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Module:HeroData: Difference between revisions

From Deadlock Wiki
Sur (talk | contribs)
m scalings added
Sur (talk | contribs)
m table confined to content
Line 410: Line 410:
-- First column in each row is hero name
-- First column in each row is hero name
-- This style forces the icon and the name to be on the same line, rather than
row_str = row_str .. "<td>" .. hero_icon .. "</td>"
-- adding a newline and increasing the height of all other cells in the row
hero_td_style = ' style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;"'
row_str = row_str .. "<td" .. hero_td_style .. '>' .. hero_icon .. "</td>"
-- Consecutive columns are then stats
-- Consecutive columns are then stats
Line 477: Line 474:
headers_str = "<tr>" .. headers_str .. "</tr>"
headers_str = "<tr>" .. headers_str .. "</tr>"

return '<table class="wikitable sortable">' .. headers_str .. body_str .. "</table>"
local table_str = '<table class="wikitable sortable" style="table-layout: fixed; width: 100%;">' .. headers_str .. body_str .. "</table>"
local output_str = '<div style="overflow-x: auto; width: 100%;">' .. table_str .. '</div>'
return output_str

return p
return p

Revision as of 03:35, 23 September 2024

Module documentation [edit] [purge]

Also see:


This module provides functions to create hero infoboxes, statboxes, or retrieve hero information using the data uploaded to Data:HeroData.json.

Both will automatically be translated depending on the language selected. If called on

  • Page - translates to english
  • Page/en - translates to english
  • Page/es - translates to spanish

See Template:Lang for more



Retrieve a hero variable's value, such as Abram's MaxHealth


  • hero_name - Name of the hero in english, or key of the hero. Preferred and recommended to use hero key, as its much more efficient. Search for the key in Data:HeroData.json
  • hero_var - Key of the hero's variable, see Data:HeroData.json
  • sig_figs_or_localize - OPTIONAL, # of sig figs to round to if retrieving a float, or "true" if its a string that should be localized. See Localizable values section.

Note: Recommended to use hero key where possible, i.e. hero_atlas as its O(1) time complexity instead of hero name (Abrams) which is O(N).


From wikitext:
Using hero name in english



Using hero key


Hero Not Found



Round to 2 sig figs







Lua error at line 51: attempt to call field '_get_string' (a nil value).


Only usable on variables that are integers, strings, or floats (meaning not dictionaries/hashes or arrays/lists).

If using sig_figs parameter, ensure the value is a float.

If using localize parameter, ensure the value is a string. See Data:HeroData.json, you will notice that hero_astro's "Lore" variable has the value "hero_astro_lore". This key is then sent to Module:Lang which checks for it in Data:Lang_en.json (or a different language).


Retrieve a specified element from a list


  • hero_name - Name of the hero in english, or hero key. Preferred and recommended to use hero key, as its much more efficient. Search for the key in Data:HeroData.json
  • hero_var - Key of the hero's variable, see Data:HeroData.json
  • number - Index to retrieve from the list. 1 for 1st element, 2 for 2nd element, etc.
  • localize - OPTIONAL - "true" if its a string that should be localized. See Localizable values section.


From wikitext:
Using hero name in english



Using hero key


Hero hero_atlas not found


Lua error at line 72: attempt to call field '_get_string' (a nil value).


Retrieve a hero variable's scalar value that is inside either "Spirit Scaling" or "Level Scaling", such as Abram's BulletDamage (scaling).


  • hero_key - Key of the hero. Search for the key of a given hero in Data:HeroData.json
  • scaling_type - "Spirit" or "Level"
  • hero_var - Key of the hero's variable that is inside either "Spirit Scaling" or "Level Scaling", see Data:HeroData.json



Script error: The function "get_hero_scalar" does not exist.


Writes a Template:Infobox_hero template call for a given hero


  • hero_name – Name of the hero, in english


From wikitext:


Which outputs Lua error at line 157: attempt to call field '_get_string' (a nil value).


Writes all 3 Template:Infobox_stat template calls (Weapon, Vitality, Spirit) for a given hero


  • hero_name – Name of the hero, in english


From wikitext:


Which outputs Lua error at line 289: attempt to call field '_get_string' (a nil value).


Writes the Hero Comparison table for a specific Level and Spirit Power


  • level - Number of Levels / Power Increases
  • spirit_power - Amount of Spirit power

Both parameters are optional, as if both are 0 or not provided, the outputted table will be at base and will also include the level/SS scaling in each cell along with the base value, rather than the scaled value.


From wikitext:


Which outputs Lua error at line 400: attempt to call field '_get_string' (a nil value).

Localizable values

Localizable values as of writing this:

  • Lore
  • Playstyle
  • Role
  • WeaponDescription
  • WeaponName
  • elements in WeaponTypes
  • elements in RecommendedItems

local p = {};
local heroes_data = mw.loadJsonData("Data:HeroData.json")
local attributes_data = mw.loadJsonData("Data:AttributeData.json")
local attribute_orders = mw.loadJsonData("Data:StatInfoboxOrder.json")
local util_module = require('Module:Utilities')
local lang_module = require('Module:Lang')
local attribute_module = require('Module:AttributeData')

-- returns the table of a specific item, used by external modules
function p.get_json_item(name)
	for i,v in pairs(heroes_data) do
		if (v["Name"] == name) then
			return v
	return nil

-- returns the key of the specified hero's english name
function p.get_hero_key(name)
	for i,v in pairs(heroes_data) do
		if (v["Name"] == name) then
			return i
	return nil

--sig_figs optional for rounding floats
p.get_hero_var = function(frame)
	local hero_name = frame.args[1]
	local hero_stat_key = frame.args[2]
	local sig_figs_or_localize = frame.args[3]
	local hero = p.get_json_item(hero_name)
	if(hero == nil) then return "Hero Not Found" end
	local var_value = hero[hero_stat_key]
	if(var_value == nil) then return 0 end
	if (sig_figs_or_localize ~= nil and tonumber(sig_figs_or_localize) ~= nil) then
		var_value = util_module.round_to_sig_fig(var_value, sig_figs_or_localize)
		if (var_value == nil) then return "get_hero_var() error with rounding" end
	if (sig_figs_or_localize == "true") then
		return lang_module._get_string(var_value)

	return var_value

p.get_list_elem = function(frame)
	local hero_name = frame.args[1]
	local var = frame.args[2]
	local number_str = frame.args[3]
	local number_int = tonumber(number_str)
	local localize = frame.args[4]
	local hero = p.get_json_item(hero_name)
	if (hero == nil) then return "Hero " .. hero_name .. " not found" end
	local list = hero[var]
	if (list == nil) then return "Hero does not have " .. var .. " variable" end
	local element = list[number_int]
	if (element == nil) then return "" end
	if localize=="true" then 
		element = lang_module._get_string(element)
	return element

--If the hero scales with the stat, it returns {{Ss|value}} or {{Ls|value}}, else blank string
p.get_hero_scalar_str_invoke = function(frame)
	local hero_name = frame.args[1]
	local hero_stat_key = frame.args[2]
	local hero_data = p.get_json_item(hero_name)
	if(hero_data == nil) then return "Hero Not Found" end
	return p.get_hero_scalar_str(hero_data, hero_stat_key) --surely theres a better way

-- Retrieve scaling string of a hero's given stat, if it has scaling, else return blank
-- Scaling string meaning the expanded template {{Ss|scalar}} or {{Ls|scalar}}
function p.get_hero_scalar_str(hero_data, hero_stat_key)
	local scaling_type_full
	local scaling_data
	local scaling_value
	local scaling_types = {"Spirit", "Level"}
	local scaling_abbrevs = {"Ss", "Ls"}
	for index, scaling_type in ipairs(scaling_types) do
		scaling_type_full = scaling_type .. "Scaling"
		scaling_data = hero_data[scaling_type_full]
		--If the scaling data exists
		if (scaling_data ~= nil) then 
			scaling_value = scaling_data[hero_stat_key]
			--If the stat scales
			if (scaling_value ~= nil) then
				scaling_value = util_module.round_to_sig_fig(scaling_value, 3)
				--The hero has a scaling value with this stat
				local template_title = "Template:" .. scaling_abbrevs[index] --scaling type's abbreviation
				local template_args = {}
				template_args["1"] = scaling_value --store in 1st arg for {{{1}}} to grab it from {{SS}} or {{LS}} template
				local template_call = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = template_title, args = template_args }
				return template_call
	-- Otherwise return empty string
	return ""

--HERO_NAME in english
p.write_infobox = function(frame)
	-- Get hero data
    hero_name = frame.args[1]
    hero_data = p.get_json_item(hero_name)
    if(hero_data == nil) then return "Hero Not Found" end
    local infobox_attributes = {
        Weapon = {'DPS','ClipSize','RoundsPerSecond','ReloadTime'},
        Vitality = {'MaxHealth','BulletArmorDamageReduction','TechArmorDamageReduction','MaxMoveSpeed'}
    -- Declarations and initializations
    local category_data = attribute_module.get_category_data()
    local stats
    local stat_data
    local stat_value
    local stat_text
    local label
    local postfix
    local should_display
    local image_file_name
    local image_file
    local icon_and_value_str
    local template_args = {}
    local stat_values = {Weapon = "", Vitality = ""}
    -- Add the main parameters
    template_args["name_english"] = hero_name
    template_args["name_localized"] = lang_module._get_string(p.get_hero_key(hero_name))
    local wep_name = hero_data["WeaponName"]
    if (wep_name ~= nil) then template_args["weapon_name"] = lang_module._get_string(wep_name) end
    local wep_desc = hero_data["WeaponDescription"]
    if (wep_desc ~= nil) then template_args["weapon_description"] = lang_module._get_string(wep_desc) end
    local role = hero_data["Role"]
    if (role ~= nil) then template_args["role"] = lang_module._get_string(role) end
    local playstyle = hero_data["Playstyle"]
    if (playstyle ~= nil) then template_args["playstyle"] = lang_module._get_string(playstyle) end
    -- Iterate attribute categories
    for category, stats in pairs(infobox_attributes) do
		-- Iterate stats
		for _, stat_name in ipairs(stats) do
			-- Confirm its in attribute data and retrieve it
			attribute_data = attributes_data[category]
			if (attribute_data == nil) then return "Category " .. category .. " in infobox_attributes is not in Data:AttributeData" end
			stat_data = attribute_data[stat_name]
			if (stat_data == nil) then return "Attribute " .. stat_name .. " in infobox_attributes is not in Data:AttributeData" end
			-- gets the stat's value
			stat_value = hero_data[stat_name]
			if (stat_value == nil) then
				stat_value = 0 --default to 0 if not present
			--Round value to 3 significant figures
			stat_value = util_module.round_to_sig_fig(stat_value, 3)
			-- get label and postfix
			label = lang_module._get_string(stat_data["label"])
			postfix = stat_data["postfix"]
			if (postfix == nil) then 
				postfix = ""
				-- light grey for postfixes
				postfix = lang_module._get_string(postfix)
				if (postfix == nil) then
					postfix = ""
				postfix = '<span style="color: #666666;">' .. postfix .. "</span>"
			-- if a language is missing the postfix, use no postfix
			-- Check if icon file exists, and if not, don't use any image
			image_file_name = 'File:AttributeIcon' .. stat_name .. '.png'
			image_file = util_module.get_image_file(image_file_name, 15, stat_name)
			-- Create the template'd icon
			local icon_color = attribute_module.get_attr_icon_color(stat_name)
			icon_template_title = mw.title.new("Template:Icon/" .. icon_color)
			icon_template_args = {}
			icon_template_args[1] = image_file
			icon_template_args[2] = stat_value .. postfix
			icon_and_value_str = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = icon_template_title, args = icon_template_args }
			label =  ',<span style="color: #999999; background-color: #2F2F2F; display: inline-flex; width: 100%; height: 100%; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">' .. label .. '</span>'
			-- First add localized stat name for left column
			stat_values[category] = stat_values[category] .. label
			-- Then add icon and stat value for right column
			stat_values[category] = stat_values[category] .. ',' .. icon_and_value_str
		-- Add the stat values in the category to i.e weapon_values and vitality_values parameters
		template_args[string.lower(category) .. "_values"] = stat_values[category]
    -- Use expandTemplate to evaluate the Infobox_hero template
    local template_title = mw.title.new("User:Sur")
    local expanded_template = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = template_title, args = template_args }
    return expanded_template

--Creates {{Infobox_stat}}'s' for the 3 categories Weapon, Vitality, Spirit
p.write_stat_infoboxes = function(frame)
	local hero_name = frame.args[1]
	if(hero_name == nil) then return "Hero parameter missing" end
	-- Use expandTemplate to evaluate the Infobox_hero template
    local template_title = mw.title.new("Template:Infobox_stat") --name of the template
    local template_calls = '<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">' --all template calls concatenated
    local template_call --current template call
	local template_args = {} --current template arguments
	local cell_values --current cell values
	local cell_value --current cell value
	local label --current stat's label
	local postfix --current stat's postfix
	local stat_value --current stat's numerical value in the hero data
	local hero_data = p.get_json_item(hero_name)
	local stats --stats of the current category
	local image_file_name --name of the image_file to check
	local image_file --mw returned image file
	local extra_blank_cell --add a blank cell after certain stats
	local stats_to_add_blank_after = {BulletLifesteal = true, CritDamageReceivedScale = true}
	if (hero_data == nil) then return "Hero Not Found in AttrData" end
	local category_data = attribute_module.get_category_data()
	local should_display
	for _, category in ipairs(attribute_orders["category_order"]) do
		stats = attributes_data[category]
		local category_values = category_data[category]
		template_args["box_name"] = category_values.unlocalized_name
		template_args["box_rgb"] = category_values.rgb
		template_args["num_cols"] = 2
		cell_values = ""
		-- Determine cell values
		for _, stat_name in ipairs(attribute_orders[category]["attribute_order"]) do
			stat_data = stats[stat_name]
			-- gets the stat's value if it has that stat, default to 0 if not
			stat_value = hero_data[stat_name]
			if (stat_value == nil) then
				stat_value = 0 --default to 0 if not present
			--Round value to 3 significant figures
			stat_value = util_module.round_to_sig_fig(stat_value, 3)
			-- get label and postfix
			label = lang_module._get_string(stat_data["label"])
			postfix = stat_data["postfix"]
			if (postfix == nil) then 
				postfix = ""
				-- light grey for postfixes
				postfix = '<span style="color: #666666;">' .. lang_module._get_string(postfix) .. "</span>"
			-- if a language is missing the postfix, use no postfix
			if (postfix == nil) then
				postfix = ""
			-- Check if icon file exists, and if not, don't use any image
			image_file_name = 'File:AttributeIcon' .. stat_name .. '.png'
			-- 15px and link to stat name (page name might not match perfectly yet)
			image_file = util_module.get_image_file(image_file_name, 15, stat_name)
			-- Create the template'd icon
			local icon_color = attribute_module.get_attr_icon_color(stat_name)
			if (icon_color == "Brown") then
				image_file = '<span style="position: relative; bottom: 2px; filter: invert(42%) sepia(10%) saturate(2912%) hue-rotate(351deg) brightness(90%) contrast(87%);">' .. image_file .. '</span>'
			-- use white instead of grey if grey is returned
			-- Add an empty cell following some stats to align them correctly as seen in game
			if (stats_to_add_blank_after[stat_name]) then
				extra_blank_cell = " ," --prefixed space is needed
				extra_blank_cell = ""
			-- slightly lighter color for stat name
			label = '<span style="color: #3d3d3d;">' .. label .. '</span>'
			-- Add the scaling str if it scales
			local scalar_str = p.get_hero_scalar_str(hero_data, stat_name)
			if (scalar_str ~= "") then scalar_str = " " .. scalar_str end
			-- Set cell value as "Icon StatvaluePostfix Statname Scaling,"
			-- If icon file already exists, set it to #REDIRECT to the duplicate file page
			cell_value = image_file .. " " .. stat_value  .. postfix .. " " .. label  .. scalar_str .. "," .. extra_blank_cell
			cell_values = cell_values .. cell_value --add value to values list
		template_args["cell_values"] = cell_values
		-- Write current call
		template_call = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = template_title, args = template_args }
		-- Add call to the set of calls
		template_calls = template_calls .. "\n" .. template_call
	return template_calls .. "</div>"

--writes the massive hero comparison table for a specific PI and SP
p.write_hero_comparison_table = function(frame)
	-- process inputs
	local power_increases = frame.args[1]
	if (power_increases == nil) then power_increases = 0 end
	local spirit_power = frame.args[2]
	if (spirit_power == nil) then spirit_power = 0 end
	-- Initializations and declarations
	local row_str = ""
	local body_str = ""
	local in_development
	local is_disabled
	local template_title = ""
	local template_args = {}
	local hero_icon
	local hero_td_style
	local scalar_str
	-- Exclude some specific stats which are currently constant for all heroes at a negligible value
	local stats_to_exclude = {
		BaseWeaponDamageIncrease = true,
		FireRate = true,
		ClipSizeIncrease = true,
		ReloadSpeed = true,
		BulletSpeedIncrease = true,
		BulletLifesteal = true,
		BulletShieldHealth = true,
		TechShieldHealth = true,
		HealingOutput = true,
		DebuffResist = true,
		CritDamageReceivedScale = true,
		StaminaRegenIncrease = true,
		TechCooldown = true,
		TechDuration = true,
		TechRange = true,
		TechLifesteal = true,
		MaxChargesIncrease = true,
		TechCooldownBetweenChargeUses = true
	-- Iterate heroes
	for hero_key, hero_data in pairs(heroes_data) do
		-- Ensure they are not in development and they are an active hero
		in_development = hero_data["inDevelopment"]
		is_disabled = hero_data["isDisabled"]
		if (not in_development and not is_disabled) then 
			--Add the row's stats
			row_str = ""
			-- Retrieve hero's localized name
			hero_name = lang_module._get_string(hero_key)
			-- Retrieve hero's english name, used for hero icon
			hero_name_en = hero_data["Name"]
			-- Expand hero icon
			template_title = "Template:HeroIcon"
			template_args[1] = hero_name_en
			template_args[2] = hero_name
			hero_icon = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = template_title, args = template_args }
			-- First column in each row is hero name
			row_str = row_str .. "<td>" .. hero_icon .. "</td>"
			-- Consecutive columns are then stats
			-- Iterate categories
			for _, category in ipairs(attribute_orders["category_order"]) do
				category_attrs = attributes_data[category]
				-- Iterate attributes within the category
				for _, attr_key in ipairs(attribute_orders[category]["attribute_order"]) do
					if (stats_to_exclude[attr_key] == nil) then
						attr_data = category_attrs[attr_key]
						--Retrieve the stats value from hero data
						stat_value = hero_data[attr_key]
						if (stat_value == nil) then stat_value = 0 end
						-- Round it
						stat_value = util_module.round_to_sig_fig(stat_value, 3)
						-- Retrieve scaling str if it scales
						scalar_str = p.get_hero_scalar_str(hero_data, attr_key)
						if (scalar_str ~= "") then scalar_str = " " .. scalar_str end
						-- Add it to the row
						row_str = row_str .. "<td>" .. stat_value .. scalar_str .. "</td>"
			-- Add row to the body
			row_str = "<tr>" .. row_str .. "</tr>"
			body_str = body_str .. row_str 
			first_hero = false
	-- First header is Hero
	local headers_str = "<th>" .. "Hero" .. "</th>"
	local header_style = ""
	local category_data = attribute_module.get_category_data()
	-- Iterate stats again for displaying headers with their respective color
	for _, category in ipairs(attribute_orders["category_order"]) do
		category_attrs = attributes_data[category]
		category_rgb = category_data[category]["rgb"]
		-- Iterate attributes within the category
		for _, attr_key in ipairs(attribute_orders[category]["attribute_order"]) do
			if (stats_to_exclude[attr_key] == nil) then
				attr_data = category_attrs[attr_key]
				-- Localize, fallback to attr_key
				attr_localized = lang_module._get_string(attr_data["label"])
				if (attr_localized == nil) then attr_localized = attr_key end
				header_style = ' style="background-color: ' .. "rgb(" .. category_rgb .. ') ;"'
				headers_str = headers_str .. "<th" .. header_style .. ">" .. attr_localized .. "</th>"
	headers_str = "<tr>" .. headers_str .. "</tr>"

	local table_str = '<table class="wikitable sortable" style="table-layout: fixed; width: 100%;">' .. headers_str .. body_str .. "</table>"
	local output_str = '<div style="overflow-x: auto; width: 100%;">' .. table_str .. '</div>'
	return output_str

return p