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From Deadlock Wiki
Hero Context Audio Transcription
Bebop Pinged I see Bebop!
Kill [Chuckle] You're a mean old bastard, aren't ya, Bebop?
Bebop's scrapped.
Stopped the golem!
Bebop's outta commission for a little while.
Took down Bebop!
Dynamo Pinged I see Dynamo!
Kill Stopped the professor!
Welcome to the big time, Dynamo!
Dynamo's down!
No black holes for you, Dynamo.
You belong in the classroom, not a fight!
Grey Talon Kill Old man's tough as hell!
Rest, old man.



Character Notes Transcription
Seven Unlocked in VN Holliday: How do you know Allie?

Seven: You haven't heard? She's writing a story about me.

Holliday: Why?

Seven: I'm fascinating.

Seven: Rejoice, Holliday. Soon you will get the revenge you seek.

Holliday: Only if we summon this thing.

Seven: Our victory is assured.

Holliday: Is that so?

Seven: Look who stands with you. They don't have a chance.

Holliday: I can't believe the OSIC wanted to recruit that thing.

Seven: You're too smart to be that naive.