Audio Line Discrepancy
I'm leaving this here as a note to anyone who wants to upload Lash's ability lines in the future:
In-game as of writing (Jan 24th 2025) Ground Strike is his 1st ability and Grapple is his 2nd. In the audio files "lash_upgrade_power1" and "lash_use_power1" are Grapple, while "lash_use_power1_02"/"lash_use_power1_02_02" , "lash_upgrade_power2" and "lash_use_power2" are Ground Strike.
However, "lash_desperation_power1" is actually Ground Strike and "lash_desperation_power2" is actually Grapple like they currently are in-game. When I create the tables I will order the files as they are in the directory but be warned.
The "lash_use_power5" lines are all Flog in addition to power3.
Small update: There is another idiosyncracy with his quotes. Instead of having an ability ready and ability on cooldown ping, he has "Almost ready" as well. I don't know where the "ability ready" pings are stored in his directory.
--Sunsetters (talk) 10:48, 24 January 2025 (UTC)