Melee Attack

Every hero can perform a melee attack to quickly finish off an enemy or do damage while reloading. Melee damage scales with levels and with certain items like Melee Lifesteal and
Lifestrike. A light melee attack can be charged up to a heavy melee attack to dash forward without using up any of the player's stamina and do more damage. Compared to a normal dash, using one stamina bar, a heavy melee attack dash travels the player approximately half of the distance. Charging the melee attack can also be done in the air. Performing a melee attack after a successful parry will deal extra damage. The default keybind for melee attacks is Q. Pressing Q triggers a light melee attack, while holding initiates a heavy melee attack.
The default light melee attack damage is 63 and heavy melee attack damage is 116 for all heroes except File:MM.png [[|]] Yamato, who has 69 and 128 respectively. Hitting an enemy with heavy melee attack will do 1.84x (rounded) of the light melee attack.
Troopers' health bar will start flashing when it reaches a point where the player can kill it with a single light melee attack (This flashing does not account for extra Weapon Damage/Melee Damage from items or Level Up Power Increases). Last hitting a Trooper with a melee attack will prevent its soul orb from appearing and give player the full amount of souls they would have gotten if they shot the creep and its orb. Players can perform melee attacks on orbs.