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Revision as of 08:05, 3 November 2024 by Sylphoid (talk | contribs) (TODO)




  1. stat review: rapid rounds, add Fire Rate formula, truncating weird, skip
    1. Soul Shredder Bullets, spirit amp, where to add this? skip
    2. Sharshooter weapon fall-off range, and weapon zoom, hmmm skip
    3. Current: Alchemical Fire
  2. revert Updates
  3. Module:ItemTables need all stats entered, bulleted list below
  4. replace File:Map_of_Box_and_Golden_Statue_Spawns.webp with proper map
  • include searches for all increases, percent and linear (IN PROGRESS)

*Fire Rate%, Ammo%, Ammo,

  • Bullet Velocity%,
  • Bullet Resist%,
  • Weapon Damage%,
  • Reload Time%,
  • Bullet Shield Health,
  • Spirit Shield Health,
  • Spirit Power,
  • Weapon Damage vs. NPCs%,
  • Bullet Resist vs. NPCs%,
  • Bonus Health,
  • Slide Distance%,
  • Health Regen,
  • Sprint Speed (m/s),
  • Heavy Melee Distance%,Stamina, Spirit Resist%, Weapon Fall-off Range%, Weapon Zoom%, Bullet Lifesteal%, Spirit Lifesteal%, Move Speed (m/s), Max Health%, Cooldown Reduction%, Bullet Slow Proc%,
  • split up p.main into functions for readability
  • setup default sort, where it sorts by category, then by price DONE 10/8/2024
  • filter out disabled items (low prio, waiting for Sur or Saag to implement fix through github) DONE 10/2/2024
  • append unit suffix to end DONE 10/3/2024

Number formatting for thousands separator

In general Lua, text formatting can be done with:

function Format(amount)
    local formatted = amount
    while true do
        formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')
        if (k == 0) then
    return formatted

On Mediawiki installations, formatting should instead be done by:

local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local function Format(amount)
    local formatted = amount
    if(type(formatted) ~= "number") then return "<span style=\"color:red;\">Cannot format non-number value.</span>" end
    return lang:formatNum(tonumber(formatted))