Rabbit Hex targeting mechanism has been reworked. It is now an AoE target ability in the base. It has a 0.7s delay before the area is affected. Cast range increased from 20m to 30m, Movespeed reduced from 35% to 15% and cooldown reduced from 45s to 35s.
Vexing Bolt damage mechanics reworked, increases damage as the bolt travels, various values adjusted (150 max damage, 75 min damage, 2s time for max damage, assistant does 50% damage. T3 is now +150 max damage, +50% assistant damage)
Vexing Bolt T2 updated to remove base fire rate debuff, add as t2 upgrade, remove spirit shred t2
Vexing Bolt allow for retarget to try to find targets through walls and to bend around corners
Rabbit can now use jump
Rabbit Hex projectile updated to better track targets that have recently changes models
Spectral Assistant update VFX radius & lifetimes to scale off of clone damage