Mid-Boss (also known as the Mid-Boss and The Boss) is a powerful neutral jungle boss who easily outmatches almost every hero without the right equipment or level.
The Mid-Boss's spawn location is in the middle of the map. They will spawn into 10 minutes into the game, followed with a sound effect to mark his arrival, followed by both team announcers announcing that "The Mid-Boss has arrived". The middle of the map will now have a small golden symbol in the middle, indicating that the boss is active and ready to be fought.
The Mid-Boss will be dormant and will not aggro onto anyone unless they get within range. Similarly, The Boss cannot be attacked outside of his pit, encouraging all players who want to contribute to stand within his range. His only method of attack is channeling a beam onto his current target. Currently its unknown how this targeting works but at the moment it seems to target the first player within range of him.
Attacking The Boss will drain him of his shield which regenerates quickly, making it nearly impossible to solo it with one player and must be fought together as a team.
After the Mid-boss reaches 50% health, he will let out another audio cue, similar to his spawn one. This cue is heard by both teams, alerting that the Mid-Boss is about to perish.
Mid-Boss Death
When the Mid-Boss is slain, he will play another sound cue followed by both team's announcers announcing the descent of the rejuvenator rune. This will spawn a Rejuvenator rune above him. This rune is not targetable as it descends and cannot be claimed until it has landed onto the ground fully. Once landed, any player who gets a powered melee strike on it will grant their team the 'Rejuvenator Credit' which grants several buffs. For more details see the Rejuvenator article.