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Revision as of 22:01, 23 October 2024 by SerpentofSet (talk | contribs)
I am bad at the game so I edit the wiki
Charges into close combat
Voice Actor: IDK
Release Date: A while ago
Last Updated: Like, something

How to Debug in Scribunto



Simplified version


What's a sandbox

DPS calcs

   def _calc_dps(self, dps_stats, type='burst'):
       """Calculates Burst or Sustained DPS of a weapon"""
       # Burst, not to be confused with burst as in burst fire, but rather
       # a burst of damage where delta time is 0
       # sustained has delta time of infinity
       # meaning, sustained takes into account time-to-empty clip and reload time
       # All reload actions have ReloadDelay played first,
       # but typically only single bullet reloads have a non-zero delay
       # i.e.
       # ReloadDelay of .5,
       # ReloadTime of 1,
       # ClipSize of 10,
       # =time to reload 1 bullet is 1.5s, time to reload 10 bullets is 10.5s
       # BurstInterShotInterval represents time between shots in a burst
       # Abbreivated dictionary for easier access
       d = dps_stats.copy()
       cycle_time = 1 / d['RoundsPerSecond']
       total_cycle_time = cycle_time + d['BulletsPerBurst'] * d['BurstInterShotInterval']
       if type == 'burst':
           return (
               d['BulletDamage'] * d['BulletsPerShot'] * d['BulletsPerBurst'] / (total_cycle_time)
       elif type == 'sustained':
           if d['ReloadSingle']:
               # If reloading 1 bullet at a time, reload time is actually per bullet
               time_to_reload = d['ReloadTime'] * d['ClipSize']
               time_to_reload = d['ReloadTime']
           time_to_reload += d['ReloadDelay']
           time_to_empty_clip = d['ClipSize'] / d['BulletsPerBurst'] * (total_cycle_time)
           # More bullets per shot doesn't consume more bullets in the clip,
           # so think of it as bullet per bullet
           # BulletsPerBurst does consume more bullets in the clip
           damage_from_clip = d['BulletDamage'] * d['BulletsPerShot'] * d['ClipSize']
           return damage_from_clip / (time_to_empty_clip + time_to_reload)

Input for JS?

<input id="spirit" type="number" value="100"> <input id="pi" type="number" value="14">

Light/Dark Mode Fiddling