Melee Charge
Shop Bonus
+10% Weapon Damage
+10% Weapon Damage
+75 Bonus Health
40% Heavy Melee Distance
Passive |
Your next Heavy Melee attack against an enemy deals increased damage and either reload your weapon weapon instantly or give you up to +100% bonus ammo. Only activates when Bonus Ammo is not full.
+20% Bonus Heavy Melee Damage
Melee Charge is a Tier 2 Weapon Item that grants additional Weapon Damage and Bonus Health. Its passive effect causes Heavy Melee attacks to charge further forward, and either reload a hero's weapon or give up to +100% bonus ammo. The item only activates when Bonus Ammo is not full.
It can be purchased from the Shop for 1,250.
- If the player is reloading when it activates, it will instantly finish the reload. If not reloading, it will grant +100% Bonus Ammo to the magazine instead.
- The bonus damage will only occur if the item activates. If it is on cooldown or bonus ammo is full, the player will not gain the +20% Bonus Heavy Melee Damage.
- The Bonus Heavy Melee Damage will additionally only apply to a maximum of 1 enemy hit even if multiple enemies are hit simultaneously.
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