The Cursed Apple (sometimes called "The Map" in slang. file name dl_streets) is the default location where matches take place in Deadlock. It is a small segment of the game's version of New York City, and is where the Heroes fight to complete The Ritual and summon their respective Patron. Players can view the Minimap at any time to see the map.

“Welcome to New York! Need a gun?— The Shopkeeper
The map is divided into four distinct lanes; York Avenue (Yellow Lane), Greenwich Street (Green Lane), Broadway (Blue Lane) and Park Avenue (Purple Lane). Outside of these lanes are a series of tunnels, alleyways and buildings that sometimes contain Golden Statues, crates and the neutral Denizens. In each lane, a zipline extends from both bases directly overhead, with each having the color of the corresponding lane.
Across the map in various locations players can find Golden Statues and destructible boxes. While the boxes have a 40% chance to drop souls, Golden Statues have a chance to drop permanent stat bonuses, such as Spirit Power or Weapon Damage. They spawn 2 minutes into the game and will respawn 2 minutes after being destroyed.
Outside of the lanes is an area of the map called the jungle, which is home to the neutral Denizen camps. Denizens are alien-like entities that appear in groups and will attack when provoked. They come in three different sizes: small, medium and large, and drop souls the larger they are. Being neutral units, both teams can attack the same denizen camps, and they will be aggressive to their attackers no matter which team they are on.
Solo Lanes
The two outer lanes of the Cursed Apple are solo lanes, meaning they're assigned one player each at the start of the match. The solo lanes are much closer to where the Soul Urn spawns and all biased delivery positions, which makes them good for delivering it.
Duo Lanes
The two inner lanes of the Cursed Apple are duo lanes, meaning they're assigned two players each at the start of the match. Duo lanes contain easy access to the Secret Shops as well as the Mid-Boss, Sinner's Sacrifice and almost every jungle camp throughout the Cursed Apple.
Juke Rooms
Juke Rooms are small dead-end tunnels located in specific points around the map. They are marked by a shadowy figure standing in their doorways. Juke Rooms - as implied by their name - are most often used to hide or corner enemies, as they have only one entrance. The doorway shadow also acts as a warning for fleeing players that they are about to walk into a dead-end.
In each lane on either team there are a series of powerful, defensive structures that must be destroyed in order to reach the enemy base. The first is the Guardian, followed by the Walker and finally a pair of weaker Base Guardians. In each team's base are two Shrines, which must be destroyed in order to attack the main object: the Patron. The Patron has two phases, and will shift to the second one after the first phase has been defeated. Destroying the now weakened Patron is the condition for winning a match.
In the very middle of the map is a second major objective known as the Mid-Boss. It is a large alien creature similar to the Denizens, possessing a very large health pool, a constantly regenerating shield and a highly dangerous laser beam. After being slain, it will spawn a Rejuvenator Crystal that can be claimed by either team. The claimer's team will be bestowed with the Rejuvenation Credit buff, granting them special effects.
Map Icons
Special locations on the map can be identified by the following icons:
Icon | Location | Spawn Time | Respawn Time | Count |
Shop | - | - | 12
| |
Soul Urn | 10 minutes
(12s descent) |
5 minutes | 1 | |
Powerup | 10 minutes | 5 minutes | 2 | |
Respawn Time begins when Camp/Boss is cleared: | ||||
Easy Camp | 2 minutes | 4 minutes | 6 | |
Medium Camp | 5 minutes | 6 minutes | 26 | |
Hard Camp | 8 minutes | 8 minutes | 8 | |
Vault Camp | 8 minutes | 4 minutes | 4 | |
Mid-Boss | 10 minutes | 7/6/5 minutes* | 1 |
* Mid-Boss spawn decreases with after each death with minimum time of 5 minutes.
Map Timings and Events
- Easy Denizen camps
- Respawn Time: 4 minutes after all creeps in camp are defeated.
- Count: 6
- Golden Statues (Tier 1)
- Respawn Time: 3 minutes after being broken.
- Buffs Granted:
- +1.5% Fire Rate
- +4% Ammo Capacity
- +0.75% Cooldown Reduction
- +3% Weapon Damage
- +20 Health
- +2 Spirit
- Crates/Boxes
- Respawn Time: 3 minutes after being broken.
- Drops: Unsecured souls (50-100 on average, scales with game time).
- Usage:
- Unsecured souls can be spent immediately and will convert to reliable souls over time.
- If the player die with unsecured souls, they drop as a soul urn. Picking up the urn grants the unsecured souls.
- Neutral creeps ("denizens") also drop unsecured souls.
- Medium Denizen Camps
- Respawn Time: 6 minutes after all creeps in camp are defeated.
- Count: 26
- Hard Denizen Camps
- Respawn Time: 8 minutes after all creeps in camp are defeated.
- Count: 8
- Vault Camp (Sinner's Sacrifice machines)
- Machine Effect: Has 10 health and can only be damaged with melee attacks. Weak melee attacks will do 1 point of damage and strong melee attacks will do 2. Each hit will deal 40 points of damage to the attacker but grant some amount of souls. After all health is removed the machine is destroyed and additional souls are dispensed.
- Respawn Time: 4 minutes after being defeated.
- Count: 4 locations (some locations have 2 machines).
- Troopers Post-Lane Soul Mechanics:
- The initial kill on a Trooper no longer grants Souls. Instead, all souls are contained in the Soul Orb.
- Souls from Troopers can no longer be doubled and split between other friendly heroes around the trooper or player who confirmed it (who always receives the full value).
- Teleporters Open
- Powerups
- Spawn and Respawn: Every 5 minutes thereafter.
- Example: If picked up at 14:55, a new powerup will appear at 15:00.
- Note: Powerups spawn at both locations simultaneously, and their status can be checked via the mini-map icon.
- Soul Urn
- Descent: Begins at 10:00 and rotates to each side of the map.
- Landing Time: 12 seconds after it begins descending.
- Respawn Time: Every 5 minutes after 10:00.
- Mid Boss
- Buff Granted: 3-minute Rejuvenator buff for all allies.
- Effects:
- Reduces respawn time by 40/50/60% (kill 1/2/3+) for the next death.
- Grants 50/70/90% (kill 1/2/3+) additional health (and possibly damage and fire rate) to lane creeps.
- Respawn Time: 7/6/5 minutes after being defeated, decreasing with each respawn.
- Golden Statues Upgraded (Tier 2)
- Buffs Granted:
- +2% Fire Rate
- +6% Ammo Capacity
- +1% Cooldown Reduction
- +4% Weapon Damage
- +30 Health
- +3 Spirit
- Buffs Granted:
- Golden Statues Upgraded (Tier 3)
- Buffs Granted:
- +2.5% Fire Rate
- +8% Ammo Capacity
- +1.5% Cooldown Reduction
- +7% Weapon Damage
- +40 Health
- +5 Spirit
- Buffs Granted:
An important part of Deadlock is managing the clash of Troopers that occurs in each lane. Killing enemy Troopers allowing allied troopers to move further into the lane extends the zipline available to the player's team on that lane. The ziplines on the map will show how far a lane is "pushed" towards the enemy base, how far the zipline can take the player, and if any lanes are in need of help with a quick glance. Teleporters can be used to quickly traverse the map horizontally.
- The Amber side of the map has mostly red brick buildings, while the Sapphire side has mostly white buildings.
- The Green Lane (Greenwich) was originally Orange (Orchard).
- The map used to be called dl_test, and has since been changed to dl_streets in one of the updates. dl_test can still be accessed in-game with the console command
map dl_test