not yet
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_viewpunch_damping                                                       
| align="right" | 9
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Bigger number makes the response more damped, smaller is less damped
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_viewpunch_spring_constant                                               
| align="right" | 15
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Bigger number increases the speed at which the view corrects
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_weapon_damage_multiplier                                               
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Multiply the damage on guns
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  citadel_weapon_normalize_recoil_with_firerate                                   
|  true           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Keep recoil constant even with fire rate changes.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_audio_display_soundstack_debug_base_3d                                       
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays citadel_base_3d sound stack debug.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_audio_display_soundstack_debug_dialog                                       
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays citadel_dialog sound stack debug.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_audio_log_participant_start_messages                                         
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Prints when a participant sound message was sent.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_auto_cursor_scale                                                           
| true
|  archive                             
|  Automatic cursor size scaling.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_axis                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Draw an axis  Arguments:  x y z pitch yaw roll <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_box                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Draw a bbox  Arguments:  minx miny miny maxx maxy maxz <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_change_callback_limit                                                       
| align="right" | 0.2
|  cl, release                     
|  change callback msec warning limit
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_checkdeclareclasses                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Check game code serializers
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_ability_alt_cast_hold_time                                           
| align="right" | 0.15
|  cl, archive user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_ability_alt_cast_instant_cast_double_tap_timeout                     
| align="right" | 0.2
|  cl, archive user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_ability_alt_cast_mode                                               
| align="right" | 2
|  cl, archive user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_bebop_beam_draw_points                                               
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_cancel_ability_mode                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_items_quickcast_mode                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_quickcast_ability1                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_quickcast_ability2                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_quickcast_ability3                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_quickcast_ability4                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_record_hero_animgraph                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Record the animgraph for a specified hero
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_selected_hero_build_id                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_citadel_zoom_is_toggle                                                       
|  false           
|  cl, archive user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_clock_correction                                                             
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Enable/disable clock correction on the client.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_clock_recvmargin_spew_interval                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_clockdrift_max_ticks                                                         
| align="right" | 3
|  cheat                           
|  Maximum number of ticks the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_connectionretrytime_p2p                                                     
| align="right" | 20
|  release                         
|  Number of seconds over which to spread retry attempts for P2P.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_cq_min_queue                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  user                           
|  Used by the client to inform the server of their desired queue length.  Derived from cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_desired and cl_tickpacket_desired_queuelength
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_cursor_scale                                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  archive                             
|  Cursor size scaling factor.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_debug_overlays_broadcast                                                     
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Render debug overlays from server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_debugoverlay_cycle_domain                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_debugoverlay_cycle_state                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_debugoverlay_dashboard                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Makes the debug overlay dashboard visible.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_debugoverlay_hide_imgui                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Hides the overlay.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_debugoverlay_toggle                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_disable_ragdolls                                                             
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_display_game_events                                                         
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_draw_simulating_entities                                                     
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_drawcross                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Draws a cross at the given location  Arguments: x y z
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_drawhud                                                                     
|  true           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Enable the rendering of the hud
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_drawline                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Draws line between two 3D Points.  Green if no collision  Red is collides with something  Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_dumpentity                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Dumps info about an entity
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_absbox                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green.  Some entites will also display entity specific overlays.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_actornames                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the entity name for all entities that have ShouldDisplayInActorNames true in code
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_animgraph_debug                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays debug draws about the given entity(ies) animgraph  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_animgraph_record                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Toggles recording of animgraph replay of the given entity(s)  Arguments: entityName automaticallyOpenInAnimgraphEditor  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_attachments                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the attachment points on an entity.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_bbox                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange.  Some entites will also display entity specific overlays.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_call                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  ent_call <funcname> <option:entname> calls function on current look target or filtername, checks on ent, then root, then mode, then map scope
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_clear_debug_overlays                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Clears all debug overlays
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_find                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substrings. Format: find_ent <substring>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_find_index                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Display data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_grab                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  grabs the object in front of the player. Options: -loose -multiple -toggle
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_hierarchy                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Prints the entity hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_hitbox                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the hitboxes for the given entity(ies).  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_joints                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the joint names + axes an entity.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_messages                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies).  The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any messages that it sends or receives.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_name                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the entity name
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_picker                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Toggles 'picker' mode.  When picker is on, the bounding box, pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the player is looking at.  Arguments: full - enables all debug information
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_pivot                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies).  (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red).  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_pivot_size                                                               
| align="right" | 20
|  cl, a, cheat                   
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_remove                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Removes the given entity(s)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_remove_all                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Removes all entities of the specified type  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_scale                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Scales entities. Arguments: <scale factor> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_scenehierarchy                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Prints the entity scenenode hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_script_dump                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Dumps the names and values of this entity's script scope to the console  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_select                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Select or deselects the given entities(s) for later manipulation  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_setang                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Set entity angles
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_setname                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Sets the targetname of the given entity(s)  Arguments:    <new entity name> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_setpos                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Move entity to position
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_show_contexts                                                           
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Show entity contexts in ent_text display
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_show_damage                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Sets damage display mode.  When on, you will see the amount of damage dealt over the target's head.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_showonlyattachment                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_showonlyhitbox                                                           
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_skeleton                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies).  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_text                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_text256                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [within 256 units of the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_text_clear                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Hide text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_text_filter                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Set which ent_text filters you want
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_text_flags_active                                                       
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, a, cheat                   
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_text_no_name_really_i_mean_it                                           
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_text_radius                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [near the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  2 Arguments:    <Radius> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_text_sticky_add                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Adds to list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_text_sticky_clear                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Clears the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_text_sticky_dump                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Spews the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_text_sticky_remove                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Removes from the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_ungrab                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  un-grabs all objects
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_vcollide_wireframe                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the interpolated vcollide wireframe pm am entity.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_viewoffset                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ent_visibility_traces                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Displays visibility traces for the given entity  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_error_report_time                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, release                     
|  Minimum time in seconds that must elapse before printing prediction error summary. 0 to disable.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_extrapolate                                                                 
|  true           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Enable/disable extrapolation if interpolation history runs out.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_extrapolate_amount                                                           
| align="right" | 0.25
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Set how many seconds the client will extrapolate entities for.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_eye_occlusion_debug                                                         
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_flushentitypacket                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|  For debugging. Force the engine to flush an entity packet.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_frametime_summary_report_detailed                                           
|  true           
|  cl, release                     
|  When a perf report is dumped at the end of the session, should it be detailed?
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_fullupdate                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Force uncompressed update
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_glow_brightness                                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Brightness of player halos
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_glow_item_far_b                                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_glow_item_far_g                                                             
| align="right" | 0.4
|  cl, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_glow_item_far_r                                                             
| align="right" | 0.3
|  cl, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_graphics_driver_warning_dont_show_again                                     
|  false           
|  cl, archive release                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_groups                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Show status of all spawn groups.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_poor                                                 
| align="right" | 100
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Frame time greater than this is considered 'poor'.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_show                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Show frame time (FPS) in the HUD.  0=never, 1=only if poor, 2=always
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_poor                                           
| align="right" | 5
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Packet delivery anomaly rate (0..100) higher than this is considered 'poor'.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_show                                           
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Show packet delivery anomaly (loss or out-of-order) rate in the HUD.  0=never, 1=only in poor conditions, 2=always
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_hud_telemetry_net_quality_graph_show                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Show packet jitter and netframe loss/reordering in the HUD.  0=never, 1=only in poor conditions, 2=always
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_hud_telemetry_ping_poor                                                     
| align="right" | 100
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Ping higher than this (ms) is considered 'poor'.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_hud_telemetry_ping_show                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Show ping in the HUD.  0=never, 1=only in poor conditions, 2=always
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_hud_telemetry_serverrecvmargin_graph_show                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Show graph of the server recv margin in the HUD.  (How early/late user commands are arriving at the server before they are executed.)  0=never, 1=only when there are command queue problems, 2=always
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ignorepackets                                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Force client to ignore packets (for debugging).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_imgui_debug_entity                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Shows the entity browser, focused on the entity you specify.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_imgui_set_selection                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Sets ImGui selection
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_imgui_set_status_text                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Sets ImGui header status text
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_input_enable_raw_keyboard                                                   
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Enable raw keyboard input
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_interp                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Read the effective client simulation interpolation amount in terms of time.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_interp_hermite                                                               
|  true           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Set to zero do disable hermite interpolation.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_interp_ratio                                                                 
| align="right" | 2
|  cl, user                       
|  Sets the client simulation interpolation amount, in terms of server updates (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_interpolate_report                                                           
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|  Enable to show interpolation profile timing
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_jiggle_bone_debug                                                           
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_jiggle_bone_debug_pitch_constraints                                         
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_jiggle_bone_debug_yaw_constraints                                           
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_jiggle_bone_invert                                                           
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_jitter_bad_threshold_up                                                     
| align="right" | 20
|  user                           
|  When upstream packet jitter in a frame exceeds this threshold (ms), the frame is considered to have 'irregular delivery'.  This is a derived value and should not be modified manually
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_joystick_enabled                                                             
|  false           
|  archive                             
|  Enable joystick input
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_lagcompensation                                                             
|  true           
|  cl, user                       
|  Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_latch_report                                                                 
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|  Enable to output stats about latching
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_leveloverview                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_lightquery_debug                                                             
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_lock_camera                                                                 
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_max_particle_pvs_aabb_edge_length                                           
| align="right" | 100
|  release                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_meep_mop_volume_trigger_max_count                                           
| align="right" | 10
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Number of triggers before meemop reaches full volume
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_modifier_dump                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Display all modifiers for the unit: <entityindex/name>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_modifier_dump_list                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Dumps all modifiers that exist in the game
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_modifier_dump_visible                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Print out non-hidden modifiers.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_modifier_spew_states                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Call to have the client spew their unit states affecting them,
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_modifier_stringtable_dump                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the contents of the modifier string table
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_mouselook                                                                   
|  true           
|  cl, archive user, per_user, disconnected
|  Set to 1 to use mouse for look, 0 for keyboard look. Cannot be set while connected to a server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_network_quality2                                                             
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_particle_retire_cost                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_particle_simulate                                                           
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Enables/Disables Particle Simulation
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_pclass                                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Dump entity by prediction classname.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_pdump                                                                       
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Dump info about this entity to screen.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_phys_debug_callback_entities                                                 
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Print all entities that get touch callbacks. Each entity is printed only once.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_phys_enabled                                                                 
|  true           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Enable all physics simulation
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_phys_sleep_enable                                                           
|  true           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Enable sleeping for dynamic physics bodies.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_phys_stop_at_collision                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_pitchdown                                                                   
| align="right" | 89
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_pitchup                                                                     
| align="right" | 89
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_playerspraydisable                                                           
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|  Disable player sprays.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_pred_always_latch                                                           
|  false           
|  cl, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_pred_print_every_cmd                                                         
|  false           
|  cl, release                     
|  Print something every time we predict a command
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_predict                                                                     
|  true           
|  cl, user, cheat                 
|  Perform client side prediction.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_prop_debug                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Toggle prop debug mode. If on, props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond physically to damage but never break. Green maps health in the range of 100 down to 1.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_querycache_stats                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Display status of the query cache (client only)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ragdoll_limit                                                               
| align="right" | 20
|  cl, archive                         
|  Maximum number of ragdolls to show (-1 disables limit)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ragdoll_lru_debug                                                           
|  false           
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_removedecals                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Remove the decals from the entity under the crosshair.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_resend                                                                       
| align="right" | 0.5
|  release                         
|  Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_rr_reloadresponsesystems                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Reload all response system scripts.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_save_animgraph_recording                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Saves all active animgraph recordings to disk  Arguments: automaticallyOpenInAnimgraphEditor
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_scale_function_dump                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Print out all scale functions.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_add_debug_filter                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Add a filter to the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_add_watch                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Add a watch to the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_add_watch_pattern                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Add a watch to the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_attach_debugger                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_clear_watches                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Clear all watches from the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_debug                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Toggle the in-game script debug features
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_dump_all                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Dump the state of the VM to the console
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_find                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Find a key in the VM
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_help                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Output help for script functions
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_reload                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Reload scripts
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_reload_code                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Execute a vscript file, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_reload_entity_code                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Execute all of this entity's VScripts, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_remove_debug_filter                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Remove a filter from the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_remove_watch                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Remove a watch from the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_remove_watch_pattern                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Remove a watch from the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_resurrect_unreachable                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Use the garbage collector to track down reference cycles
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_trace_disable                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Turn off a particular trace output by file or function name
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_trace_disable_all                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Turn off all trace output
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_trace_disable_key                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Turn off a particular trace output by table/instance
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_trace_enable                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Turn on a particular trace output by file or function name
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_trace_enable_all                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Turn on all trace output
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_script_trace_enable_key                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Turn on a particular trace output by table/instance
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_showents                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Dump entity list to console.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_showerror                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, release                     
|  Show prediction errors, 2 for above plus detailed field deltas, 3 to filter out serverside known prediction errors, -entindex for specific entity.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_showfps                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, release                     
|  Draw fps meter at top of screen (1 = fps, 2 = smooth fps, 3 = server MS, 4 = Show FPS and Log to file )
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_showmem                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, release                     
|  Draw approximate memory use at top of screen
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_showpos                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat, release             
|  Draw current position at top of screen
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_skel_constraints_enable                                                     
|  true           
|  rep, cheat                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_skeleton_instance_smear_boneflags                                           
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Smear boneflags across the model.  Costs computation, but tests to make sure your bone flags are consistent.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_snd_new_visualize                                                           
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays soundevent name played at it's 3d position
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_soundscape_flush                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat, server_can_execute   
|  Flushes the client side soundscapes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_spewserializers                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Spew serializers
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_test_list_entities                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  test-list entities
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_tickpacket_desired_queuelength                                               
| align="right" | 1
|  user                           
|  This value, multiplied by the tick interval, is added to cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_desired to obtain the effective desired recv margin.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_spew_interval                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ticks_warning_level                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Print a message about problems with ticks and interpolation.  0=never, 1=warnings, 2=all, even if hidden by interpolation
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_ticktiming                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  {print|<interval>} [summary|detail]  Print timing stats now, or set report interval
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_timeout                                                                     
| align="right" | 30
|  archive                             
|  After this many seconds without receiving a packet from the server, the client will disconnect itself
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_updaterate                                                                   
| align="right" | 20
|  cl, archive user                     
|  Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_usercmd_max_per_movemsg                                                     
| align="right" | 4
|  release                         
|  max number of CUserCmds to send in one client move message
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cl_voice_transmit_lobby                                                         
|  false           
|  cl, archive release                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  clear                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Clear console output.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  clearall                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Clear console output from all views.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cli_ent_attachments                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the interpolated attachment points on an entity.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cli_ent_hitbox                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies).  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cli_ent_pivot                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the interpolated pivot for the given entity(ies).  (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red).  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cli_ent_skeleton                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies).  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cli_ent_vcollide_wireframe                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the interpolated vcollide wireframe pm am entity.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  clientport                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  If non-zero, client binds port to specific address.  Usually you should leave this blank to use a different random system-assigned port for each connection.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  closecaption                                                                   
|  false           
|  cl, archive user                     
|  Enable close captioning.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  collect_entity_model_name                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Collect model names of the entities you're pointing at
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  commentary                                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, a                           
|  Desired commentary mode state.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  commentary_finishnode                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  con_enable                                                                     
| false
|  archive per_user                     
|  Allows the console to be activated.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  condump                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  dump the text currently in the console to condumpXX.log
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  connect                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Connect to a remote server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  connect_hltv                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Connect to a remote HLTV server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  consoletool                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Open a VConsole subtool.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cq_buffer_bloat_msecs_max                                                       
| align="right" | 120
|  replicated release                   
|  Server will not allow the client to buffer up more than N ms of commands.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cq_logging                                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, release                     
|  command queue logging of events.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cq_logging_interval                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, release                     
|  command queue logging per player stats every N seconds, 0 to disable.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cq_max_starved_substitute_commands                                             
| align="right" | 4
|  sv, release                     
|  Server will stop generating substitute commands if client hasn't sent one, after N in a row
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cq_print_every_command                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, release                     
|  print every command as we execute it
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  crash                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Crash the client. Optional parameter -- type of crash:0: read from NULL  1: write to NULL  2: force an Assert  3: infinite loop  4: stack buffer overrun  5: multiple asserts across multiple threads
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  crash_error                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Cause the engine to crash by Plat_FatalError on main thread (Debug!!)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  crash_error_job                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Cause the engine to crash by Plat_FatalError on job thread (Debug!!)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  crash_error_thread                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Cause the engine to crash by Plat_FatalError on non-main thread (Debug!!)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  crash_job                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Cause the engine to crash in a job thread (Debug!!)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  crash_thread                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Cause the engine to crash in a brand new non-main thread (Debug!!)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  create_flashlight                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  create_radius_damage                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Causes radius damage where you're looking, at the passed in radius.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_bias_override_0                                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_bias_override_1                                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_bias_override_2                                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_bias_override_3                                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_cascade0_override_dist                                                     
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_cascade1_override_dist                                                     
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_cascade2_override_dist                                                     
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_cascade3_override_dist                                                     
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_cascade_viewdir_shadow_bias_scale                                           
| align="right" | 2
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_max_dist_between_caster_and_receiver                                       
| align="right" | 15000
|  cheat                           
|  default pushback
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_max_visible_dist                                                           
| align="right" | 7500
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_res_override_0                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_res_override_1                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_res_override_2                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_res_override_3                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_shadow_worldview_align_x_to_u                                               
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_shadow_worldview_shear_align_z_to_v                                         
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_split_log_scalar                                                           
| align="right" | 0.85
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_sst_max_visible_dist                                                       
| align="right" | 2000
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_sst_pushback_distance                                                       
| align="right" | 1500
|  cheat                           
|  default pushback
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_sst_shadow_focus_region_maxz                                               
| align="right" | 2000
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_sst_shadow_focus_region_minz                                               
| align="right" | -2000
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_viewdir_shadow_bias                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_viewmodel_farz                                                             
| align="right" | 30
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_viewmodel_max_shadow_dist                                                   
| align="right" | 21
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_viewmodel_max_visible_dist                                                 
| align="right" | 1000
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  csm_viewmodel_nearz                                                             
| align="right" | 0.5
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cvarlist                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Show the list of convars/concommands.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  cyclevar                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Cycle through specified convar values.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  db_default_bot_difficulty                                                       
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive                         
|  Used to cache the last set bot difficulty across runs
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  deadlock_early_development_warning_disabled                                     
| false
|  cl, archive                         
|  Disable the early dev build message
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  deadlock_get_old_builds                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Usage: deadlock_get_old_builds [author_account_id] - if omitted, will use your account.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  deadlock_post_match_survey_disabled                                             
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|  Disable the early post match survey
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  debug_takedamage_summaries                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  debug_visibility_monitor                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  debugoverlay_cycle_domain                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  debugoverlay_cycle_state                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  debugoverlay_dashboard                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Makes the debug overlay dashboard visible.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  debugoverlay_force_respect_ttl                                                 
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Force respect TTL even when clearing scopes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  debugoverlay_hide_imgui                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Hides the overlay.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  debugoverlay_show_text_outline                                                 
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Toggle display of box around text
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  debugoverlay_text_scale                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  a, cheat                       
|  Scale of the text used for 3d display
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  debugoverlay_toggle                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  default_fov                                                                     
| align="right" | 70
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demo_flush                                                                     
|  false           
|  archive                             
|  Flush writing the demo file every network update
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demo_goto                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Skips to location in demo.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demo_gotomark                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Skips the current demo playback to the marked tick
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demo_gototick                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Skips to a tick in demo.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demo_info                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Print information about currently playing demo.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demo_marktick                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Marks the current demo playback tick for later use
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demo_pause                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Pauses demo playback.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demo_quitafterplayback                                                         
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Quits game after demo playback.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demo_recordcommands                                                             
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Record commands typed at console into .dem files.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demo_resume                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Resumes demo playback.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demo_timescale                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Sets demo replay speed.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demo_togglepause                                                               
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Toggles demo playback.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  demolist                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Print demo sequence list.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  developer                                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Set developer message level.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  differences                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Show all convars which are not at their default values (optional restricted to specific flags).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  disable_dynamic_prop_loading                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  If non-zero when a map loads, dynamic props won't be loaded
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  disconnect                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Disconnect from server
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  display_game_events                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  dlight_debug                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Creates a dlight in front of the player
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  dota_enable_spatial_audio                                                       
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Flag to enable spatial audio in Dota 2.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  dota_spatial_audio_mix                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  release                         
|  Mix value to blend spatial and non-spatial audio in Dota 2.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  drawcross                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Draws a cross at the given location  Arguments: x y z
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  drawline                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Draws line between two 3D Points.  Green if no collision  Red is collides with something  Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  dsp_dist_max                                                                   
| align="right" | 1440
|  cheat, demo                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  dsp_dist_min                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat, demo                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  dsp_off                                                                         
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  dsp_volume                                                                     
| align="right" | 0.8
|  archive demo                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  dump_entity_report                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  List all client-side entities in the scene
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  dump_hero_names                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Lists all heroes by their technical names
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  dump_panorama_css_properties                                                   
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Prints out all valid panorama CSS properties and their documentation
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  dump_panorama_events                                                           
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  print panorama event types and their documentation
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  dumpparticlelist                                                               
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Print out information on existing particle systems
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  echo                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  server_can_execute             
|  Echo text to console.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  echoln                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Echo the command arguments on the console
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  enable_boneflex                                                                 
|  true           
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  engine_low_latency_sleep_after_client_tick                                     
|  false           
|  release                         
|  When r_low_latency is enabled, this moves the low latency sleep on tick frames to happen after client simulation.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  engine_no_focus_sleep                                                           
| align="right" | 20
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  engine_show_frame_pacing                                                       
|  false           
|  release                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  english                                                                         
|  true           
|  cl, user                       
|  If set to 1, running the english language set of assets.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_absbox                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green.  Some entites will also display entity specific overlays.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_actornames                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the entity name for all entities that have ShouldDisplayInActorNames true in code
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_actornames_font                                                             
|  Consolas       
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  ent_actornames font name
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_actornames_fontsize                                                         
| align="right" | 24
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  ent_actornames font size
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_animgraph_debug                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays debug draws about the given entity(ies) animgraph  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_animgraph_record                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggles recording of animgraph replay of the given entity(s)  Arguments: entityName automaticallyOpenInAnimgraphEditor  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_animgraph_setvar                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Sets a variable on the animgraph of the given entity(s)  Arguments:  <varname>=<value> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_attachments                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the attachment points on an entity.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_autoaim                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the entity's autoaim radius.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_bbox                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange.  Some entites will also display entity specific overlays.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_bonemergeplayer                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Bonemerge the player onto the entity under the crosshairs
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_call                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  ent_call <funcname> <option:entname> calls function on current look target or filtername, checks on ent, then root, then mode, then map scope
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_clear_debug_overlays                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Clears all debug overlays
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_create                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Creates an entity of the given designer or subclass name where the player is looking.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_find                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substrings. Format: find_ent <substring>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_find_index                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Display data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_fire                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Usage:    ent_fire <target> [action] [value] [delay]
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_fire_output                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Usage:    ent_fire_output <target> [output name] [value] [delay]
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_grab                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  grabs the object in front of the player. Options: -loose -multiple -toggle
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_hierarchy                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Prints the entity hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_hitbox                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the hitboxes for the given entity(ies).  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_info                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Usage:    ent_info <class name>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_joints                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the joint names + axes an entity.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_kill                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Kills the given entity(s)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_messages                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies).  The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any messages that it sends or receives.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_messages_draw                                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Visualizes all entity input/output activity.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_name                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the entity name
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_orient                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Orient the specified entity to match the player's angles. By default, only orients target entity's YAW. Use the 'allangles' option to orient on all axis.  Format: ent_orient <entity name> <optional: allangles>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_picker                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggles 'picker' mode.  When picker is on, the bounding box, pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the player is looking at.  Arguments: full - enables all debug information
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_pivot                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies).  (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red).  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_pivot_size                                                                 
| align="right" | 20
|  sv, a, cheat                   
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_rbox                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green.  Some entites will also display entity specific overlays.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_remove                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Removes the given entity(s)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_remove_all                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Removes all entities of the specified type  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_rotate                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Rotates an entity by a specified # of degrees
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_scale                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Scales entities. Arguments: <scale factor> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_scenehierarchy                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Prints the entity scenenode hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_script_dump                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Dumps the names and values of this entity's script scope to the console  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_select                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Select or deselects the given entities(s) for later manipulation  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_setang                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Set entity angles
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_setname                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Sets the targetname of the given entity(s)  Arguments:    <new entity name> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_setpos                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Move entity to position
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_show_contexts                                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Show entity contexts in ent_text display
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_show_damage                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Sets damage display mode.  When on, you will see the amount of damage dealt over the target's head.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_show_response_criteria                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Print, to the console, an entity's current criteria set used to select responses.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_showonlyattachment                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_skeleton                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies).  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_skeleton_duration                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Duration of ent_skeleton display
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_teleport                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Teleport the specified entity to where the player is looking.  Format: ent_teleport <entity name>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_text                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_text256                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [within 256 units of the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_text_clear                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Hide text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_text_filter                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Set which ent_text filters you want
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_text_flags_active                                                           
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, a, cheat                   
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_text_no_name_really_i_mean_it                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_text_radius                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [near the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  2 Arguments:    <Radius> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_text_sticky_add                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Adds to list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_text_sticky_clear                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Clears the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_text_sticky_dump                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Spews the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_text_sticky_remove                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Removes from the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_ungrab                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  un-grabs all objects
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_vcollide_wireframe                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the interpolated vcollide wireframe pm am entity.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_viewoffset                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ent_visibility_traces                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Displays visibility traces for the given entity  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  entity_log_load_unserialize                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Output unserialization of entities on map load. 0 - off, 1 - client/server, 2 - server, 3 - client
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  escape                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  release, clientcmd_can_execute 
|  Escape key pressed.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  exec                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Execute a cfg file
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  exec_async                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cheat, norecord                 
|  Execute a cfg file over time
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  execifexists                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Execute a cfg file if file exists
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  execute_command_every_frame                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  experimental_citadel_botmatch_tick_rate_override                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  experimental_citadel_tick_rate_override                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  explode                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Kills the player with explosive damage
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  explodevector                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Kills a player applying an explosive force. Usage: explodevector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fadein                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  fadein {time r g b}: Fades the screen in from black or from the specified color over the given number of seconds.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fadeout                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  fadeout {time r g b}: Fades the screen to black or to the specified color over the given number of seconds.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  find                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  findflags                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Find concommands by flags.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  firetarget                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  firstperson                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, release, execute_per_tick   
|  Switch to firstperson camera.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fish_debug                                                                     
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Show debug info for fish
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fish_dormant                                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, rep, cheat                 
|  Turns off interactive fish behavior. Fish become immobile and unresponsive.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_color                                                                       
|  -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_colorskybox                                                                 
|  -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_enable                                                                     
|  true           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Enable fog
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_enableskybox                                                               
|  true           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_end                                                                         
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_endskybox                                                                   
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_hdrcolorscale                                                               
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox                                                         
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_maxdensity                                                                 
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_maxdensityskybox                                                           
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_override                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Overrides the map's fog settings (-1 populates fog_ vars with map's values)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_override_color                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Sets the fog color override
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_override_enable                                                             
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Use fog_override convars instead of world fog data
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_override_end                                                               
| align="right" | 3500
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_override_exponent                                                           
| align="right" | 2
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_override_max_density                                                       
| align="right" | 0.4
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_override_start                                                             
| align="right" | 1000
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_start                                                                       
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fog_startskybox                                                                 
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fov_desired                                                                     
| align="right" | 75
|  cl, archive user                     
|  Sets the base field-of-view.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fps_max                                                                         
| align="right" | 400
|  archive release                     
|  Frame rate limiter.  0=no limit.  Does not apply to dedicated server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fps_max_tools                                                                   
| align="right" | 120
|  archive                             
|  Additional frame rate limit while in tools mode and a window other than the game window has focus. Note that fps_max still applies, this only allows the maximum frame rate for tools mode to be lower. 0=no tools specific limit.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fps_max_ui                                                                     
| align="right" | 120
|  archive                             
|  Frame rate limiter while the game UI is displayed.  0=no limit.  Does not apply to dedicated server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fs_fake_read_delay_ms                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Add N ms of delay to every low-level read operation, to simulate a slow disk
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fs_report_sync_opens                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
| 0:Off, 1:Always, 2:Not during load
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  fs_spew_readfieldlist                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  index <threshold bytes>: spew changes to ent index, optionally only spewing if update is > than threshold bytes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  func_break_max_pieces                                                           
| align="right" | 15
|  sv, a, rep                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  g_debug_angularsensor                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  g_debug_constraint_sounds                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Enable debug printing about constraint sounds.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  g_debug_ragdoll_visualize                                                       
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  gameinstructor_dump_open_lessons                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Gives a list of all currently open lessons.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  gameinstructor_dump_run_lesson_counts                                           
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Gives a list of lessons that been completed or shown
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  gameinstructor_enable                                                           
|  true           
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Display in game lessons that teach new players.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  gameinstructor_find_errors                                                     
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Set to 1 and the game instructor will run EVERY scripted command to uncover errors.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  gameinstructor_verbose                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Set to 1 for standard debugging or 2 (in combo with gameinstructor_verbose_lesson) to show update actions.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  gameinstructor_verbose_lesson                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Display more verbose information for lessons have this name.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  gameui_hide                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Hides the game UI
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  getpos                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  dump position and angles to the console
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  getpos_exact                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  dump origin and angles to the console
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" | gameui_hide
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| Hides the game UI
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  give                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, vconsole_fuzzy             
|  Give item to player.  Arguments: <item_name>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" | give_oriented                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, vconsole_fuzzy             
|  Give item oriented to player angles.  Arguments: <item_name>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  givecurrentammo                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Give a supply of ammo for current weapon..
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  gl_clear_gray                                                                   
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Clear the back buffer to gray every frame.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  gl_clear_randomcolor                                                           
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Clear the back buffer to random colors every frame. Helps spot open seams in geometry.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  global_set                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  global_set <globalname> <state>: Sets the state of the given env_global (0 = OFF, 1 = ON, 2 = DEAD).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  glow_use_tolerance                                                             
| align="right" | 0.85
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  god                                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggle by default, or 0 to disable and 1 to enable. Player becomes invulnerable.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  grep                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  grep line for pattern, print out matching lines only
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  groups                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Show status of all spawn groups.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  help                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Find help about a convar/concommand.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  +herochatwheel                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Opens hero chatwheel menu while held
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hide_party_code                                                                 
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|  When set, this will hide the party code in the client
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hideconsole                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Hide the console.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  host_framerate                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Set to lock per-frame time elapse.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  host_readconfig_ignore_userconfig                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Whether we should ignore the user config file for reading/writing.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  host_timescale                                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  rep, cheat                     
|  Prescale the clock by this amount.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  host_timescale_dec                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Decrement the timescale by one step
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  host_timescale_inc                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Increment the timescale by one step
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  host_writeconfig                                                               
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Saves out the user config values.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hostfile                                                                       
|  host.txt       
|  sv, release                     
|  The HOST file to load.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hostip                                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Host game server ip
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hostname                                                                       
| unnamed
|  release                         
|  Hostname for server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hostname_in_client_status                                                       
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Show server hostname in client status.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hostport                                                                       
| align="right" | 27015
|  release                         
|  Host game server port
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hud_damagemeter                                                                 
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hud_fastswitch                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hud_free_cursor                                                                 
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, release                     
|  If -1 use the hud default, otherwise 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hud_free_cursor_toggle                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Toggles free cursor convar.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hud_minimap_spectator_fow_team_view_amber                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  While a spectator, view team amber's minimap view
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hud_minimap_spectator_fow_team_view_both_teams                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  While a spectator, view both teams' minimap view
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hud_minimap_spectator_fow_team_view_sapphire                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  While a spectator, view team sapphire's minimap view
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" | ' hud_minimap_spectator_fow_team_view_target_team                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  While a spectator and viewing a player, view team their minimap view
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  hurtme                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Hurts the player.  Arguments: <health to lose>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ik_debug_chain_to_filter_by                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ik_enable                                                                       
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Enable IK.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ik_hinge_debug_bone_index                                                       
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  imgui_debug_entity                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Shows the entity browser, focused on the entity you specify.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  imgui_default_font_size                                                         
| align="right" | 20
|  a, cheat                       
|  Default imgui font size
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  imgui_set_selection                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Sets ImGui selection
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  imgui_set_status_text                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Sets ImGui header status text
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  impulse                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Triggers impulse command
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  +in_ability_ping                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Ping button pressed
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  incrementvar                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Increment specified convar value.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  input_button_code_is_scan_code_scd                                             
|  true           
|  archive per_user                     
|  Bind keys based on keyboard position instead of key name
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  input_filter_relative_analog_inputs                                             
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  input_forceuser                                                                 
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|  Force user input to this split screen player.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  interesting_events_draw_debug                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  When enabled, draws a sphere representing active events
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ip                                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Overrides IP for multihomed hosts
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  iv_debugbone                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Debug bone name for interpolation spew of CAnimationState.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_advanced                                                                   
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_advaxisr                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_advaxisu                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_advaxisv                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_advaxisx                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_advaxisy                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_advaxisz                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisbutton_threshold                                                       
| align="right" | 0.3
|  archive                             
|  Analog axis range before a button press is registered.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisr_deadzone                                                             
| align="right" | 0.15
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisr_relative                                                             
|  false           
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisu_deadzone                                                             
| align="right" | 0.15
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisu_relative                                                             
|  false           
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisv_deadzone                                                             
| align="right" | 0.15
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisv_relative                                                             
|  false           
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisx_deadzone                                                             
| align="right" | 0.15
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisx_relative                                                             
|  false           
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisy_deadzone                                                             
| align="right" | 0.15
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisy_relative                                                             
|  false           
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisz_deadzone                                                             
| align="right" | 0.15
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_axisz_relative                                                             
|  false           
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_circle_correct_mode                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_circle_correct_mode_vehicle                                                 
| align="right" | 2
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_display_input                                                               
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_forward_sensitivity                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_movement_stick                                                             
|  false           
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|  Which stick controls movement (0 is left stick)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_name                                                                       
|  joystick       
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_pitch_sensitivity                                                           
| align="right" | 3
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_pitchsensitivity                                                           
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_response_look                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_response_move                                                               
| align="right" | 9
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_side_sensitivity                                                           
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_sidesensitivity                                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_yaw_sensitivity                                                             
| align="right" | 3
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joy_yawsensitivity                                                             
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  joystick                                                                       
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|  True if the joystick is enabled, false otherwise.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  key_findbinding                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Find key bound to specified command string.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  key_listboundkeys                                                               
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  List bound keys with bindings.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  kick                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Kick a player by name.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  kickid                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Kick a player by userid or uniqueid, with a message.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  kickid_hltv                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Kick a player by userid or uniqueid, with a message.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  kill                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Kills the player with generic damage
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  killvector                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Kills a player applying force. Usage: killvector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  labelled_debug_helper_arc_segments                                             
| align="right" | 20
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  labelled_debug_helper_enabled                                                   
|  true           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  labelled_debug_helper_scale                                                     
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  labelled_debug_helper_show_position                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  labelled_debug_helper_show_text                                                 
|  true           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  labelled_debug_helper_skeleton_show_bone_names                                 
|  true           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  last_viewed_announce_id                                                         
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, archive                         
|  Tracks the last announcement ID viewed so we can know when new announcements are available
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  lb_barnlight_shadowmap_scale                                                   
| align="right" | 1
|  release                         
|  Scale for computed barnlight shadowmap size
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  lb_shadow_map_cull_empty_mixed                                                 
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Don't render shadows for mixed shadowmaps with no dynamics objects in view
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  lb_shadow_map_culling                                                           
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  lightquery_debug_direct_lighting                                               
|  true           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  lightquery_debug_indirect_lighting                                             
|  true           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  listdemo                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  List demo file contents.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  log                                                                             
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Enables logging to file, console, and udp < on | off >.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  log_color                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Set the color of a logging channel.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  log_dumpchannels                                                               
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Dumps information about all logging channels.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  log_flags                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Set the flags on a logging channel.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  log_level                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Set the spew level of a logging channel.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  log_verbosity                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Set the verbosity of a logging channel.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  logic_npc_counter_debug                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  m_pitch                                                                         
| align="right" | 0.022
|  cl, archive user, per_user           
|  Mouse pitch factor.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  m_yaw                                                                           
| align="right" | 0.022
|  cl, archive user, per_user           
|  Mouse yaw factor.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  map                                                                             
|  cmd             
|  release, vconsole_fuzzy, vconsole_set_focus
|  map <mapname> :Load a new map.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  map_enable_portrait_worlds                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Enables/disables portrait worlds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  maps                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Displays list of maps.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  markup_group_ent_bbox                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  markup_group_ent_bbox <markup_group name> -> toggle ent_bbox for all members of the named markup group
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  markup_group_ent_text                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  markup_group_ent_text <markup_group name> -> toggle ent_text for all members of the named markup group
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  markup_group_spew                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Spew all current markup groups and their members
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside                                       
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Forces color correction entities to be updated on the client
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_fullbright                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|  Debug rendering modes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_lpv_luxels                                                                 
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_luxels                                                                     
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_max_lighting_complexity                                                     
| align="right" | 8
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_overdraw                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|  Visualize overdraw
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_overdraw_color                                                             
|  0.075000 0.150000 0.300000
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_shading_complexity                                                         
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Visualize shading complexity
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_shading_complexity_color                                                   
|  1.000000 0.500000 0.250000
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_shading_complexity_max_instruction_count                                   
| align="right" | 1024
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_shading_complexity_max_register_count                                       
| align="right" | 128
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_shadowmap_luxels                                                           
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_show_distance_field                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|  0=Off, 1=Visualize trace from camera, 2=Visualize occlusion, 3=Visualize far field trace from camera
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_bloom_scale                                                         
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_bloom_start_value                                                   
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_force_accelerate_exposure_down                                     
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_force_average_lum_min                                               
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|  Override. Old default was 3.0
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_force_log_lum_max                                                   
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_force_log_lum_min                                                   
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_force_max                                                           
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_force_min                                                           
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_force_percent_bright_pixels                                         
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|  Override. Old value was 1.0
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_force_percent_target                                               
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|  Override. Old default was 45.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_force_rate                                                         
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_force_scale                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_force_use_alpha                                                     
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_tonemap_uncap_exposure                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mat_wireframe                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|  0=Off, 1=Surface Wireframe, 2=Transparent Wireframe
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_invert                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_pass_count                                     
| align="right" | 3
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_weight                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mobile_fps_increase_during_charging                                             
|  false           
|  archive                             
|  MOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: If true we increase framerate limit while charging
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mobile_fps_increase_during_touch                                               
|  true           
|  archive                             
|  MOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: If true we increase framerate limit during touch
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mobile_fps_limit                                                               
| align="right" | 30
|  archive                             
|  MOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: Mobile FPS limit - 15, 30, 60
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mod_status                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  <Account ID>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  model_default_preview_sequence_name                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, a, rep                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  modifier_aura_debug                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Set to 1 to draw the radii of all active auras
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  modifier_create                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Creates a test modifier on unit: modifier_create <entityindex> <modifiername> <duration>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  modifier_dump                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Display all modifiers for the unit: <entityindex/name>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  modifier_dump_list                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Dumps all modifiers that exist in the game
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  modifier_dump_visible                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Print out non-hidden modifiers.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  modifier_remove                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Removes the first modifier that matches the name from a unit: modifier_remove <entityindex> <modifiername>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  modifier_spew_states                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Call to have the client spew their unit states affecting them,
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  modifier_stringtable_dump                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the contents of the modifier string table
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  modifier_test_scripted_event                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Tests firing a scripted event
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  modifier_test_scripted_event_end                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Tests firing ending a scripted event
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  motdfile                                                                       
|  motd.txt       
|  sv, release                     
|  The MOTD file to load.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mouse_inverty                                                                   
|  false           
|  cl, archive user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mp_disable_autokick                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, release                     
|  Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mp_forcecamera                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|  Restricts spectator modes for dead players
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mp_friendlyfire                                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, release       
|  Allows team members to injure other members of their team
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  mp_restartgame                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, release                     
|  If non-zero, game will restart in the specified number of seconds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  multvar                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Multiply specified convar value.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  name                                                                           
| unnamed
|  archive per_user                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_add_to_selected_set                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Add current area to the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_add_to_selected_set_by_id                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Add specified area id to the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_avoid                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggles the 'avoid this area when possible' flag used by the AI system.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_avoid_obstacles                                                             
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_begin_deselecting                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Start continuously removing from the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_begin_drag_deselecting                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Start dragging a selection area.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_begin_drag_selecting                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Start dragging a selection area.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_begin_selecting                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Start continuously adding to the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_bfs_debug                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_clear_attribute                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Remove given nav attribute from all areas in the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_clear_attributes                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Clear all nav attributes of selected area.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_clear_selected_set                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Clear the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_corner_adjust_adjacent                                                     
| align="right" | 18
|  cheat                           
|  radius used to raise/lower corners in nearby areas when raising/lowering corners.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_create_indirect_connection                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Create a connection between the selected area and the area pointed at by the crosshair.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_create_indirect_connection_from_to                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Create a connection between the current 'from' and 'to' locations.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_create_indirect_connection_set_from                                         
|  0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Set the 'from' location of an indirect connection.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_create_indirect_connection_set_from_using_editpos                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Set the 'from' location of an indirect connection to be the current edit pos of nav_edit.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_create_indirect_connection_set_to                                           
|  0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Set the 'to' location of an indirect connection.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_create_indirect_connection_set_to_using_editpos                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Set the 'to' location of an indirect connection to be the current edit pos of nav_edit.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_curve_alt                                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_curve_iter                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_curve_lock                                                                 
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_curve_max_step                                                             
| align="right" | 10
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_curve_set                                                                   
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_curve_step                                                                 
| align="right" | 0.02
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_debug_blocked                                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_delete                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Deletes the currently highlighted Area.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_delete_all_hull                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Deletes all areas with given hull category.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_delete_marked                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Deletes the currently marked Area (if any).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_disconnect                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  To disconnect two Areas, mark an Area, highlight a second Area, then invoke the disconnect command. This will remove all connections between the two Areas.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_area_connections                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_area_filled                                                           
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_area_gravity                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_area_ground                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_area_hull_support                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_area_ids                                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_area_inset_margin                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_area_normal                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_area_should_be_destroyed                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_area_split_by_nav_link_mgr                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_area_split_by_obstacle_mgr                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_area_ztest                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_attribute_dynamic                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Draw all nav areas with this dynamic attribute
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_attribute_game                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Draw all nav areas with this game attribute
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_blocked                                                               
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_blocked_connections                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_connected_area_radius                                                 
| align="right" | 1000
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_externally_created                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_indirect_connections                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_jump_links                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_limit                                                                 
| align="right" | 300
|  sv, cheat                       
|  The maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_link_alignment                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_links                                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_markup                                                                 
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_mesh                                                                   
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_mesh_grid                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Draw the mesh's spatial grid structure around the edit cursor position.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_mesh_offset                                                           
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Vertical offset for drawing the mesh (useful for flat planes where the mesh is often a fixed offset from the physical ground
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_space_boundary                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_space_cells                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_space_fly                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_space_neighbors                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_space_portals                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_space_radius                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_draw_space_swim                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_edit                                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Set to one to interactively edit the Navigation Mesh. Set to zero to leave edit mode.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_edit_validate                                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Validate navmesh structures.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_end_deselecting                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Stop continuously removing from the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_end_drag_deselecting                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Stop dragging a selection area.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_end_drag_selecting                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Stop dragging a selection area.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_end_selecting                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Stop continuously adding to the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_find_occluded_node_nozup_use_raycast                                       
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_add_jumps                                                               
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_agent_radius_buffer                                                     
| align="right" | 0.5
|  cheat                           
|  Buffer to add to agent radius before passing to nav gen
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_clip_polys_to_clearance                                                 
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_clip_polys_to_clearance_debug                                           
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_connect_allow_multiple                                                 
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_connect_angle                                                           
| align="right" | 0.75
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_connect_angle_ignore_z                                                 
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_connect_dist_a                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_connect_dist_b                                                         
| align="right" | 1.5
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_connect_dist_z_mult                                                     
| align="right" | 0.5
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_connect_overlap                                                         
| align="right" | 0.5
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_degen_limit                                                             
| align="right" | 0.001
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_false                                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Always false
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_island_removal                                                         
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_island_removal_all_hulls                                               
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_join_nonzup                                                             
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_jump_connection_min_overlap_ratio                                       
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|  Minimum edge overlap required for jump connection consideration as a percentage of agent radius
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_markup_split_expand                                                     
| align="right" | 2
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_markup_split_tol_base                                                   
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_markup_split_tol_nonav                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_markup_split_tol_nonentity                                             
| align="right" | 8
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_match_ground                                                           
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_max_bottleneck_width                                                   
| align="right" | 128
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_max_bottleneck_width_do_clip                                           
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_max_edge_len                                                           
| align="right" | 512
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_max_edge_len_do_clip                                                   
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_max_edge_len_split_tol                                                 
| align="right" | 24
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_opt_to_quads                                                           
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_opt_to_quads_angle_limit                                               
| align="right" | 8
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_opt_to_quads_num_steps                                                 
| align="right" | 6
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_opt_to_quads_planar_deviation_limit                                     
| align="right" | 4
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_opt_to_quads_se_limit_end                                               
| align="right" | 0.1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_opt_to_quads_se_limit_start                                             
| align="right" | 0.00001
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_opt_to_quads_weld_limit_end                                             
| align="right" | 0.01
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_opt_to_quads_weld_limit_start                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_oriented_angle_tol                                                     
| align="right" | 15
|  cheat                           
|  Max abrupt orientation difference an NPC can tolerate when moving through the mesh (degrees).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_oriented_max_region_range                                               
| align="right" | 30
|  cheat                           
|  Max orientation range allowed within a region before it gets further split.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_remove_vertical_polys                                                   
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_split_boundary_polys                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_split_multi_connection_polys                                           
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_split_multi_connection_polys_tol                                       
| align="right" | 0.01
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_true                                                                   
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Always true
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_gen_vertical_limit                                                         
| align="right" | 88
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_genrt_debug                                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_genrt_no_splice                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_genrt_no_split                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_genrt_step                                                                 
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_lower_drag_volume_max                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Lower the top of the drag select volume.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_lower_drag_volume_min                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Lower the bottom of the drag select volume.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_mark                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Marks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_mark_attribute                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Set nav attribute for all areas in the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_max_vis_delta_list_length                                                   
| align="right" | 64
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_obstacle_genrt                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_obstacle_validate                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_obstruction_draw                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_obstruction_draw_change                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_obstruction_draw_dist                                                       
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_obstruction_draw_island                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_obstruction_draw_island_hull                                               
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_obstruction_draw_movefail_blocking                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_debug                                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_debug_compute_with_open_goal                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_draw_areas                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_draw_arrow                                                             
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_draw_climb_segments                                                   
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_draw_connected_areas                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_draw_ground_segments                                                   
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_draw_jump_segments                                                     
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_draw_ladder_segments                                                   
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_draw_link_segments                                                     
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_draw_tick                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_fixup_climb_up_segments                                               
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_fixup_gap_segments                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_jump_process_debug                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_optimize                                                               
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_optimize_portals                                                       
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_optimizer_debug                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_record_draw_last_fail                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_path_record_enable                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_pathfind_debug_log                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_pathfind_draw                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_pathfind_draw_blocked                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_pathfind_draw_costs                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_pathfind_draw_fail                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_pathfind_draw_total_costs                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_pathfind_inadmissable_heuristic_factor                                     
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_pathfind_multithread                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_raise_drag_volume_max                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Raise the top of the drag select volume.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_raise_drag_volume_min                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Raise the bottom of the drag select volume.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_recall_selected_set                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Re-selects the stored selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_remove_from_selected_set                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Remove current area from the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_select_allow_blocked                                                       
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  When selecting an area under nav_edit, allow area marked as blocked.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_select_area_id                                                             
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Select nav area with matching ID.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_select_block_id                                                             
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Select nav space block with matching ID.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_select_hull                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Restrict area selection to areas that can support a hull of the given category
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_select_radius                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Adds all areas in a radius to the selection set
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_select_with_attribute                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Selects areas with the given attribute.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_show_area_connections                                                       
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Show connections to selected area when true
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_show_area_info_font                                                         
|  Consolas       
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_show_area_info_font_size                                                   
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_show_area_info_font_voffset                                                 
| align="right" | -11
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_show_area_verts                                                             
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Show area vertex positions
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_show_area_water_info                                                       
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_show_potentially_visible                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|  Show areas that are potentially visible from the current nav area
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_constrain_results                                                   
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_constrain_results_relax                                             
| align="right" | 0.006
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_constrain_spring                                                     
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_constrain_spring_relax                                               
| align="right" | 0.01
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_draw_accel                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_draw_boundary                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_draw_calc                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_draw_constraint_spline                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_draw_constraint_spring                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_draw_speed                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_enable                                                               
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_relax                                                               
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_relax_use_timesteps                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_const_override                                               
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_enable                                                       
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_factor_deriv                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_factor_dist                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_factor_speed                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_forward_dist_base                                             
| align="right" | 50
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_forward_dist_time_limit                                       
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_max_dist                                                     
| align="right" | 36
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_tension_max_override                                         
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_timestep_factor_accel                                         
| align="right" | 100
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_timestep_factor_speed                                         
| align="right" | 100
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_timestep_max                                                 
| align="right" | 0.5
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_timestep_min                                                 
| align="right" | 0.1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_yaw_rotation_speed                                           
| align="right" | 50
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_spring_yaw_threshold                                                 
| align="right" | 20
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_smooth_use_opt                                                             
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_space_select_dist                                                           
| align="right" | 1000
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_split                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  To split an Area into two, align the split line using your cursor and invoke the split command.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_split_show_line                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Show the free split line.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_store_selected_set                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Stores the current selected set for later retrieval.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_area_gravity                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_0                                                     
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_1                                                     
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_2                                                     
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_bfs_lattice_hex                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Demonstrates searching hexagonal lattice over nav mesh.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_bfs_lattice_mark                                                       
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_bfs_lattice_simple                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_0                                                 
| align="right" | 24
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_1                                                 
| align="right" | 48
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_2                                                 
| align="right" | 96
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_bfs_simple                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_boundary_zone_circle                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_boundary_zone_force                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_boundary_zone_grid_dim                                                 
| align="right" | 90
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_boundary_zone_path                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_boundary_zone_rays                                                     
| align="right" | 100
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_boundary_zone_rays_margin                                             
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_boundary_zone_rays_random                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_boundary_zone_sphere                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_curve_opt                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_detour                                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_find_nearest                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Calculate the nearest point on the navmesh to the trace point.  Uses selection from nav_select_hull.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_find_nearest_clear                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Calculate the nearest point on the navmesh to the trace point.  Uses selection from nav_select_hull.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_find_random_connected                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Demonstrates finding random points that are connected in the nav mesh to the start point.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_find_random_connected_dist_max                                         
| align="right" | 1000
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_find_random_connected_dist_min                                         
| align="right" | 100
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_find_z                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_force_npc_repath                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_genrt                                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_genrt_place                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_getareaoverlapping_gravity                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_getnearestnav_gravity                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_level_hull                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Find entities that intrude into the nav mesh.  List those entities in console output, and display bounding boxes around them for a while.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_level_hull_move                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_multi_connection                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_npc_area                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_npc_collision                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_npc_collision_range                                                   
| align="right" | 250
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_npc_collision_show_geometry                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_path                                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Calculate and draw a path from player/camera position to the test position.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_path_expansion_search                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Extend nav_test_path by doing an expansion search on that path.  Convar value defines dist.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_path_lock_goal                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Lock the pathfinding goal to the current intersection point.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_path_lock_start                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Lock the pathfinding start to the current intersection point.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_path_move                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_path_opt                                                               
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Enable path optimization for nav_edit_path paths.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_path_opt_transitions                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_path_return                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Calculate a return path from cursor position to the path calculated by nav_test_path.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_path_space                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Should nav_test_path test 3d navigation?  1 = space to space, 2 = multi-modal space/ground
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_path_space_fly                                                         
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Test flight paths
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_path_space_swim                                                       
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Test swim paths
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_ray_space                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_rays                                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_smooth                                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_smooth_extern_push                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_smooth_in_speed                                                       
| align="right" | 120
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_smooth_in_yaw                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_smooth_path_speed                                                     
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_smooth_separating_dist                                                 
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_smooth_spring_const                                                   
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_smooth_spring_tension_max                                             
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_spline                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_split_obstacle                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_split_obstacle_dirty                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_split_obstacle_leave                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_split_obstacle_size                                                   
| align="right" | 30
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_test_split_obstacle_update_pos                                             
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_toggle_deselecting                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Start or stop continuously removing from the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_toggle_in_selected_set                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Remove current area from the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_toggle_selected_set                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggles all areas into/out of the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_toggle_selecting                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Start or stop continuously adding to the selected set.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_unmark                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Clears the marked Area or Ladder.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_validate                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|  Level of validation for nav system.  Higher will be slower.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nav_volume_debug                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Draw or print debug information about nav volume queries.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navlocal_constrain                                                             
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navlocal_debug                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navlocal_debug_constraint                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navlocal_debug_isect                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navlocal_debug_island_calc                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navlocal_debug_obstructions                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navlocal_lead_in_dist                                                           
| align="right" | 64
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navlocal_lead_out_dist                                                         
| align="right" | 18
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navlocal_path_tight_buffer                                                     
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navlocal_start_solid_calc_path                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navspace_create_water_smooth_connections                                       
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navspace_create_water_transition_connections                                   
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navspace_debug_pathfind                                                         
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navspace_debug_stringpull                                                       
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navspace_debug_trace                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navspace_debug_transition_calc                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navspace_draw_water_changes                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Draw changes in water volumes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  navspace_path_use_water_level_locator                                           
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" | nav_gen_opt_to_quads_weld_limit_start
| align="right" | 0
| cheat
| align="right" |
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_channels                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Shows net channel info
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_connections_stats                                                           
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Print detailed network statistics for each network connection
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_fakeclear                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Clear all simulated network conditions
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_fakejitter                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Shortcut to set jitter net options.  Run with no arguments for usage.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_fakelag                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Shortcut to set both FakePacketLag_Recv and FakePacketLag_Send net options
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_fakeloss                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Shortcut to set both FakePacketLoss_Recv and FakePacketLoss_Send net options
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_fakestatus                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Print current simulated network condifions
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_limit_sv_recv_max_message_size_kb                                           
| align="right" | 32
|  release                         
|  Server will reject message larger than N kb
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_limit_sv_recv_segments_per_packet                                           
| align="right" | 50
|  release                         
|  Server will reject packets with more than N segments
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_limit_sv_recvbuffer_kb                                                     
| align="right" | 128
|  release                         
|  Server will not buffer more than N kb from connected clients
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_limit_sv_recvbuffer_msg                                                     
| align="right" | 100
|  release                         
|  Server will not buffer more than N messages from connected clients
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_listallmessages                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  List all registered net messages
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_messageinfo                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Display info about a message (by classname or id)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_option                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Get or set SteamNetworkingSockets options such as fake packet lag and loss
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_print_sdr_ping_times                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Print current ping times to SDR points of presence, and selected route
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_public_adr                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  For servers behind NAT/DHCP meant to be exposed to the public internet, this is the public facing ip address string: ('x.x.x.x' )
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_showudp                                                                     
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Dump UDP packets summary to console
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_showudp_remoteonly                                                         
|  true           
|  release                         
|  Dump non-loopback udp only
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_status                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Shows current network status
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  net_validatemessages                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Activates/deactivates net message validation
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  nextdemo                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Play next demo in sequence.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  noclip                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggle. Player becomes non-solid and flies.  Optional argument of 0 or 1 to force enable/disable
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  noclip_fixup                                                                   
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  notarget                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggle. Player becomes hidden to NPCs.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_ability_range_debug                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Draws range indicators for abilities for the given NPC(s).  Uses the NPCs enemy for range drawing.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_bodylocations                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Displays labelled body locations of NPCs.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_combat                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays text debugging information about the squad and enemy of the selected NPC  (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_conditions                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Displays all the current AI conditions that an NPC has in the overlay text.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_conditions_text                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Outputs text debugging information to the console about the all condition gathering for the selected NPC current schedule  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_create                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Creates an NPC of the given type where the player is looking (if the given NPC can actually stand at that location).    Arguments: [npc_class_name] [name of npc (optional) ] [addon type (optional) ] [name of addon (optional) ]
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_create_aimed                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Creates an NPC aimed away from the player of the given type where the player is looking (if the given NPC can actually stand at that location).  Note that this only works for npc classes that are already in the world.  You can not create an entity that doesn't have an instance in the level.  Arguments: {npc_class_name}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_create_or_teleport_warn_on_nonav                                           
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Warn if the created or teleported npc is off nav.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_damage                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Deals the target damage by the given amount
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_destroy                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Removes the given NPC(s) from the universe  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_destroy_unselected                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Removes all NPCs from the universe that aren't currently selected
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_enemies                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Shows memory of NPC.  Draws an X on top of each memory.  Eluded entities drawn in blue (don't know where it went)  Unreachable entities drawn in green (can't get to it)  Current enemy drawn in red  Current target entity drawn in magenta  All other entities drawn in pink  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_go                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Selected NPC(s) will go to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box)  Arguments: <start x y z> <goal x y z>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_go_last                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Go to the last position you told an NPC to go.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_go_loop                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggles whether the selected NPC(s) will loop between the last set of waypoints you used 'npc go' on.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_go_loop_clear_waypoints                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Clear waypoints for npc_go_loop.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_go_no_arrow                                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, a                           
|  Don't draw the go arrow of selected NPCs
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_go_random                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Sends all selected NPC(s) to a random node.  Arguments:    -none-
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_go_update_path                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Selected NPC(s) will go to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box), WITHOUT CHANGING SCHEDULE!  Arguments: [dest_fly]
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_kill                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Kills the given NPC(s)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_kill_unselected                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Properly kills all NPCs from the universe that aren't currently selected
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_relationships                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Displays the relationships between this NPC and all others.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_reportstate                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Outputs the current state of the NPC
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_reset                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Reloads schedules for all NPC's from their script files  Arguments: -none-
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_route                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Displays the current route of the given NPC as a line on the screen.  Waypoints along the route are drawn as small cyan rectangles.  Line is color coded in the following manner:  Blue - path to a node  Cyan - detour around an object (triangulation)  Red - jump  Maroon - path to final target position  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_scripted_commands                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Displays the state of scripted commands on the NPC  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_select                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Select or deselects the given NPC(s) for later manipulation.  Selected NPC's are shown surrounded by a red translucent box  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_squads                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Obsolete.  Replaced by npc_combat
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_steering                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Displays the steering obstructions of the NPC (used to perform local avoidance)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_steering_all                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the steering obstructions of all NPCs (used to perform local avoidance)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_stop_moving                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Selected NPC(s) will stop moving.  Arguments: [asap]
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_task_text                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Outputs text debugging information to the console about the all the tasks + break conditions of the selected NPC current schedule  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_tasks                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Displays detailed text debugging information about the all the tasks of the selected NPC current schedule (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_teleport                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Selected NPC will teleport to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box)  Arguments: -none-
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  npc_viewcone                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Displays the viewcone of the NPC (where they are currently looking and what the extents of there vision is)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  option_duck_method                                                             
|  false           
|  cl, archive user, per_user           
|  Input toggle control
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  orb_timing_debug                                                               
|  false           
|  sv, release                     
|  Spew a bunch of timing info about when orbs are hit and claimed into the log.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  panorama_debugger_theme                                                         
|  Light           
|  cl, archive                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  panorama_focus_world_panels                                                     
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|  when set request key focus when a world panel is enabled
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  panorama_joystick_enabled                                                       
|  false           
|  archive                             
|  Enable panorama joystick input
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  particle_test_attach_attachment                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Attachment index for attachment mode
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  particle_test_attach_mode                                                       
|  follow_attachment
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Possible Values: 'start_at_attachment', 'follow_attachment', 'start_at_origin', 'follow_origin'
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  particle_test_create                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Creates the named particle system where the player is looking.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  particle_test_destroy                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Destroys all particle systems matching the specified name.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  particle_test_file                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Name of the particle system to dynamically spawn
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  particle_test_start                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Dispatches the test particle system with the parameters specified in particle_test_file,  particle_test_attach_mode and particle_test_attach_param on the entity the player is looking at.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  particle_test_stop                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Stops all particle systems on the selected entities.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  particles_multiplier                                                           
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|  Multiply # of rendered particles by this for perf testing
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  party_refresh                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Refreshes the party panel
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  password                                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  archive norecord, server_cant_query 
|  Current server access password
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  pause                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Toggle the server pause state.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  pestilence_drone_healthbar_pos                                                 
| align="right" | 80
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  phys_debug_showdefaultmaterial                                                 
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  If enabled, surfaces with default material are highlighted in physics debug geometry.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  phys_dynamic_scaling                                                           
|  true           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  phys_expensive_shape_threshold                                                 
| align="right" | 6
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  phys_highlight_expensive_objects                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Highlight expensive physics objects
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  phys_highlight_expensive_objects_strength                                       
| align="right" | 0.02
|  cheat                           
|  Highlight expensive physics objects strength
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  phys_joint_teleport                                                             
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Teleport joint anchors if connected to world
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  phys_length_damping_ratio                                                       
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Spring damping ratio for length constraint
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  phys_length_frequency                                                           
| align="right" | 5
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Spring stiffness for length constraint
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  phys_mark_debug                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Mark object for debug
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  phys_shoot                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Shoots a phys object.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  phys_use_block_solver                                                           
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Use block solving for constraint entities
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  phys_visualize_traces                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ping_quick_response                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Responds to the last ping message received
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ping_wheel_phrase_0                                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ping_wheel_phrase_1                                                             
| align="right" | 2
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ping_wheel_phrase_2                                                             
| align="right" | 4
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ping_wheel_phrase_3                                                             
| align="right" | 34
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ping_wheel_phrase_4                                                             
| align="right" | 18
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ping_wheel_phrase_5                                                             
| align="right" | 5
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ping_wheel_phrase_6                                                             
| align="right" | 42
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ping_wheel_phrase_7                                                             
| align="right" | 6
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  pixelvis_debug                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Dump debug info
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  play                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  server_can_execute             
|  Play a sound.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  playcast                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Play a broadcast
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  playdemo                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Play a recorded demo file (.dem ).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  player0_using_joystick                                                         
|  false           
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  player_ammobalancing_debug                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  player_debug_off_nav                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  player_debug_print_damage                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  When true, print amount and type of all damage received by player to console.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  playsoundscape                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Forces a soundscape to play
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  print_changed_convars                                                           
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Prints all convars that have changed from their default value
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  private_lobby_create                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Creates a private lobby party
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  prop_debug                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggle prop debug mode. If on, props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond physically to damage but never break. Green maps health in the range of 100 down to 1.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  prop_debug_collision                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Highlights props based on their collision group: COLLISION_GROUP_PROPS(white), COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_DEBRIS(green), COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS and will return to COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_DEBRIS on sleeping(bright red), COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS permanently (dark red), COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS(blue), OTHER(grey)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  prop_dynamic_create                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Creates a dynamic prop with a specific .vmdl aimed away from where the player is looking.  Arguments: {.vmdl name}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  prop_physics_create                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Creates a physics prop with a specific .vmdl aimed away from where the player is looking.  Arguments: {.vmdl name}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  pulse_list_graphs                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  List all the active pulse graph instances
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  pulse_open_graph_id                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Open a specific graph instance by id
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  pulse_print_graph_execution_history                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Prints the execution history of a graph by filename or instanceid
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  pvs_debugentity                                                                 
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, release                     
|  Verbose spew for this entity when doing IsInPVS computation.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  pvs_flowtype                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, release                     
|  Flow through spawn groups for vis (0 == default, 1 == always visible, 2 == never visible.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  pwatchent                                                                       
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Entity to watch for prediction system changes.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  pwatchvar                                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Entity variable to watch in prediction system for changes.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  quit                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  release, vconsole_set_focus     
|  Quit the game
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_AirboatViewDampenDamp                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, cheat         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_AirboatViewDampenFreq                                                         
| align="right" | 7
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, cheat         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_AirboatViewZHeight                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, cheat         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_citadel_cloak_blur_amount                                                     
| align="right" | 0.01
|  cl, cheat                       
|  cloak
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_citadel_cloak_blur_factor_max_roughness                                       
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, cheat                       
|  cloak
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_citadel_cloak_blur_factor_min_roughness                                       
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, cheat                       
|  cloak
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_citadel_cloak_blur_noise_amount                                               
| align="right" | 0.5
|  cl, cheat                       
|  cloak
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_citadel_cloak_color_tint                                                     
|  230 230 230     
|  cl, cheat                       
|  cloak
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_citadel_cloak_fresnel_effect                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat                       
|  cloak
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_citadel_cloak_intensity                                                       
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, cheat                       
|  cloak
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_citadel_cloak_refract_amount                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat                       
|  cloak
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_citadel_cosmic_veil_fade_dist                                                 
| align="right" | 32
|  cl, cheat                       
|  cosmic veil
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_citadel_glow_health_bar_debug                                                 
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_citadel_mboit_bias                                                           
| align="right" | 0.000005
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_citadel_mboit_overestimation                                                 
| align="right" | 0.25
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_cubemap_debug_colors                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_debug_precipitation                                                           
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Show precipitation volumes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_directlighting                                                               
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Set to use direct lighting
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_dof_override                                                                 
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_dof_override_far_blurry                                                       
| align="right" | 2000
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_dof_override_far_crisp                                                       
| align="right" | 180
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_dof_override_near_blurry                                                     
| align="right" | -100
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_dof_override_near_crisp                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_dof_override_tilt_to_ground                                                   
| align="right" | 0.5
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_dopixelvisibility                                                             
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_draw_first_tri_only                                                           
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_draw_instances                                                               
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_draw_particle_children_with_parents                                           
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|  Draw particle children with parents (-1=use gameinfo, 0=no, 1=yes)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_drawblankworld                                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Render blank instead of the game world
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_drawdecals                                                                   
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Set to render decals
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_drawdevvisualizers                                                           
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Render dev visualizers
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_drawpanorama                                                                 
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Enable the rendering of panorama UI
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_drawparticles                                                                 
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Enable/disable particle rendering
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_drawropes                                                                     
|  true           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_drawskybox                                                                   
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Render the 2d skybox.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_drawtracers                                                                   
|  true           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_drawtracers_firstperson                                                       
| true
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Toggle visibility of first person weapon tracers
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_drawviewmodel                                                                 
|  true           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Render view model
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_drawworld                                                                     
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Render the world.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_extra_render_frames                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_fallback_texture_lod_scale                                                   
| align="right" | 2
|  cheat                           
|  Scale factor for requested texture size (texture streaming) - used for geo that doesn't have a precomputed UV density measure
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_farz                                                                         
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Override the far clipping plane. -1 means to use the value in env_fog_controller.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightambient                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightbacktraceoffset                                                     
| align="right" | 0.4
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightbrightness                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightconstant                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightfar                                                                 
| align="right" | 1500
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightfov                                                                 
| align="right" | 53
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightladderdist                                                         
| align="right" | 40
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightlinear                                                             
| align="right" | 100
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightlockposition                                                       
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightmuzzleflashfov                                                     
| align="right" | 120
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightnear                                                               
| align="right" | 4
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightnearoffsetscale                                                     
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightoffsetforward                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightoffsetright                                                         
| align="right" | 5
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightoffsetup                                                           
| align="right" | -5
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightquadratic                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightshadowatten                                                         
| align="right" | 0.35
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlighttracedistcutoff                                                     
| align="right" | 128
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlighttracedistwatercutoff                                               
| align="right" | 80
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flashlightvisualizetrace                                                     
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_flush_on_pooled_ib_resize                                                     
| true
|  release                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_force_no_present                                                             
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Force the render device to not present frames.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_force_zprepass                                                               
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
| 0: Force z prepass off. 1: Force on. -1: Don't force
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_freezeparticles                                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Pause particle simulation
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_fullscreen_gamma                                                             
| align="right" | 2.2
|  archive                             
|  Screen Gamma (only in fullscreen modes)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_indirectlighting                                                             
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Set to use indirect lighting
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_JeepViewDampenDamp                                                           
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, cheat         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_JeepViewDampenFreq                                                           
| align="right" | 7
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, cheat         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_JeepViewZHeight                                                               
| align="right" | 10
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, cheat         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_light_probe_volume_debug_colors                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid                                                 
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Show LPV debug grid, 0: off, 1: closest only 2 :closest and keep 3: all
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_albedo                                         
|  128 128 128     
|  cheat                           
|  albedo for LPV debug grid
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_bbox                                           
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Show LPV bounding box when debug grid is on, 0: off, 1: on
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_metalness                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|  metalness for LPV debug grid
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_prim                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
| 0: spheres, 1: cubes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_roughness                                       
| align="right" | 0.5
|  cheat                           
|  roughness for LPV debug grid
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_samplesize                                     
| align="right" | 4
|  cheat                           
|  sphere radius (world) for LPV debug grid
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_lightmap_set                                                                 
|  lightmaps       
|  cheat                           
|  Lightmap set to use, only works on map load
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_mapextents                                                                   
| align="right" | 16384
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Set the max dimension for the map.  This determines the far clipping plane
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_morphing_enabled                                                             
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_muzzleflashbrightness                                                         
| align="right" | 0.4
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_muzzleflashlinear                                                             
| align="right" | 0.05
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_nearz                                                                         
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Override the near clipping plane. -1 means use the default.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_particle_max_draw_distance                                                   
| align="right" | 1000000
|  cheat                           
|  The maximum distance that particles will render
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_pixelvisibility_partial                                                       
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_pixelvisibility_spew                                                         
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_render_world_node_bounds                                                     
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Render world node bounds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_rendersun                                                                     
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Render sun lighting
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_replay_post_effect                                                           
| align="right" | -1
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_shadows                                                                       
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_showdebugoverlays                                                             
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Set to render debug overlays
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_showdebugrendertarget                                                         
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Set the debug render target to show, 0 == disable
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_showsceneobjectbounds                                                         
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Show scenesystem object bounding boxes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_showsunshadowdebugrendertargets                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Set to render sun shadow render targets
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_showsunshadowdebugsplitvis                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Set to render sun shadow split visibility debugger
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_size_cull_threshold_shadow                                                   
| align="right" | 0.2
|  cheat                           
|  Threshold of shadow map size percentage below which objects get culled
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_skinning_enabled                                                             
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_smooth_morph_normals                                                         
| true
|  release                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_stereo_multiview_instancing                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Use multiview instancing for stereo rendering.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_texture_lod_scale                                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|  Scale factor for requested texture size (texture streaming)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_translucent                                                                   
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|  Enable rendering of translucent geometry
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  r_zprepass_normals                                                             
|  false           
|  cheat                           
| 0: Use normals reconstructed from depth. 1: Output correct normals in z prepass.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ragdoll_biped_settle_duration                                                   
| align="right" | 1.5
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ragdoll_biped_settle_force                                                     
| align="right" | 0.5
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ragdoll_biped_settle_lift_force                                                 
| align="right" | 0.2
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ragdoll_biped_settle_start_time                                                 
| align="right" | 0.5
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ragdoll_biped_settle_vertical_limit                                             
| align="right" | 0.7
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ragdoll_lru_debug_removal                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ragdoll_lru_min_age                                                             
| align="right" | 10
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ragdoll_move_entity                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ragdoll_resolve_initial_conflict                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ragdoll_resolve_separation                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ragdoll_set_weight                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, rep, cheat                 
|  ragdoll_set_weight
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  ragdoll_update_from_weights                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  rangefinder                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Measures distance along a ray
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  rangefinder2d                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Measures distance along a ray, only measuring along XY plane.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  rate                                                                           
| align="right" | 786432
|  archive user                         
|  Min bytes/sec the host can receive data
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  rcon                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Issue an rcon command.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  rcon_address                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  norecord, release, server_cant_query
|  Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  rcon_connected_clients_allow                                                   
|  true           
|  replicated release                   
|  Allow clients to use rcon commands on server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  rcon_password                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  norecord, release, server_cant_query
|  remote console password.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  recast_mark_overhang                                                           
|  true           
|  rep, cheat                     
|  Enable/disable overhang detection
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  recast_partitioning                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  rep, cheat                     
|  0 = watershed, 1 = monotone, 2 = layers
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  record                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Record a demo.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  reloadgame                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cheat, vconsole_set_focus       
|  Reload the most recent saved game.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  remove_weapon                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Remove a weapon held by the player.  Arguments: <weapon subclass name>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  repeat_last_console_command                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Repeat last console command.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  replay_death                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  start hltv replay of last death
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  replay_debug                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  replicated release                   
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  replay_start                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Start GOTV replay: replay_start <delay> [<player name or index>]
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  replay_stop                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv                             
|  stop hltv replay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  report_cliententitysim                                                         
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  List all clientside simulations and time - will report and turn itself off.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  report_clientthinklist                                                         
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  List all clientside entities thinking and time - will report and turn itself off.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  reset_gameconvars                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Reset game convars to default values
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  reset_voice_on_input_stallout                                                   
|  false           
|  user                           
|  If true, resets the input device when there was a long enough hitch between callbacks.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  respawn_player                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Respawns the player from death!
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  restart                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cheat, vconsole_set_focus       
|  Poor man's restart: reload the current map from disk.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  rr_followup_maxdist                                                             
| align="right" | 1800
|  sv, cheat                       
|  'then ANY' or 'then ALL' response followups will be dispatched only to characters within this distance.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  rr_forceconcept                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  fire a response concept directly at a given character. USAGE: rr_forceconcept <target name or index> <concept> 'criteria1:value1,criteria2:value2,...' criteria values are optional.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  rr_reloadresponsesystems                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Reload all response system scripts.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  rr_thenany_score_slop                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, a, cheat                   
|  When computing respondents for a 'THEN ANY' rule, all rule-matching scores within this much of the best score will be considered.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  run_perftest                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat, norecord                 
|  Execute perftest.cfg
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  save_animgraph_recording                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Saves all active animgraph recordings to disk  Arguments: automaticallyOpenInAnimgraphEditor
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  save_maxarray_spew                                                             
| align="right" | 10
|  sv, release                     
|  Max number of array entries to spew when using SaveRestoreIO spewing.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  say                                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv                             
|  Display player message
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  say_chat                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Opens chat menu to chat with everyone
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  say_chat_team                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Opens chat menu to chat with Allies
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  say_team                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv                             
|  Display player message to team
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_aggregate_indirect_draw_compaction                                           
|  true           
|  release                         
|  Use multidrawindirect...count if the driver/hardware supports it
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_aggregate_indirect_draw_compaction_threshold                                 
| align="right" | 8
|  release                         
|  Threshold of indirect draws when we will do compaction
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_check_world                                                                 
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_disable_culling_boxes                                                       
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_disable_procedural_layer_rendering                                           
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_disable_shadow_fastpath                                                     
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_disable_shadow_materials                                                     
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_disable_spotlight_shadows                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_disable_world_materials                                                     
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_disableThreading                                                             
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_dump_lists                                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_dumpworld                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Dump a list of the objects in a sceneworld (Usage: sc_dumpworld <world_index>)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_dumpworld3d                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Dump the objects in a sceneworld into a 3d geoview buffer (Usage: sc_dumpworld3d <world_index>)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_extended_stats                                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_fade_distance_scale_override                                                 
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_force_lod_level                                                             
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_force_materials_batchable                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_force_translation_in_projection                                             
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  If enabled, the camera's translation will be included in the projection matrix.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_listworlds                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  List all the active sceneworlds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_only_render_opaque                                                           
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_only_render_shadowcasters                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_reject_all_objects                                                           
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_screen_size_lod_scale_override                                               
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_setclassflags                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Low level command to set the flags byte associated with an object class. sc_SetClassFlags <classname> <value>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_showclasses                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  List the object class names known by scenesystem
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sc_skip_traversal                                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  scale_function_dump                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Print out all scale functions.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  scene_playvcd                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Play the given VCD as an instanced scripted scene.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  scene_showfaceto                                                               
|  false           
|  sv, a, cheat                   
|  When playing back, show the directions of faceto events.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  scene_showmoveto                                                               
|  false           
|  sv, a                           
|  When moving, show the end location.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  screenmessage_show                                                             
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|  Enable display of console messages on screen. 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled, -1 = Enabled if vgui is not present
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_add_debug_filter                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Add a filter to the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_add_watch                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Add a watch to the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_add_watch_pattern                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Add a watch to the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_attach_debugger                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_clear_watches                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Clear all watches from the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_debug                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Toggle the in-game script debug features
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_dump_all                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Dump the state of the VM to the console
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_find                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Find a key in the VM
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_help                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Output help for script functions
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_reload                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Reload scripts
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_reload_code                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Execute a vscript file, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_reload_entity_code                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Execute all of this entity's VScripts, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_remove_debug_filter                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Remove a filter from the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_remove_watch                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Remove a watch from the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_remove_watch_pattern                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Remove a watch from the game debug overlay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_resurrect_unreachable                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Use the garbage collector to track down reference cycles
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_trace_disable                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Turn off a particular trace output by file or function name
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_trace_disable_all                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Turn off all trace output
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_trace_disable_key                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Turn off a particular trace output by table/instance
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_trace_enable                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Turn on a particular trace output by file or function name
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_trace_enable_all                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Turn on all trace output
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  script_trace_enable_key                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Turn on a particular trace output by table/instance
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sdr                                                                             
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  An old command that has been renamed to 'net_option'
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sensitivity                                                                     
| align="right" | 1.25
|  cl, archive user, per_user           
|  Mouse sensitivity.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  servercfgfile                                                                   
|  server.cfg     
|  sv, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  setang                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  setang_exact                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Snap player eyes and orientation to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  setinfo                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  clientcmd_can_execute           
|  Adds a new user info value
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  setmodel                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Changes's player's model
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  setpause                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Set the pause state of the server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  setpos                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Move player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  setpos_exact                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Move player to an exact specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  setpos_player                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Move specified player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  shake                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Shake the screen.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  shake_stop                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Stops all active screen shakes.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  shake_testpunch                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Test a punch-style screen shake.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  shatterglass_break                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  shatterglass_cleanup                                                           
|  true           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  shatterglass_cleanup_max                                                       
| align="right" | 200
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  shatterglass_debug                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  shatterglass_hit_tolerance                                                     
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  shatterglass_restore                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  shatterglass_shard_lifetime                                                     
| align="right" | 15
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  show_steam_id                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Prints out the local user's Steam ID. Handy for getting account ID for a player
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  show_visibility_boxes                                                           
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Enable or Disable debug display of visibility boxes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  showconsole                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Show the console.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  showtriggers                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Enable or Disable showing trigger entities
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  showtriggers_toggle                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays the movement bounding box for the triggers in orange.  Some entites will also display entity specific overlays.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  silence_dsp                                                                     
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  When on, silences all DSP mixes.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sk_autoaim_mode                                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cl, a, rep                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  skel_constraints_enable                                                         
|  true           
|  rep, cheat                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  skeleton_instance_scaleset_enable                                               
|  true           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  skeleton_instance_smear_boneflags                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Smear boneflags across the model.  Costs computation, but tests to make sure your bone flags are consistent.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  skill                                                                           
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cl, a, rep, per_user       
|  Game skill level.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_arrangement_start                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Starts the specified arrangement.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_autodetect_latency                                                         
|  true           
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_break_on_start_soundevent                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Use to debug break on any soundevent that is started matching this name
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_cast                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Casts a ray and starts a sound event where the ray hits. The sound event will retrigger periodically if cl_snd_cast_retrigger is set. The sound event will clear previous snd_cast events if cl_snd_cast_clear is set. Usage: snd_cast <eventname> [<retrigger time>] [<max distance>]. Arguments that are specified will become defaults for the remainder of the session.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_disable_mixer_duck                                                         
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_disable_mixer_solo                                                         
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_dsp_distance_max                                                           
| align="right" | 2000
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_dsp_distance_min                                                           
| align="right" | 20
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_duckerattacktime                                                           
| align="right" | 0.5
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_duckerreleasetime                                                           
| align="right" | 2.5
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_duckerthreshold                                                             
| align="right" | 0.15
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_ducktovolume                                                               
| align="right" | 0.55
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_envelope_rate                                                               
| align="right" | 100
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_filter                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_foliage_db_loss                                                             
| align="right" | 4
|  sv, cheat                       
|  foliage dB loss per 1200 units
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_gain                                                                       
| align="right" | 1
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_gain_max                                                                   
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_gain_min                                                                   
| align="right" | 0.01
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_gamevoicevolume                                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  archive                             
|  Game v.o. volume
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_gamevolume                                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  archive                             
|  Game volume
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_get_physics_surface_properties                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Get physics surface properties for all the materials.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_group_cluster_debug                                                         
|  false           
|  rep, cheat                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_group_priority_debug                                                       
|  false           
|  rep, cheat                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_group_priority_max_tolerance                                               
| align="right" | 0.05
|  rep, cheat                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_list                                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_log_empty_event_entities                                                   
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Logs the sound event entities that have empty names.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_mixahead                                                                   
| align="right" | 0.001
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_mixer_master_dsp                                                           
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_mixer_master_level                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_musicvolume                                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  archive                             
|  Music volume
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_mute_losefocus                                                             
| true
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_new_visualize                                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Displays soundevent name played at it's 3d position
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_occlusion_bounces                                                           
| align="right" | 1
|  rep, cheat                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_occlusion_debug                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_occlusion_min_wall_thickness                                               
| align="right" | 4
|  rep, cheat                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_occlusion_rays                                                             
| align="right" | 4
|  rep, cheat                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_op_test_convar                                                             
| align="right" | 720
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_opvar_set_point_debug                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_print_activetracks                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  List all active tracks
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_print_arrangements                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  List all available sequence arrangments
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_print_samplers                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  List all available samplers
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_print_sequences                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  List all available midi sequences
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_rear_stereo_scale                                                           
| align="right" | 1
|  rep, cheat                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_refdb                                                                       
| align="right" | 60
|  cheat                           
|  Reference dB at snd_refdist
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_refdist                                                                     
| align="right" | 36
|  cheat                           
|  Reference distance for snd_refdb
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_report_verbose_error                                                       
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  If set to 1, report more error found when playing sounds.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_samplers_play_note                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Play a note from a specified sampler
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_samplers_stop_note                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Stop a note from a specified sampler
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sequence_set_track_bpm                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Sets the tempo of the specified track
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sequence_set_track_transpose                                               
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Sets the transposition of the specified track
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sequence_stop_all_tracks                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Stops all currently playing sequences
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sequence_stop_track                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Stops the specified track
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sequencer_show_bpm                                                         
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sequencer_show_events                                                       
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sequencer_show_quantize_queue                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_set_physics_surface_properties                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Set physics surface properties for materials. Usage: <heuristic #> <commit>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_setmixer                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Set named Mixgroup of current mixer to mix vol, mute, solo.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_setmixlayer                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Set named Mixgroup of named mix layer to mix vol, mute, solo.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_showclassname                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_showstart                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_block_global_stack                                                     
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_block_stop_global_stack                                                 
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_calc_angle_debug                                                       
|  false           
|  rep, cheat                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_compare_kv3_native_stacks                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_compare_operator_stacks                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Compares 2 operator stacks and spews any errors
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_flush_operators                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Flush and re-parse the sound operator system
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_get_operator_field_info                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Currently gets info for a single operator field
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_ingame_debug                                                           
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_list_operator_updates                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_opvar_debug                                                             
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_pause_soundevent                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Pause the specified soundevent in the list
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_pause_system                                                           
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_addfield_dupes                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_class_sizes                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Prints the sizes of relevant sos classes.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_field_name_strings                                               
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Prints a list of currently cached field name strings
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_field_references                                                 
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_fps                                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_full_field_info                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_groups                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Prints the current state of the groups system
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_operator_stack                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Prints a master list of currently exposed variables
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_operator_stack_operator                                           
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Prints an operator from a stack
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_operator_stacks                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Prints a list of currently available stacks
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_operators                                                         
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Prints a list of currently available operators
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_stack_exec_list                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Prints the current stack execution list
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_strings                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Prints a list of currently cached strings
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_table_arrays                                                     
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_print_tool_properties                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Prints the current state of tool properties.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_resolve_execute_operator                                               
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Resolve the inputs and execute one specified operator from a specified stack
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_set_operator_field                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Currently sets a single float operator field
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_set_operator_field_by_guid                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Currently sets a single float operator field
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_block_debug                                                       
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  Spew data about the list of block entries.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_operator_event_and_stack                                           
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_operator_event_filter                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_operator_field_filter                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_operator_init                                                     
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_operator_not_executing                                             
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_operator_operator_filter                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_operator_pause_entry                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_operator_shutdown                                                 
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_operator_stop_entry                                               
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_operator_updates                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_opvar_updates                                                     
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_opvar_updates_filter                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_queuetotrack                                                       
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_soundevent_param_overwrite                                         
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_show_soundevent_start                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_soundevent_filter                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_soundevent_profile                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Dump a record of current soundevents and profile data
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_start_soundevent                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Starts a specified soundevent
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_start_soundevent_at_pos                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Starts a specified soundevent at the given position
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_start_stack                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Starts a specified stack via an empty soundevent
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_stop_all_soundevents                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Stops all soundevents currently on the execution list
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_stop_soundevent_guid                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Stops a specified soundevent
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_stop_soundevent_index                                                   
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Stops a specified soundevent
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_test_soundmessage                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  test
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sos_unpause_soundevent                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  UnPause the first soundevent in the list
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sound_areas_debug                                                           
|  false           
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_sound_areas_debug_interval                                                 
| align="right" | 0.2
|  cl, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_soundmixer_set_trigger_factor                                               
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Set named mix layer / mix group, trigger amount.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_soundmixer_setmixlayer_amount                                               
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Set named mix layer mix amount.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_soundmixer_update_maximum_frame_rate                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_spatialize_lerp                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  archive release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_baked_data_stats                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Display baked data stats for the current mod.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_enable_pathing                                                   
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  This variable is checked by soundstack to globally enabling pathing for audio processing.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_enable_perspective_correction                                   
|  false           
|  archive release                     
|  Enable perspective correction for 3D audio.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_enable_reverb                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Enable Steam Audio Reverb processor.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_enable_spatial_blend_fix                                         
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Toggles the speculative fix for low-frequency issues when using spatial blend.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_export_scene                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Exports scene currently used by Steam Audio as a phononscene file.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_halton_sequence                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Generate Halton Sequence for a given order and number of samples.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_ir_duration                                                     
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|  The time delay between a sound being emitted and the last audible reflection in Steam Audio.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_max_convolution_sources                                         
| align="right" | 4
|  cheat                           
|  The maximum number of simultaneous sources that can be modeled by Steam Audio.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_max_occlusion_samples                                           
| align="right" | 64
|  cheat                           
|  The maximum number of rays that can be traced for volumetric occlusion by Steam Audio.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_num_bounces                                                     
| align="right" | 128
|  cheat                           
|  The maximum number of times any ray can bounce when using Steam Audio.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_num_diffuse_samples                                             
| align="right" | 2048
|  cheat                           
|  The number of directions considered for ray bounce by Steam Audio.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_num_rays                                                         
| align="right" | 65536
|  cheat                           
|  The number of rays to trace for reflection modeling by Steam Audio.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_num_threads                                                     
| align="right" | 2
|  cheat                           
|  Sets the number of threads used for realtime reflection by Steam Audio.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_pathing_order                                                   
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|  The amount of directional detail in the simulated by Steam Audio.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_pathing_order_rendering                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|  The amount of directional detail in the rendered audio by Steam Audio.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_reverb_level_db                                                 
| align="right" | -3
|  release                         
|  Adjust overall volume (dB) of the output from Steam Audio Reverb processor.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_steamaudio_source_pathing_debug                                             
|  false           
|  archive                             
|  Enable path visualization for steam_audio_source operator.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_toolvolume                                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  archive                             
|  Volume of sounds in tools (e.g. Hammer, SFM)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_use_baked_occlusion                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  rep, cheat, release             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_vmidi_flush                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Purge and reload all vmidi data and files.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_vmix_override_mix_decay_time                                               
| align="right" | -1
|  cheat                           
|  If set > 0, overrides how long the decay time is on all mix graphs (in seconds).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_vmix_show_input_updates                                                     
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|  If set to 1, show all incoming updates to vmix inputs.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  snd_voipvolume                                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  archive                             
|  Voice volume
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sound_device_override                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  archive release                     
|  ID of the sound device to use
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  soundinfo                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Describe the current sound device with an active voice list.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  soundscape_debug                                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  When on, draws lines to all env_soundscape entities. Green lines show the active soundscape, red lines show soundscapes that aren't in range, and white lines show soundscapes that are in range, but not the active soundscape.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  soundscape_dumpclient                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Dumps the client's soundscape data.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  soundscape_fadetime                                                             
| align="right" | 3
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Time to crossfade sound effects between soundscapes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  soundscape_radius_debug                                                         
|  false           
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Prints current volume of radius sounds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spawn_group_activate                                                           
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Activate specified spawngroup.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spawn_group_load                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Load named spawn group.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spawn_group_unload                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Unload named spawn group.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  speaker_config                                                                 
| align="right" | 0
|  archive                             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_autodirector                                                               
|  true           
|  cl, clientcmd_can_execute       
|  Auto-director chooses best view modes while spectating
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_centerchasecam                                                             
|  false           
|  cl, archive                         
|  Looks at the target player's center, instead of his eye position, in chase came mode
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_chase                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Changes the spectate mode to chase
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_goto                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Changes the spectate mode to roaming and go to the location
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_in_eye                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Changes the spectate mode to in-eye
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_mode                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, clientcmd_can_execute       
|  Set spectator mode
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_next                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, clientcmd_can_execute       
|  Spectate next player
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_player                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, clientcmd_can_execute       
|  Spectate a player by name or slot
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_pos                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  dump position and angles to the console
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_prev                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cl, clientcmd_can_execute       
|  Spectate previous player
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_replay_autostart                                                           
|  true           
|  cl, archive                         
|  Auto-start Killer Replay when available
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_replay_bot                                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, release                     
|  Enable Spectator Hltv Replay when killed by bot
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_replay_enable                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  replicated release                   
|  Enable Killer Replay, requires hltv server running (0:off, 1:default, 2:force)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_replay_leadup_time                                                         
| align="right" | 5.3438
|  replicated release                   
|  Replay time in seconds before the highlighted event
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_replay_message_time                                                       
| align="right" | 9.5
|  replicated release                   
|  How long to show the message about Killer Replay after death. The best setting is a bit shorter than spec_replay_autostart_delay + spec_replay_leadup_time + spec_replay_winddown_time
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_replay_on_death                                                           
|  false           
|  replicated release                   
|  When > 0, sets the mode whereas players see delayed replay, and are segregated into a domain of chat and voice separate from the alive players
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_replay_rate_base                                                           
| align="right" | 1
|  replicated release                   
|  Base time scale of Killer Replay.Experimental.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_replay_rate_limit                                                         
| align="right" | 3
|  replicated release                   
|  Minimum allowable pause between replay requests in seconds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_replay_winddown_time                                                       
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, release                     
|  The trailing time, in seconds, of replay past the event, including fade-out
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  spec_target                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, release                     
|  Changes the target being spectated
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  splitscreen_mode                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  a, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  startdemos                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Play demos in demo sequence.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  status                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Print connection status
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  status_json                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Print status in JSON format
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  stop                                                                           
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Finish recording demo.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  stopdemos                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Stop looping demos (current demo will complete).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  stopsound                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  stopsoundscape                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  subclass_change                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Changes the subclass of the given entity.  Arguments:    <new_subclass> {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  subclass_create                                                                 
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy       
|  Creates an entity of the given subclass where the player is looking.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  surfaceprop                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Reports the surface properties at the cursor
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_accelerate                                                                   
| align="right" | 10
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, release       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_airaccelerate                                                               
| align="right" | 10
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, release       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_allchat                                                                     
|  true           
|  sv, nf, release                 
|  Players can receive all other players' text chat, no death restrictions
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_alltalk                                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, nf, release                 
|  Players can hear all other players' voice communication, no team restrictions
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_audio_log_participant_start_messages                                         
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Prints when a participant sound message was sent.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_banid_enabled                                                               
|  true           
|  release                         
|  Whether server supports banid command
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_bounce                                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, release       
|  Bounce multiplier for when physically simulated objects collide with other objects.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_cheats                                                                       
|  false           
|  nf, replicated release               
|  Allow cheats on server
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_citadel_bebop_beam_draw_points                                               
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_citadel_log_ability_use                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_clockcorrection_msecs                                                       
| align="right" | 60
|  sv, release                     
|  The server tries to keep each player's m_nTickBase withing this many msecs of the server absolute tickcount
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_cluster                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Data center cluster this server lives in.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_cq_trim_bloat_remainder                                                     
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, release                     
|  When trimming a bloated CQ, leave at least N more commands than the minimum
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_cq_trim_bloat_space                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, release                     
|  When trimming a bloated CQ, try to leave room for N more commands to be added.  0 will trim only what is needed to remove the immediate bloat, a very large value will reset the whole queue.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_cq_trim_catchup_remainder                                                   
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, release                     
|  When trimming an overful CQ due to app 'catchup' request, leave at least N more commands than the minimum
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_crash_sentinel_filename                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, release                     
|  Filename of crash detection sentinel
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_debug_client_not_in_pvs                                                     
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  If set, draw failed client PVS checks with red box
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_debug_overlays_bandwidth                                                     
| align="right" | 65536
|  release                         
|  Broadcast server debug overlays traffic
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_debug_overlays_broadcast                                                     
|  false           
|  nf, cheat, release             
|  Broadcast server debug overlays
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_enable_alternate_baselines                                                   
| align="right" | 1
|  release                         
|  Allow alternate baseline system, set to 2 for debugging spew.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_enable_delta_packing                                                         
|  true           
|  release                         
|  When enabled, this allows for entity packing to use the property changes for building up the data. This is many times faster, but can be disabled for error checking.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_ent_showonlyhitbox                                                           
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_ents_write_alarm                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Print callstack every time CNetworkGameServerBase:WriteEntityUpdate takes more than this amount of milliseconds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_friction                                                                     
| align="right" | 4
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, release       
|  World friction.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_gameinstructor_disable                                                       
|  false           
|  cl, replicated release               
|  Force all clients to disable their game instructors.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_gameinstructor_enable                                                       
|  false           
|  cl, replicated release               
|  Force all clients to enable their game instructors.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_gravity                                                                     
| align="right" | 800
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, release       
|  World gravity.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_hibernate_postgame_delay                                                     
| align="right" | 5
|  release                         
|  # of seconds to wait after final client leaves before hibernating.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_hibernate_when_empty                                                         
|  true           
|  release                         
|  Puts the server into extremely low CPU usage mode when no clients connected
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_hoststate_quit_syscall                                                       
|  false           
|  release                         
|  When enabled, game server will quit immediately via syscall instead of running host states shutdown sequence
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_infinite_ammo                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat, release     
|  Player's active weapon will never run out of ammo
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_ladder_slack_z_mult                                                         
| align="right" | 0.026
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  Difference in Z increases toward the middle of the slack ladder.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_lagcompensationforcerestore                                                 
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Don't test validity of a lag comp restore, just do it.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_lan                                                                         
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses )
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_late_commands_allowed                                                       
| align="right" | 5
|  sv, release                     
|  Allow N late commands to run at 0 timescale prior to running an on-time command. Negative values for network round trip based calculation with a hard cap of the of absolute value
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_lightquery_debug                                                             
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_log_onefile                                                                 
|  false           
|  archive release                     
|  Log server information to only one file.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_logbans                                                                     
|  false           
|  archive release                     
|  Log server bans in the server logs.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_logblocks                                                                   
|  false           
|  release                         
|  If true when log when a query is blocked (can cause very large log files)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_logecho                                                                     
|  true           
|  archive release                     
|  Echo log information to the console.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_logfile                                                                     
|  false           
|  archive release                     
|  Log server information in the log file.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_logflush                                                                     
|  false           
|  archive release                     
|  Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_logsdir                                                                     
|  logs           
|  archive release                     
|  Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_matchmaking_enabled                                                         
|  false           
|  sv, rep, release               
|  Register with the GC for matchmaking
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_matchperfstats_send_to_steam                                                 
|  true           
|  sv, release                     
|  Set to false to disable sending match perf stats to steam
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_max_queries_sec                                                             
| align="right" | 3
|  release                         
|  Maximum queries per second to respond to from a single IP address.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_max_queries_sec_global                                                       
| align="right" | 60
|  release                         
|  Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_max_queries_window                                                           
| align="right" | 30
|  release                         
|  Window over which to average queries per second averages.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_maxrate                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  replicated release                   
|  Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_maxspeed                                                                     
| align="right" | 320
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, release       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_maxunlag                                                                     
| align="right" | 0.2
|  sv, release                     
|  Maximum lag compensation in seconds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_maxupdaterate                                                               
| align="right" | 60
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|  Maximum updates per second that the server will allow
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_maxvelocity                                                                 
| align="right" | 3500
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|  Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_memlimit                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  cheat, release                 
|  If set, whenever a game ends, if the total memory used by the server is greater than this # of megabytes, the server will exit.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_merge_changes_after_tick_with_calcdelta                                     
| align="right" | 1
|  release                         
|  This fixes bugs where pure calcdelta is used due to recipient changing but it doesn't pick up a field change where the value was changed back to same value as the from snapshot even though the destination fields change list does note the change. Set to 2 to spew any changes merged in by this fix.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_metaduplication                                                             
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Check serializer meta for duplication, add verbose to command for full spew
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_minrate                                                                     
| align="right" | 98304
|  replicated release                   
|  Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_minupdaterate                                                               
| align="right" | 10
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|  Minimum updates per second that the server will allow
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_networkvar_perfieldtracking                                                 
| true
|  release                         
|  Track individual field offset changes, rather than a single dirty flag for the whole entity.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_networkvar_validate                                                         
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Validate each StateChanged against known offsets.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_noclipaccelerate                                                             
| align="right" | 5
|  sv, cl, a, nf, rep             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_noclipduringpause                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  If cheats are enabled, then you can noclip with the game paused (for doing screenshots, etc.).
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_noclipfriction                                                               
| align="right" | 4
|  sv, cl, a, nf, rep             
|  Friction during noclip move.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_noclipspeed                                                                 
| align="right" | 1200
|  sv, cl, a, nf, rep             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_packstats                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Show entity packing stats, pass 'clear' as argument to reset counts.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_parallel_checktransmit                                                       
| align="right" | 2
|  sv, release                     
|  Set to 1 to use threaded checkentities for transmit/pvs on listen servers, 2 for dedicated servers.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" | sv_parallel_checktransmit
| align="right" | 0
| sv
| Set to 1 to use threaded checkentities for transmit/pvs on listen servers, 2 for dedicated servers.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_parallel_packentities                                                       
| align="right" | 2
|  release                         
|  Set to 1 to use threaded snapshot sending on listen servers, 2 for dedicated servers.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_parallel_sendsnapshot                                                       
| align="right" | 2
|  release                         
| 0: run all send jobs on main thread; 1: send jobs run asynchronously (except on dedicated server); 2: send jobs asynchronously; 3: send jobs run in parallel but block to not overlap the next tick; 4: main server clients' send jobs run in parallel, then HLTV server jobs; this approximately matches pre-async profile for a single HLTV server configuration
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_password                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  prot, nf, norecord, release     
|  Server password for entry into multiplayer games
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_pausable                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Is the server pausable.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_pause_on_console_open                                                       
|  false           
|  archive                             
|  1 = Pause the game when pressing ~ to open the console. CTRL+~ opens the console without pause.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_phys_debug_callback_entities                                                 
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Print all entities that get touch callbacks. Each entity is printed only once.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_phys_enabled                                                                 
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Enable all physics simulation
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_phys_sleep_enable                                                           
|  true           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Enable sleeping for dynamic physics bodies.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_phys_stop_at_collision                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_play_stats_CitadelLaneMatchup_enabled                                       
|  true           
|  sv, release                     
|  Enable / Disable Play Stat CitadelLaneMatchup.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_play_stats_CitadelLaneTrooperOrbs_enabled                                   
|  true           
|  sv, release                     
|  Enable / Disable Play Stat CitadelLaneTrooperOrbs.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_play_stats_CitadelMatch_enabled                                             
|  true           
|  sv, release                     
|  Enable / Disable Play Stat CitadelMatch.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_play_stats_CitadelPlayer_enabled                                             
|  true           
|  sv, release                     
|  Enable / Disable Play Stat CitadelPlayer.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_pure                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Show user data.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_pure_kick_clients                                                           
|  true           
|  release                         
|  If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_pure_trace                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  If set to 1, the server will print a message whenever a client is verifying a CRC for a file.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_pvs_max_distance                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  replicated release                   
|  if set, adds a maximum range to PVS/PAS checks
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_ragdoll_lru_debug                                                           
|  false           
|  sv, rep, cheat                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_regeneration_force_on                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Cheat to test regenerative health systems
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_region                                                                       
| align="right" | -1
|  release                         
|  The region of the world to report this server in.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_search_key                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_setsteamaccount                                                             
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  token Set game server account token to use for logging in to a persistent game server account
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_showlagcompensation                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, cheat             
|  If > 0, show lag compensated hitboxes whenever a player is lag compensated. Value is for how long.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_shutdown                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Sets the server to shutdown when all games have completed
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_skel_constraints_enable                                                     
|  false           
|  rep, cheat                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_skyname                                                                     
|  sky_urb01       
|  sv, cl, a, rep                 
|  Current name of the skybox texture
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_snapshot_unlimited                                                           
|  false           
|  replicated release                   
|  For debugging, don't throw away old snapshots so that if you break in debugger (on remote client or server) it won't require an uncompressed update to resume.  You may run out of memory of course...
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  print soundscapes
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_specaccelerate                                                               
| align="right" | 5
|  sv, cl, a, nf, rep             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_specnoclip                                                                   
|  true           
|  sv, cl, a, nf, rep             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_specspeed                                                                   
| align="right" | 1200
|  sv, cl, a, nf, rep             
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_spewmeta                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Spew serializer meta
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_steamauth_enforce                                                           
| align="right" | 2
|  release                         
|  By default, player must maintain a reliable connection to Steam servers. When player Steam session drops, enforce it: 2 = instantly kick, 1 = kick at next spawn, 0 = do not kick.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_steamgroup                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  nf, release                     
|  The ID of the steam group that this server belongs to. You can find your group's ID on the admin profile page in the steam community.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_steamgroup_exclusive                                                         
|  false           
|  release                         
|  If set, only members of Steam group will be able to join the server when it's empty, public people will be able to join the server only if it has players.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_stopspeed                                                                   
| align="right" | 100
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, release       
|  Minimum stopping speed when on ground.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_stressbots                                                                   
|  false           
|  release                         
|  If set to 1, the server calculates data and fills packets to bots. Used for perf testing.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_tags                                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  nf, release                     
|  Server tags. Used to provide extra information to clients when they're browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_unlockedchapters                                                             
| align="right" | 1
|  archive                             
|  Highest unlocked game chapter.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_unpause_on_console_close                                                     
|  false           
|  archive                             
|  1 = Unpause the game when pressing ~ to close the console. 0 = Leave the game paused.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_usercmd_custom_random_seed                                                   
|  false           
|  sv, release                     
|  When enabled server will populate an additional random seed independent of the client
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_usercmd_execute_warning_ms                                                   
| align="right" | 5
|  sv, a                           
|  Emit a warning if we spend more than N ms executing user commands for a single player
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_vac_webapi_auth_key                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, release                     
|  Key for when posting to vac related webapis.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_visiblemaxplayers                                                           
| align="right" | -1
|  release                         
|  Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_voicecodec                                                                   
|  vaudio_speex   
|  release                         
|  Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_voiceenable                                                                 
|  true           
|  archive nf, release                 
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_watchtransmit                                                               
| align="right" | -2
|  sv, release                     
|  Watch NetworkStateChanged info for this entity index.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_wateraccelerate                                                             
| align="right" | 10
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, release       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sv_waterfriction                                                               
| align="right" | 1
|  sv, cl, nf, rep, release       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sys_info                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Print system information to the console
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  sys_minidumpspewlines                                                           
| align="right" | 2000
|  release                         
|  Lines of crash dump console spew to keep.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  team_chat_auto_join                                                             
|  false           
|  cl, archive release                 
|  Auto-join Team Chat when joining a match. Will be overridden by any party settings.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  telemetry_message                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Place a message in the telemetry timeline
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  telemetry_toggle_timespan                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Starts/stops a timespan with an ever increasing name.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  Test_CreateEntity                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  test_dispatcheffect                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Test a clientside dispatch effect.  Usage: test_dispatcheffect <effect name> <distance away> <flags> <magnitude> <scale>  Defaults are: <distance 1024> <flags 0> <magnitude 0> <scale 0>
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  Test_EHandle                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  test_entity_blocker                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Test command that drops an entity blocker out in front of the player.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  Test_ExitProcess                                                               
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Test_ExitProcess <exit code> - immediately kill the process.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  test_list_entities                                                             
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  test-list entities
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  Test_RandomPlayerPosition                                                       
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  think_limit                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  sv, cl, rep, release           
|  Maximum think time in milliseconds, warning is printed if this is exceeded.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  thirdperson                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat, execute_per_tick     
|  Switch to thirdperson camera.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  thirdperson_mayamode                                                           
|  cmd             
|  cl, cheat                       
|  Switch to thirdperson Maya-like camera controls.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" | think_limit
| align="right" | 10
| sv, cl, rep
| Maximum think time in milliseconds, warning is printed if this is exceeded.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  timedemo                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Play a demo and report performance info.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  timedemoquit                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Play a demo, report performance info, and then exit
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  toggle                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Toggles specified convar value on and off.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  toggleconsole                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  norecord, release               
|  Show/hide the console.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  trooper_kill_all                                                               
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Kills all living troopers
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  trooper_kill_non_bosses                                                         
|  cmd             
|  sv, cheat                       
|  Kills all non-boss living troopers
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_advertise_watchable                                                         
|  false           
|  prot, nf, norecord, release     
|  GOTV advertises the match as watchable via game UI, clients watching via UI will not need to type password
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_allow_autorecording_index                                                   
| align="right" | -1
|  sv, release                     
|  When >=0 restricts autorecording only to the specified TV index
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_allow_static_shots                                                           
|  true           
|  sv, release                     
|  Auto director uses fixed level cameras for shots
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_autorecord                                                                   
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Automatically records all games as SourceTV demos.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_autoretry                                                                   
|  true           
|  release                         
|  Relay proxies retry connection after network timeout
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_broadcast                                                                   
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Automatically broadcasts all games as GOTV demos through Steam.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_broadcast1                                                                   
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Automatically broadcasts all games as GOTV[1] demos through Steam.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_broadcast_keyframe_interval                                                 
| align="right" | 3
|  release                         
|  The frequency, in seconds, of sending keyframes and delta fragments to the broadcast relay server
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_broadcast_keyframe_interval1                                                 
| align="right" | 3
|  release                         
|  The frequency, in seconds, of sending keyframes and delta fragments to the broadcast1 relay server
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_broadcast_max_requests                                                       
| align="right" | 20
|  release                         
|  Max number of broadcast http requests in flight. If there is a network issue, the requests may start piling up, degrading server performance. If more than the specified number of requests are in flight, the new requests are dropped.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_broadcast_max_requests1                                                     
| align="right" | 20
|  release                         
|  Max number of broadcast1 http requests in flight. If there is a network issue, the requests may start piling up, degrading server performance. If more than the specified number of requests are in flight, the new requests are dropped.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_broadcast_startup_resend_interval                                           
| align="right" | 10
|  release                         
|  The interval, in seconds, of re-sending startup data to the broadcast relay server (useful in case relay crashes, restarts or startup data http request fails)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_broadcast_status                                                             
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Print out broadcast status
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_broadcast_url                                                               
|  http
| //localhost
| 8080: release                          : URL of the broadcast relay
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_broadcast_url1                                                               
|  http
| //localhost
| 8080: release                          : URL of the broadcast relay1
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_chatgroupsize                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Set the default chat group size
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_chattimelimit                                                               
| align="right" | 0.2
|  release                         
|  Limits spectators to chat only every n seconds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_citadel_auto_record                                                         
|  true           
|  sv, release                     
|  If enabled, a demo will automatically be recorded for every game
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_clients                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Shows list of connected SourceTV clients.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_debug                                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  SourceTV debug info.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_delay                                                                       
| align="right" | 120
|  sv, release                     
|  SourceTV broadcast delay in seconds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_delay1                                                                       
| align="right" | 15
|  sv, release                     
|  SourceTV[instance 1] broadcast delay in seconds
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_deltacache                                                                   
| align="right" | 2
|  release                         
|  Enable delta entity bit stream cache
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_dispatchmode                                                                 
| align="right" | 1
|  release                         
|  Dispatch clients to relay proxies: 0=never, 1=if appropriate, 2=always
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_enable                                                                       
|  false           
|  nf, release                     
|  Activates SourceTV on server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_enable1                                                                     
|  false           
|  nf, release                     
|  Activates SourceTV[1] on server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_enable_delta_frames                                                         
|  true           
|  release                         
|  Indicates whether or not the tv should use delta frames for storage of intermediate frames. This takes more CPU but significantly less memory.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_enable_dynamic                                                               
|  false           
|  nf, release                     
|  When enabled, changes in tv_enable convars cause immediate startup or shutdown of hltv server
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_include_usercommands                                                         
|  true           
|  sv, release                     
|  HLTV streams will include player usercommands each tick
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_listen_voice_indices                                                         
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, user                       
|  Bitfield of playerslots to listen to voice messages from when connected to SourceTV, default is none
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_listen_voice_indices_h                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, user                       
|  High 32 bits of bitfield of playerslots to listen to voice messages from when connected to SourceTV, default is none
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_maxclients                                                                   
| align="right" | 128
|  release                         
|  Maximum client number on SourceTV server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_maxclients_relayreserved                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  This number of relay client connections are reserved for SourceTV relays.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_maxrate                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  Max SourceTV spectator bandwidth rate allowed, 0 == unlimited
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_mem                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  hltv memory statistics. Use with 'ent 10' (dump entity 10 memory usage) or 'top 8' (dump top 8 memory users) or 'class' CWorld (dump CWorld class)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_name                                                                         
|  SourceTV       
|  release                         
|  SourceTV host name
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_nochat                                                                       
|  false           
|  archive user                         
|  Don't receive chat messages from other SourceTV spectators
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_overridemaster                                                               
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Overrides the SourceTV master root address.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_password                                                                     
| align="right" | 0
|  prot, nf, norecord, release     
|  SourceTV password for all clients of CSTV[0]
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_password1                                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  prot, nf, norecord, release     
|  SourceTV password for all clients of CSTV[1]. If empty, tv_password is used
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_playcast_delay_prediction                                                   
|  true           
|  release                         
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_playcast_delay_resync                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  To alleviate intermittent network connectivity problems, this is the number of seconds to wait before actually re-syncing the stream after failure
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_playcast_retry_timeout                                                       
| align="right" | 25
|  release                         
|  In case of intermittent network problems, how long should playcast retry fragment retrieval before resorting to resync
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_port                                                                         
| align="right" | 27020
|  release                         
|  Host SourceTV[0] port
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_port1                                                                       
| align="right" | 27021
|  release                         
|  Host SourceTV[1] port
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_record                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Starts SourceTV demo recording.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_record_immediate                                                             
| align="right" | 0
|  release                         
|  tv_record starting the moment tv_record was executed, not tv_delay earlier
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_relay                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Connect to SourceTV server and relay broadcast.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_relaypassword                                                               
| align="right" | 0
|  prot, nf, norecord, release     
|  SourceTV password for relay proxies
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_relayvoice                                                                   
|  true           
|  release                         
|  Relay voice data: 0=off, 1=on
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_retry                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Reconnects the SourceTV relay proxy.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_secure_bypass                                                               
|  false           
|  release                         
|  Bypass secure challenge on TV port
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_show_allchat                                                                 
|  true           
|  sv, release                     
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_snapshotrate                                                                 
| align="right" | 20
|  replicated release                   
|  Snapshots broadcast per second
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_snapshotrate1                                                               
| align="right" | 32
|  release                         
|  Snapshots broadcast per second, GOTV[1]
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_status                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Show SourceTV server status.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_stop                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Stops the SourceTV broadcast.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_stoprecord                                                                   
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Stops SourceTV demo recording.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_timeout                                                                     
| align="right" | 20
|  release                         
|  SourceTV connection timeout in seconds.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_title                                                                       
|  SourceTV       
|  release                         
|  Set title for SourceTV spectator UI
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_transmitall                                                                 
|  false           
|  replicated release                   
|  Transmit all entities (not only director view)
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  tv_window_size                                                                 
| align="right" | 16
|  release                         
|  Specifies the number of seconds worth of frames that the tv replay system should keep in memory. Increasing this greatly increases the amount of memory consumed by the TV system
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  unbind                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Unbind a key.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  unbindall                                                                       
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Unbind all keys.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  unpause                                                                         
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Clear the pause state of the server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  vconsole_rcon_server_details                                                   
| align="right" | 0
|  norecord, release, server_cant_query
|  when non-empty allows for easy vconsole connection to the dedicated server.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  viewmodel_fov                                                                   
| align="right" | 54
|  cl, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  violence_ablood                                                                 
|  true           
|  archive                             
|  Draw alien blood
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  violence_agibs                                                                 
|  true           
|  archive                             
|  Show alien gib entities
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  violence_hblood                                                                 
|  true           
|  archive                             
|  Draw human blood
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  violence_hgibs                                                                 
|  true           
|  archive                             
|  Show human gib entities
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  vis_force                                                                       
|  false           
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  vismon_poll_frequency                                                           
| align="right" | 0.5
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  vismon_trace_limit                                                             
| align="right" | 12
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  vmix_input                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Set an input mix value
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  vmix_output                                                                     
|  cmd             
|  cheat                           
|  Dump main graph control output values
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  voice_always_sample_mic                                                         
| false
|  archive                             
|  When enabled, open the voip audio input stream when the application launches.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  voice_device_override                                                           
| align="right" | 0
|  archive release                     
|  Default device used for voice capture.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  voice_input_stallout                                                           
| align="right" | 0.5
|  user                           
|  Time before we consider a mic stalled out and need to reset it.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  voice_loopback                                                                 
|  false           
|  user                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  voice_loopback_no_networking                                                   
|  false           
|  user                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  voice_modenable                                                                 
|  true           
|  cl, archive release, clientcmd_can_execute
|  Enable/disable voice in this mod.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  voice_player_speaking_delay_threshold                                           
| align="right" | 0.5
|  sv, cheat                       
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  voice_threshold                                                                 
| align="right" | -120
|  cl, archive                         
|  decibel threshold for how loud the talker's input signal is before we think they are talking.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  voice_vox                                                                       
| align="right" | 0
|  cl, archive per_user, release       
|  Voice chat uses a vox-style always on
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  volume                                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  archive                             
|  Sound volume
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  volume_fog_debug_volumes                                                       
|  false           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  volume_fog_dither_scale                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  volume_fog_enable_jitter                                                       
|  true           
|  cheat                           
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  vphys2_friction_factor                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|  Change global friction factor
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  vphys2_restitution_factor                                                       
| align="right" | 1
|  cheat                           
|  Change global restitution factor
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  wrecking_ball_muddy                                                             
| align="right" | 0.8
|  sv, cheat                       
|  The extent to which the Wrecker's boulder behaves 'muddy', meaning how much its jumps up are dampened
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  writekeybindings                                                               
|  cmd             
|  release                         
|  Saves current key bindings to disk.
|- style="font-size:11pt"
| height="15" |  zoom_sensitivity_ratio                                                         
| align="right" | 1
|  cl, archive per_user                 
|  Additional mouse sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in.

== Useful Console Commands ==
== Useful Console Commands ==
Line 222: Line 13,254:
* street_test: The main multiplayer map
* dl_streets: The main multiplayer map
* street_test: Old version of the main multiplayer map (before [[Update:September 26, 2024]])
* new_player_basics: The Hero Sandbox map
* new_player_basics: The Hero Sandbox map
* 1v1_test: Seems like an early, smaller version of street_test
* 1v1_test: Seems like an early, smaller version of street_test
Line 275: Line 13,308:
|Kills all non-neutral creeps. Requires cheats.
|Kills all non-neutral creeps. Requires cheats.
== Auto execute console commands on startup ==
* In the <code><installation path>\steamapps\common\Deadlock\game\citadel\cfg</code> folder create a text file name it <code>autoexec.cfg</code>
* Put the console commands that you want to run on startup of Deadlock in the <code>autoexec.cfg</code> file, one console command on each line and save it
* In the Steam app right-click Deadlock in your list of games on the Library tab and select Properties...
* In the "LAUNCH OPTIONS" field enter <code>-console -exec autoexec</code>

== Hosting Custom Games ==
== Hosting Custom Games ==
Line 301: Line 13,342:
** Remember to choose your (the host's) own team and hero as well. This may automatically unpause the game - press '''P''' after selecting a team to pause again.
** Remember to choose your (the host's) own team and hero as well. This may automatically unpause the game - press '''P''' after selecting a team to pause again.
** After all human players have joined teams and selected heroes, the host runs <code>citadel_spawn_practice_bots true</code>, then presses '''P''' again to unpause the game. Bots should fill the remaining slots on each team.
** After all human players have joined teams and selected heroes, the host runs <code>citadel_spawn_practice_bots true</code>, then presses '''P''' again to unpause the game. Bots should fill the remaining slots on each team.
For some reason, all the bots will be in one lane until a guardian in that lane dies. I'm not sure how to fix this. You can test this behaviour by looking at a guardian/walker and killing it with <code>npc_kill</code>.

Latest revision as of 20:14, 27 January 2025

Console commands allow you to modify gameplay settings. Pressing F7 will open the developer console, which allows you to run commands.

All Known Convars/Commands[edit | edit source]

Command Default value Flags Description
@panorama_min_comp_layer_cache_cost_TURNED_OFF ?
_record cmd norecord, release Record a demo incrementally.
adsp_debug 0 archive
ai_debug_decisionmaking false sv, a Draw sparks on NPCs in their thinks. Sparks at their feet mean they skipped decision making, sparks high above them means they didn't.
ai_debug_dyninteractions 0 sv, cheat Debug the NPC dynamic interaction system.
ai_debug_enemy_position false sv, cheat Draw a debug line from a selected NPC to its enemy.
ai_debug_los 0 sv, cheat NPC Line-Of-Sight debug mode. If 1, solid entities that block NPC LOC will be highlighted with white bounding boxes. If 2, it'll show non-solid entities that would do it if they were solid.
ai_debug_scripted_sequence false sv, cheat
ai_debug_shoot_positions 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat
ai_debug_squadslotusage false sv, cheat Report squad slot usage for npc_selected NPCs.
ai_disable cmd sv, cheat Bi-passes all AI logic routines and puts all NPCs into their idle animations. Can be used to get NPCs out of your way and to test effect of AI logic routines on frame rate
ai_disabled false sv, cl, rep, cheat
ai_drop_hint cmd sv, cheat Drop an ai_hint at the player's current eye position.
ai_ignore_collision_player_noclip false sv, a, cheat
ai_inhibit_spawners false sv, cheat
ai_keep_interrupt_path_across_schedules true sv, cheat
ai_motor_debug 0 sv, cheat
ai_motor_debug_animgraph false sv, cheat
ai_motor_debug_override_path false sv, cheat
ai_motor_debug_path false sv, cheat
ai_motor_debug_transitions false sv, cheat
ai_motor_draw_entity_facing false sv, cheat
ai_motor_nav_links_force_facing_time 12 sv, cheat
ai_navigator_repath_enable true sv, cheat Enable dynamic repathing based on goal movement.
ai_navigator_repath_on_change true sv, cheat When nav mesh changes along an NPC's existing path, force a repath.
ai_navigator_repath_tolerance_alpha 20 sv, cheat The distance a target entity can move before triggering a repath is ( arrival time * ai_navigator_repath_tolerance_alpha ), clamped to the min / max allowed values.
ai_navigator_repath_tolerance_max 300 sv, cheat The maximum distance that a target entity can move before triggering a repath to that target.
ai_navigator_repath_tolerance_min 8 sv, cheat The minimum distance that a target entity can move before triggering a repath to that target.
ai_navigator_repath_tolerance_min_speed 100 sv, cheat When calculating repathing tolerance, clamp entity speed to be at least this value (i.e. consider slow entities to be this fast).
ai_navigator_snap_to_ground_goal false sv, cheat
ai_navigator_use_arrival_direction true sv, cheat
ai_off_nav_show_nearest false sv, cheat
ai_path_return_a 0.5 sv, cheat
ai_path_return_d 50 sv, cheat
ai_path_return_parallel_speed 100 sv, cheat
ai_path_return_t 2 sv, cheat
ai_path_show_discard_immediately false sv, cheat
ai_report_task_timings_on_limit false sv, a
ai_resume cmd sv, cheat If NPC is stepping through tasks (see ai_step ) will resume normal processing.
ai_select_box_alpha 20 sv, a The select box alpha.
ai_setenabled cmd sv, cheat Like ai_disable but you manually specify the state (with a 0 or 1) instead of toggling it.
ai_show_task_fail 0 sv, cheat
ai_step cmd sv, cheat NPCs will freeze after completing their current task. To complete the next task, use 'ai_step' again. To resume processing normally use 'ai_resume'
ai_think_limit_label false sv, a
ai_vehicle_avoidance true sv, cheat
alias cmd release Alias a command.
anim_resource_validate_on_load true release Validates the animation group channel list against the animations on load for every animation
animated_material_attributes true cl, cheat
animevents_dump cmd sv, cheat List all the currently registered anim events.
animgraph2testprop_create cmd sv, cheat Create animgraph2 test prop a short distance in front.
animgraph_debug false sv, cl, rep, cheat Debug animation graph
animgraph_debug_entindex 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat The entity to specifically debug
animgraph_footlock_ik_enable true cheat Enable IK.
animgraph_record_all false sv, cl, rep, cheat Automatically start recording AnimGraphs when they get created, and save them to disk when they are destroyed
animgraph_set_parameter_bool cmd sv, cheat Specified entities will have the specified bool parameter set to the value specified. Useful for animators to test. Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity>
animgraph_set_parameter_enum cmd sv, cheat Specified entities will have the specified enum parameter set to the value specified. Useful for animators to test. Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity>
animgraph_set_parameter_float cmd sv, cheat Specified entities will have the specified float parameter set to the value specified. Useful for animators to test. Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity>
animgraph_set_parameter_int cmd sv, cheat Specified entities will have the specified int parameter set to the value specified. Useful for animators to test. Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity>
animgraph_set_parameter_string cmd sv, cheat Specified entities will have the specified bool parameter set to the value specified. Useful for animators to test. Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity>
animgraph_set_parameter_vector cmd sv, cheat Specified entities will have the specified vector parameter set to the value specified. Useful for animators to test. Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity>
animgraph_slope_draw_raycasts false sv, cl, rep, cheat
animgraph_slope_enable false sv, cl, rep, cheat
animgraph_trace_static_only false sv, cl, rep, cheat
announce_create cmd cl, release <title> <message> <URL> [Priority] Create a new announcement with the specified title, message, and URL. use empty quotes if you want to skip message or URL
announce_delete cmd cl, release <ID> Deletes the specified announcement ID
announce_show_ids false cl, release When set, will show the IDs of the various announcements, making updating/deleting easier
announce_update cmd cl, release <ID> <title> <message> <URL> [Priority] Create a new announcement with the specified title, message, and URL. use empty quotes if you want to skip message or URL
audio_display_soundstack_debug_base_3d false sv, cheat Displays citadel_base_3d sound stack debug.
audio_display_soundstack_debug_dialog false sv, cheat Displays citadel_dialog sound stack debug.
audio_log_damage_recency_bias false sv, cheat Prints player damage recency information.
automatically_open_saved_animgraph_recording false sv, cl, a, user, rep
axis cmd sv, cheat Draw an axis Arguments: x y z pitch yaw roll <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a>
ban_ignore_after_player_abandons 1 sv, cheat After this many players have abandoned a match, no longer penalize additional abandons for the match. Set to 0 to not penalize abandoners
battery_saver false archive OBSOLETE replaced by mobile_fps_* - Battery saver mode. 0=off, 1=on
benchframe cmd release Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo.
bind cmd release Bind a key.
binddefaults cmd release Bind all keys to their default values.
bindss cmd release Bind a key for a particular splitscreen player.
bot_kick_all cmd sv, cheat Kick all the bots
bot_mimic 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat, release Allows bots to mimic player
bot_mimic_spec_buttons true cl, cheat +attack, +jump etc are used for spectator control instead of being passed on to spectated bot
bot_mimic_target cmd sv, cheat Selects the targeted bot for mimicking
bot_mimic_yaw_offset 180 sv, cheat Offsets the bot yaw.
bot_puppet 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat, release Allows bots to be puppeteered by the player. The player will do nothing while the bots perform the inputs
bot_puppet_target cmd sv, cheat Selects the targeted bot for puppeteering
bot_record_target cmd sv, cheat Selects the targeted bot for puppeteering
box cmd sv, cheat Draw a bbox Arguments: minx miny miny maxx maxy maxz <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a>
buddha false sv, nf, cheat Player takes damage but won't die
buddha_ignore_bots false sv, nf, cheat Bots always buddha 0
buddha_reset_hp 1 sv, nf, cheat HP to set when damaged below zero in Buddha Mode
bug_submitter_override 0 archive
button_info cmd release Display information about the specified key or button.
c_maxdistance 200 cl, archive
c_maxpitch 90 cl, archive
c_maxyaw 135 cl, archive
c_mindistance 30 cl, archive
c_minpitch 0 cl, archive
c_minyaw -135 cl, archive
c_orthoheight 100 cl, archive
c_orthowidth 100 cl, archive
c_thirdpersonshoulder false cl, archive
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist 120 cl, archive
c_thirdpersonshoulderdist 40 cl, archive
c_thirdpersonshoulderheight 5 cl, archive
c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset 20 cl, archive
cam_collision 1 cl, archive When in thirdperson and cam_collision is set to 1, an attempt is made to keep the camera from passing though walls.
cam_command cmd cl, cheat Tells camera to change modes
cam_idealdelta 4 cl, archive Controls the speed when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view
cam_idealdist 150 cl, archive
cam_ideallag 4 cl, archive Amount of lag used when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view
cam_idealpitch 0 cl, archive
cam_idealyaw 0 cl, archive
cam_showangles false cl, cheat When in thirdperson, print viewangles/idealangles/cameraoffsets to the console.
cam_snapto false cl, archive
camortho cmd cl, cheat Switch to orthographic camera.
cast_aabb cmd sv, cheat Tests box collision detection
cast_capsule cmd sv, cheat Tests capsule collision detection
cast_convex cmd sv, cheat Tests convex hull collision detection
cast_cylinder cmd sv, cheat Tests cylinder collision detection
cast_intervals cmd sv, cheat Tests interval ray cast
cast_obb cmd sv, cheat Tests cylinder collision detection
cast_physics cmd sv, cheat Tests physics shape collision detection
cast_ray cmd sv, cheat Tests ray cast
cast_sphere cmd sv, cheat Tests sphere cast
cc_delay_time 0.25 cl, archive Close caption delay before showing caption.
cc_lang 0 cl, archive Current close caption language (emtpy = use game UI language)
cc_linger_time 1 cl, archive Close caption linger time.
cc_spectator_only false cl, archive
cc_subtitles false cl, archive If set, don't show sound effect captions, just voice overs (i.e., won't help hearing impaired players).
cc_vr_caption_speed 1 cl, archive 0 = slow, 1 = medium (default), 2 = fast
cc_vr_font_size 1 cl, archive 0 = small, 1 = med (default), 2 = large
cc_vr_width 1 cl, archive 0 = narrow, 1 = med (default), 2 = wide
changelevel cmd release changelevel <mapname> : Multiplayer change level.
+chatwheel cmd cl, release Opens chatwheel menu while held
+chatwheel_pingwheel cmd cl, release Opens the second chatwheel menu while held
citadel_1v1_bonus_health 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_1v1_bonus_health_regen 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_1v1_bonus_tech_power 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_1v1_bonus_weapon_power 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_1v1_bullet_damage_multiplier 1 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_1v1_tech_damage_multiplier 1 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_ability_cooldown_max 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_ability_debug false sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_ability_preview_path_debug_draw_dt 0.075 cl, archive DT for debug drawing ability preview path.
citadel_ability_target_debug 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_activate_cps_for_team cmd sv, cheat Makes the CPs for a team available to capture
citadel_activate_window_on_unpause false cl, release If set, brings Citadel to the foreground when unpaused
citadel_active_lane 0 sv, cl, rep, release Which lane should be active? 0 means all
citadel_air_drag_min 0.2 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_aircontrol_speed 50 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_allow_client_higher_version_for_reconnect true cl, release When set to true, the client is allowed to connect so long as the client compat version is higher than the server's
citadel_allow_duplicate_heroes false sv, cl, rep, release If enabled, heroes can be selected by multiple players
citadel_allow_purchasing_anywhere false sv, cl, rep, cheat If enabled, you can purchase upgrades anywhere
citadel_allow_ranked_schedule_selection false cl, release
citadel_assume_pawn_control cmd sv, cheat Take control of the pawn under the crosshair, or by name if specified
citadel_ban_account cmd cl, release 1> <Ban HWID: 0|1> Bans the specified account
citadel_book_open cmd cl, release [BookID/Book Name] Opens up the specified book by ID or name
citadel_boss_tier_3_testing_enter_phase2 false sv, cheat
citadel_boss_tier_3_testing_reset cmd sv, cheat Respawns the boss
citadel_bot_ability_friendly_life_threshold 70 sv, rep, release Maximum life for friendly ability to be used (prevents healing when full health)
citadel_bot_ability_friendly_pitch 60 sv, rep, release Pitch (aiming down) for bots when using a friendly ability
citadel_bot_ability_min_cast_range 800 sv, rep, release Default Cast Range for abilities that don't specify
citadel_bot_ability_min_cast_range_friendly 800 sv, rep, release Default Enemy range to use friendly abilities
citadel_bot_ability_window_size 0.85 sv, rep, release How much in range before doing an ability (ie not casting on edges)
citadel_bot_attack_enemies_inaccuracy 0 sv, rep, release Bots choose a random angle in this range to offset their perfect aim
citadel_bot_attack_enemies_inaccuracy_distance 25 sv, rep, release Distance (m) to make bots even worse accuracy
citadel_bot_attack_enemies_inaccuracy_distance_scale 1.5 sv, rep, release Scale the accuracy by this amount at distance
citadel_bot_attack_enemies_inaccuracy_scale 1 sv, rep, release When trying to miss, how much to scale each miss attempt
citadel_bot_attack_enemies_inaccuracy_threat_scale 0.5 sv, rep, release Scale inaccuracy by this amount when threatened
citadel_bot_attack_miss_chance 0 sv, rep, release Desired bot miss chance, [0.0 - 1.0]
citadel_bot_attempt_deny_orb_pct 10 sv, rep, release Percentage of the time to look for red orbs to shoot
citadel_bot_attempt_orb_range 35 sv, rep, release Range(m) to Scan for Orbs
citadel_bot_attempt_orb_start_time 180 sv, rep, release Try to deny orbs
citadel_bot_attempt_secure_orb_pct 5 sv, rep, release Percentage of the time to look for gold orbs to shoot
citadel_bot_avoid_human_ally false sv, rep, release Forces citadel bots to avoid human allies
citadel_bot_bonus_regen 0 sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_bonus_regen_outofsight 0.03 sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_bonus_run_speed 6 sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_brain_aim_angle_attack 0.9 sv, rep, release Min Dot Product result from target that we will try to shoot from
citadel_bot_brain_aim_inaccuracy 0 sv, rep, release Max Angle for Inaccuracy
citadel_bot_brain_aim_inaccuracy_speed 0.01 sv, rep, release How fast the inaccuracy moves - mimic mouse movement correction
citadel_bot_brain_aim_vertical_offset 0 sv, rep, release How many vertical units to aim from world space center on players / troopers
citadel_bot_brain_enemy_reaction_time 0.75 sv, rep, release Amount of time for a bot to react to a player
citadel_bot_brain_infrequent_tick_rate 60 sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_brain_melee_chance 0.1 sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_brain_melee_chance_in_reload 0.3 sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_brain_melee_check_time 30 sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_brain_melee_heavy_chance 0.5 sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_brain_melee_heavy_hold_time 0.31 sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_brain_move_goal_tolerance 40 sv, rep, release How close to goal to count as made it
citadel_bot_brain_parry_chance 0.02 sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_brain_stop_shotting_los_time 0.5 sv, rep, release Amount of time for no Los to stop shooting at enemy
citadel_bot_brain_zipline_distance 400 sv, rep, release Distance away from zipline node we want for pathing to it
citadel_bot_buddy 0 sv, cl, rep, release List of heroes to choose from that should follow a player around
citadel_bot_choose_balanced_lanes true sv, rep, release Bots try to balance lanes
citadel_bot_choose_lane_on_death false sv, rep, release Bots pick a new lane when they die
citadel_bot_choose_lane_on_interval 5 sv, rep, release Bots pick on a time interval
citadel_bot_critical_health 0.15 sv, rep, release Critical
citadel_bot_critical_health_pushed 0.35 sv, rep, release Critcal at tower
citadel_bot_crouch false sv, rep, release Forces citadel bots to crouch
citadel_bot_enemy_hero_engage_distance 10 sv, rep, release Distance away from target to search for an attack location
citadel_bot_engage_distance 1500 sv, rep, release Distance citadel bots are willing to engage enemies at
citadel_bot_engage_hero_distance 0 sv, rep, release Extra distance citadel bots are willing to engage heroes at
citadel_bot_engage_lane_side_dist 200 sv, rep, release Distance citadel bots will engage to the left or right of the target
citadel_bot_engage_player_side_dist 200 sv, rep, release Distance citadel bots will engage to the left or right of the target
citadel_bot_fight_for_idol false sv, rep, release Fight for the idol
citadel_bot_fight_midboss false sv, rep, release Fight the midboss
citadel_bot_free_gold_per_minute 0 sv, rep, release Bots get free gold over time
citadel_bot_free_gold_per_minute_scaled 0 sv, rep, release GPM that scales with game time
citadel_bot_give_team_gold cmd sv, cheat Give all bots on a particular team gold
citadel_bot_hero_testing_pitch 5 sv, rep, release Aim Pitch in Hero Testing
citadel_bot_jump false sv, rep, release Forces citadel bots to jump
citadel_bot_jump_sometimes true sv, rep, release Forces citadel bots to attack nearby enemies
citadel_bot_lane_change_duration 5 sv, rep, release Duration Bot prioritizes changing lanes vs fighting
citadel_bot_last_hit_distance 0 sv, rep, release Extra distance citadel bots are willing to engage enemies at to get last hits
citadel_bot_last_hit_threshold 0 sv, rep, release Forces citadel bots to prioritize getting last hits on enemies below this health
citadel_bot_list_ents cmd sv, cheat List ent id of all players that are bots in this game
citadel_bot_list_objectives_ent cmd sv, cheat List all entities that are associated with a Citadel Game Objective
citadel_bot_low_health 0.3 sv, rep, release Low Health
citadel_bot_low_health_pushed 0.5 sv, rep, release When pushed against tower
citadel_bot_max_attacker_memory 6 sv, rep, release How long to remember recent attackers
citadel_bot_melee 0 sv, rep, release Forces citadel bots to melee continuously, 1: light, 2: Heavy
citadel_bot_message_interval 20 sv, rep, release Min time between messages a player bot can send
citadel_bot_mimic_player_pitch true sv, rep, release User player's pitch in hero testing
citadel_bot_move_random false sv, rep, release Forces citadel bots to move all around
citadel_bot_playrecording cmd sv, cheat Play back commands recorded via 'citadel_bot_record'
citadel_bot_practice_opponent hero_gigawatt sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_practice_teammate hero_kelvin sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_projectile_range_scale 0.5 sv, rep, release Factor from Projectile speed to usable range
citadel_bot_purchase_random_upgrades 0 sv, rep, release Citadel bots will randomly purchase available upgrades every few seconds
citadel_bot_purchase_upgrades_in_order 0 sv, rep, release Citadel bots will purchase available upgrades in order every few seconds
citadel_bot_record 0 sv, rep, release Causes bots to mimic your commands as well as record them to be replayed
citadel_bot_reload_pct 0 sv, rep, release Bot reloads when clip is this low
citadel_bot_roll_after_damage true sv, rep, release Forces citadel bots to attack nearby enemies
citadel_bot_roll_chance 0.4 sv, rep, release How often bots will roll given damage conditions
citadel_bot_roll_chance_lowhealth_scale 1.6 sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_roll_frequency 2 sv, rep, release Time between roll attempts
citadel_bot_sensing_tick_interval 12 sv, rep, release How many ticks between the bot performing sensing
citadel_bot_shoot 0 sv, rep, release Forces citadel bots to fire continuously. 1:scope shooting, 2:unscope shooting.
citadel_bot_shoot_duration 0.75 sv, rep, release Seconds after a bot sees you before it can react
citadel_bot_spend_random_ap 0 sv, rep, release
citadel_bot_takeover_ally_range 30 sv, rep, release How far from Allies that is acceptable
citadel_bot_takeover_spend_currency_time 240 sv, rep, release How much time until a takeover bot till spend gold/ap
citadel_bot_takeover_time 30 sv, rep, release Time for a disconnected player to be taken over by a bot
citadel_bot_test_mode false sv, rep, release Set citadel bots to be and in test mode (default idle)
citadel_bot_use_ability 0 sv, rep, release Causes Bot to Constantly use Ability when its available
citadel_bot_use_ability_cooldown 5 sv, rep, release Time between bot using ability
citadel_bot_use_ability_once false sv, rep, release Set if you only want enemy to use ability once and stop
citadel_bot_use_item_ability 0 sv, rep, release Causes Bot to Constantly use Ability when its available
citadel_bot_visual_reaction_time 0.75 sv, rep, release Seconds after a bot sees you before it can react
citadel_bot_zig_zag 0 sv, rep, release Forces citadel bots to zig-zag side to side if > 0 or back and forth if < 0
citadel_bounty_aoe_radius 750 sv, cl, rep, cheat The radius in which teammates gain a portion of bounties
citadel_bounty_aoe_radius_neutrals 800 sv, cl, rep, cheat The radius in which teammates gain a portion of Neutral
citadel_bounty_aoe_radius_troopers 1968.5 sv, cl, rep, cheat The radius in which teammates gain a portion of things besides Neutrals and Players
citadel_bounty_aoe_radius_troopers_from_hero 1378 sv, cl, rep, cheat The radius in which teammates gain a portion of things besides Neutrals and Players
citadel_bullet_obscured_shot_distance 256 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_camera_height 63 cl, cheat The look at point of the camera is vertically offset by this distance.
citadel_camera_height_approach_speed 100 cl, cheat
citadel_camera_height_npc 33 cl, cheat The look at point of the camera is vertically offset by this distance when viewing NPC units.
citadel_camera_interior_medium_distance 75 cl, cheat How car back the camera is allowed to go in interior spaces
citadel_camera_interior_small_distance 25 cl, cheat How car back the camera is allowed to go in interior spaces
citadel_camera_offset -25 cl, cheat The look at point of the camera is horizontally offset by this distance.
citadel_camera_pitch_inverted false cl, archive Set to 1 to have inverted mouse pitch
citadel_camera_sensitivity 1 cl, archive Mouse sensitivity for the camera
citadel_complete_new_player cmd cl, release [flag] Marks the new player state as complete
citadel_coop_sandbox false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_crate_client_notification_time 30 sv, cheat
citadel_crate_delivery_base_payoff 0 sv, cheat
citadel_crate_delivery_overtime_bonus 50 sv, cheat
citadel_crate_disable_early_spawn true sv, cheat
citadel_crate_early_spawn_delay 30 sv, cheat
citadel_crate_respawn_interval 300 sv, cheat
citadel_crate_spawn_initial_delay 600 sv, cheat
citadel_create_test_time_warp cmd sv, cheat Create a time warp volume at your feet
citadel_create_unit cmd sv, vconsole_fuzzy none] [team] - Creates an unit. Pass 'my_hero' as hero_name to use your current hero
citadel_crosshair_color_b 255 cl, archive
citadel_crosshair_color_g 255 cl, archive
citadel_crosshair_color_r 255 cl, archive
citadel_crosshair_dot_opacity 0.7 cl, archive
citadel_crosshair_dot_outline_opacity 0.9 cl, archive
citadel_crosshair_hit_marker_duration 0.1 cl, archive
citadel_crosshair_pip_border true cl, archive
citadel_crosshair_pip_gap 3 cl, archive
citadel_crosshair_pip_height 16 cl, archive
citadel_crosshair_pip_opacity 0.4 cl, archive
citadel_crosshair_pip_width 4 cl, archive
citadel_damage_text_batching_window_ability 1.05 cl, archive When ability damage events are within this amount of time of each other, they will be added together into a single entry.
citadel_damage_text_batching_window_bullet 1.05 cl, archive When bullet damage events are within this amount of time of each other, they will be added together into a single entry.
citadel_damage_text_distance_far 4000 cl, archive Far distances at which we use far offsets for damage numbers
citadel_damage_text_distance_near 100 cl, archive Near distance at which we use the near offsets for damage numbers
citadel_damage_text_height_offset_far 200 cl, archive How much to offset damage numbers above when far from the camera
citadel_damage_text_height_offset_near 130 cl, archive How much to offset damage numbers above when near from the camera
citadel_damage_text_lifetime 1.5 cl, archive How long do numbers live.
citadel_damage_text_x_offset_far 0 cl, archive How much to offset damage numbers left and right when far from the camera
citadel_damage_text_x_offset_near 0 cl, archive How much to offset damage numbers left and right when near the camera
citadel_death_replay_enabled true sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_debug_ent_los false sv, cl, rep, cheat Debug: Draw Spheres on Ent Being Los Tested
citadel_decrease_replay_speed cmd cl, release Decrease the Replay speed while watching a replay
citadel_deny_text_height_offset 35 cl, archive How much higher should deny text show up.
citadel_deny_text_max_distance 4000 cl, archive How far away before we stop showing in world deny events.
citadel_disable_duplicate_heroes cmd sv, cheat, release Disable usage of Duplicate Heroes
citadel_disable_fast_cooldowns cmd sv, cheat Disable fast cooldowns
citadel_disable_fast_stamina cmd sv, cheat Disable fast stamina
citadel_disable_no_hero_death cmd sv, cheat Make heroes able to die
citadel_disable_unlimited_ammo cmd sv, cheat Disable unlimited ammo
citadel_display_new_player_recommendations true cl, release Do we want to show the decorations for new player friendly heroes?
citadel_dps_multiplier 1 sv, cl, rep, cheat Increase weapon damage for testing
citadel_enable_duplicate_heroes cmd sv, cheat, release Enable usage of Duplicate Heroes
citadel_enable_fast_cooldowns cmd sv, cheat Enables fast cooldowns
citadel_enable_fast_stamina cmd sv, cheat Enables fast stamina
citadel_enable_no_hero_death cmd sv, cheat Make heroes unable to die
citadel_enable_unlimited_ammo cmd sv, cheat Enables unlimited ammo
citadel_fake_bots_as_pinging_player false sv, cheat
citadel_fake_number_of_games_played -1 cl, release
citadel_fake_number_of_ranked_games -1 cl, release Fake the number of ranked games you've played. -1 is disabled
citadel_fake_ranked_open_status -1 cl, release Fake a ranked mode status. -1 is disabled, 0 is fake rank closed, 1 is fake ranked open
citadel_fake_schedule_selected -1 cl, release
citadel_fibonacci_sphere_trace cmd sv, cheat Draws the LOS check generated by our fibonacci sphere trace algorithm
citadel_fly_accelerate 2 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_forced_hero_model 0 sv, cheat Forces all heroes to use this model
citadel_give_gold cmd sv, cheat <gold> Give gold value to all players
citadel_give_player_gold cmd sv, cheat <player name> <gold> Gives the specified player gold
citadel_gold_text_height_offset 35 cl, archive How much higher should gold text show up.
citadel_guide_bot_neutral_info false sv, rep, release Guide bot talks about neutrals
citadel_guided_bot_match false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_guided_bot_match_hint_time_mult 0.25 cl, release How much faster/slower to show hints in guided bot match mode
citadel_guided_bot_t1_boss_ignore_damage_threshold 0 sv, rep, release
citadel_gun_max_spread_penalty 5 sv, cl, rep, cheat Max spread penalty you can incur from taking damage
citadel_healthbars_enabled true cl, release
citadel_hero_builds_show_all_languages true cl, archive release Whether to show builds from all languages or just your current locale
citadel_hero_demo_enable_fast_stamina false sv, cl, a, rep, release Do we enable fast stamina cooldowns
citadel_hero_demo_enable_unlimited_ammo false sv, cl, a, rep, release Do we enable unlimited ammo
citadel_hero_demo_hero_spawn hero_inferno sv, cl, a, rep, release Which hero do we spawn when we spawn and enemy or ally hero
citadel_hero_demo_infinite_resources true sv, cl, a, rep, release Do we start our hero demo with infinite resources
citadel_hero_demo_no_cooldowns false sv, cl, a, rep, release Do we start withough cooldowns when launching the hero demo map
citadel_hero_demo_no_death false sv, cl, a, rep, release Do we start withough death when launching the hero demo map
citadel_hero_demo_no_troopers false sv, cl, a, rep, release Do we start withough troopers when launching the hero demo map
citadel_hero_demo_persist_convars false sv, cl, a, rep, release Do we persist convars between sessions in hero demo
citadel_hero_demo_spawn_items 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat, release Items to give a hero post spawn
citadel_hero_demo_unlock_flex_slots false sv, cl, a, rep, release Do we start flex slots unlocked
citadel_hero_roster 0 cl, archive release A comma separated list of hero IDs that hold the currently selected roster heroes
citadel_hero_roster_high_priority 0 cl, archive release A comma separated list of hero IDs that hold the currently high priority roster heroes
citadel_hero_roster_preferred 0 cl, archive release A comma separated list of hero IDs that hold the currently preferred roster heroes
citadel_hero_testing_ability1_state 0 sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_ability2_state 0 sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_ability3_state 0 sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_ability4_state 0 sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_ability_learn_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_ability_purchased_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_ability_upgrade_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_dash_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_dummy_target 55 sv, release Dummy Target heroID
citadel_hero_testing_enabled false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_give_abilities true sv, rep, release Grant Abilities on Character Spawn
citadel_hero_testing_guided_sandbox false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_hide_mods false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_infinite_money false sv, cl, rep, release Enable infinite money in Hero Testing
citadel_hero_testing_jump_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_mantle_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_mods_purchased_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_money 4000 sv, rep, release How much money to buffer item purchases in Hero Testing
citadel_hero_testing_movement_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_reload_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_shoot_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_show_intro_modal false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_show_outro_modal false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_wasd_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_zipline_attach_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hero_testing_zoom_finished false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_hide_replay_hud false cl, release
citadel_hint_system_disable false cl, release Set to disable hints
citadel_hud_exclusive_visible_id 0 cl, cheat When set, only show the panel with the corresponding id
citadel_hud_visible true cl, release Turns on/off rendering the HUD
citadel_increase_replay_speed cmd cl, release Increase the Replay speed while watching a replay
citadel_invert_ping_type false cl, archive Inverts the ping types so single ping would be aggressive and double ping would be passive
citadel_item_early_gold_duration 30 sv, cheat
citadel_item_glow_local_dist 800 cl, cheat
citadel_item_idol_label_offset 50 cl, cheat
citadel_item_neutral_gold_label_offset 6 cl, cheat
citadel_item_pickup_fall_tolerance 16 sv, cheat
citadel_item_pickup_fallrate 5 sv, cheat
citadel_item_rejuvenator_label_offset 75 cl, cheat
citadel_item_used_text_height_offset 25 cl, archive How much higher item used text show up.
citadel_lane_matchups_mmr_variance 0 sv, release specifies how much of a gap between MMR's we allow to randomize lane assignment
citadel_last_used_hero_builds 0 cl, archive release
citadel_lock_flex_slots cmd sv, cheat <team number> - Lock the flex slots for a team (or both teams if you omit the team number)
citadel_mantle_max_height 134 sv, cl, rep, cheat How high the maximum mantle is
citadel_match_details cmd cl, release <MatchID> [Metadata Salt] Opens the match details to the specified match
citadel_min_accel_speed 400 sv, cl, rep, cheat How fast we accelerate depends on our move speed - this lower bound ensures it doesn't go below ground friction
citadel_minimap_draw_fow false cl, cheat
citadel_minimap_spectator_fow_team_view 1 cl, release Which team to view the minimap as when freeflying
citadel_move_goal_tolerance 8 sv, cheat Some extra tolerance for considering an NPC moved to a goal; can be reduced as we fix other issues
citadel_new_player_flow_visible true cl, archive release Are we still showing the new player instructions
citadel_new_player_progress 0 cl, archive release Tracks the local settings for the new player progress so they can be synchronized with the GC for client authoratative progress
citadel_npc_allow_jump_down true sv, rep, cheat Allow NPCs to follow any drop-down navigation links.
citadel_npc_health_regen_stall_time 0 sv, cheat How long after the npc gets hit before health regen resumes
citadel_observer_roaming_speed 600 cl, archive
citadel_one_on_one_match false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_one_on_one_match_starting_gold 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat, release
citadel_open_ability_vdata_by_name cmd cl, cheat Open an ability by name in the VData editor
citadel_open_ability_vdata_by_slot cmd cl, cheat Open an ability by slot in the VData editor
citadel_open_hero_sheet cmd cl, release Open the current hero character sheet
citadel_open_hero_vdata_by_name cmd cl, cheat Open the VData editor to a specified hero
citadel_open_modeldoc_to_model cmd cl, cheat Open ModelDoc to the model under the cursor. Pass any parameter to open your own model
citadel_open_vdata_file_to_node cmd cl, cheat Open the VData editor to a specified file and node
citadel_party_invite_in_game true cl, release When set, only users in game can be invited
citadel_pause cmd cl, release Send a game pause request.
citadel_pause_countdown 0 sv, cheat Countdown timer to pause after a user has pressed pause
citadel_pause_minimum_time 2 sv, cheat Disables unpausing for this many seconds after a pause occurs
citadel_per_unit_hotkeys_checked false cl, archive
citadel_player_attack_enemy_npc_fow_reveal_duration 2 sv, cheat How long a player is visible to enemy FOW after attacking an enemy trooper or boss
citadel_player_attack_enemy_player_fow_reveal_duration 1 sv, cheat How long a player is visible to enemy FOW after attacking an enemy player
citadel_player_glow_begin_delay 1 cl, cheat Enemy players who are visibly obstructed won't glow until they've been revealed via FOW for this long
citadel_player_ground_dash_max_percent 2 sv, cl, rep, cheat Max ground dash scale
citadel_player_ground_dash_min_percent 0.6 sv, cl, rep, cheat Min ground dash scale
citadel_player_move_speed_min 80 sv, cl, rep, cheat Min walk speed
citadel_player_move_speed_scale 1 sv, cl, rep, cheat Scales how fast players can move
citadel_player_pawn_ag2_enable false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_player_ping_duration 6 sv, cheat
citadel_player_regen_zone_bonus_base 60 sv, cl, rep, cheat When standing in a regen zone, how much extra do we regen per second?
citadel_player_regen_zone_bonus_pct 6 sv, cl, rep, cheat When standing in a regen zone, how much extra do we regen per second based on max health percentage?
citadel_pregame_duration 10 sv, cheat How long pre-match is until we start the match
citadel_previous_umuted_audio_level 1 cl, archive
citadel_ranked_popup_shown false cl, archive Have we shown the ranked popup for players who are eligible for ranked gameplay.
citadel_rapid_stamina_regen false sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_record_hero_animgraph cmd sv, cheat Record the animgraph for a specified hero
citadel_region_override -1 cl, release Override the region of the client
citadel_render_minimap cmd cl, release Render the minimap
citadel_replay_manager_download_chunk_size 1048576 cl, archive
citadel_replay_manager_download_simultaneous_requests 3 cl, archive
citadel_replay_toggle_pause cmd cl, release Toggle a replay being paused
citadel_reset_new_player cmd cl, release Resets the new player experience back to the initial state
citadel_safe_spot_safety_radius 7 sv, rep, release Radius for bots to consider whether a position is safe
citadel_safe_spot_samples_max 3 sv, rep, release Maximum number of spots to sample looking for good positioning
citadel_safe_spot_samples_min 1 sv, rep, release Minimum number of spots to sample looking for good positioning
citadel_safe_spot_target_radius 6 sv, rep, release Radius for bots to look for better locations to path to
citadel_send_gc_match_info_s 30 sv, cl, rep, release Determines the rate that we should submit match info up to the GC, 0 disables this functionality
citadel_server_all_players_disconnected_grace_period_s 120 sv, release How long a server should run after all players have disconnected before notifying that all players have left
citadel_server_max_spectator_slots 3 sv, release The maximum number of spectator slots we allow. This is so that the GC can restrict this remotely if we need to. -1 disables this limit
citadel_show_account_ids false cl, release When set, account IDs will be shown on player tooltips
citadel_show_bullet_lag_compensation 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat if > 0.0, show lag compensated hitboxes (value is seconds) whenever a bullet is lag compensated and hits something.
citadel_show_npe_bots_modal true cl, archive release Show the NPE Bots modal when navigating to the bots page.
citadel_show_npe_modal true cl, archive release Show the NPE modal when navigating to the roster page.
citadel_show_post_game_survey cmd cl, cheat Shows post game survey test
citadel_solo_bot_match false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_spawn_all_heroes_in_a_line cmd sv, cheat Spawn all of the heroes as bots in a line in front of you
citadel_spawn_nearby_neutrals cmd sv, cheat, release Spawns any neutral camps within 800 units (~20m)
citadel_spawn_payload_for_team cmd sv, cheat Spawns a payload for a team
citadel_spawn_practice_bots false sv, release
' citadel_spawn_practice_bots_count 1 sv, release
citadel_spawn_urn cmd sv, cheat Spawn an urn for testing
citadel_spectator_voice_mode true cl, user Spectator voice transmit mode: 0 spectators and players, 1 spectators only
citadel_spectator_voice_mode_toggle cmd cl, release Toggle the value of citadel_spectator_voice_mode
citadel_standing_spread_is_aimed_spread true sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_start_lane_challenge cmd sv, vconsole_fuzzy [hero_name] - Creates an unit to lane against in the test map
citadel_stop_lane_challenge cmd sv, vconsole_fuzzy Ends the lane challenge
citadel_streaming_mode_enabled false cl, archive release Enable to alter various game UI elements
citadel_stuck_camera_trace_extra_length 100 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_stuck_normal_find_trace_fallback_elevation 24 sv, cl, rep, cheat
+citadel_swtich_player_cam cmd cl, release Player Cam switching button pressed
citadel_teleporter_enabled_time 480 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_test_survey_popup cmd cl, cheat Tests bringing up the survey popup
citadel_tether_pull_speed 200 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_tether_pull_speed_scale_per_meter 120 sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_tightcamera_alternative 1.3 cl, archive Tight-camera test mode alternative.
citadel_time_after_damage_to_show_hints 10 cl, release Time after the local player has taken damage from another player before we show hints again.
citadel_toggle_mute cmd cl, release Toggles muting/unmuting the audio.
citadel_track_player_vs_player_accuracy true sv, cl, rep, cheat
citadel_trooper_ag2_enable false sv, cl, rep, release
citadel_ui_allow_feature_bot_test true cl, release When true, we can feature bot test matches
citadel_ui_prefer_region_spectating false cl, release When true, we will give a boost to spectating matches within our region
citadel_ui_watch_active_game_refresh_s 5 cl, release The number of seconds to wait between refreshes of the active matches while on the watch page
citadel_unlock_flex_slots cmd sv, cheat <team number> - Unlock the flex slots for a team (or both teams if you omit the team number)
citadel_unpause_countdown 3 sv, cheat Countdown duration to the unpause after a user unpauses
citadel_update_gc_connection_check_count 50 sv, cheat How many tries we check if the GC is still connected before terminating due to no response
citadel_update_gc_connection_check_time 1200 sv, cheat How often the server should check the GC is still connected (in seconds)
citadel_update_gc_connection_check_time_variance 60 sv, cheat How much variance to allow the GC check time to avoid swamping the GC (in seconds)
citadel_upload_replay_enabled true sv, release Controls if replay uploading is enabled. Mainly used as a kill switch if something goes wrong
citadel_use_contextual_ping_wheel_option true cl, archive
citadel_use_ui_keybindings true cl, archive release Use UI key bindings otherwise use engine keybindings.
citadel_viewed_book_prototype false cl, archive release Track if they have opened up the book prototype or not yet
citadel_viewpunch_damping 9 sv, cl, rep, cheat Bigger number makes the response more damped, smaller is less damped
citadel_viewpunch_spring_constant 15 sv, cl, rep, cheat Bigger number increases the speed at which the view corrects
citadel_weapon_damage_multiplier 1 sv, cl, rep, cheat Multiply the damage on guns
citadel_weapon_normalize_recoil_with_firerate true sv, cl, rep, cheat Keep recoil constant even with fire rate changes.
cl_audio_display_soundstack_debug_base_3d false cl, cheat Displays citadel_base_3d sound stack debug.
cl_audio_display_soundstack_debug_dialog false cl, cheat Displays citadel_dialog sound stack debug.
cl_audio_log_participant_start_messages false cl, cheat Prints when a participant sound message was sent.
cl_auto_cursor_scale true archive Automatic cursor size scaling.
cl_axis cmd cl, cheat Draw an axis Arguments: x y z pitch yaw roll <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a>
cl_box cmd cl, cheat Draw a bbox Arguments: minx miny miny maxx maxy maxz <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a>
cl_change_callback_limit 0.2 cl, release change callback msec warning limit
cl_checkdeclareclasses cmd cheat Check game code serializers
cl_citadel_ability_alt_cast_hold_time 0.15 cl, archive user
cl_citadel_ability_alt_cast_instant_cast_double_tap_timeout 0.2 cl, archive user
cl_citadel_ability_alt_cast_mode 2 cl, archive user
cl_citadel_bebop_beam_draw_points false cl, cheat
cl_citadel_cancel_ability_mode 1 cl, archive user
cl_citadel_items_quickcast_mode 0 cl, archive user
cl_citadel_quickcast_ability1 0 cl, archive user
cl_citadel_quickcast_ability2 0 cl, archive user
cl_citadel_quickcast_ability3 0 cl, archive user
cl_citadel_quickcast_ability4 0 cl, archive user
cl_citadel_record_hero_animgraph cmd cl, cheat Record the animgraph for a specified hero
cl_citadel_selected_hero_build_id 0 cl, archive user
cl_citadel_zoom_is_toggle false cl, archive user
cl_clock_correction true cheat Enable/disable clock correction on the client.
cl_clock_recvmargin_spew_interval 0 release
cl_clockdrift_max_ticks 3 cheat Maximum number of ticks the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's.
cl_connectionretrytime_p2p 20 release Number of seconds over which to spread retry attempts for P2P.
cl_cq_min_queue 0 user Used by the client to inform the server of their desired queue length. Derived from cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_desired and cl_tickpacket_desired_queuelength
cl_cursor_scale 1 archive Cursor size scaling factor.
cl_debug_overlays_broadcast false release Render debug overlays from server.
cl_debugoverlay_cycle_domain cmd cl, cheat Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
cl_debugoverlay_cycle_state cmd cl, cheat Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
cl_debugoverlay_dashboard cmd cl, cheat Makes the debug overlay dashboard visible.
cl_debugoverlay_hide_imgui cmd cl, cheat Hides the overlay.
cl_debugoverlay_toggle cmd cl, cheat Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
cl_disable_ragdolls false cl, cheat
cl_display_game_events false cl, cheat
cl_draw_simulating_entities false cl, cheat
cl_drawcross cmd cl, cheat Draws a cross at the given location Arguments: x y z
cl_drawhud true cl, cheat Enable the rendering of the hud
cl_drawline cmd cl, cheat Draws line between two 3D Points. Green if no collision Red is collides with something Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
cl_dumpentity cmd cl, cheat Dumps info about an entity
cl_ent_absbox cmd cl, cheat Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_actornames cmd cl, cheat Displays the entity name for all entities that have ShouldDisplayInActorNames true in code
cl_ent_animgraph_debug cmd cl, cheat Displays debug draws about the given entity(ies) animgraph Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_animgraph_record cmd cl, cheat Toggles recording of animgraph replay of the given entity(s) Arguments: entityName automaticallyOpenInAnimgraphEditor Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_attachments cmd cl, cheat Displays the attachment points on an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_bbox cmd cl, cheat Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_call cmd cl, cheat ent_call <funcname> <option:entname> calls function on current look target or filtername, checks on ent, then root, then mode, then map scope
cl_ent_clear_debug_overlays cmd cl, cheat Clears all debug overlays
cl_ent_find cmd cl, cheat Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substrings. Format: find_ent <substring>
cl_ent_find_index cmd cl, cheat Display data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index>
cl_ent_grab cmd cl, cheat grabs the object in front of the player. Options: -loose -multiple -toggle
cl_ent_hierarchy cmd cl, cheat Prints the entity hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s)
cl_ent_hitbox cmd cl, cheat Displays the hitboxes for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_joints cmd cl, cheat Displays the joint names + axes an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_messages cmd cl, cheat Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies). The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any messages that it sends or receives. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_name cmd cl, cheat Displays the entity name
cl_ent_picker cmd cl, cheat Toggles 'picker' mode. When picker is on, the bounding box, pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the player is looking at. Arguments: full - enables all debug information
cl_ent_pivot cmd cl, cheat Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies). (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_pivot_size 20 cl, a, cheat
cl_ent_remove cmd cl, cheat Removes the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_remove_all cmd cl, cheat Removes all entities of the specified type Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name}
cl_ent_scale cmd cl, cheat Scales entities. Arguments: <scale factor> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
cl_ent_scenehierarchy cmd cl, cheat Prints the entity scenenode hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s)
cl_ent_script_dump cmd cl, cheat Dumps the names and values of this entity's script scope to the console Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_select cmd cl, cheat Select or deselects the given entities(s) for later manipulation Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_setang cmd cl, cheat Set entity angles
cl_ent_setname cmd cl, cheat Sets the targetname of the given entity(s) Arguments: <new entity name> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
cl_ent_setpos cmd cl, cheat Move entity to position
cl_ent_show_contexts false cl, cheat Show entity contexts in ent_text display
cl_ent_show_damage cmd cl, cheat Sets damage display mode. When on, you will see the amount of damage dealt over the target's head.
cl_ent_showonlyattachment 0 cl, cheat
cl_ent_showonlyhitbox -1 cl, cheat
cl_ent_skeleton cmd cl, cheat Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_text cmd cl, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_text256 cmd cl, cheat Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [within 256 units of the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_text_clear cmd cl, cheat Hide text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_text_filter cmd cl, cheat Set which ent_text filters you want
cl_ent_text_flags_active -1 cl, a, cheat
cl_ent_text_no_name_really_i_mean_it false cl, cheat
cl_ent_text_radius cmd cl, cheat Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [near the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) 2 Arguments: <Radius> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
cl_ent_text_sticky_add cmd cl, cheat Adds to list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_text_sticky_clear cmd cl, cheat Clears the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_text_sticky_dump cmd cl, cheat Spews the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_text_sticky_remove cmd cl, cheat Removes from the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_ungrab cmd cl, cheat un-grabs all objects
cl_ent_vcollide_wireframe cmd cl, cheat Displays the interpolated vcollide wireframe pm am entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_viewoffset cmd cl, cheat Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_ent_visibility_traces cmd cl, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Displays visibility traces for the given entity Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_error_report_time 0 cl, release Minimum time in seconds that must elapse before printing prediction error summary. 0 to disable.
cl_extrapolate true cl, cheat Enable/disable extrapolation if interpolation history runs out.
cl_extrapolate_amount 0.25 cl, cheat Set how many seconds the client will extrapolate entities for.
cl_eye_occlusion_debug false cl, cheat
cl_flushentitypacket 0 cheat For debugging. Force the engine to flush an entity packet.
cl_frametime_summary_report_detailed true cl, release When a perf report is dumped at the end of the session, should it be detailed?
cl_fullupdate cmd cheat Force uncompressed update
cl_glow_brightness 1 cl, cheat Brightness of player halos
cl_glow_item_far_b 1 cl, release
cl_glow_item_far_g 0.4 cl, release
cl_glow_item_far_r 0.3 cl, release
cl_graphics_driver_warning_dont_show_again false cl, archive release
cl_groups cmd cl, cheat Show status of all spawn groups.
cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_poor 100 cl, archive release Frame time greater than this is considered 'poor'.
cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_show 1 cl, archive release Show frame time (FPS) in the HUD. 0=never, 1=only if poor, 2=always
cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_poor 5 cl, archive release Packet delivery anomaly rate (0..100) higher than this is considered 'poor'.
cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_show 1 cl, archive release Show packet delivery anomaly (loss or out-of-order) rate in the HUD. 0=never, 1=only in poor conditions, 2=always
cl_hud_telemetry_net_quality_graph_show 0 cl, archive release Show packet jitter and netframe loss/reordering in the HUD. 0=never, 1=only in poor conditions, 2=always
cl_hud_telemetry_ping_poor 100 cl, archive release Ping higher than this (ms) is considered 'poor'.
cl_hud_telemetry_ping_show 0 cl, archive release Show ping in the HUD. 0=never, 1=only in poor conditions, 2=always
cl_hud_telemetry_serverrecvmargin_graph_show 0 cl, archive release Show graph of the server recv margin in the HUD. (How early/late user commands are arriving at the server before they are executed.) 0=never, 1=only when there are command queue problems, 2=always
cl_ignorepackets false cheat Force client to ignore packets (for debugging).
cl_imgui_debug_entity cmd cl, cheat Shows the entity browser, focused on the entity you specify. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cl_imgui_set_selection cmd cl, cheat Sets ImGui selection
cl_imgui_set_status_text cmd cl, cheat Sets ImGui header status text
cl_input_enable_raw_keyboard false release Enable raw keyboard input
cl_interp cmd cl, release Read the effective client simulation interpolation amount in terms of time.
cl_interp_hermite true cl, cheat Set to zero do disable hermite interpolation.
cl_interp_ratio 2 cl, user Sets the client simulation interpolation amount, in terms of server updates (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate).
cl_interpolate_report false cl, archive Enable to show interpolation profile timing
cl_jiggle_bone_debug false cheat Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information
cl_jiggle_bone_debug_pitch_constraints false cheat Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information
cl_jiggle_bone_debug_yaw_constraints false cheat Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information
cl_jiggle_bone_invert false cheat
cl_jitter_bad_threshold_up 20 user When upstream packet jitter in a frame exceeds this threshold (ms), the frame is considered to have 'irregular delivery'. This is a derived value and should not be modified manually
cl_joystick_enabled false archive Enable joystick input
cl_lagcompensation true cl, user Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.
cl_latch_report false cl, archive Enable to output stats about latching
cl_leveloverview 0 cl, cheat
cl_lightquery_debug false cl, cheat
cl_lock_camera false cl, cheat
cl_max_particle_pvs_aabb_edge_length 100 release
cl_meep_mop_volume_trigger_max_count 10 cl, cheat Number of triggers before meemop reaches full volume
cl_modifier_dump cmd cl, cheat Display all modifiers for the unit: <entityindex/name>
cl_modifier_dump_list cmd cl, cheat Dumps all modifiers that exist in the game
cl_modifier_dump_visible cmd cl, cheat Print out non-hidden modifiers.
cl_modifier_spew_states cmd cl, cheat Call to have the client spew their unit states affecting them,
cl_modifier_stringtable_dump cmd cl, cheat Displays the contents of the modifier string table
cl_mouselook true cl, archive user, per_user, disconnected Set to 1 to use mouse for look, 0 for keyboard look. Cannot be set while connected to a server.
cl_network_quality2 -1 cl, archive
cl_particle_retire_cost 0 cheat
cl_particle_simulate true cheat Enables/Disables Particle Simulation
cl_pclass 0 cl, cheat Dump entity by prediction classname.
cl_pdump -1 cl, cheat Dump info about this entity to screen.
cl_phys_debug_callback_entities false cl, cheat Print all entities that get touch callbacks. Each entity is printed only once.
cl_phys_enabled true cl, cheat Enable all physics simulation
cl_phys_sleep_enable true cl, cheat Enable sleeping for dynamic physics bodies.
cl_phys_stop_at_collision 0 cl, cheat
cl_pitchdown 89 cl, cheat
cl_pitchup 89 cl, cheat
cl_playerspraydisable false cl, archive Disable player sprays.
cl_pred_always_latch false cl, release
cl_pred_print_every_cmd false cl, release Print something every time we predict a command
cl_predict true cl, user, cheat Perform client side prediction.
cl_prop_debug cmd cl, cheat Toggle prop debug mode. If on, props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond physically to damage but never break. Green maps health in the range of 100 down to 1.
cl_querycache_stats cmd cl, cheat Display status of the query cache (client only)
cl_ragdoll_limit 20 cl, archive Maximum number of ragdolls to show (-1 disables limit)
cl_ragdoll_lru_debug false cl, rep, cheat
cl_removedecals cmd cl, cheat Remove the decals from the entity under the crosshair.
cl_resend 0.5 release Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt
cl_rr_reloadresponsesystems cmd cl, cheat Reload all response system scripts.
cl_save_animgraph_recording cmd cl, cheat Saves all active animgraph recordings to disk Arguments: automaticallyOpenInAnimgraphEditor
cl_scale_function_dump cmd cl, cheat Print out all scale functions.
cl_script_add_debug_filter cmd cl, cheat Add a filter to the game debug overlay
cl_script_add_watch cmd cl, cheat Add a watch to the game debug overlay
cl_script_add_watch_pattern cmd cl, cheat Add a watch to the game debug overlay
cl_script_attach_debugger cmd cl, cheat Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger
cl_script_clear_watches cmd cl, cheat Clear all watches from the game debug overlay
cl_script_debug cmd cl, cheat Toggle the in-game script debug features
cl_script_dump_all cmd cl, cheat Dump the state of the VM to the console
cl_script_find cmd cl, cheat Find a key in the VM
cl_script_help cmd cl, cheat Output help for script functions
cl_script_reload cmd cl, cheat Reload scripts
cl_script_reload_code cmd cl, cheat Execute a vscript file, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
cl_script_reload_entity_code cmd cl, cheat Execute all of this entity's VScripts, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts
cl_script_remove_debug_filter cmd cl, cheat Remove a filter from the game debug overlay
cl_script_remove_watch cmd cl, cheat Remove a watch from the game debug overlay
cl_script_remove_watch_pattern cmd cl, cheat Remove a watch from the game debug overlay
cl_script_resurrect_unreachable cmd cl, cheat Use the garbage collector to track down reference cycles
cl_script_trace_disable cmd cl, cheat Turn off a particular trace output by file or function name
cl_script_trace_disable_all cmd cl, cheat Turn off all trace output
cl_script_trace_disable_key cmd cl, cheat Turn off a particular trace output by table/instance
cl_script_trace_enable cmd cl, cheat Turn on a particular trace output by file or function name
cl_script_trace_enable_all cmd cl, cheat Turn on all trace output
cl_script_trace_enable_key cmd cl, cheat Turn on a particular trace output by table/instance
cl_showents cmd cl, cheat Dump entity list to console.
cl_showerror 0 cl, release Show prediction errors, 2 for above plus detailed field deltas, 3 to filter out serverside known prediction errors, -entindex for specific entity.
cl_showfps 0 cl, release Draw fps meter at top of screen (1 = fps, 2 = smooth fps, 3 = server MS, 4 = Show FPS and Log to file )
cl_showmem 0 cl, release Draw approximate memory use at top of screen
cl_showpos 0 cl, cheat, release Draw current position at top of screen
cl_skel_constraints_enable true rep, cheat
cl_skeleton_instance_smear_boneflags false cl, cheat Smear boneflags across the model. Costs computation, but tests to make sure your bone flags are consistent.
cl_snd_new_visualize false cl, cheat Displays soundevent name played at it's 3d position
cl_soundscape_flush cmd cl, cheat, server_can_execute Flushes the client side soundscapes
cl_spewserializers cmd cheat Spew serializers
cl_test_list_entities cmd cl, cheat test-list entities
cl_tickpacket_desired_queuelength 1 user This value, multiplied by the tick interval, is added to cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_desired to obtain the effective desired recv margin.
cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_spew_interval 0 release
cl_ticks_warning_level 0 release Print a message about problems with ticks and interpolation. 0=never, 1=warnings, 2=all, even if hidden by interpolation
cl_ticktiming cmd norecord, release <interval>} [summary|detail] Print timing stats now, or set report interval
cl_timeout 30 archive After this many seconds without receiving a packet from the server, the client will disconnect itself
cl_updaterate 20 cl, archive user Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server
cl_usercmd_max_per_movemsg 4 release max number of CUserCmds to send in one client move message
cl_voice_transmit_lobby false cl, archive release
clear cmd norecord, release Clear console output.
clearall cmd norecord, release Clear console output from all views.
cli_ent_attachments cmd cl, cheat Displays the interpolated attachment points on an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cli_ent_hitbox cmd cl, cheat Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cli_ent_pivot cmd cl, cheat Displays the interpolated pivot for the given entity(ies). (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cli_ent_skeleton cmd cl, cheat Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
cli_ent_vcollide_wireframe cmd cl, cheat Displays the interpolated vcollide wireframe pm am entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
clientport 0 release If non-zero, client binds port to specific address. Usually you should leave this blank to use a different random system-assigned port for each connection.
closecaption false cl, archive user Enable close captioning.
collect_entity_model_name cmd sv, cheat Collect model names of the entities you're pointing at
commentary false sv, a Desired commentary mode state.
commentary_finishnode cmd sv
con_enable false archive per_user Allows the console to be activated.
condump cmd release dump the text currently in the console to condumpXX.log
connect cmd release Connect to a remote server.
connect_hltv cmd release Connect to a remote HLTV server.
consoletool cmd norecord, release Open a VConsole subtool.
cq_buffer_bloat_msecs_max 120 replicated release Server will not allow the client to buffer up more than N ms of commands.
cq_logging false sv, release command queue logging of events.
cq_logging_interval 0 sv, release command queue logging per player stats every N seconds, 0 to disable.
cq_max_starved_substitute_commands 4 sv, release Server will stop generating substitute commands if client hasn't sent one, after N in a row
cq_print_every_command false sv, release print every command as we execute it
crash cmd cheat Crash the client. Optional parameter -- type of crash:0: read from NULL 1: write to NULL 2: force an Assert 3: infinite loop 4: stack buffer overrun 5: multiple asserts across multiple threads
crash_error cmd cheat Cause the engine to crash by Plat_FatalError on main thread (Debug!!)
crash_error_job cmd cheat Cause the engine to crash by Plat_FatalError on job thread (Debug!!)
crash_error_thread cmd cheat Cause the engine to crash by Plat_FatalError on non-main thread (Debug!!)
crash_job cmd cheat Cause the engine to crash in a job thread (Debug!!)
crash_thread cmd cheat Cause the engine to crash in a brand new non-main thread (Debug!!)
create_flashlight cmd sv, cheat
create_radius_damage cmd sv, cheat Causes radius damage where you're looking, at the passed in radius.
csm_bias_override_0 1 cheat
csm_bias_override_1 1 cheat
csm_bias_override_2 1 cheat
csm_bias_override_3 1 cheat
csm_cascade0_override_dist -1 cheat
csm_cascade1_override_dist -1 cheat
csm_cascade2_override_dist -1 cheat
csm_cascade3_override_dist -1 cheat
csm_cascade_viewdir_shadow_bias_scale 2 cheat
csm_max_dist_between_caster_and_receiver 15000 cheat default pushback
csm_max_visible_dist 7500 cheat
csm_res_override_0 0 cheat
csm_res_override_1 0 cheat
csm_res_override_2 0 cheat
csm_res_override_3 0 cheat
csm_shadow_worldview_align_x_to_u true cheat
csm_shadow_worldview_shear_align_z_to_v true cheat
csm_split_log_scalar 0.85 cheat
csm_sst_max_visible_dist 2000 cheat
csm_sst_pushback_distance 1500 cheat default pushback
csm_sst_shadow_focus_region_maxz 2000 cheat
csm_sst_shadow_focus_region_minz -2000 cheat
csm_viewdir_shadow_bias 0 cheat
csm_viewmodel_farz 30 cheat
csm_viewmodel_max_shadow_dist 21 cheat
csm_viewmodel_max_visible_dist 1000 cheat
csm_viewmodel_nearz 0.5 cheat
cvarlist cmd release Show the list of convars/concommands.
cyclevar cmd norecord, release Cycle through specified convar values.
db_default_bot_difficulty 1 cl, archive Used to cache the last set bot difficulty across runs
deadlock_early_development_warning_disabled false cl, archive Disable the early dev build message
deadlock_get_old_builds cmd cl, release Usage: deadlock_get_old_builds [author_account_id] - if omitted, will use your account.
deadlock_post_match_survey_disabled false cl, archive Disable the early post match survey
debug_takedamage_summaries false sv, cheat
debug_visibility_monitor 0 sv, cheat
debugoverlay_cycle_domain cmd sv, cheat Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
debugoverlay_cycle_state cmd sv, cheat Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
debugoverlay_dashboard cmd sv, cheat Makes the debug overlay dashboard visible.
debugoverlay_force_respect_ttl false cheat Force respect TTL even when clearing scopes
debugoverlay_hide_imgui cmd sv, cheat Hides the overlay.
debugoverlay_show_text_outline false cheat Toggle display of box around text
debugoverlay_text_scale 1 a, cheat Scale of the text used for 3d display
debugoverlay_toggle cmd sv, cheat Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
default_fov 70 cl, cheat
demo_flush false archive Flush writing the demo file every network update
demo_goto cmd release Skips to location in demo.
demo_gotomark cmd release Skips the current demo playback to the marked tick
demo_gototick cmd release Skips to a tick in demo.
demo_info cmd release Print information about currently playing demo.
demo_marktick cmd release Marks the current demo playback tick for later use
demo_pause cmd release Pauses demo playback.
demo_quitafterplayback false release Quits game after demo playback.
demo_recordcommands true cheat Record commands typed at console into .dem files.
demo_resume cmd release Resumes demo playback.
demo_timescale cmd release Sets demo replay speed.
demo_togglepause cmd release Toggles demo playback.
demolist cmd release Print demo sequence list.
developer 0 release Set developer message level.
differences cmd release Show all convars which are not at their default values (optional restricted to specific flags).
disable_dynamic_prop_loading false sv, cheat If non-zero when a map loads, dynamic props won't be loaded
disconnect cmd release Disconnect from server
display_game_events false sv, cheat
dlight_debug cmd cl, cheat Creates a dlight in front of the player
dota_enable_spatial_audio false release Flag to enable spatial audio in Dota 2.
dota_spatial_audio_mix 1 release Mix value to blend spatial and non-spatial audio in Dota 2.
drawcross cmd sv, cheat Draws a cross at the given location Arguments: x y z
drawline cmd sv, cheat Draws line between two 3D Points. Green if no collision Red is collides with something Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
dsp_dist_max 1440 cheat, demo
dsp_dist_min 0 cheat, demo
dsp_off false cheat
dsp_volume 0.8 archive demo
dump_entity_report cmd cl, cheat List all client-side entities in the scene
dump_hero_names cmd cl, cheat Lists all heroes by their technical names
dump_panorama_css_properties cmd release Prints out all valid panorama CSS properties and their documentation
dump_panorama_events cmd release print panorama event types and their documentation
dumpparticlelist cmd release Print out information on existing particle systems
echo cmd server_can_execute Echo text to console.
echoln cmd release Echo the command arguments on the console
enable_boneflex true cl, archive
engine_low_latency_sleep_after_client_tick false release When r_low_latency is enabled, this moves the low latency sleep on tick frames to happen after client simulation.
engine_no_focus_sleep 20 archive
engine_show_frame_pacing false release
english true cl, user If set to 1, running the english language set of assets.
ent_absbox cmd sv, cheat Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_actornames cmd sv, cheat Displays the entity name for all entities that have ShouldDisplayInActorNames true in code
ent_actornames_font Consolas sv, cl, rep, cheat ent_actornames font name
ent_actornames_fontsize 24 sv, cl, rep, cheat ent_actornames font size
ent_animgraph_debug cmd sv, cheat Displays debug draws about the given entity(ies) animgraph Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_animgraph_record cmd sv, cheat Toggles recording of animgraph replay of the given entity(s) Arguments: entityName automaticallyOpenInAnimgraphEditor Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_animgraph_setvar cmd sv, cheat Sets a variable on the animgraph of the given entity(s) Arguments: <varname>=<value> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
ent_attachments cmd sv, cheat Displays the attachment points on an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_autoaim cmd sv, cheat Displays the entity's autoaim radius. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_bbox cmd sv, cheat Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_bonemergeplayer cmd sv, cheat Bonemerge the player onto the entity under the crosshairs
ent_call cmd sv, cheat ent_call <funcname> <option:entname> calls function on current look target or filtername, checks on ent, then root, then mode, then map scope
ent_clear_debug_overlays cmd sv, cheat Clears all debug overlays
ent_create cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Creates an entity of the given designer or subclass name where the player is looking.
ent_find cmd sv, cheat Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substrings. Format: find_ent <substring>
ent_find_index cmd sv, cheat Display data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index>
ent_fire cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Usage: ent_fire <target> [action] [value] [delay]
ent_fire_output cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Usage: ent_fire_output <target> [output name] [value] [delay]
ent_grab cmd sv, cheat grabs the object in front of the player. Options: -loose -multiple -toggle
ent_hierarchy cmd sv, cheat Prints the entity hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s)
ent_hitbox cmd sv, cheat Displays the hitboxes for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_info cmd sv, cheat Usage: ent_info <class name>
ent_joints cmd sv, cheat Displays the joint names + axes an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_kill cmd sv, cheat Kills the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_messages cmd sv, cheat Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies). The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any messages that it sends or receives. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_messages_draw false sv, cl, rep, cheat Visualizes all entity input/output activity.
ent_name cmd sv, cheat Displays the entity name
ent_orient cmd sv, cheat Orient the specified entity to match the player's angles. By default, only orients target entity's YAW. Use the 'allangles' option to orient on all axis. Format: ent_orient <entity name> <optional: allangles>
ent_picker cmd sv, cheat Toggles 'picker' mode. When picker is on, the bounding box, pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the player is looking at. Arguments: full - enables all debug information
ent_pivot cmd sv, cheat Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies). (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_pivot_size 20 sv, a, cheat
ent_rbox cmd cl, cheat Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_remove cmd sv, cheat Removes the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_remove_all cmd sv, cheat Removes all entities of the specified type Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_rotate cmd sv, cheat Rotates an entity by a specified # of degrees
ent_scale cmd sv, cheat Scales entities. Arguments: <scale factor> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
ent_scenehierarchy cmd sv, cheat Prints the entity scenenode hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s)
ent_script_dump cmd sv, cheat Dumps the names and values of this entity's script scope to the console Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_select cmd sv, cheat Select or deselects the given entities(s) for later manipulation Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_setang cmd sv, cheat Set entity angles
ent_setname cmd sv, cheat Sets the targetname of the given entity(s) Arguments: <new entity name> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
ent_setpos cmd sv, cheat Move entity to position
ent_show_contexts false sv, cheat Show entity contexts in ent_text display
ent_show_damage cmd sv, cheat Sets damage display mode. When on, you will see the amount of damage dealt over the target's head.
ent_show_response_criteria cmd sv, cheat Print, to the console, an entity's current criteria set used to select responses. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_showonlyattachment 0 sv, cheat
ent_skeleton cmd sv, cheat Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_skeleton_duration 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat Duration of ent_skeleton display
ent_teleport cmd sv, cheat Teleport the specified entity to where the player is looking. Format: ent_teleport <entity name>
ent_text cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_text256 cmd sv, cheat Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [within 256 units of the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_text_clear cmd sv, cheat Hide text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_text_filter cmd sv, cheat Set which ent_text filters you want
ent_text_flags_active -1 sv, a, cheat
ent_text_no_name_really_i_mean_it false sv, cheat
ent_text_radius cmd sv, cheat Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [near the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) 2 Arguments: <Radius> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
ent_text_sticky_add cmd sv, cheat Adds to list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_text_sticky_clear cmd sv, cheat Clears the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_text_sticky_dump cmd sv, cheat Spews the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_text_sticky_remove cmd sv, cheat Removes from the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_ungrab cmd sv, cheat un-grabs all objects
ent_vcollide_wireframe cmd sv, cheat Displays the interpolated vcollide wireframe pm am entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_viewoffset cmd sv, cheat Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_visibility_traces cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Displays visibility traces for the given entity Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
entity_log_load_unserialize 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat Output unserialization of entities on map load. 0 - off, 1 - client/server, 2 - server, 3 - client
escape cmd release, clientcmd_can_execute Escape key pressed.
exec cmd norecord, release Execute a cfg file
exec_async cmd cheat, norecord Execute a cfg file over time
execifexists cmd norecord, release Execute a cfg file if file exists
execute_command_every_frame 0 cheat
experimental_citadel_botmatch_tick_rate_override 0 sv, cl, rep, release
experimental_citadel_tick_rate_override 0 sv, cl, rep, release
explode cmd sv, cheat Kills the player with explosive damage
explodevector cmd sv, cheat Kills a player applying an explosive force. Usage: explodevector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
fadein cmd sv, cheat fadein {time r g b}: Fades the screen in from black or from the specified color over the given number of seconds.
fadeout cmd sv, cheat fadeout {time r g b}: Fades the screen to black or to the specified color over the given number of seconds.
find cmd release Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.
findflags cmd release Find concommands by flags.
firetarget cmd sv, cheat
firstperson cmd cl, release, execute_per_tick Switch to firstperson camera.
fish_debug false cl, cheat Show debug info for fish
fish_dormant false sv, rep, cheat Turns off interactive fish behavior. Fish become immobile and unresponsive.
fog_color -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 cl, cheat
fog_colorskybox -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 cl, cheat
fog_enable true cl, cheat Enable fog
fog_enableskybox true cl, cheat
fog_end -1 cl, cheat
fog_endskybox -1 cl, cheat
fog_hdrcolorscale -1 cl, cheat
fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox -1 cl, cheat
fog_maxdensity -1 cl, cheat
fog_maxdensityskybox -1 cl, cheat
fog_override 0 cl, cheat Overrides the map's fog settings (-1 populates fog_ vars with map's values)
fog_override_color cmd cheat Sets the fog color override
fog_override_enable false cheat Use fog_override convars instead of world fog data
fog_override_end 3500 cheat
fog_override_exponent 2 cheat
fog_override_max_density 0.4 cheat
fog_override_start 1000 cheat
fog_start -1 cl, cheat
fog_startskybox -1 cl, cheat
fov_desired 75 cl, archive user Sets the base field-of-view.
fps_max 400 archive release Frame rate limiter. 0=no limit. Does not apply to dedicated server.
fps_max_tools 120 archive Additional frame rate limit while in tools mode and a window other than the game window has focus. Note that fps_max still applies, this only allows the maximum frame rate for tools mode to be lower. 0=no tools specific limit.
fps_max_ui 120 archive Frame rate limiter while the game UI is displayed. 0=no limit. Does not apply to dedicated server.
fs_fake_read_delay_ms 0 release Add N ms of delay to every low-level read operation, to simulate a slow disk
fs_report_sync_opens 0 release 0:Off, 1:Always, 2:Not during load
fs_spew_readfieldlist cmd cheat index <threshold bytes>: spew changes to ent index, optionally only spewing if update is > than threshold bytes
func_break_max_pieces 15 sv, a, rep
g_debug_angularsensor false sv, cheat
g_debug_constraint_sounds false sv, cheat Enable debug printing about constraint sounds.
g_debug_ragdoll_visualize false cl, cheat
gameinstructor_dump_open_lessons cmd cl, cheat Gives a list of all currently open lessons.
gameinstructor_dump_run_lesson_counts cmd cl, cheat Gives a list of lessons that been completed or shown
gameinstructor_enable true cl, archive release Display in game lessons that teach new players.
gameinstructor_find_errors false cl, cheat Set to 1 and the game instructor will run EVERY scripted command to uncover errors.
gameinstructor_verbose 0 cl, cheat Set to 1 for standard debugging or 2 (in combo with gameinstructor_verbose_lesson) to show update actions.
gameinstructor_verbose_lesson 0 cl, cheat Display more verbose information for lessons have this name.
gameui_hide cmd release Hides the game UI
getpos cmd cl, cheat dump position and angles to the console
getpos_exact cmd cl, cheat dump origin and angles to the console
gameui_hide Hides the game UI
give cmd sv, vconsole_fuzzy Give item to player. Arguments: <item_name>
give_oriented cmd sv, vconsole_fuzzy Give item oriented to player angles. Arguments: <item_name>
givecurrentammo cmd sv, cheat Give a supply of ammo for current weapon..
gl_clear_gray false cl, cheat Clear the back buffer to gray every frame.
gl_clear_randomcolor false cl, cheat Clear the back buffer to random colors every frame. Helps spot open seams in geometry.
global_set cmd sv, cheat global_set <globalname> <state>: Sets the state of the given env_global (0 = OFF, 1 = ON, 2 = DEAD).
glow_use_tolerance 0.85 cl, rep, cheat
god cmd sv, cheat Toggle by default, or 0 to disable and 1 to enable. Player becomes invulnerable.
grep cmd release grep line for pattern, print out matching lines only
groups cmd sv, cheat Show status of all spawn groups.
help cmd release Find help about a convar/concommand.
+herochatwheel cmd cl, release Opens hero chatwheel menu while held
hide_party_code false cl, archive When set, this will hide the party code in the client
hideconsole cmd norecord, release Hide the console.
host_framerate 0 release Set to lock per-frame time elapse.
host_readconfig_ignore_userconfig false cheat Whether we should ignore the user config file for reading/writing.
host_timescale 1 rep, cheat Prescale the clock by this amount.
host_timescale_dec cmd cheat Decrement the timescale by one step
host_timescale_inc cmd cheat Increment the timescale by one step
host_writeconfig cmd release Saves out the user config values.
hostfile host.txt sv, release The HOST file to load.
hostip 0 release Host game server ip
hostname unnamed release Hostname for server.
hostname_in_client_status false release Show server hostname in client status.
hostport 27015 release Host game server port
hud_damagemeter false cl, cheat
hud_fastswitch 0 cl, archive
hud_free_cursor -1 cl, release If -1 use the hud default, otherwise 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled
hud_free_cursor_toggle cmd cl, release Toggles free cursor convar.
hud_minimap_spectator_fow_team_view_amber cmd cl, release While a spectator, view team amber's minimap view
hud_minimap_spectator_fow_team_view_both_teams cmd cl, release While a spectator, view both teams' minimap view
hud_minimap_spectator_fow_team_view_sapphire cmd cl, release While a spectator, view team sapphire's minimap view
' hud_minimap_spectator_fow_team_view_target_team cmd cl, release While a spectator and viewing a player, view team their minimap view
hurtme cmd sv, cheat Hurts the player. Arguments: <health to lose>
ik_debug_chain_to_filter_by 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat
ik_enable true cheat Enable IK.
ik_hinge_debug_bone_index -1 sv, cl, rep, cheat
imgui_debug_entity cmd sv, cheat Shows the entity browser, focused on the entity you specify. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
imgui_default_font_size 20 a, cheat Default imgui font size
imgui_set_selection cmd sv, cheat Sets ImGui selection
imgui_set_status_text cmd sv, cheat Sets ImGui header status text
impulse cmd cl, release Triggers impulse command
+in_ability_ping cmd cl, release Ping button pressed
incrementvar cmd norecord, release Increment specified convar value.
input_button_code_is_scan_code_scd true archive per_user Bind keys based on keyboard position instead of key name
input_filter_relative_analog_inputs false cl, archive
input_forceuser -1 cheat Force user input to this split screen player.
interesting_events_draw_debug false sv, cheat When enabled, draws a sphere representing active events
ip 0 release Overrides IP for multihomed hosts
iv_debugbone 0 release Debug bone name for interpolation spew of CAnimationState.
joy_advanced false cl, archive
joy_advaxisr 0 cl, archive
joy_advaxisu 0 cl, archive
joy_advaxisv 0 cl, archive
joy_advaxisx 0 cl, archive
joy_advaxisy 0 cl, archive
joy_advaxisz 0 cl, archive
joy_axisbutton_threshold 0.3 archive Analog axis range before a button press is registered.
joy_axisr_deadzone 0.15 archive per_user
joy_axisr_relative false archive per_user
joy_axisu_deadzone 0.15 archive per_user
joy_axisu_relative false archive per_user
joy_axisv_deadzone 0.15 archive per_user
joy_axisv_relative false archive per_user
joy_axisx_deadzone 0.15 archive per_user
joy_axisx_relative false archive per_user
joy_axisy_deadzone 0.15 archive per_user
joy_axisy_relative false archive per_user
joy_axisz_deadzone 0.15 archive per_user
joy_axisz_relative false archive per_user
joy_circle_correct_mode 1 cl, archive per_user
joy_circle_correct_mode_vehicle 2 cl, archive per_user
joy_display_input false cl, archive
joy_forward_sensitivity 1 cl, archive per_user
joy_movement_stick false cl, archive per_user Which stick controls movement (0 is left stick)
joy_name joystick cl, archive
joy_pitch_sensitivity 3 cl, archive per_user
joy_pitchsensitivity 1 cl, archive per_user
joy_response_look 0 cl, archive per_user
joy_response_move 9 cl, archive per_user
joy_side_sensitivity 1 cl, archive per_user
joy_sidesensitivity 1 cl, archive
joy_yaw_sensitivity 3 cl, archive per_user
joy_yawsensitivity -1 cl, archive per_user
joystick false cl, archive True if the joystick is enabled, false otherwise.
key_findbinding cmd release Find key bound to specified command string.
key_listboundkeys cmd release List bound keys with bindings.
kick cmd norecord, release Kick a player by name.
kickid cmd norecord, release Kick a player by userid or uniqueid, with a message.
kickid_hltv cmd norecord, release Kick a player by userid or uniqueid, with a message.
kill cmd sv, cheat Kills the player with generic damage
killvector cmd sv, cheat Kills a player applying force. Usage: killvector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
labelled_debug_helper_arc_segments 20 sv, cl, rep, cheat
labelled_debug_helper_enabled true sv, cl, rep, cheat
labelled_debug_helper_scale 1 sv, cl, rep, cheat
labelled_debug_helper_show_position false sv, cl, rep, cheat
labelled_debug_helper_show_text true sv, cl, rep, cheat
labelled_debug_helper_skeleton_show_bone_names true sv, cl, rep, cheat
last_viewed_announce_id -1 cl, archive Tracks the last announcement ID viewed so we can know when new announcements are available
lb_barnlight_shadowmap_scale 1 release Scale for computed barnlight shadowmap size
lb_shadow_map_cull_empty_mixed false cheat Don't render shadows for mixed shadowmaps with no dynamics objects in view
lb_shadow_map_culling true cheat
lightquery_debug_direct_lighting true sv, cl, rep, cheat
lightquery_debug_indirect_lighting true sv, cl, rep, cheat
listdemo cmd release List demo file contents.
log cmd release off >.
log_color cmd norecord, release Set the color of a logging channel.
log_dumpchannels cmd norecord, release Dumps information about all logging channels.
log_flags cmd norecord, release Set the flags on a logging channel.
log_level cmd norecord, release Set the spew level of a logging channel.
log_verbosity cmd norecord, release Set the verbosity of a logging channel.
logic_npc_counter_debug false sv, rep, cheat
m_pitch 0.022 cl, archive user, per_user Mouse pitch factor.
m_yaw 0.022 cl, archive user, per_user Mouse yaw factor.
map cmd release, vconsole_fuzzy, vconsole_set_focus map <mapname> :Load a new map.
map_enable_portrait_worlds cmd cl, cheat Enables/disables portrait worlds
maps cmd release Displays list of maps.
markup_group_ent_bbox cmd sv, cheat markup_group_ent_bbox <markup_group name> -> toggle ent_bbox for all members of the named markup group
markup_group_ent_text cmd sv, cheat markup_group_ent_text <markup_group name> -> toggle ent_text for all members of the named markup group
markup_group_spew cmd sv, cheat Spew all current markup groups and their members
mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside false cl, cheat Forces color correction entities to be updated on the client
mat_fullbright 0 cheat Debug rendering modes
mat_lpv_luxels false cheat
mat_luxels false cheat
mat_max_lighting_complexity 8 cheat
mat_overdraw 0 cheat Visualize overdraw
mat_overdraw_color 0.075000 0.150000 0.300000 cheat
mat_shading_complexity false cheat Visualize shading complexity
mat_shading_complexity_color 1.000000 0.500000 0.250000 cheat
mat_shading_complexity_max_instruction_count 1024 cheat
mat_shading_complexity_max_register_count 128 cheat
mat_shadowmap_luxels false cheat
mat_show_distance_field 0 cheat 0=Off, 1=Visualize trace from camera, 2=Visualize occlusion, 3=Visualize far field trace from camera
mat_tonemap_bloom_scale -1 cheat
mat_tonemap_bloom_start_value -1 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_accelerate_exposure_down -1 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_average_lum_min -1 cheat Override. Old default was 3.0
mat_tonemap_force_log_lum_max -1 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_log_lum_min -1 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_max -1 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_min -1 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_percent_bright_pixels -1 cheat Override. Old value was 1.0
mat_tonemap_force_percent_target -1 cheat Override. Old default was 45.
mat_tonemap_force_rate -1 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_scale 0 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_use_alpha -1 cheat
mat_tonemap_uncap_exposure 0 cheat
mat_wireframe 0 cheat 0=Off, 1=Surface Wireframe, 2=Transparent Wireframe
mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_invert false sv, cl, rep, cheat
mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_pass_count 3 sv, cl, rep, cheat
mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_weight 1 sv, cl, rep, cheat
mobile_fps_increase_during_charging false archive MOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: If true we increase framerate limit while charging
mobile_fps_increase_during_touch true archive MOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: If true we increase framerate limit during touch
mobile_fps_limit 30 archive MOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: Mobile FPS limit - 15, 30, 60
mod_status cmd cl, release <Account ID>
model_default_preview_sequence_name 0 sv, cl, a, rep
modifier_aura_debug false sv, cl, rep, cheat Set to 1 to draw the radii of all active auras
modifier_create cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Creates a test modifier on unit: modifier_create <entityindex> <modifiername> <duration>
modifier_dump cmd sv, cheat Display all modifiers for the unit: <entityindex/name>
modifier_dump_list cmd sv, cheat Dumps all modifiers that exist in the game
modifier_dump_visible cmd sv, cheat Print out non-hidden modifiers.
modifier_remove cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Removes the first modifier that matches the name from a unit: modifier_remove <entityindex> <modifiername>
modifier_spew_states cmd sv, cheat Call to have the client spew their unit states affecting them,
modifier_stringtable_dump cmd sv, cheat Displays the contents of the modifier string table
modifier_test_scripted_event cmd sv, cheat Tests firing a scripted event
modifier_test_scripted_event_end cmd sv, cheat Tests firing ending a scripted event
motdfile motd.txt sv, release The MOTD file to load.
mouse_inverty false cl, archive user
mp_disable_autokick cmd sv, release Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked
mp_forcecamera 0 sv, cl, rep, release Restricts spectator modes for dead players
mp_friendlyfire false sv, cl, nf, rep, release Allows team members to injure other members of their team
mp_restartgame 0 sv, release If non-zero, game will restart in the specified number of seconds
multvar cmd norecord, release Multiply specified convar value.
name unnamed archive per_user
nav_add_to_selected_set cmd sv, cheat Add current area to the selected set.
nav_add_to_selected_set_by_id cmd sv, cheat Add specified area id to the selected set.
nav_avoid cmd sv, cheat Toggles the 'avoid this area when possible' flag used by the AI system.
nav_avoid_obstacles true sv, cheat
nav_begin_deselecting cmd sv, cheat Start continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_begin_drag_deselecting cmd sv, cheat Start dragging a selection area.
nav_begin_drag_selecting cmd sv, cheat Start dragging a selection area.
nav_begin_selecting cmd sv, cheat Start continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_bfs_debug 0 sv, cheat
nav_clear_attribute cmd sv, cheat Remove given nav attribute from all areas in the selected set.
nav_clear_attributes cmd sv, cheat Clear all nav attributes of selected area.
nav_clear_selected_set cmd sv, cheat Clear the selected set.
nav_corner_adjust_adjacent 18 cheat radius used to raise/lower corners in nearby areas when raising/lowering corners.
nav_create_indirect_connection cmd sv, cheat Create a connection between the selected area and the area pointed at by the crosshair.
nav_create_indirect_connection_from_to cmd sv, cheat Create a connection between the current 'from' and 'to' locations.
nav_create_indirect_connection_set_from 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sv, cheat Set the 'from' location of an indirect connection.
nav_create_indirect_connection_set_from_using_editpos cmd sv, cheat Set the 'from' location of an indirect connection to be the current edit pos of nav_edit.
nav_create_indirect_connection_set_to 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sv, cheat Set the 'to' location of an indirect connection.
nav_create_indirect_connection_set_to_using_editpos cmd sv, cheat Set the 'to' location of an indirect connection to be the current edit pos of nav_edit.
nav_curve_alt false sv, cheat
nav_curve_iter 0 sv, cheat
nav_curve_lock -1 sv, cheat
nav_curve_max_step 10 sv, cheat
nav_curve_set -1 sv, cheat
nav_curve_step 0.02 sv, cheat
nav_debug_blocked false sv, cheat
nav_delete cmd sv, cheat Deletes the currently highlighted Area.
nav_delete_all_hull cmd sv, cheat Deletes all areas with given hull category.
nav_delete_marked cmd sv, cheat Deletes the currently marked Area (if any).
nav_disconnect cmd sv, cheat To disconnect two Areas, mark an Area, highlight a second Area, then invoke the disconnect command. This will remove all connections between the two Areas.
nav_draw_area_connections false sv, cheat
nav_draw_area_filled true sv, cheat
nav_draw_area_gravity false sv, cheat
nav_draw_area_ground false sv, cheat
nav_draw_area_hull_support false sv, cheat
nav_draw_area_ids false sv, cheat
nav_draw_area_inset_margin 0 sv, cheat
nav_draw_area_normal false sv, cheat
nav_draw_area_should_be_destroyed false sv, cheat
nav_draw_area_split_by_nav_link_mgr false sv, cheat
nav_draw_area_split_by_obstacle_mgr false sv, cheat
nav_draw_area_ztest false sv, cheat
nav_draw_attribute_dynamic 0 sv, cheat Draw all nav areas with this dynamic attribute
nav_draw_attribute_game 0 sv, cheat Draw all nav areas with this game attribute
nav_draw_blocked true sv, cheat
nav_draw_blocked_connections false sv, cheat
nav_draw_connected_area_radius 1000 sv, cheat
nav_draw_externally_created false sv, cheat
nav_draw_indirect_connections false sv, cheat
nav_draw_jump_links false sv, cheat
nav_draw_limit 300 sv, cheat The maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode
nav_draw_link_alignment false sv, cheat
nav_draw_links false sv, cheat
nav_draw_markup true sv, cheat
nav_draw_mesh true sv, cheat
nav_draw_mesh_grid false sv, cheat Draw the mesh's spatial grid structure around the edit cursor position.
nav_draw_mesh_offset 1 sv, cheat Vertical offset for drawing the mesh (useful for flat planes where the mesh is often a fixed offset from the physical ground
nav_draw_space_boundary false sv, cheat
nav_draw_space_cells false sv, cheat
nav_draw_space_fly false sv, cheat
nav_draw_space_neighbors false sv, cheat
nav_draw_space_portals false sv, cheat
nav_draw_space_radius 0 sv, cheat
nav_draw_space_swim false sv, cheat
nav_edit 0 sv, cheat Set to one to interactively edit the Navigation Mesh. Set to zero to leave edit mode.
nav_edit_validate false sv, cheat Validate navmesh structures.
nav_end_deselecting cmd sv, cheat Stop continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_end_drag_deselecting cmd sv, cheat Stop dragging a selection area.
nav_end_drag_selecting cmd sv, cheat Stop dragging a selection area.
nav_end_selecting cmd sv, cheat Stop continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_find_occluded_node_nozup_use_raycast true sv, cheat
nav_gen_add_jumps true cheat
nav_gen_agent_radius_buffer 0.5 cheat Buffer to add to agent radius before passing to nav gen
nav_gen_clip_polys_to_clearance true cheat
nav_gen_clip_polys_to_clearance_debug false cheat
nav_gen_connect_allow_multiple true cheat
nav_gen_connect_angle 0.75 cheat
nav_gen_connect_angle_ignore_z true cheat
nav_gen_connect_dist_a 1 cheat
nav_gen_connect_dist_b 1.5 cheat
nav_gen_connect_dist_z_mult 0.5 cheat
nav_gen_connect_overlap 0.5 cheat
nav_gen_degen_limit 0.001 cheat
nav_gen_false false cheat Always false
nav_gen_island_removal false cheat
nav_gen_island_removal_all_hulls true cheat
nav_gen_join_nonzup true cheat
nav_gen_jump_connection_min_overlap_ratio 1 cheat Minimum edge overlap required for jump connection consideration as a percentage of agent radius
nav_gen_markup_split_expand 2 cheat
nav_gen_markup_split_tol_base 1 cheat
nav_gen_markup_split_tol_nonav 1 cheat
nav_gen_markup_split_tol_nonentity 8 cheat
nav_gen_match_ground false cheat
nav_gen_max_bottleneck_width 128 cheat
nav_gen_max_bottleneck_width_do_clip true cheat
nav_gen_max_edge_len 512 cheat
nav_gen_max_edge_len_do_clip true cheat
nav_gen_max_edge_len_split_tol 24 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads true cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_angle_limit 8 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_num_steps 6 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_planar_deviation_limit 4 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_se_limit_end 0.1 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_se_limit_start 0.00001 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_weld_limit_end 0.01 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_weld_limit_start 0 cheat
nav_gen_oriented_angle_tol 15 cheat Max abrupt orientation difference an NPC can tolerate when moving through the mesh (degrees).
nav_gen_oriented_max_region_range 30 cheat Max orientation range allowed within a region before it gets further split.
nav_gen_remove_vertical_polys true cheat
nav_gen_split_boundary_polys false cheat
nav_gen_split_multi_connection_polys true cheat
nav_gen_split_multi_connection_polys_tol 0.01 cheat
nav_gen_true true cheat Always true
nav_gen_vertical_limit 88 cheat
nav_genrt_debug false sv, cheat
nav_genrt_no_splice false sv, cheat
nav_genrt_no_split false sv, cheat
nav_genrt_step -1 sv, cheat
nav_lower_drag_volume_max cmd sv, cheat Lower the top of the drag select volume.
nav_lower_drag_volume_min cmd sv, cheat Lower the bottom of the drag select volume.
nav_mark cmd sv, cheat Marks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands.
nav_mark_attribute cmd sv, cheat Set nav attribute for all areas in the selected set.
nav_max_vis_delta_list_length 64 cheat
nav_obstacle_genrt false sv, cheat
nav_obstacle_validate false sv, cheat
nav_obstruction_draw 0 sv, cheat
nav_obstruction_draw_change false sv, cheat
nav_obstruction_draw_dist -1 sv, cheat
nav_obstruction_draw_island 0 sv, cheat
nav_obstruction_draw_island_hull -1 sv, cheat
nav_obstruction_draw_movefail_blocking false sv, cheat
nav_path_debug false sv, cheat
nav_path_debug_compute_with_open_goal 0 sv, cheat
nav_path_draw_areas false sv, cheat
nav_path_draw_arrow true sv, cheat
nav_path_draw_climb_segments true sv, cheat
nav_path_draw_connected_areas false sv, cheat
nav_path_draw_ground_segments true sv, cheat
nav_path_draw_jump_segments true sv, cheat
nav_path_draw_ladder_segments true sv, cheat
nav_path_draw_link_segments true sv, cheat
nav_path_draw_tick 0 sv, cheat
nav_path_fixup_climb_up_segments true sv, cheat
nav_path_fixup_gap_segments false sv, cheat
nav_path_jump_process_debug false sv, cheat
nav_path_optimize true sv, cheat
nav_path_optimize_portals true sv, cheat
nav_path_optimizer_debug 0 sv, cheat
nav_path_record_draw_last_fail false sv, cheat
nav_path_record_enable 1 sv, cheat
nav_pathfind_debug_log 0 sv, cheat
nav_pathfind_draw 0 sv, cheat
nav_pathfind_draw_blocked 0 sv, cheat
nav_pathfind_draw_costs false sv, cheat
nav_pathfind_draw_fail 0 sv, cheat
nav_pathfind_draw_total_costs false sv, cheat
nav_pathfind_inadmissable_heuristic_factor 1 sv, cheat
nav_pathfind_multithread false sv, cheat
nav_raise_drag_volume_max cmd sv, cheat Raise the top of the drag select volume.
nav_raise_drag_volume_min cmd sv, cheat Raise the bottom of the drag select volume.
nav_recall_selected_set cmd sv, cheat Re-selects the stored selected set.
nav_remove_from_selected_set cmd sv, cheat Remove current area from the selected set.
nav_select_allow_blocked true sv, cheat When selecting an area under nav_edit, allow area marked as blocked.
nav_select_area_id -1 sv, cheat Select nav area with matching ID.
nav_select_block_id -1 sv, cheat Select nav space block with matching ID.
nav_select_hull 0 sv, cheat Restrict area selection to areas that can support a hull of the given category
nav_select_radius cmd sv, cheat Adds all areas in a radius to the selection set
nav_select_with_attribute cmd sv, cheat Selects areas with the given attribute.
nav_show_area_connections true sv, cheat Show connections to selected area when true
nav_show_area_info_font Consolas sv, cheat
nav_show_area_info_font_size -1 sv, cheat
nav_show_area_info_font_voffset -11 sv, cheat
nav_show_area_verts true sv, cheat Show area vertex positions
nav_show_area_water_info true sv, cheat
nav_show_potentially_visible 0 cheat Show areas that are potentially visible from the current nav area
nav_smooth_constrain_results true sv, cheat
nav_smooth_constrain_results_relax 0.006 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_constrain_spring 2 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_constrain_spring_relax 0.01 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_draw_accel 0 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_draw_boundary 0 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_draw_calc false sv, cheat
nav_smooth_draw_constraint_spline false sv, cheat
nav_smooth_draw_constraint_spring 0 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_draw_speed 0 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_enable true sv, cheat
nav_smooth_relax true sv, cheat
nav_smooth_relax_use_timesteps false sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_const_override -1 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_enable true sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_factor_deriv 0 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_factor_dist 0 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_factor_speed 0 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_forward_dist_base 50 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_forward_dist_time_limit 1 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_max_dist 36 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_tension_max_override -1 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_factor_accel 100 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_factor_speed 100 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_max 0.5 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_min 0.1 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_yaw_rotation_speed 50 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_spring_yaw_threshold 20 sv, cheat
nav_smooth_use_opt true sv, cheat
nav_space_select_dist 1000 sv, cheat
nav_split cmd sv, cheat To split an Area into two, align the split line using your cursor and invoke the split command.
nav_split_show_line false sv, cheat Show the free split line.
nav_store_selected_set cmd sv, cheat Stores the current selected set for later retrieval.
nav_test_area_gravity false sv, cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_0 -1 sv, cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_1 -1 sv, cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_2 -1 sv, cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_hex false sv, cheat Demonstrates searching hexagonal lattice over nav mesh.
nav_test_bfs_lattice_mark 2 sv, cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_simple false sv, cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_0 24 sv, cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_1 48 sv, cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_2 96 sv, cheat
nav_test_bfs_simple false sv, cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_circle 0 sv, cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_force false sv, cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_grid_dim 90 sv, cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_path 0 sv, cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_rays 100 sv, cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_rays_margin -1 sv, cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_rays_random false sv, cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_sphere 0 sv, cheat
nav_test_curve_opt 0 sv, cheat
nav_test_detour false sv, cheat
nav_test_find_nearest false sv, cheat Calculate the nearest point on the navmesh to the trace point. Uses selection from nav_select_hull.
nav_test_find_nearest_clear false sv, cheat Calculate the nearest point on the navmesh to the trace point. Uses selection from nav_select_hull.
nav_test_find_random_connected false sv, cheat Demonstrates finding random points that are connected in the nav mesh to the start point.
nav_test_find_random_connected_dist_max 1000 sv, cheat
nav_test_find_random_connected_dist_min 100 sv, cheat
nav_test_find_z 0 sv, cheat
nav_test_force_npc_repath false sv, cheat
nav_test_genrt false sv, cheat
nav_test_genrt_place false sv, cheat
nav_test_getareaoverlapping_gravity false sv, cheat
nav_test_getnearestnav_gravity false sv, cheat
nav_test_level_hull cmd sv, cheat Find entities that intrude into the nav mesh. List those entities in console output, and display bounding boxes around them for a while.
nav_test_level_hull_move cmd sv, cheat
nav_test_multi_connection false sv, cheat
nav_test_npc_area 0 sv, cheat
nav_test_npc_collision 0 sv, cheat
nav_test_npc_collision_range 250 sv, cheat
nav_test_npc_collision_show_geometry false sv, cheat
nav_test_path false sv, cheat Calculate and draw a path from player/camera position to the test position.
nav_test_path_expansion_search 0 sv, cheat Extend nav_test_path by doing an expansion search on that path. Convar value defines dist.
nav_test_path_lock_goal false sv, cheat Lock the pathfinding goal to the current intersection point.
nav_test_path_lock_start false sv, cheat Lock the pathfinding start to the current intersection point.
nav_test_path_move false sv, cheat
nav_test_path_opt true sv, cheat Enable path optimization for nav_edit_path paths.
nav_test_path_opt_transitions false sv, cheat
nav_test_path_return false sv, cheat Calculate a return path from cursor position to the path calculated by nav_test_path.
nav_test_path_space 0 sv, cheat Should nav_test_path test 3d navigation? 1 = space to space, 2 = multi-modal space/ground
nav_test_path_space_fly true sv, cheat Test flight paths
nav_test_path_space_swim true sv, cheat Test swim paths
nav_test_ray_space 0 sv, cheat
nav_test_rays false sv, cheat
nav_test_smooth false sv, cheat
nav_test_smooth_extern_push 0 sv, cheat
nav_test_smooth_in_speed 120 sv, cheat
nav_test_smooth_in_yaw 0 sv, cheat
nav_test_smooth_path_speed -1 sv, cheat
nav_test_smooth_separating_dist -1 sv, cheat
nav_test_smooth_spring_const -1 sv, cheat
nav_test_smooth_spring_tension_max -1 sv, cheat
nav_test_spline 0 sv, cheat
nav_test_split_obstacle 0 sv, cheat
nav_test_split_obstacle_dirty false sv, cheat
nav_test_split_obstacle_leave false sv, cheat
nav_test_split_obstacle_size 30 sv, cheat
nav_test_split_obstacle_update_pos true sv, cheat
nav_toggle_deselecting cmd sv, cheat Start or stop continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_toggle_in_selected_set cmd sv, cheat Remove current area from the selected set.
nav_toggle_selected_set cmd sv, cheat Toggles all areas into/out of the selected set.
nav_toggle_selecting cmd sv, cheat Start or stop continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_unmark cmd sv, cheat Clears the marked Area or Ladder.
nav_validate 0 cheat Level of validation for nav system. Higher will be slower.
nav_volume_debug 0 sv, cheat Draw or print debug information about nav volume queries.
navlocal_constrain true sv, cheat
navlocal_debug 0 sv, cheat
navlocal_debug_constraint 0 sv, cheat
navlocal_debug_isect 0 sv, cheat
navlocal_debug_island_calc 0 sv, cheat
navlocal_debug_obstructions 0 sv, cheat
navlocal_lead_in_dist 64 sv, cheat
navlocal_lead_out_dist 18 sv, cheat
navlocal_path_tight_buffer 2 sv, cheat
navlocal_start_solid_calc_path false sv, cheat
navspace_create_water_smooth_connections true sv, cheat
navspace_create_water_transition_connections true sv, cheat
navspace_debug_pathfind -1 sv, cheat
navspace_debug_stringpull 1 sv, cheat
navspace_debug_trace 0 sv, cheat
navspace_debug_transition_calc 0 sv, cheat
navspace_draw_water_changes 0 sv, cheat Draw changes in water volumes
navspace_path_use_water_level_locator true sv, cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_weld_limit_start 0 cheat
net_channels cmd release Shows net channel info
net_connections_stats cmd release Print detailed network statistics for each network connection
net_fakeclear cmd release Clear all simulated network conditions
net_fakejitter cmd release Shortcut to set jitter net options. Run with no arguments for usage.
net_fakelag cmd release Shortcut to set both FakePacketLag_Recv and FakePacketLag_Send net options
net_fakeloss cmd release Shortcut to set both FakePacketLoss_Recv and FakePacketLoss_Send net options
net_fakestatus cmd release Print current simulated network condifions
net_limit_sv_recv_max_message_size_kb 32 release Server will reject message larger than N kb
net_limit_sv_recv_segments_per_packet 50 release Server will reject packets with more than N segments
net_limit_sv_recvbuffer_kb 128 release Server will not buffer more than N kb from connected clients
net_limit_sv_recvbuffer_msg 100 release Server will not buffer more than N messages from connected clients
net_listallmessages cmd cheat List all registered net messages
net_messageinfo cmd cheat Display info about a message (by classname or id)
net_option cmd release Get or set SteamNetworkingSockets options such as fake packet lag and loss
net_print_sdr_ping_times cmd release Print current ping times to SDR points of presence, and selected route
net_public_adr 0 release For servers behind NAT/DHCP meant to be exposed to the public internet, this is the public facing ip address string: ('x.x.x.x' )
net_showudp false release Dump UDP packets summary to console
net_showudp_remoteonly true release Dump non-loopback udp only
net_status cmd release Shows current network status
net_validatemessages cmd cheat Activates/deactivates net message validation
nextdemo cmd release Play next demo in sequence.
noclip cmd sv, cheat Toggle. Player becomes non-solid and flies. Optional argument of 0 or 1 to force enable/disable
noclip_fixup true sv, cheat
notarget cmd sv, cheat Toggle. Player becomes hidden to NPCs.
npc_ability_range_debug cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Draws range indicators for abilities for the given NPC(s). Uses the NPCs enemy for range drawing. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_bodylocations cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Displays labelled body locations of NPCs. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_combat cmd sv, cheat Displays text debugging information about the squad and enemy of the selected NPC (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_conditions cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Displays all the current AI conditions that an NPC has in the overlay text. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_conditions_text cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Outputs text debugging information to the console about the all condition gathering for the selected NPC current schedule Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_create cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Creates an NPC of the given type where the player is looking (if the given NPC can actually stand at that location). Arguments: [npc_class_name] [name of npc (optional) ] [addon type (optional) ] [name of addon (optional) ]
npc_create_aimed cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Creates an NPC aimed away from the player of the given type where the player is looking (if the given NPC can actually stand at that location). Note that this only works for npc classes that are already in the world. You can not create an entity that doesn't have an instance in the level. Arguments: {npc_class_name}
npc_create_or_teleport_warn_on_nonav true sv, cheat Warn if the created or teleported npc is off nav.
npc_damage cmd sv, cheat Deals the target damage by the given amount
npc_destroy cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Removes the given NPC(s) from the universe Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_destroy_unselected cmd sv, cheat Removes all NPCs from the universe that aren't currently selected
npc_enemies cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Shows memory of NPC. Draws an X on top of each memory. Eluded entities drawn in blue (don't know where it went) Unreachable entities drawn in green (can't get to it) Current enemy drawn in red Current target entity drawn in magenta All other entities drawn in pink Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_go cmd sv, cheat Selected NPC(s) will go to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box) Arguments: <start x y z> <goal x y z>
npc_go_last cmd sv, cheat Go to the last position you told an NPC to go.
npc_go_loop cmd sv, cheat Toggles whether the selected NPC(s) will loop between the last set of waypoints you used 'npc go' on.
npc_go_loop_clear_waypoints cmd sv, cheat Clear waypoints for npc_go_loop.
npc_go_no_arrow false sv, a Don't draw the go arrow of selected NPCs
npc_go_random cmd sv, cheat Sends all selected NPC(s) to a random node. Arguments: -none-
npc_go_update_path cmd sv, cheat Selected NPC(s) will go to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box), WITHOUT CHANGING SCHEDULE! Arguments: [dest_fly]
npc_kill cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Kills the given NPC(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_kill_unselected cmd sv, cheat Properly kills all NPCs from the universe that aren't currently selected
npc_relationships cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Displays the relationships between this NPC and all others. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_reportstate cmd sv, cheat Outputs the current state of the NPC
npc_reset cmd sv, cheat Reloads schedules for all NPC's from their script files Arguments: -none-
npc_route cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Displays the current route of the given NPC as a line on the screen. Waypoints along the route are drawn as small cyan rectangles. Line is color coded in the following manner: Blue - path to a node Cyan - detour around an object (triangulation) Red - jump Maroon - path to final target position Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_scripted_commands cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Displays the state of scripted commands on the NPC Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_select cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Select or deselects the given NPC(s) for later manipulation. Selected NPC's are shown surrounded by a red translucent box Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_squads cmd sv, cheat Obsolete. Replaced by npc_combat
npc_steering cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Displays the steering obstructions of the NPC (used to perform local avoidance) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_steering_all cmd sv, cheat Displays the steering obstructions of all NPCs (used to perform local avoidance)
npc_stop_moving cmd sv, cheat Selected NPC(s) will stop moving. Arguments: [asap]
npc_task_text cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Outputs text debugging information to the console about the all the tasks + break conditions of the selected NPC current schedule Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_tasks cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Displays detailed text debugging information about the all the tasks of the selected NPC current schedule (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
npc_teleport cmd sv, cheat Selected NPC will teleport to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box) Arguments: -none-
npc_viewcone cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Displays the viewcone of the NPC (where they are currently looking and what the extents of there vision is) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
option_duck_method false cl, archive user, per_user Input toggle control
orb_timing_debug false sv, release Spew a bunch of timing info about when orbs are hit and claimed into the log.
panorama_debugger_theme Light cl, archive
panorama_focus_world_panels false cl, archive when set request key focus when a world panel is enabled
panorama_joystick_enabled false archive Enable panorama joystick input
particle_test_attach_attachment 0 sv, cheat Attachment index for attachment mode
particle_test_attach_mode follow_attachment sv, cheat Possible Values: 'start_at_attachment', 'follow_attachment', 'start_at_origin', 'follow_origin'
particle_test_create cmd sv, cheat Creates the named particle system where the player is looking. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
particle_test_destroy cmd sv, cheat Destroys all particle systems matching the specified name. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
particle_test_file 0 sv, cheat Name of the particle system to dynamically spawn
particle_test_start cmd sv, cheat Dispatches the test particle system with the parameters specified in particle_test_file, particle_test_attach_mode and particle_test_attach_param on the entity the player is looking at. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
particle_test_stop cmd sv, cheat Stops all particle systems on the selected entities. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
particles_multiplier 1 cheat Multiply # of rendered particles by this for perf testing
party_refresh cmd cl, release Refreshes the party panel
password 0 archive norecord, server_cant_query Current server access password
pause cmd release Toggle the server pause state.
pestilence_drone_healthbar_pos 80 cl, cheat
phys_debug_showdefaultmaterial false cheat If enabled, surfaces with default material are highlighted in physics debug geometry.
phys_dynamic_scaling true sv, cl, rep, cheat
phys_expensive_shape_threshold 6 cl, cheat
phys_highlight_expensive_objects false cheat Highlight expensive physics objects
phys_highlight_expensive_objects_strength 0.02 cheat Highlight expensive physics objects strength
phys_joint_teleport true sv, cheat Teleport joint anchors if connected to world
phys_length_damping_ratio 2 sv, cheat Spring damping ratio for length constraint
phys_length_frequency 5 sv, cheat Spring stiffness for length constraint
phys_mark_debug cmd sv, cheat Mark object for debug
phys_shoot cmd sv, cheat Shoots a phys object.
phys_use_block_solver true sv, cheat Use block solving for constraint entities
phys_visualize_traces false sv, cl, rep, cheat
ping_quick_response cmd cl, release Responds to the last ping message received
ping_wheel_phrase_0 1 cl, archive per_user
ping_wheel_phrase_1 2 cl, archive per_user
ping_wheel_phrase_2 4 cl, archive per_user
ping_wheel_phrase_3 34 cl, archive per_user
ping_wheel_phrase_4 18 cl, archive per_user
ping_wheel_phrase_5 5 cl, archive per_user
ping_wheel_phrase_6 42 cl, archive per_user
ping_wheel_phrase_7 6 cl, archive per_user
pixelvis_debug cmd cheat Dump debug info
play cmd server_can_execute Play a sound.
playcast cmd release Play a broadcast
playdemo cmd release Play a recorded demo file (.dem ).
player0_using_joystick false archive
player_ammobalancing_debug false sv, cheat
player_debug_off_nav false sv, cheat
player_debug_print_damage false sv, cheat When true, print amount and type of all damage received by player to console.
playsoundscape cmd cl, cheat Forces a soundscape to play
print_changed_convars cmd release Prints all convars that have changed from their default value
private_lobby_create cmd cl, release Creates a private lobby party
prop_debug cmd sv, cheat Toggle prop debug mode. If on, props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond physically to damage but never break. Green maps health in the range of 100 down to 1.
prop_debug_collision false sv, cheat Highlights props based on their collision group: COLLISION_GROUP_PROPS(white), COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_DEBRIS(green), COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS and will return to COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_DEBRIS on sleeping(bright red), COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS permanently (dark red), COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS(blue), OTHER(grey)
prop_dynamic_create cmd sv, cheat Creates a dynamic prop with a specific .vmdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.vmdl name}
prop_physics_create cmd sv, cheat Creates a physics prop with a specific .vmdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.vmdl name}
pulse_list_graphs cmd cheat List all the active pulse graph instances
pulse_open_graph_id cmd cheat Open a specific graph instance by id
pulse_print_graph_execution_history cmd cheat Prints the execution history of a graph by filename or instanceid
pvs_debugentity -1 sv, release Verbose spew for this entity when doing IsInPVS computation.
pvs_flowtype 0 sv, release Flow through spawn groups for vis (0 == default, 1 == always visible, 2 == never visible.
pwatchent -1 cl, cheat Entity to watch for prediction system changes.
pwatchvar 0 cl, cheat Entity variable to watch in prediction system for changes.
quit cmd release, vconsole_set_focus Quit the game
r_AirboatViewDampenDamp 1 sv, cl, nf, rep, cheat
r_AirboatViewDampenFreq 7 sv, cl, nf, rep, cheat
r_AirboatViewZHeight 0 sv, cl, nf, rep, cheat
r_citadel_cloak_blur_amount 0.01 cl, cheat cloak
r_citadel_cloak_blur_factor_max_roughness 1 cl, cheat cloak
r_citadel_cloak_blur_factor_min_roughness 1 cl, cheat cloak
r_citadel_cloak_blur_noise_amount 0.5 cl, cheat cloak
r_citadel_cloak_color_tint 230 230 230 cl, cheat cloak
r_citadel_cloak_fresnel_effect 0 cl, cheat cloak
r_citadel_cloak_intensity 1 cl, cheat cloak
r_citadel_cloak_refract_amount 0 cl, cheat cloak
r_citadel_cosmic_veil_fade_dist 32 cl, cheat cosmic veil
r_citadel_glow_health_bar_debug false cl, cheat
r_citadel_mboit_bias 0.000005 cl, cheat
r_citadel_mboit_overestimation 0.25 cl, cheat
r_cubemap_debug_colors 0 cheat
r_debug_precipitation false cl, cheat Show precipitation volumes
r_directlighting true cheat Set to use direct lighting
r_dof_override false cheat
r_dof_override_far_blurry 2000 cheat
r_dof_override_far_crisp 180 cheat
r_dof_override_near_blurry -100 cheat
r_dof_override_near_crisp 0 cheat
r_dof_override_tilt_to_ground 0.5 cheat
r_dopixelvisibility true cheat
r_draw_first_tri_only false cheat
r_draw_instances true cheat
r_draw_particle_children_with_parents -1 cheat Draw particle children with parents (-1=use gameinfo, 0=no, 1=yes)
r_drawblankworld false cheat Render blank instead of the game world
r_drawdecals true cheat Set to render decals
r_drawdevvisualizers false cl, cheat Render dev visualizers
r_drawpanorama true cheat Enable the rendering of panorama UI
r_drawparticles true cheat Enable/disable particle rendering
r_drawropes true cl, cheat
r_drawskybox true cheat Render the 2d skybox.
r_drawtracers true cl, cheat
r_drawtracers_firstperson true cl, archive release Toggle visibility of first person weapon tracers
r_drawviewmodel true cl, cheat Render view model
r_drawworld true cheat Render the world.
r_extra_render_frames 0 cheat
r_fallback_texture_lod_scale 2 cheat Scale factor for requested texture size (texture streaming) - used for geo that doesn't have a precomputed UV density measure
r_farz -1 cl, cheat Override the far clipping plane. -1 means to use the value in env_fog_controller.
r_flashlightambient 0 cl, cheat
r_flashlightbacktraceoffset 0.4 cl, cheat
r_flashlightbrightness 1 cl, rep, cheat
r_flashlightconstant 0 cl, rep, cheat
r_flashlightfar 1500 cl, rep, cheat
r_flashlightfov 53 cl, rep, cheat
r_flashlightladderdist 40 cl, cheat
r_flashlightlinear 100 cl, rep, cheat
r_flashlightlockposition false cl, cheat
r_flashlightmuzzleflashfov 120 cl, cheat
r_flashlightnear 4 cl, rep, cheat
r_flashlightnearoffsetscale 1 cl, cheat
r_flashlightoffsetforward 0 cl, rep, cheat
r_flashlightoffsetright 5 cl, rep, cheat
r_flashlightoffsetup -5 cl, rep, cheat
r_flashlightquadratic 0 cl, rep, cheat
r_flashlightshadowatten 0.35 cl, cheat
r_flashlighttracedistcutoff 128 cl, cheat
r_flashlighttracedistwatercutoff 80 cl, cheat
r_flashlightvisualizetrace false cl, cheat
r_flush_on_pooled_ib_resize true release
r_force_no_present false cheat Force the render device to not present frames.
r_force_zprepass -1 cheat 0: Force z prepass off. 1: Force on. -1: Don't force
r_freezeparticles false cheat Pause particle simulation
r_fullscreen_gamma 2.2 archive Screen Gamma (only in fullscreen modes)
r_indirectlighting true cheat Set to use indirect lighting
r_JeepViewDampenDamp 1 sv, cl, nf, rep, cheat
r_JeepViewDampenFreq 7 sv, cl, nf, rep, cheat
r_JeepViewZHeight 10 sv, cl, nf, rep, cheat
r_light_probe_volume_debug_colors 0 cheat
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid false cheat Show LPV debug grid, 0: off, 1: closest only 2 :closest and keep 3: all
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_albedo 128 128 128 cheat albedo for LPV debug grid
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_bbox true cheat Show LPV bounding box when debug grid is on, 0: off, 1: on
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_metalness 0 cheat metalness for LPV debug grid
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_prim 0 cheat 0: spheres, 1: cubes
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_roughness 0.5 cheat roughness for LPV debug grid
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_samplesize 4 cheat sphere radius (world) for LPV debug grid
r_lightmap_set lightmaps cheat Lightmap set to use, only works on map load
r_mapextents 16384 cl, cheat Set the max dimension for the map. This determines the far clipping plane
r_morphing_enabled true cheat
r_muzzleflashbrightness 0.4 cl, rep, cheat
r_muzzleflashlinear 0.05 cl, rep, cheat
r_nearz -1 cl, cheat Override the near clipping plane. -1 means use the default.
r_particle_max_draw_distance 1000000 cheat The maximum distance that particles will render
r_pixelvisibility_partial true cheat
r_pixelvisibility_spew false cheat
r_render_world_node_bounds false cheat Render world node bounds
r_rendersun true cheat Render sun lighting
r_replay_post_effect -1 cl, cheat
r_shadows true cheat
r_showdebugoverlays false cheat Set to render debug overlays
r_showdebugrendertarget false cheat Set the debug render target to show, 0 == disable
r_showsceneobjectbounds false cheat Show scenesystem object bounding boxes
r_showsunshadowdebugrendertargets false cheat Set to render sun shadow render targets
r_showsunshadowdebugsplitvis false cheat Set to render sun shadow split visibility debugger
r_size_cull_threshold_shadow 0.2 cheat Threshold of shadow map size percentage below which objects get culled
r_skinning_enabled true cheat
r_smooth_morph_normals true release
r_stereo_multiview_instancing false cheat Use multiview instancing for stereo rendering.
r_texture_lod_scale 1 cheat Scale factor for requested texture size (texture streaming)
r_translucent true cheat Enable rendering of translucent geometry
r_zprepass_normals false cheat 0: Use normals reconstructed from depth. 1: Output correct normals in z prepass.
ragdoll_biped_settle_duration 1.5 sv, cheat
ragdoll_biped_settle_force 0.5 sv, cheat
ragdoll_biped_settle_lift_force 0.2 sv, cheat
ragdoll_biped_settle_start_time 0.5 sv, cheat
ragdoll_biped_settle_vertical_limit 0.7 sv, cheat
ragdoll_lru_debug_removal false sv, cl, rep, cheat
ragdoll_lru_min_age 10 sv, cl, rep, cheat
ragdoll_move_entity false sv, cl, rep, cheat
ragdoll_resolve_initial_conflict false sv, cl, rep, cheat
ragdoll_resolve_separation false sv, cl, rep, cheat
ragdoll_set_weight cmd sv, rep, cheat ragdoll_set_weight
ragdoll_update_from_weights false sv, cl, rep, cheat
rangefinder cmd sv, cheat Measures distance along a ray
rangefinder2d cmd sv, cheat Measures distance along a ray, only measuring along XY plane.
rate 786432 archive user Min bytes/sec the host can receive data
rcon cmd norecord, release Issue an rcon command.
rcon_address 0 norecord, release, server_cant_query Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p)
rcon_connected_clients_allow true replicated release Allow clients to use rcon commands on server.
rcon_password 0 norecord, release, server_cant_query remote console password.
recast_mark_overhang true rep, cheat Enable/disable overhang detection
recast_partitioning 0 rep, cheat 0 = watershed, 1 = monotone, 2 = layers
record cmd norecord, release Record a demo.
reloadgame cmd cheat, vconsole_set_focus Reload the most recent saved game.
remove_weapon cmd sv, cheat Remove a weapon held by the player. Arguments: <weapon subclass name>
repeat_last_console_command cmd release Repeat last console command.
replay_death cmd sv, cheat start hltv replay of last death
replay_debug 0 replicated release
replay_start cmd sv, cheat Start GOTV replay: replay_start <delay> [<player name or index>]
replay_stop cmd sv stop hltv replay
report_cliententitysim false cl, cheat List all clientside simulations and time - will report and turn itself off.
report_clientthinklist false cl, cheat List all clientside entities thinking and time - will report and turn itself off.
reset_gameconvars cmd cheat Reset game convars to default values
reset_voice_on_input_stallout false user If true, resets the input device when there was a long enough hitch between callbacks.
respawn_player cmd sv, cheat Respawns the player from death!
restart cmd cheat, vconsole_set_focus Poor man's restart: reload the current map from disk.
rr_followup_maxdist 1800 sv, cheat 'then ANY' or 'then ALL' response followups will be dispatched only to characters within this distance.
rr_forceconcept cmd sv, cheat fire a response concept directly at a given character. USAGE: rr_forceconcept <target name or index> <concept> 'criteria1:value1,criteria2:value2,...' criteria values are optional.
rr_reloadresponsesystems cmd sv, cheat Reload all response system scripts.
rr_thenany_score_slop 0 sv, a, cheat When computing respondents for a 'THEN ANY' rule, all rule-matching scores within this much of the best score will be considered.
run_perftest cmd cheat, norecord Execute perftest.cfg
save_animgraph_recording cmd sv, cheat Saves all active animgraph recordings to disk Arguments: automaticallyOpenInAnimgraphEditor
save_maxarray_spew 10 sv, release Max number of array entries to spew when using SaveRestoreIO spewing.
say cmd sv Display player message
say_chat cmd cl, release Opens chat menu to chat with everyone
say_chat_team cmd cl, release Opens chat menu to chat with Allies
say_team cmd sv Display player message to team
sc_aggregate_indirect_draw_compaction true release Use multidrawindirect...count if the driver/hardware supports it
sc_aggregate_indirect_draw_compaction_threshold 8 release Threshold of indirect draws when we will do compaction
sc_check_world false cheat
sc_disable_culling_boxes false cheat
sc_disable_procedural_layer_rendering false cheat
sc_disable_shadow_fastpath false cheat
sc_disable_shadow_materials false cheat
sc_disable_spotlight_shadows false cheat
sc_disable_world_materials false cheat
sc_disableThreading false cheat
sc_dump_lists false cheat
sc_dumpworld cmd cheat Dump a list of the objects in a sceneworld (Usage: sc_dumpworld <world_index>)
sc_dumpworld3d cmd cheat Dump the objects in a sceneworld into a 3d geoview buffer (Usage: sc_dumpworld3d <world_index>)
sc_extended_stats false cheat
sc_fade_distance_scale_override -1 cheat
sc_force_lod_level -1 cheat
sc_force_materials_batchable false cheat
sc_force_translation_in_projection false cheat If enabled, the camera's translation will be included in the projection matrix.
sc_listworlds cmd cheat List all the active sceneworlds
sc_only_render_opaque false cheat
sc_only_render_shadowcasters false cheat
sc_reject_all_objects false cheat
sc_screen_size_lod_scale_override -1 cheat
sc_setclassflags cmd cheat Low level command to set the flags byte associated with an object class. sc_SetClassFlags <classname> <value>
sc_showclasses cmd cheat List the object class names known by scenesystem
sc_skip_traversal false cheat
scale_function_dump cmd sv, cheat Print out all scale functions.
scene_playvcd cmd sv, cheat Play the given VCD as an instanced scripted scene.
scene_showfaceto false sv, a, cheat When playing back, show the directions of faceto events.
scene_showmoveto false sv, a When moving, show the end location.
screenmessage_show -1 cheat Enable display of console messages on screen. 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled, -1 = Enabled if vgui is not present
script_add_debug_filter cmd sv, cheat Add a filter to the game debug overlay
script_add_watch cmd sv, cheat Add a watch to the game debug overlay
script_add_watch_pattern cmd sv, cheat Add a watch to the game debug overlay
script_attach_debugger cmd sv, cheat Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger
script_clear_watches cmd sv, cheat Clear all watches from the game debug overlay
script_debug cmd sv, cheat Toggle the in-game script debug features
script_dump_all cmd sv, cheat Dump the state of the VM to the console
script_find cmd sv, cheat Find a key in the VM
script_help cmd sv, cheat Output help for script functions
script_reload cmd sv, cheat Reload scripts
script_reload_code cmd sv, cheat Execute a vscript file, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
script_reload_entity_code cmd sv, cheat Execute all of this entity's VScripts, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts
script_remove_debug_filter cmd sv, cheat Remove a filter from the game debug overlay
script_remove_watch cmd sv, cheat Remove a watch from the game debug overlay
script_remove_watch_pattern cmd sv, cheat Remove a watch from the game debug overlay
script_resurrect_unreachable cmd sv, cheat Use the garbage collector to track down reference cycles
script_trace_disable cmd sv, cheat Turn off a particular trace output by file or function name
script_trace_disable_all cmd sv, cheat Turn off all trace output
script_trace_disable_key cmd sv, cheat Turn off a particular trace output by table/instance
script_trace_enable cmd sv, cheat Turn on a particular trace output by file or function name
script_trace_enable_all cmd sv, cheat Turn on all trace output
script_trace_enable_key cmd sv, cheat Turn on a particular trace output by table/instance
sdr cmd release An old command that has been renamed to 'net_option'
sensitivity 1.25 cl, archive user, per_user Mouse sensitivity.
servercfgfile server.cfg sv, release
setang cmd sv, cheat Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
setang_exact cmd sv, cheat Snap player eyes and orientation to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
setinfo cmd clientcmd_can_execute Adds a new user info value
setmodel cmd sv, cheat Changes's player's model
setpause cmd release Set the pause state of the server.
setpos cmd sv, cheat Move player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
setpos_exact cmd sv, cheat Move player to an exact specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
setpos_player cmd sv, cheat Move specified player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
shake cmd sv, cheat Shake the screen.
shake_stop cmd cl, cheat Stops all active screen shakes.
shake_testpunch cmd cl, cheat Test a punch-style screen shake.
shatterglass_break cmd sv, cheat
shatterglass_cleanup true sv, cl, rep, cheat
shatterglass_cleanup_max 200 sv, cl, rep, cheat
shatterglass_debug false sv, cl, rep, cheat
shatterglass_hit_tolerance 2 sv, cl, rep, cheat
shatterglass_restore cmd sv, cheat
shatterglass_shard_lifetime 15 sv, cl, rep, cheat
show_steam_id cmd cl, release Prints out the local user's Steam ID. Handy for getting account ID for a player
show_visibility_boxes false cl, cheat Enable or Disable debug display of visibility boxes
showconsole cmd norecord, release Show the console.
showtriggers cmd sv, cheat Enable or Disable showing trigger entities
showtriggers_toggle cmd sv, cheat Displays the movement bounding box for the triggers in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
silence_dsp false cheat When on, silences all DSP mixes.
sk_autoaim_mode 1 sv, cl, a, rep
skel_constraints_enable true rep, cheat
skeleton_instance_scaleset_enable true sv, cl, rep, cheat
skeleton_instance_smear_boneflags false sv, cheat Smear boneflags across the model. Costs computation, but tests to make sure your bone flags are consistent.
skill 1 sv, cl, a, rep, per_user Game skill level.
snd_arrangement_start cmd cheat Starts the specified arrangement.
snd_autodetect_latency true archive
snd_break_on_start_soundevent 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat Use to debug break on any soundevent that is started matching this name
snd_cast cmd cheat Casts a ray and starts a sound event where the ray hits. The sound event will retrigger periodically if cl_snd_cast_retrigger is set. The sound event will clear previous snd_cast events if cl_snd_cast_clear is set. Usage: snd_cast <eventname> [<retrigger time>] [<max distance>]. Arguments that are specified will become defaults for the remainder of the session.
snd_disable_mixer_duck false cheat
snd_disable_mixer_solo false cheat
snd_dsp_distance_max 2000 cheat
snd_dsp_distance_min 20 cheat
snd_duckerattacktime 0.5 archive
snd_duckerreleasetime 2.5 archive
snd_duckerthreshold 0.15 archive
snd_ducktovolume 0.55 archive
snd_envelope_rate 100 cheat
snd_filter 0 cheat
snd_foliage_db_loss 4 sv, cheat foliage dB loss per 1200 units
snd_gain 1 archive
snd_gain_max 1 cheat
snd_gain_min 0.01 cheat
snd_gamevoicevolume 1 archive Game v.o. volume
snd_gamevolume 1 archive Game volume
snd_get_physics_surface_properties cmd cheat Get physics surface properties for all the materials.
snd_group_cluster_debug false rep, cheat
snd_group_priority_debug false rep, cheat
snd_group_priority_max_tolerance 0.05 rep, cheat
snd_list 0 cheat
snd_log_empty_event_entities false cl, cheat Logs the sound event entities that have empty names.
snd_mixahead 0.001 archive
snd_mixer_master_dsp 1 cheat
snd_mixer_master_level 1 cheat
snd_musicvolume 1 archive Music volume
snd_mute_losefocus true archive
snd_new_visualize false sv, cheat Displays soundevent name played at it's 3d position
snd_occlusion_bounces 1 rep, cheat
snd_occlusion_debug false sv, cl, rep, cheat
snd_occlusion_min_wall_thickness 4 rep, cheat
snd_occlusion_rays 4 rep, cheat
snd_op_test_convar 720 cheat
snd_opvar_set_point_debug false sv, cl, rep, cheat
snd_print_activetracks cmd cheat List all active tracks
snd_print_arrangements cmd cheat List all available sequence arrangments
snd_print_samplers cmd cheat List all available samplers
snd_print_sequences cmd cheat List all available midi sequences
snd_rear_stereo_scale 1 rep, cheat
snd_refdb 60 cheat Reference dB at snd_refdist
snd_refdist 36 cheat Reference distance for snd_refdb
snd_report_verbose_error false cheat If set to 1, report more error found when playing sounds.
snd_samplers_play_note cmd cheat Play a note from a specified sampler
snd_samplers_stop_note cmd cheat Stop a note from a specified sampler
snd_sequence_set_track_bpm cmd cheat Sets the tempo of the specified track
snd_sequence_set_track_transpose cmd cheat Sets the transposition of the specified track
snd_sequence_stop_all_tracks cmd cheat Stops all currently playing sequences
snd_sequence_stop_track cmd cheat Stops the specified track
snd_sequencer_show_bpm false cheat
snd_sequencer_show_events false cheat
snd_sequencer_show_quantize_queue false cheat
snd_set_physics_surface_properties cmd cheat Set physics surface properties for materials. Usage: <heuristic #> <commit>
snd_setmixer cmd cheat Set named Mixgroup of current mixer to mix vol, mute, solo.
snd_setmixlayer cmd cheat Set named Mixgroup of named mix layer to mix vol, mute, solo.
snd_showclassname 0 cheat
snd_showstart 0 cheat
snd_sos_block_global_stack false cheat
snd_sos_block_stop_global_stack true cheat
snd_sos_calc_angle_debug false rep, cheat
snd_sos_compare_kv3_native_stacks false cheat
snd_sos_compare_operator_stacks cmd cheat Compares 2 operator stacks and spews any errors
snd_sos_flush_operators cmd cheat Flush and re-parse the sound operator system
snd_sos_get_operator_field_info cmd cheat Currently gets info for a single operator field
snd_sos_ingame_debug false cheat
snd_sos_list_operator_updates false cheat
snd_sos_opvar_debug false cheat
snd_sos_pause_soundevent cmd cheat Pause the specified soundevent in the list
snd_sos_pause_system false cheat
snd_sos_print_addfield_dupes false cheat
snd_sos_print_class_sizes cmd cheat Prints the sizes of relevant sos classes.
snd_sos_print_field_name_strings cmd cheat Prints a list of currently cached field name strings
snd_sos_print_field_references false cheat
snd_sos_print_fps false cheat
snd_sos_print_full_field_info false cheat
snd_sos_print_groups cmd cheat Prints the current state of the groups system
snd_sos_print_operator_stack cmd cheat Prints a master list of currently exposed variables
snd_sos_print_operator_stack_operator cmd cheat Prints an operator from a stack
snd_sos_print_operator_stacks cmd cheat Prints a list of currently available stacks
snd_sos_print_operators cmd cheat Prints a list of currently available operators
snd_sos_print_stack_exec_list cmd cheat Prints the current stack execution list
snd_sos_print_strings cmd cheat Prints a list of currently cached strings
snd_sos_print_table_arrays false cheat
snd_sos_print_tool_properties cmd cheat Prints the current state of tool properties.
snd_sos_resolve_execute_operator cmd cheat Resolve the inputs and execute one specified operator from a specified stack
snd_sos_set_operator_field cmd cheat Currently sets a single float operator field
snd_sos_set_operator_field_by_guid cmd cheat Currently sets a single float operator field
snd_sos_show_block_debug false cheat Spew data about the list of block entries.
snd_sos_show_operator_event_and_stack true cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_event_filter 0 cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_field_filter 0 cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_init false cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_not_executing true cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_operator_filter 0 cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_pause_entry false cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_shutdown false cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_stop_entry false cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_updates false cheat
snd_sos_show_opvar_updates false cheat
snd_sos_show_opvar_updates_filter 0 cheat
snd_sos_show_queuetotrack false cheat
snd_sos_show_soundevent_param_overwrite false cheat
snd_sos_show_soundevent_start false cheat
snd_sos_soundevent_filter 0 cheat
snd_sos_soundevent_profile cmd cheat Dump a record of current soundevents and profile data
snd_sos_start_soundevent cmd cheat Starts a specified soundevent
snd_sos_start_soundevent_at_pos cmd cheat Starts a specified soundevent at the given position
snd_sos_start_stack cmd cheat Starts a specified stack via an empty soundevent
snd_sos_stop_all_soundevents cmd cheat Stops all soundevents currently on the execution list
snd_sos_stop_soundevent_guid cmd cheat Stops a specified soundevent
snd_sos_stop_soundevent_index cmd cheat Stops a specified soundevent
snd_sos_test_soundmessage cmd cheat test
snd_sos_unpause_soundevent cmd cheat UnPause the first soundevent in the list
snd_sound_areas_debug false cl, rep, cheat
snd_sound_areas_debug_interval 0.2 cl, rep, cheat
snd_soundmixer_set_trigger_factor cmd cheat Set named mix layer / mix group, trigger amount.
snd_soundmixer_setmixlayer_amount cmd cheat Set named mix layer mix amount.
snd_soundmixer_update_maximum_frame_rate 0 cheat
snd_spatialize_lerp 0 archive release
snd_steamaudio_baked_data_stats cmd cheat Display baked data stats for the current mod.
snd_steamaudio_enable_pathing false cheat This variable is checked by soundstack to globally enabling pathing for audio processing.
snd_steamaudio_enable_perspective_correction false archive release Enable perspective correction for 3D audio.
snd_steamaudio_enable_reverb 0 release Enable Steam Audio Reverb processor.
snd_steamaudio_enable_spatial_blend_fix cmd cheat Toggles the speculative fix for low-frequency issues when using spatial blend.
snd_steamaudio_export_scene cmd cheat Exports scene currently used by Steam Audio as a phononscene file.
snd_steamaudio_halton_sequence cmd cheat Generate Halton Sequence for a given order and number of samples.
snd_steamaudio_ir_duration 1 cheat The time delay between a sound being emitted and the last audible reflection in Steam Audio.
snd_steamaudio_max_convolution_sources 4 cheat The maximum number of simultaneous sources that can be modeled by Steam Audio.
snd_steamaudio_max_occlusion_samples 64 cheat The maximum number of rays that can be traced for volumetric occlusion by Steam Audio.
snd_steamaudio_num_bounces 128 cheat The maximum number of times any ray can bounce when using Steam Audio.
snd_steamaudio_num_diffuse_samples 2048 cheat The number of directions considered for ray bounce by Steam Audio.
snd_steamaudio_num_rays 65536 cheat The number of rays to trace for reflection modeling by Steam Audio.
snd_steamaudio_num_threads 2 cheat Sets the number of threads used for realtime reflection by Steam Audio.
snd_steamaudio_pathing_order 1 cheat The amount of directional detail in the simulated by Steam Audio.
snd_steamaudio_pathing_order_rendering 1 cheat The amount of directional detail in the rendered audio by Steam Audio.
snd_steamaudio_reverb_level_db -3 release Adjust overall volume (dB) of the output from Steam Audio Reverb processor.
snd_steamaudio_source_pathing_debug false archive Enable path visualization for steam_audio_source operator.
snd_toolvolume 1 archive Volume of sounds in tools (e.g. Hammer, SFM)
snd_use_baked_occlusion 0 rep, cheat, release
snd_vmidi_flush cmd cheat Purge and reload all vmidi data and files.
snd_vmix_override_mix_decay_time -1 cheat If set > 0, overrides how long the decay time is on all mix graphs (in seconds).
snd_vmix_show_input_updates false cheat If set to 1, show all incoming updates to vmix inputs.
snd_voipvolume 1 archive Voice volume
sound_device_override 0 archive release ID of the sound device to use
soundinfo cmd release Describe the current sound device with an active voice list.
soundscape_debug false sv, cheat When on, draws lines to all env_soundscape entities. Green lines show the active soundscape, red lines show soundscapes that aren't in range, and white lines show soundscapes that are in range, but not the active soundscape.
soundscape_dumpclient cmd cl, cheat Dumps the client's soundscape data.
soundscape_fadetime 3 cl, cheat Time to crossfade sound effects between soundscapes
soundscape_radius_debug false cl, cheat Prints current volume of radius sounds
spawn_group_activate cmd sv, cheat Activate specified spawngroup.
spawn_group_load cmd sv, cheat Load named spawn group.
spawn_group_unload cmd sv, cheat Unload named spawn group.
speaker_config 0 archive
spec_autodirector true cl, clientcmd_can_execute Auto-director chooses best view modes while spectating
spec_centerchasecam false cl, archive Looks at the target player's center, instead of his eye position, in chase came mode
spec_chase cmd cl, release Changes the spectate mode to chase
spec_goto cmd cl, release Changes the spectate mode to roaming and go to the location
spec_in_eye cmd cl, release Changes the spectate mode to in-eye
spec_mode cmd cl, clientcmd_can_execute Set spectator mode
spec_next cmd cl, clientcmd_can_execute Spectate next player
spec_player cmd cl, clientcmd_can_execute Spectate a player by name or slot
spec_pos cmd cl, cheat dump position and angles to the console
spec_prev cmd cl, clientcmd_can_execute Spectate previous player
spec_replay_autostart true cl, archive Auto-start Killer Replay when available
spec_replay_bot false sv, release Enable Spectator Hltv Replay when killed by bot
spec_replay_enable 0 replicated release Enable Killer Replay, requires hltv server running (0:off, 1:default, 2:force)
spec_replay_leadup_time 5.3438 replicated release Replay time in seconds before the highlighted event
spec_replay_message_time 9.5 replicated release How long to show the message about Killer Replay after death. The best setting is a bit shorter than spec_replay_autostart_delay + spec_replay_leadup_time + spec_replay_winddown_time
spec_replay_on_death false replicated release When > 0, sets the mode whereas players see delayed replay, and are segregated into a domain of chat and voice separate from the alive players
spec_replay_rate_base 1 replicated release Base time scale of Killer Replay.Experimental.
spec_replay_rate_limit 3 replicated release Minimum allowable pause between replay requests in seconds
spec_replay_winddown_time 2 sv, release The trailing time, in seconds, of replay past the event, including fade-out
spec_target cmd cl, release Changes the target being spectated
splitscreen_mode 0 a, cheat
startdemos cmd release Play demos in demo sequence.
status cmd release Print connection status
status_json cmd release Print status in JSON format
stop cmd release Finish recording demo.
stopdemos cmd release Stop looping demos (current demo will complete).
stopsound cmd cheat
stopsoundscape cmd cl, cheat Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds
subclass_change cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Changes the subclass of the given entity. Arguments: <new_subclass> {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
subclass_create cmd sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy Creates an entity of the given subclass where the player is looking.
surfaceprop cmd sv, cheat Reports the surface properties at the cursor
sv_accelerate 10 sv, cl, nf, rep, release
sv_airaccelerate 10 sv, cl, nf, rep, release
sv_allchat true sv, nf, release Players can receive all other players' text chat, no death restrictions
sv_alltalk false sv, nf, release Players can hear all other players' voice communication, no team restrictions
sv_audio_log_participant_start_messages false sv, cheat Prints when a participant sound message was sent.
sv_banid_enabled true release Whether server supports banid command
sv_bounce 0 sv, cl, nf, rep, release Bounce multiplier for when physically simulated objects collide with other objects.
sv_cheats false nf, replicated release Allow cheats on server
sv_citadel_bebop_beam_draw_points false sv, cheat
sv_citadel_log_ability_use false sv, release
sv_clockcorrection_msecs 60 sv, release The server tries to keep each player's m_nTickBase withing this many msecs of the server absolute tickcount
sv_cluster 0 release Data center cluster this server lives in.
sv_cq_trim_bloat_remainder 1 sv, release When trimming a bloated CQ, leave at least N more commands than the minimum
sv_cq_trim_bloat_space 0 sv, release When trimming a bloated CQ, try to leave room for N more commands to be added. 0 will trim only what is needed to remove the immediate bloat, a very large value will reset the whole queue.
sv_cq_trim_catchup_remainder 1 sv, release When trimming an overful CQ due to app 'catchup' request, leave at least N more commands than the minimum
sv_crash_sentinel_filename 0 sv, release Filename of crash detection sentinel
sv_debug_client_not_in_pvs false sv, cheat If set, draw failed client PVS checks with red box
sv_debug_overlays_bandwidth 65536 release Broadcast server debug overlays traffic
sv_debug_overlays_broadcast false nf, cheat, release Broadcast server debug overlays
sv_enable_alternate_baselines 1 release Allow alternate baseline system, set to 2 for debugging spew.
sv_enable_delta_packing true release When enabled, this allows for entity packing to use the property changes for building up the data. This is many times faster, but can be disabled for error checking.
sv_ent_showonlyhitbox -1 sv, cheat
sv_ents_write_alarm 0 release Print callstack every time CNetworkGameServerBase:WriteEntityUpdate takes more than this amount of milliseconds
sv_friction 4 sv, cl, nf, rep, release World friction.
sv_gameinstructor_disable false cl, replicated release Force all clients to disable their game instructors.
sv_gameinstructor_enable false cl, replicated release Force all clients to enable their game instructors.
sv_gravity 800 sv, cl, nf, rep, release World gravity.
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay 5 release # of seconds to wait after final client leaves before hibernating.
sv_hibernate_when_empty true release Puts the server into extremely low CPU usage mode when no clients connected
sv_hoststate_quit_syscall false release When enabled, game server will quit immediately via syscall instead of running host states shutdown sequence
sv_infinite_ammo 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat, release Player's active weapon will never run out of ammo
sv_ladder_slack_z_mult 0.026 sv, cl, rep, cheat Difference in Z increases toward the middle of the slack ladder.
sv_lagcompensationforcerestore true sv, cheat Don't test validity of a lag comp restore, just do it.
sv_lan false release Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses )
sv_late_commands_allowed 5 sv, release Allow N late commands to run at 0 timescale prior to running an on-time command. Negative values for network round trip based calculation with a hard cap of the of absolute value
sv_lightquery_debug false sv, cheat
sv_log_onefile false archive release Log server information to only one file.
sv_logbans false archive release Log server bans in the server logs.
sv_logblocks false release If true when log when a query is blocked (can cause very large log files)
sv_logecho true archive release Echo log information to the console.
sv_logfile false archive release Log server information in the log file.
sv_logflush false archive release Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
sv_logsdir logs archive release Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.
sv_matchmaking_enabled false sv, rep, release Register with the GC for matchmaking
sv_matchperfstats_send_to_steam true sv, release Set to false to disable sending match perf stats to steam
sv_max_queries_sec 3 release Maximum queries per second to respond to from a single IP address.
sv_max_queries_sec_global 60 release Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere.
sv_max_queries_window 30 release Window over which to average queries per second averages.
sv_maxrate 0 replicated release Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_maxspeed 320 sv, cl, nf, rep, release
sv_maxunlag 0.2 sv, release Maximum lag compensation in seconds
sv_maxupdaterate 60 sv, cl, rep, release Maximum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_maxvelocity 3500 sv, cl, rep, release Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis.
sv_memlimit 0 cheat, release If set, whenever a game ends, if the total memory used by the server is greater than this # of megabytes, the server will exit.
sv_merge_changes_after_tick_with_calcdelta 1 release This fixes bugs where pure calcdelta is used due to recipient changing but it doesn't pick up a field change where the value was changed back to same value as the from snapshot even though the destination fields change list does note the change. Set to 2 to spew any changes merged in by this fix.
sv_metaduplication cmd cheat Check serializer meta for duplication, add verbose to command for full spew
sv_minrate 98304 replicated release Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_minupdaterate 10 sv, cl, rep, release Minimum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_networkvar_perfieldtracking true release Track individual field offset changes, rather than a single dirty flag for the whole entity.
sv_networkvar_validate false release Validate each StateChanged against known offsets.
sv_noclipaccelerate 5 sv, cl, a, nf, rep
sv_noclipduringpause false sv, cl, rep, cheat If cheats are enabled, then you can noclip with the game paused (for doing screenshots, etc.).
sv_noclipfriction 4 sv, cl, a, nf, rep Friction during noclip move.
sv_noclipspeed 1200 sv, cl, a, nf, rep
sv_packstats cmd release Show entity packing stats, pass 'clear' as argument to reset counts.
sv_parallel_checktransmit 2 sv, release Set to 1 to use threaded checkentities for transmit/pvs on listen servers, 2 for dedicated servers.
sv_parallel_checktransmit 0 sv Set to 1 to use threaded checkentities for transmit/pvs on listen servers, 2 for dedicated servers.
sv_parallel_packentities 2 release Set to 1 to use threaded snapshot sending on listen servers, 2 for dedicated servers.
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot 2 release 0: run all send jobs on main thread; 1: send jobs run asynchronously (except on dedicated server); 2: send jobs asynchronously; 3: send jobs run in parallel but block to not overlap the next tick; 4: main server clients' send jobs run in parallel, then HLTV server jobs; this approximately matches pre-async profile for a single HLTV server configuration
sv_password 0 prot, nf, norecord, release Server password for entry into multiplayer games
sv_pausable 0 release Is the server pausable.
sv_pause_on_console_open false archive 1 = Pause the game when pressing ~ to open the console. CTRL+~ opens the console without pause.
sv_phys_debug_callback_entities false sv, cheat Print all entities that get touch callbacks. Each entity is printed only once.
sv_phys_enabled true sv, cheat Enable all physics simulation
sv_phys_sleep_enable true sv, cheat Enable sleeping for dynamic physics bodies.
sv_phys_stop_at_collision 0 sv, cheat
sv_play_stats_CitadelLaneMatchup_enabled true sv, release Enable / Disable Play Stat CitadelLaneMatchup.
sv_play_stats_CitadelLaneTrooperOrbs_enabled true sv, release Enable / Disable Play Stat CitadelLaneTrooperOrbs.
sv_play_stats_CitadelMatch_enabled true sv, release Enable / Disable Play Stat CitadelMatch.
sv_play_stats_CitadelPlayer_enabled true sv, release Enable / Disable Play Stat CitadelPlayer.
sv_pure cmd release Show user data.
sv_pure_kick_clients true release If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client.
sv_pure_trace 0 release If set to 1, the server will print a message whenever a client is verifying a CRC for a file.
sv_pvs_max_distance 0 replicated release if set, adds a maximum range to PVS/PAS checks
sv_ragdoll_lru_debug false sv, rep, cheat
sv_regeneration_force_on false sv, cheat Cheat to test regenerative health systems
sv_region -1 release The region of the world to report this server in.
sv_search_key 0 release
sv_setsteamaccount cmd release token Set game server account token to use for logging in to a persistent game server account
sv_showlagcompensation 0 sv, cl, rep, cheat If > 0, show lag compensated hitboxes whenever a player is lag compensated. Value is for how long.
sv_shutdown cmd release Sets the server to shutdown when all games have completed
sv_skel_constraints_enable false rep, cheat
sv_skyname sky_urb01 sv, cl, a, rep Current name of the skybox texture
sv_snapshot_unlimited false replicated release For debugging, don't throw away old snapshots so that if you break in debugger (on remote client or server) it won't require an uncompressed update to resume. You may run out of memory of course...
sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo cmd sv, cheat print soundscapes
sv_specaccelerate 5 sv, cl, a, nf, rep
sv_specnoclip true sv, cl, a, nf, rep
sv_specspeed 1200 sv, cl, a, nf, rep
sv_spewmeta cmd cheat Spew serializer meta
sv_steamauth_enforce 2 release By default, player must maintain a reliable connection to Steam servers. When player Steam session drops, enforce it: 2 = instantly kick, 1 = kick at next spawn, 0 = do not kick.
sv_steamgroup 0 nf, release The ID of the steam group that this server belongs to. You can find your group's ID on the admin profile page in the steam community.
sv_steamgroup_exclusive false release If set, only members of Steam group will be able to join the server when it's empty, public people will be able to join the server only if it has players.
sv_stopspeed 100 sv, cl, nf, rep, release Minimum stopping speed when on ground.
sv_stressbots false release If set to 1, the server calculates data and fills packets to bots. Used for perf testing.
sv_tags 0 nf, release Server tags. Used to provide extra information to clients when they're browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma.
sv_unlockedchapters 1 archive Highest unlocked game chapter.
sv_unpause_on_console_close false archive 1 = Unpause the game when pressing ~ to close the console. 0 = Leave the game paused.
sv_usercmd_custom_random_seed false sv, release When enabled server will populate an additional random seed independent of the client
sv_usercmd_execute_warning_ms 5 sv, a Emit a warning if we spend more than N ms executing user commands for a single player
sv_vac_webapi_auth_key 0 sv, release Key for when posting to vac related webapis.
sv_visiblemaxplayers -1 release Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients
sv_voicecodec vaudio_speex release Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.
sv_voiceenable true archive nf, release
sv_watchtransmit -2 sv, release Watch NetworkStateChanged info for this entity index.
sv_wateraccelerate 10 sv, cl, nf, rep, release
sv_waterfriction 1 sv, cl, nf, rep, release
sys_info cmd release Print system information to the console
sys_minidumpspewlines 2000 release Lines of crash dump console spew to keep.
team_chat_auto_join false cl, archive release Auto-join Team Chat when joining a match. Will be overridden by any party settings.
telemetry_message cmd sv, cheat Place a message in the telemetry timeline
telemetry_toggle_timespan cmd sv, cheat Starts/stops a timespan with an ever increasing name.
Test_CreateEntity cmd sv, cheat
test_dispatcheffect cmd sv, cheat Test a clientside dispatch effect. Usage: test_dispatcheffect <effect name> <distance away> <flags> <magnitude> <scale> Defaults are: <distance 1024> <flags 0> <magnitude 0> <scale 0>
Test_EHandle cmd sv, cheat
test_entity_blocker cmd sv, cheat Test command that drops an entity blocker out in front of the player.
Test_ExitProcess cmd cheat Test_ExitProcess <exit code> - immediately kill the process.
test_list_entities cmd sv, cheat test-list entities
Test_RandomPlayerPosition cmd sv, cheat
think_limit 0 sv, cl, rep, release Maximum think time in milliseconds, warning is printed if this is exceeded.
thirdperson cmd cl, cheat, execute_per_tick Switch to thirdperson camera.
thirdperson_mayamode cmd cl, cheat Switch to thirdperson Maya-like camera controls.
think_limit 10 sv, cl, rep Maximum think time in milliseconds, warning is printed if this is exceeded.
timedemo cmd release Play a demo and report performance info.
timedemoquit cmd release Play a demo, report performance info, and then exit
toggle cmd norecord, release Toggles specified convar value on and off.
toggleconsole cmd norecord, release Show/hide the console.
trooper_kill_all cmd sv, cheat Kills all living troopers
trooper_kill_non_bosses cmd sv, cheat Kills all non-boss living troopers
tv_advertise_watchable false prot, nf, norecord, release GOTV advertises the match as watchable via game UI, clients watching via UI will not need to type password
tv_allow_autorecording_index -1 sv, release When >=0 restricts autorecording only to the specified TV index
tv_allow_static_shots true sv, release Auto director uses fixed level cameras for shots
tv_autorecord false release Automatically records all games as SourceTV demos.
tv_autoretry true release Relay proxies retry connection after network timeout
tv_broadcast false release Automatically broadcasts all games as GOTV demos through Steam.
tv_broadcast1 false release Automatically broadcasts all games as GOTV[1] demos through Steam.
tv_broadcast_keyframe_interval 3 release The frequency, in seconds, of sending keyframes and delta fragments to the broadcast relay server
tv_broadcast_keyframe_interval1 3 release The frequency, in seconds, of sending keyframes and delta fragments to the broadcast1 relay server
tv_broadcast_max_requests 20 release Max number of broadcast http requests in flight. If there is a network issue, the requests may start piling up, degrading server performance. If more than the specified number of requests are in flight, the new requests are dropped.
tv_broadcast_max_requests1 20 release Max number of broadcast1 http requests in flight. If there is a network issue, the requests may start piling up, degrading server performance. If more than the specified number of requests are in flight, the new requests are dropped.
tv_broadcast_startup_resend_interval 10 release The interval, in seconds, of re-sending startup data to the broadcast relay server (useful in case relay crashes, restarts or startup data http request fails)
tv_broadcast_status cmd release Print out broadcast status
tv_broadcast_url http //localhost 8080: release  : URL of the broadcast relay
tv_broadcast_url1 http //localhost 8080: release  : URL of the broadcast relay1
tv_chatgroupsize 0 release Set the default chat group size
tv_chattimelimit 0.2 release Limits spectators to chat only every n seconds
tv_citadel_auto_record true sv, release If enabled, a demo will automatically be recorded for every game
tv_clients cmd release Shows list of connected SourceTV clients.
tv_debug 0 release SourceTV debug info.
tv_delay 120 sv, release SourceTV broadcast delay in seconds
tv_delay1 15 sv, release SourceTV[instance 1] broadcast delay in seconds
tv_deltacache 2 release Enable delta entity bit stream cache
tv_dispatchmode 1 release Dispatch clients to relay proxies: 0=never, 1=if appropriate, 2=always
tv_enable false nf, release Activates SourceTV on server.
tv_enable1 false nf, release Activates SourceTV[1] on server.
tv_enable_delta_frames true release Indicates whether or not the tv should use delta frames for storage of intermediate frames. This takes more CPU but significantly less memory.
tv_enable_dynamic false nf, release When enabled, changes in tv_enable convars cause immediate startup or shutdown of hltv server
tv_include_usercommands true sv, release HLTV streams will include player usercommands each tick
tv_listen_voice_indices 0 cl, user Bitfield of playerslots to listen to voice messages from when connected to SourceTV, default is none
tv_listen_voice_indices_h 0 cl, user High 32 bits of bitfield of playerslots to listen to voice messages from when connected to SourceTV, default is none
tv_maxclients 128 release Maximum client number on SourceTV server.
tv_maxclients_relayreserved 0 release This number of relay client connections are reserved for SourceTV relays.
tv_maxrate 0 release Max SourceTV spectator bandwidth rate allowed, 0 == unlimited
tv_mem cmd release hltv memory statistics. Use with 'ent 10' (dump entity 10 memory usage) or 'top 8' (dump top 8 memory users) or 'class' CWorld (dump CWorld class)
tv_name SourceTV release SourceTV host name
tv_nochat false archive user Don't receive chat messages from other SourceTV spectators
tv_overridemaster false release Overrides the SourceTV master root address.
tv_password 0 prot, nf, norecord, release SourceTV password for all clients of CSTV[0]
tv_password1 0 prot, nf, norecord, release SourceTV password for all clients of CSTV[1]. If empty, tv_password is used
tv_playcast_delay_prediction true release
tv_playcast_delay_resync 0 release To alleviate intermittent network connectivity problems, this is the number of seconds to wait before actually re-syncing the stream after failure
tv_playcast_retry_timeout 25 release In case of intermittent network problems, how long should playcast retry fragment retrieval before resorting to resync
tv_port 27020 release Host SourceTV[0] port
tv_port1 27021 release Host SourceTV[1] port
tv_record cmd release Starts SourceTV demo recording.
tv_record_immediate 0 release tv_record starting the moment tv_record was executed, not tv_delay earlier
tv_relay cmd release Connect to SourceTV server and relay broadcast.
tv_relaypassword 0 prot, nf, norecord, release SourceTV password for relay proxies
tv_relayvoice true release Relay voice data: 0=off, 1=on
tv_retry cmd release Reconnects the SourceTV relay proxy.
tv_secure_bypass false release Bypass secure challenge on TV port
tv_show_allchat true sv, release
tv_snapshotrate 20 replicated release Snapshots broadcast per second
tv_snapshotrate1 32 release Snapshots broadcast per second, GOTV[1]
tv_status cmd release Show SourceTV server status.
tv_stop cmd release Stops the SourceTV broadcast.
tv_stoprecord cmd release Stops SourceTV demo recording.
tv_timeout 20 release SourceTV connection timeout in seconds.
tv_title SourceTV release Set title for SourceTV spectator UI
tv_transmitall false replicated release Transmit all entities (not only director view)
tv_window_size 16 release Specifies the number of seconds worth of frames that the tv replay system should keep in memory. Increasing this greatly increases the amount of memory consumed by the TV system
unbind cmd release Unbind a key.
unbindall cmd release Unbind all keys.
unpause cmd release Clear the pause state of the server.
vconsole_rcon_server_details 0 norecord, release, server_cant_query when non-empty allows for easy vconsole connection to the dedicated server.
viewmodel_fov 54 cl, cheat
violence_ablood true archive Draw alien blood
violence_agibs true archive Show alien gib entities
violence_hblood true archive Draw human blood
violence_hgibs true archive Show human gib entities
vis_force false sv, cheat
vismon_poll_frequency 0.5 sv, cheat
vismon_trace_limit 12 sv, cheat
vmix_input cmd cheat Set an input mix value
vmix_output cmd cheat Dump main graph control output values
voice_always_sample_mic false archive When enabled, open the voip audio input stream when the application launches.
voice_device_override 0 archive release Default device used for voice capture.
voice_input_stallout 0.5 user Time before we consider a mic stalled out and need to reset it.
voice_loopback false user
voice_loopback_no_networking false user
voice_modenable true cl, archive release, clientcmd_can_execute Enable/disable voice in this mod.
voice_player_speaking_delay_threshold 0.5 sv, cheat
voice_threshold -120 cl, archive decibel threshold for how loud the talker's input signal is before we think they are talking.
voice_vox 0 cl, archive per_user, release Voice chat uses a vox-style always on
volume 1 archive Sound volume
volume_fog_debug_volumes false cheat
volume_fog_dither_scale 1 cheat
volume_fog_enable_jitter true cheat
vphys2_friction_factor 1 cheat Change global friction factor
vphys2_restitution_factor 1 cheat Change global restitution factor
wrecking_ball_muddy 0.8 sv, cheat The extent to which the Wrecker's boulder behaves 'muddy', meaning how much its jumps up are dampened
writekeybindings cmd release Saves current key bindings to disk.
zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1 cl, archive per_user Additional mouse sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in.

Useful Console Commands[edit | edit source]

Commands that require cheats will not work in standard multiplayer matches. To enable cheats in a custom lobby, run sv_cheats true.

Command Values Default Description
bot_kick_all Kicks all bots from the game.
changelevel See the map command. Loads a new map.

When used in a multiplayer lobby, players will remain connected while the map changes.

  • 0: Select a team and hero.
  • 1: Join spectators.
  • 2: Join The Amber Hand and select a hero.
  • 3: Join The Sapphire Flame and select a hero.
Allows changing your team and hero.
citadel_allow_purchasing_anywhere true/false Enables purchasing anywhere on the map, not just at shops. Requires cheats.
citadel_enable_fast_cooldowns Enables fast cooldowns, causing all abilities to have a 2 second cooldown. Requires cheats.
citadel_disable_fast_cooldowns Disables fast cooldowns. Requires cheats.
citadel_enable_fast_stamina Enables fast stamina, causing stamina to regen very fast. Requires cheats.
citadel_disable_fast_stamina Disables fast stamina. Requires cheats.
citadel_dps_multiplier number 1.0 Adds a multiplier to player damage output. Affects all damage including weapon and ability damage. Requires cheats.
citadel_enable_no_hero_death Enables invincibility (your health will never go below 1). Requires cheats.
citadel_disable_no_hero_death Disables invincibility. Requires cheats.
citadel_display_new_player_recommendations true/false true Turns the "Great for New Players" banner on/off when selecting a hero.
citadel_hero_testing_enabled true/false false Enables the "Testing Tools" menu from the Hero Sandbox. Enabling the menu does not require cheats, but using any of this menu's functionality will.
citadel_hero_testing_infinite_money true/false false Gives players infinite souls and ability points.
citadel_hud_visible true/false true Shows/hides the HUD.
citadel_pause Pause the match.
citadel_player_move_speed_scale number 1.0 Scales movement speed causing players to move faster or slower. Requires cheats.
citadel_pregame_duration number 10.0 Changes the duration of the pregame (countdown before the game starts).
  • -1: Auto
  • 0: North America
  • 1: Europe
  • 2: Asia
  • 3: South America
  • 4: Europe (not sure if this is different from 1)
  • 5: Oceania
-1 Overrides your matchmaking region.
citadel_show_bullet_lag_compensation number 0 How long to show bullet hitboxes. Green hitbox is client, red hitbox is server.
citadel_solo_bot_match true/false false Gets enabled by bot match configs. When disabled, bots don't move. This also enables the pregame countdown.

Not sure what else it does.

citadel_create_unit Hero name from dump_hero_names Spawns an allied dummy bot in front of the player. Requires cheats
citadel_spawn_nearby_neutrals Respawns nearby neutral camps. Requires cheats.
citadel_spawn_practice_bots true/false false Enable to spawn bots when the game starts.

You can also set this to true during a game to spawn bots (although setting it to false, kicking bots, and setting it to true again will not respawn bots).

citadel_spawn_practice_bots_count number Number of practice bots to spawn when citadel_spawn_practice_bots is set to true.
citadel_test_survey_popup Shows the post-match survey popup asking players to rate the match.
citadel_unlock_flex_slots Unlocks all flex slots. Requires cheats.
citadel_unpause_countdown number 3 Changes how many seconds the countdown will last when the game is unpaused. Requires cheats.
citadel_weapon_damage_multiplier number 1.0 Adds a multiplier to weapon damage output. Does not affect ability damage. Requires cheats.
deadlock_early_development_warning_disabled true/false false Disables the Early Development Build popup when the game starts. This gets set to true if you close the popup after checking "Don't show this again".
deadlock_get_old_builds Downloads and prints out all of the build data for your account prior to the new builds feature.

Added in Update:August 6, 2024.

deadlock_post_match_survey_disabled true/false false Disables the post-match survey. This gets set to true if you submit or skip a survey after checking "Don't show this again".
disconnect Disconnect from the current match.
dump_hero_names Lists the internal names of all available heros. Requires cheats.
healthpct 0 - 100 Sets your health to the given percentage of your max health. Requires cheats.
hud_damagemeter true/false false Displays your current DPS next to your crosshair. Requires cheats.
hurtme Deals 10 damage to yourself. Requires cheats.
killme Kills you.
kingme Gives you 1.2 million souls and levels up all your abilities. Requires cheats.
  • dl_streets: The main multiplayer map
  • street_test: Old version of the main multiplayer map (before Update:September 26, 2024)
  • new_player_basics: The Hero Sandbox map
  • 1v1_test: Seems like an early, smaller version of street_test
  • hero_testing: Seems like an early Hero Sandbox
Starts a game and loads into the chosen map.

When used in a multiplayer lobby, this command will kick everyone from the server. Use changelevel to switch maps without kicking everyone.

npc_destroy The name of an NPC to destroy (type npc_destroy<space> to see a list of names).

If no name is provided, destroys the NPC you're looking at.

Destroys an NPC (troopers, guardians, walkers, etc.).

As opposed to npc_kill, which causes the standard death sequence, this command zaps the NPC out of existence.

npc_kill The name of an NPC to kill (type npc_kill<space> to see a list of names).

If no name is provided, kills the NPC you're looking at.

Kills an NPC (troopers, guardians, walkers, etc.).

This causes the standard death sequence with particles, announcer lines, drops souls, etc.

private_lobby_create Brings up a menu that allows players to create a private lobby hosted on Valve servers.

Added in Update:September 12, 2024.

quit Closes the game.
resetme Resets your level, abilities, and souls. Requires cheats.
selecthero Hero name from dump_hero_names Requires you to be on the hero selection screen, or have citadel_hero_testing_enabled set to true.
trooper_kill_all Kills all non-neutral creeps and guardians that aren't shielded. Requires cheats.
trooper_kill_non_bosses Kills all non-neutral creeps. Requires cheats.

Auto execute console commands on startup[edit | edit source]

  • In the <installation path>\steamapps\common\Deadlock\game\citadel\cfg folder create a text file name it autoexec.cfg
  • Put the console commands that you want to run on startup of Deadlock in the autoexec.cfg file, one console command on each line and save it
  • In the Steam app right-click Deadlock in your list of games on the Library tab and select Properties...
  • In the "LAUNCH OPTIONS" field enter -console -exec autoexec

Hosting Custom Games[edit | edit source]

  • The host starts a custom game by loading into the map with map street_test
    • You may want to pause the game immediately after joining by pressing P to give other players time to join the match.
  • The host finds their ID by running status
    • Find a green line in the console that looks like this: [Client] steamid : [A:1:XXXXXXXXXX:XXXXX] (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) (the Xs will be replace with numbers)
    • Select the part after steamid that looks like this, including the square brackets: [A:1:XXXXXXXXXX:XXXXX]
    • Right click and choose "Copy Selected Text"
  • The host sends players the ID they just copied. Players can now connect to the game by opening their console and running connect [A:1:XXXXXXXXXX:XXXXX] (replace the part after connect with the ID they got from the host).
  • Upon joining, players will be able to select their team and hero. To bring up this menu again, players can run changeteam 0.
  • If you ever want to restart the game, the host can run changelevel street_test .

Adding Bots[edit | edit source]

  • On the main menu, before you start the game, run exec citadel_botmatch_practice_6v6_hard to load the bot config.
    • You can replace hard with easy or medium to choose the bot difficulty.
    • If you're already in a game, you can perform these steps then run changelevel street_test to restart the game instead of starting a new one.
  • Run citadel_spawn_practice_bots false so that bots won't spawn immediately when the game starts.
  • Run citadel_spawn_practice_bots_count 12 to ensure that bots fill all remaining slots (they'll be added until both teams have 6 players).
  • Start the game (i.e. map street_test) and press P to pause the game during the pregame (as soon as you load in).
    • You can use citadel_pregame_duration before starting the game to increase the duration of the pregame if you want.
  • Allow all other human players to connect and select their team and hero.
    • The team/hero menu can be a bit glitchy. Players can use the changeteam command instead (see table above for command description).
    • Remember to choose your (the host's) own team and hero as well. This may automatically unpause the game - press P after selecting a team to pause again.
    • After all human players have joined teams and selected heroes, the host runs citadel_spawn_practice_bots true, then presses P again to unpause the game. Bots should fill the remaining slots on each team.