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"The Rake"


Weapon Stats
DPS: 55
Bullet Damage: 4.95+0.35


Bullets per sec:


Reload Time:


Bullet Velocity:


Light Melee: 63+2.67
Heavy Melee: 116+4.92
Falloff Range: 20m → 58m
Vitality Stats


Health Regen:


Move Speed:


Sprint Speed:




Release Date:   April 16, 2024
Voice Lines:   Wraith/Quotes
Melts isolated targets

Excelling at one-on-one combat, Wraith isolates targets, eliminating them with ruthless efficiency. Then teleporting away before anyone can retaliate.

Wraith is a Hero in Deadlock. She is a fast-talking and fast-firing combatant with potent offensive abilities and mobility. She can activate her Full Auto to boost her own and allies' fire rate, flinging homing Card Tricks at her targets and Projecting her Mind to teleport either into or out of dangerous fights. Singling out a foe with her Telekinesis to stun and damage them, Wraith can decide who on the enemy team should die first.

Employing her charisma and strength to run a gambling network, Wraith is a widely-known feature of the criminal underworld of New York City.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Card Trick

Cast Range 500m

Radius 4m

Number of Charges 1

Cooldown 0.75s

Deal weapon damage to summon cards. Activate to throw a card that flies towards the enemy or point under your crosshair.

Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.9




Ability Point 1
+1 Charges
Ability Point 2
+50 Damage
Ability Point 5
+50% Card Summon Rate

Project Mind

Cast Range 25m

Cooldown 48s

Teleport to the targeted location.
Ability Point 1
+15m Cast Range
Ability Point 2
Provides a 300 bullet shield for 8s on teleport. Shield amount scales with Spirit Power.
Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx2.62
Ability Point 5
-28s Cooldown

Full Auto

Radius 25m

Duration 5s

Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.0655

Cooldown 48s

Temporarily boosts your fire rate. Nearby allies receive half the fire rate bonus.


Fire Rate
Ability Point 1
-14s Cooldown
Ability Point 2
+5 Spirit Damage Per Bullet
Ability Point 5
+20% Bullet and Spirit Lifesteal and Increased Scaling on Spirit Damage Per Bullet


Cast Range 20m

Duration 3s

Cooldown 100s

Lift an enemy hero into the air, stunning them, then slam them into the ground. Targets are silenced and disarmed afterwards.

Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.05




Ability Point 1
-30s Cooldown
Ability Point 2
+0.75s Duration
Ability Point 5
Telekinesis will bounce to an additional nearby target

Card Generation[edit | edit source]

For Wraith's Card Trick ability, cards are generated by dealing weapon damage, instead of recharging over time. The amount of charge gained is dependent on the attack landing on enemies, but the amount of damage dealt does not affect the amount of charge gained. Cooldown reduction increases the percentage generated proportionally (EX: 10% Cooldown Reduction = 10% increase to charge gain percentage)

NOTE: Wraith's card generation rate starts at 106% [1]

Card-generating Actions
Action Card Percentage Generated
Bodyshot 4%
Headshot 6%
Light melee 10%
Heavy melee 25%

Hitting non-player units multiplies the percentage generated by 0.25.

Weapon[edit | edit source]

Weapon Stats
Falloff Range
20m - 58m
55 DPS
The Rake
Rapid Fire Medium Range

Update history[edit | edit source]

Main article: Update history
Update Changes

February 25, 2025

  • Added missing unique death vo sounds

February 11, 2025

January 19, 2025

  • Card Trick spirit scaling reduced from 1.1 to 0.9
  • Card Trick cooldown increased from 0.65 to 0.75
  • Card Trick summon rate from non-heroes reduced from 0.35 to 0.25
  • Telekinesis silence and disarm duration increased from 2.5s to 3s
  • Telekinesis cast delay reduced from 0.4s to 0.3s
  • Telekinesis up/down motion now lasts 0.25s longer and moves a little bit higher

Background[edit | edit source]

The cornerstone of the New York gambling scene, Wraith’s organization is about as open a secret as it comes. However, thanks to a non-trivial amount of bribes, shakedowns, and blackmail, Wraith knows that she’s above the law.


Lore[edit | edit source]

Wraith wants to find her father.[2][3]

Character interactions[edit | edit source]

  • Wraith hosts weekly poker games. Abrams, Infernus and Mo & Krill are regular players.[4][5][6]
  • Wraith and Infernus have worked together in the past.[7]
  • Mo & Krill owe money to Wraith.[8] If they're on the same team, Wraith may say she called a favor to have them fighting on her side. They regard each other as friends.[4][9]
  • Ivy is distrustful of Wraith. She warns her not to approach Spanish Harlem now that the Mendoza Syndicate has been defeated.[4]
  • Holliday warns Wraith that Captain Murphy wants to shut down her gambling ring.[4]
  • Lash mocks Wraith for betting on Bebop,[10] and Wraith teases Lash because he lost to Bebop "one time".[4]
  • Dynamo warns Wraith not to take advantage of his students who frequent her establishment.[4]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Wraith's hands are always inside her pockets, as her two magic arms perform actions for her.
    • Wraith's current character model doesn't actually have hands. However, there is a work-in-progress Wraith model in the files that has fully modeled arms and hands, as well as new animations performed with both her real arms and magic arms.
  • Wraith is currently the only hero whose Sprint Speed is directly affected by Spirit Power.
  • Wraith has had 4 iterations of different designs and voice actors since her creation.[11] One of her earlier designs was a magician. That model was reused for the Metal Skin poster and for Sinclair's character model.
  • Wraith's ammo clip size is 52 as a reference to the number of cards in a poker deck. Her original clip size was 50. It was changed based on a player's suggestion in the official Deadlock Discord.[12]

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. .json value: "CardResourceGenPctScale" from game files
  2. Sapphire Flame's in-game voice line - "I can help you find your father. Summon me."
  3. Sapphire Flame's in-game voice line - "You've donned your father's chains, Wraith. I hope it works out better for you than it did for him."
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Wraith conversations
  5. Abrams' in-game voice line (killed Wraith) - "This better not kick me out of Sunday's card game."
  6. Infernus' in-game voice line (killed Wraith) - "I see you at the game Friday, Wraith."
  7. Wraith's in-game voice line (to Infernus) - "Feels good working together again, doesn't it?"
  8. Mo & Krill and Abrams conversation - Krill: "We owe Wraith money."
  9. Wraith's in-game voice line (killed Mo & Krill) - "I still love you, Mo."
  10. Lash's in-game voice line (killed Wraith) - "Backed the wrong horse, Wraith... Like always."
  11. 2024-09-13 - Kaori; Deadlock Discord - "for instance, there have been not one, not two, not three, but 4 iterations of wraith in terms of theming and actor"
  12. 2024-07-04 - Screenshot by Yoshi in respose to a message from user "diet pepsi"; Deadlock Discord

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