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Revision as of 14:31, 2 March 2025 by Gammaton32 (talk | contribs)

For the timeline of Deadlock's development, see Deadlock#Development.

A tombstone that says "HIER RUHT FAMILIE GEIST", showing the birth and death dates of Johann, Walter, and Jeanne Geist.
The Geist family tombstone
Rescue Beam billboard showing the date 1939
Poster for a Jazz Festival showing the date 1927
Most people think the supernatural came into the world 50 years ago. They’re wrong.

Warden's background

The following is a list of known dated events in the Deadlock timeline.


Note: The main reference point for "current day" assumes that the musical South Pacific opened on Broadway in the same year as it did in our world, and that said opening was a recent event, as mentioned by various characters[1][2][3] (see Historical References below). As such, some of the dates may be changed as more of the worldbuilding is set in stone during the game's development.

Estimated dates that either haven't been confirmed by in-game content or are set after the main timeline divergence point (the first Maelstrom) are marked with an asterisk (*).

Date Event
17th Century
1692 The Salem Witch Trials took place, leading to the killing of Vindicta[4]
19th Century
1805 Johann Geist is born[5]
1815 Jeanne (Lady Geist) is born[5]
1850 Walter Geist is born[5]
1880 Johann Geist dies[5]
1899* The first Maelstrom occours. The existence of the supernatural is revealed to humanity.[6] Vindicta is brought back to Earth as a ghost, Dynamo loses his body and becomes a dying star, and Lady Geist makes a deal with Oathkeeper in exchange for eternal youth.
20th Century
1929* Ivy comes to life[7]
1939* Grey Talon retires[8]
1944* South Ixia joins the US[9]
1944* An assassination attempt occurs on Pocket's 18th birthday and they are thought to have been killed[10]
1948* The Troubadour murders multiple people in Illinois and disappears[11]
Current Day 1949* Celestial Alignment, the second Maelstrom and the ritual take place

Historical references

List of references to real-world historical events, groups and individuals in Deadlock and their real-world dates.

Branching Timelines

Due to the multiple choice aspect of the Deadlock visual novels, there are multiple potential timelines of events that happened shortly before and after the ritual.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Newscaster's in-game voice line - "Rodgers and Hammerstein's latest musical 'South Pacific' has become the hottest ticket in town. With some would-be theater-goers selling 1/8th of their souls to scalpers for prime seating!"
  2. 2.0 2.1  Ivy's in-game voice line (in Spanish and English) - "Talvez deberia comprar tickets for South Pacific. (Maybe I should buy tickets for South Pacific.)"
  3. 3.0 3.1  Viscous's in-game voice line - "The Patrons can wait. I want to see South Pacific."
  4. 4.0 4.1  Vindicta's background - "A victim of John Hathorne during the Salem Witch Trials, Vindicta got a second chance of life when her spirit was brought back to the mortal plane during the first Maelstrom (the event that introduced the supernatural to the public at large)."
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 The Binding of Oathkeeper - Chapter 5H
  6.  Warden's background - "Most people think the supernatural came into the world 50 years ago."
  7. Ivy's background says it was 18 years ago, but in the visual novel she says it has been 20 years
  8.  Grey Talon's background - "Wesley Grey Talon spent close to 40 years hunting monsters that preyed on man before finally deciding to find a replacement and lay down his bow."
  9. Newscaster's in-game voice line - "Next week will mark the 5 year anniversary of South Ixia officially joining the United States as its 52nd state."
  10.  Pocket's background - "Arin Fairfax, the eldest heir to Fairfax Industries, has been living in hiding for the past 5 years after being shot and left for dead on their 18th birthday."
  11.  Holliday's background - "When she confronted him he exploded into a murder of crows and flew away. That was 6 months ago"
  12. 12.0 12.1  Raven's background - "Led by the specter of Catherine the Great, the Soviet Empire has flourished in a brave new world of mysticism."
  13. Newscaster's in-game voice line - "George Frederick Cooke is primed to take the stage once more. But are audiences ready to see a headless ghost as a leading man?"
  14.  Raven's in-game voice line - "Rasputin has best not meddle in my plans."
  15.  Raven's in-game voice line - "The Romanovs don't take kindly to failure."
  16. Newscaster's in-game voice line - "Is Harry Houdini really dead? Recent reports suggest that the legendary magician's final trick was to escape death itself!"
  17. Newscaster's in-game voice line - "A necromancer harvesting fear from the Coney Island cyclone was arrested today. Coney Island officials could not be reached for comment."
  18. Newscaster's in-game voice line - "The tree is lit, the Rockettes are kicking, and magic is in the air. It's holiday time in New York!"
  19. Shopkeeper's in-game voice line - "Wow, if it isn't the poster boy for the Celtics!"
  20.  Trapper's in-game voice line - "First I summon a god, then I watch the Knickerbockers destroy the Celtics!"
  21. Newscaster's in-game voice line - "The Knickerbockers' losing streak continues, after a humiliating defeat to the Celtics. In unrelated news, no one likes the Celtics."
  22.  Trapper's in-game voice line - "First I summon a god, then I watch the Knickerbockers destroy the Celtics!"
  23. Newscaster's in-game voice line - "The Knickerbockers' losing streak continues, after a humiliating defeat to the Celtics. In unrelated news, no one likes the Celtics."
  24.  Haze's background - "The Occult Security and Investigation Commission is a black box government organization that makes the CIA look transparent."
  25.  Wrecker's background - "From CIA-employed seers identifying threats decades before they rise to power to occult pacts made in smoky backrooms"