Generates hero navigation cards
For Template:Hero Navbox on Heroes, individual hero pages like Abrams, and the home page.
First with debug_mode on, to help visualize what the output's source looks like.
{{#invoke:HeroData/nav|get_hero_nav_cards |in_herolabs=true |text_size=11 |card_size=card_size|88 |sticker_size=sticker_size|30 |herolabs_text_size=herolabs_text_size|6 |debug_mode=true }}
First parameter must be Current or Upcoming
Now with debug_mode defaulted to false (off) to see actual visual output.
{{#invoke:HeroData/nav|get_hero_nav_cards |in_herolabs=true |text_size=11 |card_size=88 |sticker_size=30 |herolabs_text_size=6 }}
First parameter must be Current or Upcoming
- text_size - Font size of the hero name
- card_size - Size of the hero card
- sticker_size - Size of the Recommended or Hero lab stickers that appear in the top right corner
- herolabs_text_size - Font size of the 'Hero Labs' text that appears for heroes in Hero Labs
- debug_mode - (OPTIONAL) Defaults to false. With true, the output is raw wikitext source that isn't processed, allowing to see more clearly what is ran.
debug_mode is the only optional parameter. All other parameters are required. Template:Hero card2 utilizes this with some default values, see there for suggested values.
local p = {}
local heroes_data = mw.loadJsonData("Data:HeroData.json")
local lang_module = require('Module:Lang')
-- for [[Template:Hero Navbox]], i.e. {{Hero Card Nav|Hero=Abrams}} {{Hero Card Nav|Hero=Bebop}}
function p.get_hero_nav_cards(frame)
local current_or_upcoming = frame.args[1]
if current_or_upcoming ~= 'Current' and current_or_upcoming ~= 'Upcoming' then
return 'First parameter must be Current or Upcoming'
local ret = ''
for hero_key, hero_data in pairs(heroes_data) do
local card = ''
if hero_data["Name"] ~= nil and hero_data["IsDisabled"] == false then
if (hero_data["InDevelopment"] == false and current_or_upcoming == 'Current' or hero_data["InDevelopment"] == true and current_or_upcoming == 'Upcoming') then
card = '{{Hero Card Nav|Hero=' .. lang_module.get_string(hero_key) .. '}}'
ret = ret .. card .. ' '
return frame:preprocess(ret)
return p