Mid Boss (also known as the Mid-Boss and The Boss) is a powerful neutral jungle boss who easily outmatches almost every hero without the right equipment or level.
After 10 minutes have elapsed in a match, the Mid Boss will spawn in the center of the map, inside a large building. Its arrival is announced through a loud roar, followed by the Patron's announcement "The Mid Boss has arrived". While Mid Boss is alive, a golden Rejuvenator symbol will appear at its location.
The Mid Boss is initally dormant and will not attack anyone outside its pit. As soon as a player has entered the pit, Mid Boss will attack by channeling a bright purple beam onto them. If multiple players are inside the pit, it will prioritise the closest one. Additionally, Mid Boss can only be damaged by players who are inside its pit, and will be completely invulnerable to outside attacks.
Unlike most units, Mid Boss has a special shield surrounding it at all times that prevents it from taking health damage. In order to actually harm it, enough damage needs to be dealt to deplete the constantly regenerating shield, which can prove difficult for individual or unprepared players. Once Mid Boss has reached 60% Health, it will roar once again, announcing to both teams that it is close to death.
Health Scaling
Mid Boss' Health scales linearly the longer a match goes on for. For every minute that passes, it gains an additional 425 Health which is added to its 6000 Base Health.
Time | Total Health |
10:00 | 6,000 |
15:00 | 8,125 |
20:00 | 10,250 |
30:00 | 14,500 |
40:00 | 18,750 |
60:00 | 27,250 |
It is unclear whether or not additional health is calculcated before or after Mid Boss spawns, but it is likely after.
When Mid Boss is slain, a Rejuvenator will spawn above it and begin its slow descent. The Rejuvenator is not targetable as it descends and cannot be claimed until it has landed onto the ground fully. Once landed, attacking it with a Heavy Melee will grant the attacker's team the Rejuvenator Credit buff. Rejuvenator Credit grants the following effects:
- Halves each player's next respawn time, including currently dead players.
- Converts all nearby Troopers into Super Troopers.
- Increases fire rate for you and your allies.
- Unconfirmed, but possibly increased health regen.