Color related functions for retrieving wiki-standardized colors
Retrieve's the color of a given key in any color format (default hex).
- key - key, options are CitadelCategoryTech, hero_lash, CitadelCategoryWeapon, hero_mirage, hero_haze, hero_atlas, hero_inferno, hero_ghost, hero_yamato, hero_dynamo, hero_chrono, hero_bebop, hero_gigawatt, hero_wraith, hero_warden, hero_shiv, CitadelCategoryArmor, hero_orion, Citadel_LaneStats_Souls, hero_hornet, hero_viscous, Citadel_Profile_Stats_Healing, hero_forge,
- color_format - color format - Defaults to hex. Valid options are hex, rgb, hsl, cmyk
- no_wrap - (OPTIONAL) - Defaults to false. Set to true to remove prefixes and postfixes of '#' from hex, or 'rgb()', 'hsl()', and 'cmyk()' from the other formats. May be useful for altering the values dynamically
- debug_mode - (OPTIONAL) - Defaults to false. Used mostly for documentation purposes
See examples at Template:Color
Key | English | Hex Code | Colored div | Colored Text | Colored Underline |
CitadelCategoryWeapon | Weapon | #d5903f | CitadelCategoryWeapon | CitadelCategoryWeapon | CitadelCategoryWeapon |
CitadelCategoryArmor | Vitality | #74b01c | CitadelCategoryArmor | CitadelCategoryArmor | CitadelCategoryArmor |
CitadelCategoryTech | Spirit | #c288f0 | CitadelCategoryTech | CitadelCategoryTech | CitadelCategoryTech |
Citadel_LaneStats_Souls | Souls | #98ffde | Citadel_LaneStats_Souls | Citadel_LaneStats_Souls | Citadel_LaneStats_Souls |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_Healing | Healing | #00FF9A | Citadel_Profile_Stats_Healing | Citadel_Profile_Stats_Healing | Citadel_Profile_Stats_Healing |
hero_atlas | Abrams | #2193AE | hero_atlas | hero_atlas | hero_atlas |
hero_wraith | Wraith | #954E7A | hero_wraith | hero_wraith | hero_wraith |
hero_viscous | Viscous | #8AC365 | hero_viscous | hero_viscous | hero_viscous |
hero_orion | Grey Talon | #61B083 | hero_orion | hero_orion | hero_orion |
hero_hornet | Vindicta | #87A8B8 | hero_hornet | hero_hornet | hero_hornet |
hero_inferno | Infernus | #FF472E | hero_inferno | hero_inferno | hero_inferno |
hero_forge | McGinnis | #466A9C | hero_forge | hero_forge | hero_forge |
hero_haze | Haze | #AE6231 | hero_haze | hero_haze | hero_haze |
hero_ghost | Lady Geist | #088A5C | hero_ghost | hero_ghost | hero_ghost |
hero_mirage | Mirage | #87683C | hero_mirage | hero_mirage | hero_mirage |
hero_lash | Lash | #444C57 | hero_lash | hero_lash | hero_lash |
hero_gigawatt | Seven | #EC963F | hero_gigawatt | hero_gigawatt | hero_gigawatt |
hero_yamato | Yamato | #6F9181 | hero_yamato | hero_yamato | hero_yamato |
hero_warden | Warden | #566279 | hero_warden | hero_warden | hero_warden |
hero_bebop | Bebop | #A04835 | hero_bebop | hero_bebop | hero_bebop |
hero_chrono | Paradox | #993A53 | hero_chrono | hero_chrono | hero_chrono |
hero_dynamo | Dynamo | #D0BA46 | hero_dynamo | hero_dynamo | hero_dynamo |
hero_shiv | Shiv | #A53D88 | hero_shiv | hero_shiv | hero_shiv |
local lang_module = require('Module:Lang')
local p = {}
-- Hash for color values
local colors_data = {
["CitadelCategoryWeapon"] = {
hex = "d5903f",
rgb = "213,144,63",
hsl = "30,70%,54%",
cmyk = "0%,32%,70%,16%"
["CitadelCategoryArmor"] = {
hex = "74b01c",
rgb = "116,176,28",
hsl = "88,73%,40%",
cmyk = "34%,0%,84%,31%"
["CitadelCategoryTech"] = { --spirit
hex = "c288f0", -- purple
rgb = "194,136,240",
hsl = "276,79%,74%",
cmyk = "19%,43%,0%,6%"
["Citadel_LaneStats_Souls"] = {
hex = "98ffde",
rgb = "152,255,222",
hsl = "162,100%,80%",
cmyk = "40%,0%,13%,0%"
["Citadel_Profile_Stats_Healing"] = {
hex = "00FF9A",
rgb = "0,255,154",
hsl = "150,100%,50%",
cmyk = "100%,0%,40%,0%"
["hero_atlas"] = { --abrams
hex = "2193AE",
rgb = "33,147,174",
hsl = "193,68%,41%",
cmyk = "81%,15%,0%,32%"
["hero_wraith"] = {
hex = "954E7A",
rgb = "149,78,122",
hsl = "320,31%,44%",
cmyk = "0%,48%,18%,42%"
["hero_viscous"] = {
hex = "8AC365",
rgb = "138,195,101",
hsl = "98,47%,58%",
cmyk = "29%,0%,48%,24%"
["hero_orion"] = { --grey talon
hex = "61B083",
rgb = "97,176,131",
hsl = "145,32%,54%",
cmyk = "45%,0%,26%,31%"
["hero_hornet"] = { --vindicta
hex = "87A8B8",
rgb = "135,168,184",
hsl = "202,28%,63%",
cmyk = "27%,9%,0%,28%"
["hero_inferno"] = { --infernus
hex = "FF472E",
rgb = "253,71,46",
hsl = "7,98%,59%",
cmyk = "0%,72%,82%,1%"
["hero_forge"] = { --mcginnis
hex = "466A9C",
rgb = "70,106,156",
hsl = "215,38%,44%",
cmyk = "55%,32%,0%,39%"
["hero_haze"] = {
hex = "AE6231",
rgb = "174,98,49",
hsl = "25,57%,44%",
cmyk = "0%,44%,72%,32%"
["hero_ghost"] = { --lady geist
hex = "088A5C",
rgb = "8,138,92",
hsl = "162,88%,29%",
cmyk = "94%,0%,33%,46%"
["hero_mirage"] = {
hex = "87683C",
rgb = "135,104,60",
hsl = "35,38%,38%",
cmyk = "0%,23%,56%,47%"
["hero_lash"] = {
hex = "444C57",
rgb = "68,76,87",
hsl = "215,12%,30%",
cmyk = "22%,13%,0%,66%"
["hero_gigawatt"] = { --seven
hex = "EC963F",
rgb = "236,150,63",
hsl = "30,83%,59%",
cmyk = "0%,36%,73%,8%"
["hero_yamato"] = {
hex = "6F9181",
rgb = "111,145,129",
hsl = "150,13%,50%",
cmyk = "23%,0%,11%,43%"
["hero_warden"] = {
hex = "566279",
rgb = "86,98,121",
hsl = "220,17%,41%",
cmyk = "29%,19%,0%,53%"
["hero_bebop"] = {
hex = "A04835",
rgb = "160,72,53",
hsl = "11,50%,42%",
cmyk = "0%,55%,67%,37%"
["hero_chrono"] = { --paradox
hex = "993A53",
rgb = "153,58,83",
hsl = "341,45%,41%",
cmyk = "0%,62%,46%,40%"
["hero_dynamo"] = {
hex = "D0BA46",
rgb = "208,186,70",
hsl = "49,62%,54%",
cmyk = "0%,11%,66%,18%"
["hero_shiv"] = {
hex = "A53D88",
rgb = "165,61,136",
hsl = "317,46%,44%",
cmyk = "0%,63%,18%,35%"
local colors_order = {
-- Hash for format configuration
local color_formats = {
hex = {
prefix = "#",
postfix = ""
rgb = {
prefix = "rgb(",
postfix = ")"
hsl = {
prefix = "hsl(",
postfix = ")"
cmyk = {
prefix = "cmyk(",
postfix = ")"
function p.get_color(key, color_format, no_wrap, debug_mode)
if type(key) == 'table' and key.args then
frame = key
key = frame.args[1]
color_format = frame.args[2]
no_wrap = frame.args["no_wrap"]
debug_mode = frame.args["debug_mode"]
-- Validate arguments
if key == nil or key == "" then return "'key' parameter must be provided" end
if color_format == nil or color_format == "" then color_format = "hex" end
if no_wrap == nil or no_wrap == 'false' or no_wrap == "" then no_wrap = false else no_wrap = true end
if debug_mode == nil or debug_mode == 'false' or debug_mode == "" then debug_mode = false end
if (key == "Weapon" or
key == "Armor" or
key == "Tech") then
key = "CitadelCategory" .. key
elseif (key == "Souls") then
key = "Citadel_LaneStats_Souls"
elseif (key == "Healing") then
key = "Citadel_Profile_Stats_Healing"
local color_data = colors_data[slot]
if color_data == nil then return "slot '" .. key .. "' was not in slots_data map" end
--Retrieve the color
local color = color_data[color_format]
if color == nil then
return "color_format '" .. color_format .. "' is not in slots_data map"
-- Add prefix and postfix wrapping
if not no_wrap then
-- Retrieve prefix and postfix
prefix = color_formats[color_format]['prefix']
postfix = color_formats[color_format]['postfix']
-- Add to color
color = prefix .. color .. postfix
-- Return result
if debug_mode then
return " " .. color
return color
function p.list_keys(frame)
local ret = ''
for key, value in pairs(colors_data) do
ret = ret .. key .. ", "
return frame:preprocess(ret)
function p.write_previews(frame)
local ret = ''
-- Add headers
local headers = {"Key", "English", "Hex Code", "Colored div", "Colored Text", "Colored Underline"}
local header_row = ""
for _, header in ipairs(headers) do
header_row = header_row .. "<th>" .. header .. "</th>"
header_row = "<tr>" .. header_row .. "</tr>"
-- Add values
local rows = ""
local row
for i, key in ipairs(colors_order) do
local color_data = colors_data[key]
if color_data == nil then return "key " .. key .. " from colors_order is missing in colors_data" end
local hex = color_data['hex']
local english = lang_module.get_string(key, 'en')
row = ''
row = row .. "<td>" .. key .. "</td>"
row = row .. "<td>" .. english .. "</td>"
row = row .. "<td>" .. "#" .. hex .. "</td>"
row = row .. "<td>" .. "<div style=background-color:#" .. hex .. ";>" .. key .. "</div>" .. "</td>"
row = row .. "<td>" .. "<span style=color:#" .. hex .. ";>" .. key .. "</span>" .. "</td>"
row = row .. "<td>" .. '<span style="text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-color: #'..hex..';">' .. key .. "</span>" .. "</td>"
rows = rows .. "<tr>" .. row .. "</tr>"
return "<table>" .. header_row .. rows .. "</table>"
return p