Unstoppable is a Tier 4 Vitality Item that provides bonus Health, Spirit Resist, Move Speed, and Spirit Power to the purchasing hero.
Unstoppable has an Active ability that grants the hero temporary immunity to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm status effects.
It can be purchased from the Shop for 6,200 Souls.
- Unstoppable is not usable when the player loses control of their character, such as when asleep or stunned. Instead, it should be used in anticipation of these abilities to prevent them from working.
- Unstoppable's active ability does not prevent damage from enemies, even if it prevents the negative effects.
Recommended heroes
Update history
Patch | Changes |
Update: August 29, 2024 |
- Active Cooldown Reduced: 65s > 60s - New: Can now be cast while channeling |