Temporary note: Any mentioned sources to Siphon Life and Abrams and their subpages: it is recommended to instead see User:Sur/Abrams and User:Sur/Siphon Life for the in-development versions that currently use these translations.
List of sources that all entries in Data:Dictionary come from. May be useful for seeking contextual clues of the translation. Bolded entries are marked as Important Template:Translate/doc#Important_translations.
- edit - For a more direct reference to edit a given page, like linking to edit notes in a Template:Ability card v2/Card, such as on Abrams
- Individual - Level via Module:SoulUnlock's write_table function
- Accumulative - same as above
- NotesNeedsTranslation - Abrams#Abilities and Siphon Life - Siphon Life/Notes can't be created by User:DeadBot until 'Notes' is translated
- Notes - Abrams#Abilities, Siphon Life, Siphon Life/Notes, ability notes cannot be written until this is translated so that User:DeadBot can create the page
- NeedsTranslationTooltip - After all translations via Template:Translate/Module:Dictionary that aren't yet translated, very important for directing future translators
- MissingValveTranslationTooltip - After all Valve-translations via Module:Lang that aren't yet translated, very important for directing future translators
- Upcoming - Template:Hero Navbox
- Trivia - Abrams#Trivia - section name
- Stats - Abrams#Stats - section name
- Items - Template:Infobox ShopItems which is transcluded to Item and Weapon Item and the likes
- Item - Item and hyperlinked on Basic Magazine/Update history and Changelogs - surprisingly there is no direct translation for "Items" by Valve
- Weapon Item - Weapon Item and hyperlinked on Basic Magazine/Update history and Changelogs, should probably use similar Valve translation for the first word, 'CitadelCategoryWeapon' in Data:Lang_en.json
- Armor Item - Similar to above, but for 'CitadelCategoryArmor', this is Vitality in english
- Tech Item - Similar to above, but for 'CitadelCategoryTech', this is Spirit in english
- Patch notes - Abrams#Update history and Abrams/Update history via Template:Update history table
- Source -
- Source-nolink -
- Updates -
- Update - Abrams#Update history and Abrams/Update history via Template:Update history table
- Update history - same sources as above
- Changes - same sources as above
- N/A -
- SustainedDPS, BulletsPerShot, ReloadDelay, ReloadSingle, BulletGravityScale, FalloffStartRange, FalloffEndRange, BonusAttackRange, BulletsPerBurst, BurstInterShotInterval, RoundsPerSecondAtMaxSpin, SpinAcceleration, SpinDeceleration - Hero Comparison - Valve does not display these stats anywhere, but they are fairly important and are displayed in Hero Comparison so they need separate translations. Very low priority as they can default to english translation reasonably well. The "Spin" stats refer to weapons like McGinnis's SpinUp mechanic which boosts fire rate and decreases bullet spread. The "Burst" stats refer to weapons like Paradox, Lash, and many others.