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From Deadlock Wiki
Revision as of 22:33, 27 September 2024 by SerpentofSet (talk | contribs)

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:ItemsByStat/doc

local p = {}
local AllItemData = mw.loadJsonData("Data:ItemData.json")
local Lang = require("Module:Lang")

-- Someday there will be a field in the ItemData JSON that indicates if an item is in the game or not, until then...
ingame = {
	"Basic Magazine","Close Quarters","Headshot Booster","High-Velocity Mag","Hollow Point Ward","Monster Rounds","Rapid Rounds","Restorative Shot","Reload","Berserker","Kinetic Dash","Long Range","Melee Charge",
	"Mystic Shot","Slowing Bullets","Soul Shredder Bullets","Swift Striker","Fleetfoot","Burst Fire","Escalating Resilience","Headhunter","Hunter's Aura","Intensifying Magazine","Point Blank","Pristine Emblem",
	"Sharpshooter","Tesla Bullets","Titanic Magazine","Toxic Bullets","Alchemical Fire","Heroic Aura","Warp Stone","Crippling Headshot","Frenzy","Glass Cannon","Lucky Shot","Ricochet","Siphon Bullets","Spiritual Overflow",
	"Shadow Weave","Silencer","Vampiric Burst","Enduring Spirit","Extra Health","Extra Regen","Extra Stamina","Melee Lifesteal","Sprint Boots","Healing Rite","Bullet Armor","Bullet Lifesteal","Combat Barrier",
	"Debuff Reducer","Enchanter's Barrier","Enduring Speed","Healbane","Healing Booster","Re Barrier","Spirit Armor","Spirit Lifesteal","Divine Barrier","Health Nova","Restorative Locket","Return Fire","Fortitude",
	"Improved Bullet Armor","Improved Spirit Armor","Lifestrike","Superior Stamina","Veil Walker","Debuff Remover","Majestic Leap","Metal Skin","Rescue Beam","Inhibitor","Leech","Soul Rebirth","Colossus","Phantom Strike",
	"Unstoppable","Ammo Scavenger","Extra Charge","Extra Spirit","Mystic Burst","Mystic Reach","Spirit Strike","Infuser","Bullet Resist Shredder","Duration Extender","Improved Cooldown","Mystic Vulnerability",
	"Quicksilver Reload","Suppressor","Cold Front","Decay","Slowing Hex","Withering Whip","Improved Burst","Improved Reach","Improved Spirit","Mystic Slow","Rapid Recharge","Superior Cooldown","Superior Duration",
	"Surge of Power","Torment Pulse","Ethereal Shift","Knockdown","Silence Glyph","Boundless Spirit","Diviner's Kevlar","Escalating Exposure","Mystic Reverb","Curse","Echo Shard","Magic Carpet","Refresher"
InGameItemData = {}
for i, InGameItemName in pairs(ingame) do
	for j, ItemData in pairs(AllItemData) do
		if ItemData["Name"]==InGameItemName then 
			table.insert(InGameItemData, ItemData)

-- I truly have no better idea of how to sort by cost within slot, so I'm gonna multiply the costs of slots I want lower in the table
local multBySlot = {}
multBySlot["Weapon"] = 1
multBySlot["Armor"] = 10000
multBySlot["Tech"] = 100000000

-- For coloring the table by slot
local colorBySlot = {}
colorBySlot["Weapon"] = "#FCAC4D"
colorBySlot["Armor"] = "#86C921"
colorBySlot["Tech"] = "#DE9CFF"

local selectByStat = function(stat)
	-- List properties to grab and set up data structure to hold values
	local inKeys = {"Name","Tier","Cost","Slot",stat,"Components"}
	local outData = {}

	local i = 1
	for m,itemData in pairs(AllItemData) do
		if itemData[stat] ~= nil and itemData[stat] ~= "0" then -- If Item has given stat in its keys,
			outData[i] = {}
			for x = 1,#inKeys do
				outData[i][x] = itemData[inKeys[x]] -- grab stat and other values
			i = i+1
	-- Sort by cost within slot
	table.sort(outData, function(a,b) return a[3]*multBySlot[a[4]]<b[3]*multBySlot[b[4]] end)
	return outData

p.tablefy = function(frame)
	local stat = frame.args[1]
	local statName = frame.args[2]
	local suffix = frame.args[3]
	local tableData = selectByStat(stat)
	local outString = '{| class="wikitable sortable"\n|-\n!Item!!Cost!!'..statName..'\n'
	for i=1,#tableData do
		outString = outString..
			frame:expandTemplate{title="Item", args={tableData[i][1],Lang._search_string(tableData[i][1])}}.."||"..
			frame:expandTemplate{title="Souls", args={tableData[i][3]}}.."||"..
	return outString.."|}"

return p