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From Deadlock Wiki
Revision as of 18:22, 1 November 2024 by Sur (talk | contribs) (write_item_slot_subgroup created type parameter)


Functions for creating navigation boxes/lists for items, grouped by a slot/category and souls



Gets a list of items that are each sent to the Template:ItemIcon template, separated by bullet points.

Filters down to a slot/specific category, and within a range of souls.


  • slot - Slot/category that the items should be, should be Weapon, Armor, or Tech
  • min_souls - Minimum souls that the items should have
  • max_souls - Maximum souls that the items should have
  • debug_mode - (OPTIONAL) - if set to 'true', the wikitext is unprocessed, allowing for it to be read more clearly. Also used for showcasing the documentation examples more clearly.


With debug_mode on (for illustration purposes) {{#invoke:ItemData/nav|get_item_nav_bulletpoints|Armor|1250|3000|debug_mode=true}}

Min/Max souls must be numerical

With debug_mode off {{#invoke:ItemData/nav|get_item_nav_bulletpoints|Armor|1250|3000}}

Min/Max souls must be numerical


Gets a list of items that are each sent to the Template:ItemBox template, separated by space.

Filters down to a specific slot/category, and within a range of souls.


Same as get_item_nav_bulletpoints


With debug_mode on (for illustration purposes) {{#invoke:ItemData/nav|get_item_nav_bulletpoints|Armor|1250|3000|debug_mode=true}}

Min/Max souls must be numerical

With debug_mode off {{#invoke:ItemData/nav|get_item_nav_bulletpoints|Armor|1250|3000}}

Min/Max souls must be numerical


Writes a sub group for the navbox on Template:Item Navbox and Template:Infobox ShopItems. The sub group contains all items in each price range from "ItemPricePerTier" in Data:GenericData.json


  • slot - Slot/category to create the subgroup for, ie Weapon, Armor, or Tech
  • type - The subfunction to call that determines the list formatting style. Options are 'get_item_nav_bulletpoints' or 'get_item_nav_cards'
  • debug_mode - (OPTIONAL) - if set to 'true', the wikitext is unprocessed, allowing for it to be read more clearly. Also used for showcasing the documentation examples more clearly.


With debug_mode on (for illustration purposes) {{#invoke:ItemData/nav|write_item_slot_subgroup|Weapon|get_item_nav_bulletpoints|debug_mode=true}}

|group1={{Souls|500|Shadow=font-size: 12px; text-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);}}|list1=REMINDER: 'Disabled' was renamed to 'IsDisabled'|group2={{Souls|1250|Shadow=font-size: 12px; text-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);}}|list2=REMINDER: 'Disabled' was renamed to 'IsDisabled'|group3={{Souls|3000|Shadow=font-size: 12px; text-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);}}|list3=REMINDER: 'Disabled' was renamed to 'IsDisabled'|group4={{Souls|6000|Shadow=font-size: 12px; text-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);}}|list4=REMINDER: 'Disabled' was renamed to 'IsDisabled'

With debug_mode off {{#invoke:ItemData/nav|write_item_slot_subgroup|Weapon|get_item_nav_bulletpoints}}

|group1=Souls500|list1=REMINDER: 'Disabled' was renamed to 'IsDisabled'|group2=Souls1250|list2=REMINDER: 'Disabled' was renamed to 'IsDisabled'|group3=Souls3000|list3=REMINDER: 'Disabled' was renamed to 'IsDisabled'|group4=Souls6000|list4=REMINDER: 'Disabled' was renamed to 'IsDisabled'

Recall that it creates subgroup parameters for the mentioned templates.

local p = {}
local items_data = mw.loadJsonData("Data:ItemData.json")
local lang_module = require('Module:Lang')
local generic_module = require('Module:GenericData')

--With debug_mode on, it outputs unprocessed wikitext
--With debug_mode off/unspecified, it processes the wikitext
local function process_debug_mode(wikitext, debug_mode)
	if debug_mode == 'true' then
		return wikitext
	elseif debug_mode == 'false' or debug_mode == nil then
		return mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(wikitext)
		return "debug_mode must be 'true' or 'false'"

--Writes list of items of a certain slot within the min and max soul bounds
-- Each item is wrapped and separated. For example of wrapping/separator, see
-- get_item_nav_bulletpoints. 'sep' should not be combined with 'right_wrap', 
-- as the trailing separator should also be removed from the string
local function write_wrapped_item_list(slot, min_souls, max_souls, left_wrap, right_wrap, sep)
	if slot ~= 'Weapon' and slot ~= 'Armor' and slot ~= 'Tech' then
		return 'slot must be Weapon, Armor (Vitality), or Tech (Spirit)'
	local min_souls = tonumber(min_souls)
	local max_souls = tonumber(max_souls)
	if min_souls == nil or max_souls == nil then return 'Min/Max souls must be numerical' end
	--Retrieve all items that fit the bounds
	local items = {}
	for item_key, item_data in pairs(items_data) do
		--future proofing; Disabled will be renamed to IsDisabled soon
		if item_data['Disabled'] == nil and item_data['IsDisabled'] ~= nil then 
			return "REMINDER: 'Disabled' was renamed to 'IsDisabled'"
		local this_cost = tonumber(item_data["Cost"])
		local this_slot = item_data["Slot"]
		if item_data["Name"] ~= nil and item_data["Disabled"] == false and this_cost ~= nil and this_slot ~= nil then
			if slot == this_slot and this_cost>=min_souls and this_cost<max_souls then
				table.insert(items, lang_module.get_string(item_key))
	--Order list alphabetically
	table.sort(items) --O(nlogn)
	--Add each item to output
	-- Each item is surrounded by left and right wrap, and separated by sep
	local ret = ''
	for index, item_name in ipairs(items) do
		ret = ret .. left_wrap .. item_name .. right_wrap .. sep
	--Remove the last separator thats trailing after the last item
	ret = string.sub(ret, 1, -(string.len(sep))-1)
	return ret

-- for [[Template:Item Navbox]]
function p.get_item_nav_bulletpoints(slot, min_souls, max_souls, debug_mode)
	-- If called internally (direct Lua call), args will be passed directly.
    -- If called from wikitext, `slot` will be the `frame` object, and we get args from `frame.args`.

    -- Handle the case where it's called via #invoke (i.e., from wikitext)
    if type(slot) == "table" and slot.args then
        local frame = slot
        slot = frame.args[1]
        debug_mode = frame.args["debug_mode"]
	local left_wrap = '{{ItemIcon|'
	local right_wrap = '}}'
	local sep = ' &bull; '
	local item_list = write_wrapped_item_list(slot, min_souls, max_souls, left_wrap, right_wrap, sep)
	return process_debug_mode(item_list, debug_mode)

-- for [[Template:Infobox ShopItems]]
function p.get_item_nav_cards(slot, min_souls, max_souls, debug_mode)
	-- If called internally (direct Lua call), args will be passed directly.
    -- If called from wikitext, `slot` will be the `frame` object, and we get args from `frame.args`.

    -- Handle the case where it's called via #invoke (i.e., from wikitext)
    if type(slot) == "table" and slot.args then
        local frame = slot
        slot = frame.args[1]
        debug_mode = frame.args["debug_mode"]
	local left_wrap = '{{ItemBox|item_name='
	local right_wrap = '}}'
	local sep = ' '
	local item_list = write_wrapped_item_list(slot, min_souls, max_souls, left_wrap, right_wrap, sep)
	return process_debug_mode(item_list, debug_mode)

function p.write_item_slot_subgroup(frame)
	local slot = frame.args[1]
	local type = frame.args[2]
	local debug_mode = frame.args['debug_mode']
	if slot == nil then return "'slot' parameter is required" end
	local soul_style = "font-size: 12px; text-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);"
	local ret = ''
	local prices = generic_module.get_item_price_per_tier()
	for i, souls in ipairs(prices) do
		--Determine lower bound for soul
		min_souls = souls
		--Skip 0 to i1 as no items cost less than 500
		if min_souls ~= 0 then 
			-- Determine upper bound
			max_souls = prices[i+1]
			if max_souls == nil then 
				max_souls = min_souls * 10 --essentially have no upper bound
			--Create the subgroup
			ret = ret .. "|group" .. (i-1) .. "={{Souls|"..souls.."|Shadow="..soul_style.."}}"
			local list
			if type=='get_item_nav_cards' then
				list = p.get_item_nav_cards(slot, min_souls, max_souls, debug_mode)
			elseif type=='get_item_nav_bulletpoints' then
				list = p.get_item_nav_bulletpoints(slot, min_souls, max_souls, debug_mode)
				return "'type' should be get_item_nav_cards or get_item_nav_bulletpoints"
			ret = ret .. "|list" .. (i-1) .. "=" .. list
	return process_debug_mode(ret, debug_mode)

return p