This module consists of one generic function, heroDataArray, and a series of functions that create specific wikitables using the output from heroDataArray.
local p = {}
local allHeroData = mw.loadJsonData("Data:HeroData.json")
local inGameHeroData = {}
-- Just get heroes that are playable
for i, heroData in pairs(allHeroData) do
if heroData["IsDisabled"] == false and heroData["InDevelopment"] == false then
table.insert(inGameHeroData, heroData)
-- heroDataArray takes as argument a table of any length containing keys or
-- paths of keys in the HeroData JSON, e.g. {Name, MaxHealth, LevelScaling>Health}.
-- A path of keys should be specified as such, with the ">" character separating
-- subsequent keys.
local heroDataArray = function(args)
local outData = {}
for i, heroData in ipairs(inGameHeroData) do -- Iterate over each hero
local out = {} -- First creating a table to hold data
for j, key in pairs(args) do -- Iterate over each key:
if string.find(key, ">") ~= nil then -- If the key is actually a path of keys,
local node = heroData -- start with the biggest node heroData, and
for k in string.gmatch(key, "([^>]+)") do -- iterate over each key, splitting on ">",
if node[k] ~= nil then -- trying the key as a string e.g. "1",
node = node[k]
else -- else using the key as numeric,
node = node[tonumber(k)]
end -- drilling down the JSON node after node
out[key] = node -- until outputting the final node
out[key] = heroData[key] -- or just grab the data if not a path
outData[heroData["Name"]] = out -- Save data in the big table of heroes
p.heroHealthTable = function(frame)
-- Pull data
heroHealthData = heroDataArray({"Name", "MaxHealth", "LevelScaling>MaxHealth"})
-- Input table will be called a, output wikitable will be called z
-- From a to z, haha get it
z = "{| class=\"wikitable sortable mw-collapsible\" style=\"text-align:center\" \n"..
"|+ Hero Base Health Stats \n"..
"! Hero !! Starting !! Added per PI !! At Max PI \n"
-- Iterate over heroes adding a new row to the wikitable for each
for i,a in pairs(heroHealthData) do
z = z..
"|- \n"..
"| style=\"text-align:left;\" | "..
frame:expandTemplate{title="PageRef", args={a["Name"]}}..
" || "..a["MaxHealth"].." || +"..a["LevelScaling>MaxHealth"].." || "..
tostring(tonumber(a["MaxHealth"])+tonumber(a["LevelScaling>MaxHealth"])*14).." \n"
-- Cap it off
z = z.."|}"
return z
p.heroRegenTable = function(frame)
heroRegenData = heroDataArray({"Name", "BaseHealthRegen"})
z = "{| class=\"wikitable sortable mw-collapsible\" style=\"text-align:center\" \n"..
"|+ Hero Base Health Regen \n"..
"! Hero !! HP/s \n"
for i,a in pairs(heroRegenData) do
z = z..
"|- \n"..
"| style=\"text-align:left;\" | "..
frame:expandTemplate{title="PageRef", args={a["Name"]}}..
" || "..a["BaseHealthRegen"].." \n"
z = z.."|}"
return z
p.heroDpsTable = function(frame)
heroDpsData = heroDataArray({"Name","ReloadSingle","ReloadDelay","ReloadTime",
return p