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?????? Transcription
Abrams: You're the sheriff from Macomb, right?

Holliday: Yeah.

Abrams: I'm so sorry.

Holliday: Thank you.

Holliday: You got a plan?

Abrams: Eh, I don't know... I was thikning you grab them and then I punch their skull in!

Holliday: I like it!

Abrams: Holliday... I don't suppose you're related to...

Holliday: Yeah.

Abrams: Long shadow!

Holliday: I try not to think about it.

Abrams: Eh, let's make them proud.


You know it's important to give back. That's why I'm taking three percent of my earnings a day and donating them to Lash Back. It's my charity dedicated to children who kinda suck.