Localizes a given string to the current language, i.e. Data:Lang_en.json for english.
- key - Key string to localize
- lang_code_override (OPTIONAL) - Overrides the current language to a specific language code
- fallback_str (OPTIONAL) - Passing
causes it to return the english localization if it can't be localized to the current language. Passing any other string causes it to return that string if it can't be localized. Both have Template:MissingValveTranslationTooltip appended. Use this very often as some keys are not yet localized in every language by the game. Passingdictionary
causes it to return the translation via Data:Dictionary if it can't be localized. If parsing the fallback_str from lua and is computationally expensive (i.e. add_space_before_cap), consider using fallback outside this function so it only computes when needed. - remove_var_index (OPTIONAL) - Removes %variables% from the resulting string. -1 also removes the character prefixing %variables%, while 1 removes the postfixed character, and 0 removes only the %variables%.
NOTE: Optional parameters are ideally named when not all parameters are provided, though named parameters can only be passed by invoke, and not internal lua calls.
Invokes from wikitext:
Lua error at line 4: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil).
Lua error at line 4: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil).
Examples for fallback_str
Lua error at line 4: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil).
Lua error at line 4: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil).
{{#invoke:Lang|get_string|StatDesc_CritDamageBonusScale|lang_code_override=es|fallback_str=Crit Damage Bonus Scale}}
Lua error at line 4: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil).
{{#invoke:Lang|get_string|Tech Items|fallback_str=dictionary}}
Lua error at line 4: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil).
Examples for remove_var_index
Lua error at line 4: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil).
TODO: Debug why is =0 still removing that extra space? Doesn't matter yet I suppose, no use cases for 0 yet
Lua error at line 4: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil).
Lua error at line 4: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil).
When calling by internal modules, the parameters cannot be named, and therefore have to be in order. Unused parameters before the last used parameter should be nil
. Such as, .get_string('hero_atlas', nil, 'en')
Searches for the unlocalized key corresponding to a given english string, then localizes it to the current language. NOTE: Use sparingly, always use get_string instead where plausible, as it has time complexity O(1) compared to search_string's O(10,000).
- string - English string to search for
From wikitext:
Lua error at line 4: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil).
local p = {}
function get_lang_file(lang_code)
local file_name = string.format("Data:Lang_%s.json", lang_code)
local success, data = pcall(mw.loadJsonData, file_name)
if success then
return data
return nil
-- Get a localized string by the raw key
p.get_string = function(frame)
local key = frame.args[1]
local lang_code_override = frame.args[2]
return get_string(key, lang_code_override)
function get_string(key, lang_code)
local lang_code = lang_code_override
if (lang_code_override == '') then
lang_code = get_lang_code()
local data = get_lang_file(lang_code)
if (data == nil) then
return string.format("Lang code '%s' does not have a json file", lang_code)
local label = data[key]
if (label == nil) then
return string.format("Key '%s' not found", key)
return label
-- Search for a localized string using its English label
p.search_string = function(frame)
local label = frame.args[1]
local lang_code_override = frame.args[2]
local lang_code = lang_code_override
if (lang_code_override == '') then
lang_code = get_lang_code()
-- Load the language files
local data_en = get_lang_file('en') -- English data
local data_lang = get_lang_file(lang_code) -- Target language data
-- Search for the key in the English data
local key = nil
for k, v in pairs(data_en) do
if v == label then
key = k -- Find the key corresponding to the label
-- If the key is found, return the localized string, otherwise return a fallback
if key and data_lang[key] then
return data_lang[key]
return "English label not found or not localized"
function get_lang_code()
local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
local lang_code = title.fullText:match(".*/(.*)$")
-- if the last part the url is not two letters, then its not a lang code,
-- so default to english
if (lang_code == nil or string.len(lang_code) ~= 2) then
return 'en'
return lang_code
return p