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Module:ItemTables: Difference between revisions

From Deadlock Wiki
Gammaton32 (talk | contribs)
ability range
Gammaton32 (talk | contribs)
No edit summary
Line 105: Line 105:
friendly_to_internal["charge cooldown reduction"] = { "CooldownReductionOnChargedAbilities" }
friendly_to_internal["charge cooldown reduction"] = { "CooldownReductionOnChargedAbilities" }
friendly_to_internal["debuff resist"] = { "StatusResistancePercent" }
friendly_to_internal["debuff resist"] = { "StatusResistancePercent" }
friendly_to_internal["ability range"] = { "TechRangeMultiplier", "ImbuedTechRangeMultiplier", "NonImbuedTechRangeMultiplier" }
friendly_to_internal["ability range"] = { "TechRangeMultiplier", "ImbuedTechRangeMultiplier"}

-- Returns a table of internal properties  
-- Returns a table of internal properties  
Line 140: Line 140:
"TechRangeMultiplier", "ImbuedTechRangeMultiplier", "NonImbuedTechRangeMultiplier"},
"TechRangeMultiplier", "ImbuedTechRangeMultiplier"},
["m/s"] = { "BonusMoveSpeed", "ActiveBonusMoveSpeed", "BonusSprintSpeed" }
["m/s"] = { "BonusMoveSpeed", "ActiveBonusMoveSpeed", "BonusSprintSpeed" }

Latest revision as of 05:38, 22 February 2025

Module used to create item tables with Template:Item stat table.

To add a new stat, add the name of the stat as "friendly to internal", followed by the property as listed on Data:ItemData.json, as well as adding the property to the "local unitSuffix" list corresponding to its suffix.

local p = {};
local data = mw.loadJsonData("Data:ItemData.json")
local get_cost = require("Module:ItemData")._get_cost
local get_type = require("Module:ItemData")._get_type
local commas = require("Module:Addcommas")

-- Returns an array of item tables that have the same properties
-- @function   get_similar_items_array
-- @param      {array}
-- @return     {array of tables}
local function get_similar_items_array(property)
	local similarItems = {}
	local hash = {}
	local noDuplicates = {}
	for _, v in pairs(data) do
		for _, value in ipairs(property) do
			if (v[value] ~= nil and v["IsDisabled"] == false and v["Name"] ~= nil and v[value] ~= "0" and v[value] ~= "0m") then
				table.insert(similarItems, v)
	-- remove duplicate items if that item contains multiple keys of the same stat increase (eg. Fleetfoot has both "BonusMoveSpeed", "ActiveBonusMoveSpeed" in move speed).
	-- there might be a more efficient way to prevent adding duplicate items in the first place in the above for loop
	for _, v in pairs(similarItems) do
		if (not hash[v]) then
			noDuplicates[#noDuplicates+1] = v
			hash[v] = true
	return noDuplicates

--- Copies original table with its children as deep as possible. Does not handle metatables. (Copy is needed because Lua passes by reference, not value)
-- @function   Deepcopy
-- @param      {n-D table}
-- @return     {n-D table}
function Deepcopy(orig)
    local orig_type = type(orig)
    local copy
    if orig_type == 'table' then
        copy = {}
        for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do
            copy[Deepcopy(orig_key)] = Deepcopy(orig_value)
        copy = orig
    return copy

--	local link_patterns = {}
--	link_patterns["BonusClipSizePercent"] = { "[Aa]mmo" }
--	link_patterns["CloseRangeBonusWeaponPower"] = { "[Cc]lose [Ww]eapon [Dd]amage" }
--	link_patterns["BaseAttackDamagePercent"] = { "[Ww]eapon [Dd]amage" }
--	link_patterns["BulletLifestealPercent"] = { "[Bb]ullet [Ll]ifesteal" }
--	link_patterns["BonusHealthRegen"] = { "[Hh]ealth [Rr]egen" }
--	link_patterns["BonusHealth"] = { "[Hh]ealth" }
--	link_patterns["BonusFireRate"] = { "[Ff]ire [Rr]ate" }
--	function FriendlyNames(desc)
--		for link, patterns in pairs(link_patterns) do
--			for i, v in ipairs(patterns) do
--	    		local a = string.find(desc, v)
--					if a then desc = link break
--	    		end
--	    	end
--		end
--		return desc
--	end

local friendly_to_internal = {}
friendly_to_internal["ammo"] = { "BonusClipSizePercent", "BonusClipSize", "ActiveReloadPercent" }
friendly_to_internal["weapon damage"] = { "BaseAttackDamagePercent", "CloseRangeBonusWeaponPower", "LongRangeBonusWeaponPower", "AttackDamageWhenShielded" }
friendly_to_internal["spirit damage"] = { "ProcBonusMagicDamage" }
friendly_to_internal["bullet shield health"] = { "BulletShieldMaxHealth", "BulletShieldOnCast", "SaviorBulletShieldHealth", "FlyingBulletShield", "VexBarrierBulletMaxHealth" }
friendly_to_internal["spirit shield health"] = { "TechShieldMaxHealth", "TechShieldOnCast", "SaviorMagicShieldHealth", "FlyingTechShield", "VexBarrierTechMaxHealth" }
friendly_to_internal["bullet resist"] = { "BulletResist", "LocalBulletArmorReduction", "ReturnFireBulletResist", "BulletResistPerStack" }
friendly_to_internal["bullet resist reduction"] = { "BulletArmorReduction", "BulletResistReduction" }
friendly_to_internal["spirit resist"] = { "TechResist" }
friendly_to_internal["spirit resist reduction"] = { "TechArmorDamageReduction", "MagicResistReduction" }
friendly_to_internal["bonus health"] = { "BonusHealth" }
friendly_to_internal["health regen"] = { "BonusHealthRegen" }
friendly_to_internal["max health regen"] = { "HealLifePercentOutOfCombat" }
friendly_to_internal["fire rate"] = { "BonusFireRate", "FireRateWhenShielded", "FireRateBonus", "FervorFireRate", "AmbushBonusFireRate", "ActiveBonusFireRate" }
friendly_to_internal["fire rate slow"] = { "FireRateSlow" }
friendly_to_internal["bullet velocity"] = { "BonusBulletSpeedPercent" }
friendly_to_internal["spirit power"] = { "TechPower", "BonusSpirit", "SpiritPower", "BonusSpiritWithMagicShield", "ImbuedTechPower", "AmbushBonusTechPower" }
friendly_to_internal["bullet lifesteal"] = { "BulletLifestealPercent", "ActiveBonusLifesteal" }
friendly_to_internal["spirit lifesteal"] = { "AbilityLifestealPercentHero" }
friendly_to_internal["move speed"] = { "BonusMoveSpeed", "ActiveBonusMoveSpeed" }
friendly_to_internal["sprint speed"] = { "BonusSprintSpeed" }
friendly_to_internal["movement slow"] = { "SlowPercent", "MovementSpeedSlow" }
friendly_to_internal["reload time"] = { "ReloadSpeedMultipler" }
friendly_to_internal["heavy melee distance"] = { "MeleeDistanceScale" }
friendly_to_internal["bonus heavy damage"] = { "BonusHeavyMeleeDamage" }
friendly_to_internal["bonus melee damage"] = { "BonusMeleeDamagePercent" }
friendly_to_internal["melee resist"] = { "MeleeResistPercent" }
friendly_to_internal["stamina"] = { "Stamina" }
friendly_to_internal["slide distance"] = { "SlideScale" }
friendly_to_internal["stamina recovery"] = { "StaminaCooldownReduction" }
friendly_to_internal["healing reduction"] = { "HealAmpRegenPenaltyPercent" }
friendly_to_internal["ability duration"] = { "ImbuedBonusDuration", "BonusAbilityDurationPercent" }
friendly_to_internal["ability cooldown reduction"] = { "ImbuedCooldownReduction", "CooldownReduction" }
friendly_to_internal["charge cooldown reduction"] = { "CooldownReductionOnChargedAbilities" }
friendly_to_internal["debuff resist"] = { "StatusResistancePercent" }
friendly_to_internal["ability range"] = { "TechRangeMultiplier", "ImbuedTechRangeMultiplier"}

-- Returns a table of internal properties 
-- @function   friendlyNames
-- @param      {string}
-- @return     {table}
local function friendlyNames(desc)
	local keysTable = {}
	desc = string.lower(desc or "")
	for link, patterns in pairs(friendly_to_internal) do
		if (desc == link) then keysTable = patterns end 
	return keysTable

local unitSuffix = {
	["%"] = { "BonusClipSizePercent", "ActiveReloadPercent", 
		"BaseAttackDamagePercent", "CloseRangeBonusWeaponPower", "LongRangeBonusWeaponPower", "AttackDamageWhenShielded",
		"TechResist", "BulletResist",
		"BonusFireRate", "FireRateWhenShielded", "FervorFireRate", "FireRateBonus", "AmbushBonusFireRate", "ActiveBonusFireRate", "FireRateSlow",
		"LocalBulletArmorReduction", "ReturnFireBulletResist", "BulletArmorReduction", "BulletResistReduction", "BulletResistPerStack",
		"TechArmorDamageReduction", "MagicResistReduction",
		"BulletLifestealPercent", "ActiveBonusLifesteal", "AbilityLifestealPercentHero",
		"MeleeDistanceScale", "BonusHeavyMeleeDamage", "BonusMeleeDamagePercent", "MeleeResistPercent",
		"SlowPercent", "MovementSpeedSlow",
		"ImbuedBonusDuration", "NonImbuedBonusDuration", "BonusAbilityDurationPercent",
		"ImbuedCooldownReduction", "CooldownReduction",
		"TechRangeMultiplier", "ImbuedTechRangeMultiplier"},
	["m/s"] = { "BonusMoveSpeed", "ActiveBonusMoveSpeed", "BonusSprintSpeed" }

local function appendSuffix(internal)
	local unitName = ""
	for key, s in pairs(unitSuffix) do
		for _, pattern in pairs(s) do
			if (internal == pattern) then return key end
	return unitName

local sortByWeapon = {}
sortByWeapon["Weapon"] = 1
sortByWeapon["Armor"] = 10000
sortByWeapon["Tech"] = 100000000

-- Sort the order of items in a preset as it appears when no filtered ordering is applied. 
-- Ordered first by slot and cost increasing, then alphabetical within same slot and cost.
function defaultSort()
    return function(a, b)
    	if (get_cost(a["Name"]) == get_cost(b["Name"]) and sortByWeapon[a["Slot"]] == sortByWeapon[b["Slot"]]) then return a["Name"] < b["Name"] end
        return get_cost(a["Name"]) * sortByWeapon[a["Slot"]] < get_cost(b["Name"]) * sortByWeapon[b["Slot"]]

-- Formats the value of the stat with a + or -
-- @function   signPrefix
-- @param      {string}
-- @return     {string}
local function signPrefix(value)
	local signString = ""
	value = value:gsub( "m", "" )
	value = tonumber(value)
	if (value >= 0) then
		return "+<b>" .. value .. "</b>"
	elseif (value < 0) then
		value = math.abs(value)
		return "-<b>" .. value .. "</b>"

-- Outputs a wikitable of items that increase a specified stat. Invoked by {{Item stat table}}
-- @function   p.itemPropTable
-- @param      {string}
-- @return     {string}
p.itemPropTable = function(frame)
	local requirements = {}
	local listofKeysTable = {}
	local listofItems = ""
	local property = frame:getParent().args[1] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
	local copyVar = property
	listofKeysTable = friendlyNames(property) 
	local filteredData = {}
	filteredData = get_similar_items_array(listofKeysTable)
	table.sort(filteredData, defaultSort())
	local createTable = mw.html.create('table')
			:addClass('wikitable sortable')
			:tag('caption'):wikitext("List of items"):done()
	local soulIcon = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Souls' }
	local createTableHeader = mw.html.create('tr')
		:tag('th'):wikitext(soulIcon .. 'Cost'):done()
		:tag('th'):wikitext('Stat change'):done()
	-- query all the filtered items. itemName is the item table.
	for internalName, itemName in ipairs(filteredData) do 

		local display = frame:expandTemplate{
		title = 'ItemIcon',
		args = {
		for k, t in pairs(listofKeysTable) do
			-- filter out items that: don't have the property and the value isn't zero
			if(itemName[t] ~= nil and itemName[t] ~= "0" ) then
				listofItems = listofItems .. itemName["Name"] .. "<br/>"
				copyVar = copyVar:gsub("^%l", string.upper)
				local tableData = mw.html.create('tr')
					if (t == "LocalBulletArmorReduction") then 
						:tag('td'):wikitext("<span style=\"color:red;\">" .. signPrefix(itemName[t]) .. appendSuffix(t) .. "</span> " .. copyVar):done()
						:tag('td'):wikitext(signPrefix(itemName[t]) .. appendSuffix(t) .. "</span> " .. copyVar):done()
				table.insert(requirements, tableData)
	for _, row in ipairs(requirements) do
	return tostring(createTable) --, listofItems -- this is just a string list, same thing as createTable. delete this when line when finished


return p