A modified scrap golem with a big heart and a bigger hook arm, Bebop is a potent threat on the battlefield when supported by his team. Not only can he Hook enemies and pull them into his allies, Bebop can attach sticky bombs to nearby foes and launch them in any direction with a powerful uppercut. For any foes left standing, Bebop's Hyper Beam can cut across the battlefield and finish them off.
5 • On Attach, disarms the target for 3.5 seconds.
Damage gain per hero hit is permanent for the rest of the game.
The percentage damage increase is applied to the total damage of the bomb (base damage + upgrade damage increase + damage from Spirit scaling).
For example: A Bebop has the "+80 Damage" upgrade learned, 6 total bomb stacks (+15% damage), and has 33 total Spirit. His bomb will do (120 [base damage] + 80 [upgrade damage] + 33*0.9 [damage from spirit scaling]) = 264.16 damage, before any Spirit Resistance reductions.
Launch out a hook that grabs and reels in the first enemy hero it hits, dealing damage. Target will be placed where you are facing.
Damage: 40
1 • Bebop deals 30% more bullet damage against hooked enemies for 10s
2 • +30m Cast Range
5 • -11.5s Cooldown
Hook damage is dealt after Bebop finishes reeling in the target.
Hyper Beam
Charge up your laser to unleash a powerful torrent of energy that deals damage and slows enemies' movement and dashes. You have slow movement and turn rate for the duration. If activated in the air you will hover while unleashing the beam.
5 • Hyper Beam heals Bebop for 100% of its damage on heroes. 33% on non-hero
Hyper Beam deals 75% damage to enemies within ~9m of Bebop.
Hyper Beam also deals 75% beam damage in an approximately ~6m radius centered around the beam arm, indicated by a ~4m purple circle on the ground.
Forged by the hands of a widowed junk yard attendant; Bebop was more than just some scrap golem laborer... he was the son she couldn't have. Together they would work in the iron yard during the day, and listen to jazz at night. But now, Bebop's creator has fallen ill and while Miss Shelly wouldn't approve of the activities that Bebop does at night to pay for her medicine, what she doesn't know can't hurt her.
Ability {{{1}}} not found Exploding Uppercut No longer roots your hero during cast time.
- Bebop can now keep firing if he jumps and his laser is already warmed up.
- Reverted recent change to make hook have an alternate cast mode to pierce through allies/enemies.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hook Range Reduced: 35m → 30m.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Now does splash damage around a 5m area the beam connects to on the ground (can be used to fish heroes out of cover in some areas).
- Bullet resist per boon Reduced: 2.5% → 1.6% (Same overall Bullet Resist at Max).
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hook Range Reduced: 40m → 35m.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hook T2 Increased: +25m → +30m.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Exploding Uppercut Now has a slight angle limitation to prevent straight-up direction.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Exploding Uppercut Radius Increased: 10m → 14m.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Exploding Uppercut T1 Cooldown Increased: -10s → -11s.
- Fixed Ability {{{1}}} not found Hooking Through veils sometimes not working.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Sticky Bomb Radius Increased: 10m → 12m.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Sticky Bomb Can now be self-cast using Alt cast hotkey.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam T2 Reduced: +140 → +100.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Spirit scaling Increased: x2.4 → x3.0.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Turn rate Improved by 10%.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Nearby radius Increased: 4.5m → 5m.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Nearby damage now does 25% less than the full amount.
Update 08-01-2024
- Bullet resistance growth per boon Increased: 2% → 2.5%.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Sticky Bomb Now prioritizes enemies over allies.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Duration now scales with spirit x0.08.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Spirit scaling Increased: x2.2 → x2.4.
Update 07-23-2024
- Fixed a recent issue with Bebop gun not using lag compensation correctly when hitting orbs.
Update 07-18-2024
- Base HP Regen Increased: 1 → 2.5.
- No longer has 24% Bbase bullet resist.
- Now gains +2% bullet resist per boon (up to 11 times).
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hook Speed Reduced: 3000 → 2850.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Exploding Uppercut Horizontal distance knockback on enemy heroes Reduced: 25m → 20m.
- Fixed enemies being able to cancel Ability {{{1}}} not found Exploding Uppercut's Momentum with heavy melee.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Is now very wide in the area right in front of the hero, then narrows into the current size a few meters away.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Spirit scaling Increased: x1.96 → x2.2.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam T2 Increased: +120 → +140.
Update 07-04-2024
- Base HP regen Reduced: 2 → 1.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Cast range Increased: 60m → 70m.
Update 06-27-2024
- Fixed a bug where pinging Bebop's Ability {{{1}}} not found Hook and Ability {{{1}}} not found Sticky Bomb Abilities would call the wrong ability name.
Update 06-20-2024
- Fixed the unit target UI not showing up for instant-cast abilities (MoKrill ult, Lady Geist ult, Bebop bomb).
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hook Hitbox Reduced: 36 → 33 Inches.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Cooldown Increased: 100s → 110s.
Update 06-13-2024
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Sticky Bomb Base damage Reduced: 130 → 120.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hook Grab radius Reduced: 40 → 36 (Inches).
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Movement & dash slow Increased: 30% → 40%.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam DPS Increased: 210 → 220.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Tracking speed Increased by 10%.
Update 06-06-2024
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Slow now effects stamina dashes.
Update 05-30-2024
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Width Increased: 2.7m → 2.9m.
- Base bullet resist Increased: 20% → 24%.
Update 05-23-2024
- Fixed a few unit target abilities that could sometimes select a target behind a nearby wall (e.g. Bebop Sticky Bomb).
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Sticky Bomb T3 Changed from silence to disarm.
- Improved Ability {{{1}}} not found Hook Hitbox to not grab targets behind cover.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam Width Increased: 2.5m → 2.7m.
Update 05-16-2024
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Sticky Bomb T3 Now applies silence on cast instead of on detonation.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Sticky Bomb T3 Silence duration Reduced: 5s → 3.5s.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Sticky Bomb Now uses a new instant cast mechanism. A valid target indicator will appear when in range.
Update 05-10-2024
- No longer has +15% base spirit resist.
- Now has +20% base bullet resist.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hook Cooldown Reduced: 27s → 22s.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hook T3 Cooldown Reduced: -15s → -12s.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hook Speed Increased: 2700 → 3000.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hook Return speed Increased: 1800 → 2200.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Hyper Beam DPS Increased: 180 → 210.
Update 05-03-2024
- Weapon no longer has horizontal & vertical recoil.
He has an ongoing feud with Lash. Several voice lines reference their feud and rivalry in blood sport.
Bebop's current model is likely temporary and is based on a robot model from when the game was still called Neon Prime.
Bebop is voiced by J. B. Blanc, who is known for voiceworks in many popular videogames.