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/* Global background and text color */
body, #bodyContent, .mw-body {
background-color: #e8dccc !important; /* Lighter tan background */
color: #3a2e2b !important; /* Dark brown text */
/* Header, Sidebar, and Footer Background */
#p-logo, .mw-header, #mw-head, .vector-menu-tabs, #mw-panel, .vector-menu-content, .vector-menu, #footer, .mw-footer, .mw-footer *, #mw-footer, #footer {
background-color: #c8ac84 !important; /* Darker tan background */
color: #58341c !important; /* Dark brown text */
border: none !important;
/* Header links (including top buttons) */
#p-personal a, #p-navigation a, #p-search a, #p-search .vector-search-box-input, .vector-menu-content a, .vector-menu-content a:visited, #left-navigation a, #right-navigation a, #p-cactions .vector-menu-content a {
background-color: #c8ac84 !important; /* Darker tan background */
color: #58341c !important; /* Dark brown text */
/* Top "Read," "Edit," etc. buttons */
.vector-menu-tabs a, .vector-menu-tabs a:visited {
background-color: #202c3b !important; /* Same darker tan background */
color: #3a2e2b !important; /* Dark brown text */
border-color: #8b4513 !important; /* Chocolate brown border */
.vector-menu-tabs a:hover, .vector-menu-tabs a:focus {
background-color: #c2a679 !important; /* Slightly darker on hover */
/* "More" button styling */
#p-cactions .vector-menu-dropdown {
background-color: #c8ac84 !important; /* Darker tan background */
color: #3a2e2b !important; /* Dark brown text */
border-color: #8b4513 !important; /* Chocolate brown border */
/* Search bar and magnifying glass */
#simpleSearch, #searchButton, .vector-search-box-input, #searchButton, .vector-search-icon {
background-color: #f0ece4 ;
color: #58341c !important; /* Dark brown text */
/* Styling for links */
a, a:visited {
color: #98643c !important; /* Dark brown text */
/* Change background color of the category section */
#catlinks {
background-color: #e0ccb4 !important; /* Darker tan background */
color: #58341c !important; /* Dark brown text for consistency */