The formula for max health is:
where HPMax is max health, HP0 is starting health, PI is the hero-specific Power Increase from each level, HPShop are the implicit base health percent increases from Vitality items, and HPBonus are the miscellaneous bonus health flat increases from items, Golden Statues, Survival Powerups, the Rejuvenator, etc.
With the purchase of Glass Cannon, the player's max health is reduced by 15% before rounding down.
Kelvin begins the game with 600 Base HP. If Kelvin purchases the tier 1 vitality items Extra Health and Extra Stamina, the first of which also grants 160 bonus health, his max health becomes:
HPMax = 600 * (1 + (0.11 + 0.11)) + 160 = 892
If Kelvin then earns a power increase, his base health increases by 50, and his max health becomes:
HPMax = 650 * (1 + (0.11 + 0.11)) + 160 = 953