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From Deadlock Wiki

Health measures the amount of damage that can be taken before dying, and is fundamental to all heroes and units. Units and players with health are allowed to interact with the game, and consequently when your health drops to zero you are disabled from playing until respawning.

Starting Health

File:Captura de pantalla 2024-10-03 115540.png
Kelvin's Starting Health, at 600 HP and  0

Starting Health is an amount of health that a specific hero is spawned with at the beginning of the match. It is a predefined amount that remains constant within a match, and differs between heroes. It must not be confused with Base Health, which can change throughout the match.

Base Health

File:Captura de pantalla 2024-10-03 115848.png
Kelvin's Base Health at  20.0k

Base Health includes your starting health plus health gained through power increases. Once Base Health is increased, it cannot be given away, it is a permanent stat increase that will affect and modify multiplicative bonus health buffs and debuffs.

Base HP can be calculated using this formula:


Bonus Health

Bonus health can be obtained through Items, Gold Urns, and Survival power-ups.

There are two types of bonus health: additive, and multiplicative

Additive Bonus Health

Additive Bonus Health refers to any bonus health that is stacked over the hero's Base Health. It does not alter any other health status that requires multiplication such as vitality items' bonus health.

An example of this would be:


Gold Urn Health

Gold urns Additive Bonus Health. Notice how after the 15 minute mark the healing goes from +15 HP to +20 HP

Gold Urns will begin to spawn after 3 minutes has elapsed in the match. When destroyed, they have a 50% chance to drop a small stat buff. All buffs obtained are permanent when picked up. The urn will respawn 3 minutes after being broken.

Time Elapsed Bonus Chance of getting health bonus
0-3 minutes non existant 0%
3-15 minutes +15 HP 8,4%
15+ minutes +20 HP 8,4%

Because of their additive nature, Golden Urn buffs don't alter a hero's base health, but instead stack over it.

Survival Power-Up Health

Survival power-up located in the training map
Survival power-up timer

Power-ups spawn after the 10 minute mark and subsequently after 5 minutes intervals. There's a 1/4 chance of the Survival power-up spawning in one of the two off-lane bridges.

The Survival power-up will grant you an additive +400 HP Bonus Health on pickup, and a multiplicative 1% health regeneration

The effect will last a total of 160 seconds. Picking more than one Survival power-up will reset the timer, meaning that you cannot stack multiple instances of it.

Because of their additive nature, Survival power-ups don't alter a hero's base health, but instead stack over it.

Multiplicative Bonus Health

Multiplicative Bonus Health refers to any bonus health that works by multiplying a hero's base health, meaning that it takes into consideration both the hero's Starting Health plus their Power Increase's Health

An example of this would be:


Multiplicative Bonus Health is calculated based on your current Base Health. This kind of bonus health will increase until you get to your 14th power increase, where you will no longer be able to increase your base health.

Vitality Items Bonus Health

Vitality Items have an intrinsic multiplicative bonus health buff that increases according to item's tier. It can be seen in the top-right quadrant of each item's description. The Vitality Item Intrinsic bonus health is independent from the additive bonus health of the item itself, and only applies to the hero's base health:

Vitality Item Tier % Increased Base Health
1 11%
2 14%
3 17%
4 20%


The formula for max health is: HPmax=([(HPSTARTING+lvl*PI)*(1+i=1nShop Bonus)]+i=1nBonusHealth+i=1nGolden Statues+PUB+Rejuv)*GC
HPmax=Max Health,HPSTARTING=Starting Health,lvl=Level,PI=Power Increase,ShopBonus=Increase based on the tier,BonusHealth=Increase from item,GoldenStatues=Increase from Golden Statues,PUB=400 Bonus Health from Powerup Buff,Rejuv=200 Bonus Health from Rejuvenation Credit,GC=15%Max Health from Glass Cannon


Kelvin begins the game with 600 Base HP. If Kelvin picks up Extra Health and Extra Stamina, and then earns a power increase, the HP increase may be broken down the following way:

600 Base HP, 600 Max HP + (Extra Health: (600 * 0.11) + 160) =

600 Base HP, 826 Max HP + (Extra Stamina: (600 * 0.11)) =

600 Base HP, 892 Max HP

If we add to the 600 Base HP another 50 Base HP from the first power increase and recalculate the item formulas:

(Extra Health: (650 * 0.11) + 160) =

650 Base HP, 881.5 Max HP + (Extra Stamina: (650 * 0.11)) =

650 Base HP, 953 Max HP

Health Bars

A 600 HP Kelvin right next to a 1300 HP Kelvin

Health Bars are visual indicators of a hero's current health, located just above each hero. Health bars consist of filled orange squares of equal width, arranged in rows of up to ten squares. Each square represents 100 health, and each full row represents 1000 health.

Base health based on Power Increase

Hero Starting Health Power Increase Souls collected
 1.2K  2.2K  4.5K  6K  7.5K  9K  10.5K  12K  13K  14K  15K  16K  18K  20K
Abrams 600 HP +32 HP 632 664 696 728 760 792 824 856 888 920 952 984 1016 1048
Bebop 650 HP +41 HP 691 732 773 814 855 896 937 978 1019 1060 1101 1142 1183 1224
Dynamo 650 HP +44 HP 694 738 782 826 870 914 958 1002 1046 1090 1134 1178 1222 1266
Grey Talon 550 HP +27 HP 577 604 631 658 685 712 739 766 793 820 847 874 901 928
Haze 500 HP +27 HP 527 554 581 608 635 662 689 716 743 770 797 824 851 878
Infernus 600 HP +33 HP 633 666 699 732 765 798 831 864 897 930 963 996 1029 1062
Ivy 550 HP +35 HP 585 620 655 690 725 760 795 830 865 900 935 970 1005 1040
Kelvin 600 HP +50 HP 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300
Lady Geist 650 HP +41 HP 691 732 773 814 855 896 937 978 1019 1060 1101 1142 1183 1224
Lash 550 HP +42 HP 592 634 676 718 760 802 844 886 928 970 1012 1054 1096 1138
McGinnis 550 HP +41 HP 592 634 676 718 760 802 844 886 928 970 1012 1054 1096 1138
Mo & Krill 700 HP +44 HP 744 788 832 876 920 964 1008 1052 1096 1140 1184 1228 1272 1316
Paradox 550 HP +40 HP 590 630 670 710 750 790 830 870 910 950 990 1030 1070 1110
Pocket 550 HP +31 HP 581 612 643 674 705 736 767 798 829 860 891 922 953 984
Seven 550 HP +31 HP 581 612 643 674 705 736 767 798 829 860 891 922 953 984
Shiv 600 HP +35 HP 635 670 705 740 775 810 845 880 915 950 985 1020 1055 1090
Vindicta 550 HP +20 HP 570 590 610 630 650 670 690 710 730 750 770 790 810 830
Viscous 550 HP +38 HP 588 626 664 702 740 778 816 854 892 930 968 1006 1044 1082
Warden 550 HP +45 HP 595 640 685 730 775 820 865 910 955 1000 1045 1090 1135 1180
Wraith 550 HP +31 HP 581 612 643 674 705 736 767 798 829 860 891 922 953 984
Yamato 500 HP +31 HP 531 562 593 624 655 686 717 748 779 810 841 872 903 934


All vitality items implicitly provide base health based on tier, represented as "Shop Bonuses" in the ingame stats calculation. Tier 1 items provide +11%, Tier 2 items provide +14%, Tier 3 items provide +17%, and Tier 4 items provide +20%. The following items explicitly grant increased bonus health:

List of items
Name CostCategoryStat change
  Monster Rounds500Weapon+30 Bonus Health
  Active Reload1,250Weapon+50 Bonus Health
  Fleetfoot1,250Weapon+90 Bonus Health
  Kinetic Dash1,250Weapon+100 Bonus Health
  Melee Charge1,250Weapon+65 Bonus Health
  Burst Fire3,000Weapon+70 Bonus Health
  Heroic Aura3,000Weapon+150 Bonus Health
  Hunter's Aura3,000Weapon+150 Bonus Health
  Toxic Bullets3,000Weapon+100 Bonus Health
  Spellslinger Headshots4,250Weapon+150 Bonus Health
  Ricochet6,000Weapon+150 Bonus Health
  Vampiric Burst6,000Weapon+175 Bonus Health
  Frenzy7,250Weapon+150 Bonus Health
  Enduring Spirit500Vitality+75 Bonus Health
  Extra Health500Vitality+160 Bonus Health
  Extra Stamina500Vitality+35 Bonus Health
  Healing Rite500Vitality+30 Bonus Health
  Melee Lifesteal500Vitality+75 Bonus Health
  Bullet Lifesteal1,250Vitality+75 Bonus Health
  Debuff Reducer1,250Vitality+125 Bonus Health
  Divine Barrier1,250Vitality+50 Bonus Health
  Healbane1,250Vitality+75 Bonus Health
  Reactive Barrier1,250Vitality+75 Bonus Health
  Spirit Lifesteal1,250Vitality+75 Bonus Health
  Enduring Speed1,750Vitality+75 Bonus Health
  Healing Nova1,750Vitality+100 Bonus Health
  Return Fire1,750Vitality+125 Bonus Health
  Majestic Leap3,000Vitality+125 Bonus Health
  Metal Skin3,000Vitality+125 Bonus Health
  Rescue Beam3,000Vitality+125 Bonus Health
  Fortitude3,500Vitality+400 Bonus Health
  Lifestrike3,500Vitality+125 Bonus Health
  Superior Stamina3,500Vitality+75 Bonus Health
  Debuff Remover4,250Vitality+125 Bonus Health
  Colossus6,000Vitality+600 Bonus Health
  Inhibitor6,000Vitality+175 Bonus Health
  Unstoppable6,000Vitality+150 Bonus Health
  Leech7,250Vitality+175 Bonus Health
  Extra Spirit500Spirit+35 Bonus Health
  Bullet Resist Shredder1,250Spirit+100 Bonus Health
  Duration Extender1,250Spirit+100 Bonus Health
  Suppressor1,250Spirit+50 Bonus Health
  Slowing Hex1,750Spirit+75 Bonus Health
  Surge of Power3,000Spirit+75 Bonus Health
  Torment Pulse3,000Spirit+160 Bonus Health
  Improved Spirit3,500Spirit+125 Bonus Health
  Spirit Snatch3,500Spirit+125 Bonus Health
  Arcane Surge4,250Spirit+100 Bonus Health
  Mystic Slow4,250Spirit+160 Bonus Health
  Superior Duration4,250Spirit+175 Bonus Health
  Magic Carpet6,000Spirit+150 Bonus Health
  Escalating Exposure7,250Spirit+125 Bonus Health
  Boundless Spirit9,500Spirit+300 Bonus Health

Map spawns

  • Golden Statues can provide a permanent increase: +20 Health before 10 minutes, +30 Health before 25 minutes, or +40 Health after 25 minutes.
  • Power up runes can provide a temporary Survival buff that provides +400 Bonus Health for 160 seconds.
  • Mid-Boss can provide a temporary Rejuvenator Credit buff that provides +200 Bonus Health for three minutes or until death, whichever comes first.