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Module:AttributeData: Difference between revisions

From Deadlock Wiki
Sur (talk | contribs)
m get_attr_category for restructured attribute data
Sur (talk | contribs)
m create_stat_boxes initial
Line 12: Line 12:

function isElementInArray(array, element)
--Call {{Lang}} on a given unlocalized string using key (not label)
    for _, value in ipairs(array) do
function call_lang(unlocalized)
        if value == element then
local template_title = mw.title.new("Template:Lang")
            return true
local template_args
local template_call
    return false
template_args["key"] = unlocalized
local template_call = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = template_title, args = template_args }
return template_call

p.create_stat_boxes = function(frame)
p.get_attr_category = function(frame)
local hero_name = frame.args[1]
local attr_name = frame.args[1]
if(hero == nil) then return "Hero Not Found" end
-- Use expandTemplate to evaluate the Infobox_hero template
    local template_title = mw.title.new("Template:StatBox") --name of the template
    local template_calls = "" --all template calls concatenated
    local template_call --current template call
local template_args = {} --current template arguments
local cell_values --current cell values
local cell_value --current cell value
local num --current stat's numerical value
local postfix --current stat's postfix
for category, attributes in pairs(data) do
for category, stats in pairs(data) do
if isElementInArray(attributes, attr_name) then
template_args["box_name"] = "CitadelCategoryWeapon"
return category
template_args["box_rgb"] = "213, 144, 63"
template_args["num_cols"] = "2"
cell_values = ""
for stat_name, stat_data in pairs(stats) do
-- get label and postfix
label = stat_data["label"]
postfix = stat_data["postfix"]
num = "5"
if (postfix == nil) then postfix = "" end
-- Set cell value as "Icon NumberPostfix localize(Statname),"
cell_value = "[[File:Bullet damage.png|15px]]]]" .. " " .. num  .. postfix .. " " .. call_lang(unlocalized) .. ","
cell_values = cell_values .. cell_value --add value to values list
return nil
-- Write current call
template_call = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = template_title, args = template_args }
-- Add call to the set of calls
template_calls = template_calls .. "\n" .. template_call
return template_calls

return p
return p

Revision as of 02:06, 16 September 2024

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:AttributeData/doc

local p = {};
local data = mw.loadJsonData("Data:AttributeData.json")

-- returns the table of a specific item
function get_json_item(name)
	for i,v in pairs(data) do
		if (i == name) then
			return v
	return nil

--Call {{Lang}} on a given unlocalized string using key (not label)
function call_lang(unlocalized)
	local template_title = mw.title.new("Template:Lang")
	local template_args
	local template_call
	template_args["key"] = unlocalized
	local template_call = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = template_title, args = template_args }
	return template_call

p.create_stat_boxes = function(frame)
	local hero_name = frame.args[1]
	if(hero == nil) then return "Hero Not Found" end
	-- Use expandTemplate to evaluate the Infobox_hero template
    local template_title = mw.title.new("Template:StatBox") --name of the template
    local template_calls = "" --all template calls concatenated
    local template_call --current template call
	local template_args = {} --current template arguments
	local cell_values --current cell values
	local cell_value --current cell value
	local num --current stat's numerical value
	local postfix --current stat's postfix
	for category, stats in pairs(data) do
		template_args["box_name"] = "CitadelCategoryWeapon"
		template_args["box_rgb"] = "213, 144, 63"
		template_args["num_cols"] = "2"
		cell_values = ""
		for stat_name, stat_data in pairs(stats) do
			-- get label and postfix
			label = stat_data["label"]
			postfix = stat_data["postfix"]
			num = "5"
			if (postfix == nil) then postfix = "" end
			-- Set cell value as "Icon NumberPostfix localize(Statname),"
			cell_value = "[[File:Bullet damage.png|15px]]]]" .. " " .. num  .. postfix .. " " .. call_lang(unlocalized) .. ","
			cell_values = cell_values .. cell_value --add value to values list
		-- Write current call
		template_call = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = template_title, args = template_args }
		-- Add call to the set of calls
		template_calls = template_calls .. "\n" .. template_call
	return template_calls

return p