September 26, 2024
- Fixed looking up circumventing the min range on
McGinnis[sic] and McGinnis[sic].
- Can now cast parry to cancel your ult.
- Fixed various issues with
McGinnis indoors and near walls spawning the wrong number of segments.
September 14, 2024
McGinnis radius spirit power reduced from 0.07 to 0.05.
September 12, 2024
McGinnis[sic] radius reduced from 6m to 5m.
McGinnis[sic] radius now grows with Spirit Power (0.07).
- Can no longer wall jump from
McGinnis min range reduced from 7m to 6m.
McGinnis duration reduced from 6s to 5s.
McGinnis spirit scaling increased from 0.3 to 0.35.
McGinnis min range reduced from 7m to 6m.
McGinnis[sic] bullet travel speed increased.
August 15, 2024
- Fixed targeting previews that draw a model (like
McGinnis's turrets) to update every frame, instead of being fixed at 60hz.
- Speed while shooting increased from 55% to 70%.
McGinnis[sic] now prioritize any heroes McGinnis is shooting at.
McGinnis duration Spirit Power scaling increased from 0.09 to 0.12.
McGinnis T1 changed to Rockets apply 35% slow.
August 1, 2024
- Fixed various abilities not showing the cast preview correctly on the first use (
McGinnis[sic], Dynamo, etc).
- Fixed
McGinnis forcing itself into the first ability slot if its cooldown is refreshed.
McGinnis[sic] no longer target immune structures.
McGinnis cast/aim behavior improved for indoors and close range.
- Reverted recent melee damage reduction.
- Fixed
Health Nova not working on McGinnis[sic] (when Health Nova was cast by McGinnis).
McGinnis base HP increased from +50 to +75.
July 18, 2024
McGinnis cooldown increased from 30s to 35s.
- Base melee damage reduced by 20%.
McGinnis segments that are touching the Rejuv will be destroyed.
July 11, 2024
McGinnis[sic] receive full damage from enemy guns regardless of distance (fall off is not considered when taking damage).
McGinnis[sic] outgoing damage fall off distance window (20m-35m) now scales with range upgrades.
McGinnis[sic] duration reduced from 40s to 30s.
July 4, 2024
- Fixed
McGinnis sometimes not spawning depending on the map geometry nearby.
McGinnis damage reduction against troopers/neutrals increased from -30% to -40%.
McGinnis damage reduction against objectives increased from -50% to -60%.
McGinnis falloff damage increased from -30% to -35%.
McGinnis cooldown reduced from 30s to 28s.
McGinnis recharge time reduced from 6s to 5s.
McGinnis T1 and T2 swapped.
McGinnis T1 stamina drain reduced from 2 to 1.
June 27, 2024
- Updated
McGinnis weapon sounds.
- Fixed her gun having a recent regression that caused it to not have any spread.
McGinnis damage reduced by up to 30% at 35m (now has bullet falloff from 20m to 35m).
McGinnis deploy time reduced from 2s to 1s.
McGinnis now shows up on the minimap.
McGinnis[sic] can no longer be attacked.
McGinnis height increased by 2m.
McGinnis slow duration increased from 2s to 2.5s.
- Fixed a bug with
McGinnis that caused the Rejuvenator to instantly drop.
June 20, 2024
McGinnis[sic] range reduced from 30m to 25m.
McGinnis[sic] HP scaling reduced from 40% to 30% (affects initial HP too).
McGinnis[sic] cooldown reduced from 35s to 30s.
McGinnis[sic] Charge Time reduced from 8s to 6s.
- Base Spirit Resist increased from 20% to 25%.
- Base Regen increased from 1 to 2.
McGinnis cooldown reduced from 35s to 30s.
McGinnis cooldown reduced from 110s to 100s.
June 13, 2024
McGinnis charge delay reduced from 10s to 8s.
- Fixed
Echo Shard to be compatible with McGinnis again (Activating echo shard resets the ability so you can cast it again and not have to cancel your first one. After casting the 2nd, using cancel will remove the first wall first).
- Can now dismiss
McGinnis while channeling other abilities ( McGinnis).
June 6, 2024
May 30, 2024
- Fixed some bugs that could cause
McGinnis gun to be stuck.
McGinnis[sic] now does less damage to objectives similar to other ability damage.
May 23, 2024
- Fixed upgrading
McGinnis's McGinnis to T3 while active causing it to heal everyone to full instantly.
- Fixed certain rooftops allowing turrets to be built on them.
May 16, 2024
McGinnis T1 is now +1 Charge and +25% Movement Slow.
McGinnis T2 is now +10m Attack Range and +10% Fire Rate.
McGinnis cooldown reduced from 40s to 35s.
May 10, 2024
McGinnis Spirit Resistance increased 50% to 60%.
McGinnis Health increased from 30% to 40%.
McGinnis T2 increased from +5m Range to +10m.
- Fixed issues with
McGinnis not damaging units within the target area.
May 3, 2024
McGinnis now reduces your speed rather than setting it to a low cap (by itself this change isn't a buff or a nerf, but it allows you to buy items to move faster during the ultimate).
McGinnis camera interaction with Fleetfoot Boots has been fixed.