Throw a knife that damages and slows an enemy. Each additional hit adds a stack and refreshes the debuff duration, causing the damage to increase per stack.
Ultimate Unlock: While rage is full knives will ricochet to another enemy and apply a slow to enemies they bleed.
5 • Reduce cooldown by 2s per enemy hit. Max 6s per Dash.
Take only a portion of incoming damage immediately and defer the rest to be taken over time. Activate to clear a portion of the deferred damage.
Ultimate Unlock: While rage is full the amount of damage deferred in[sic] increased.
Incoming Damage Deferred: 35% (+15% at full rage)
Deferred Damage Duration: 10s
On Activate: 50% Deferred Damage Cleared
1 • +5s Deferred Damage Duration
2 • -5s Cooldown
5 • +25% Deferred Damage Cleared
Killing Blow
Activate to leap towards an enemy hero and instantly kill them if their health is below the kill threshold, otherwise deal 200 damage to them.
Passive: Damaging enemies fills you with rage. While at full rage, Shiv gains increased damage and special properties on his other abilities.
Enemy health threshold: 20%
All Damage: +25%
1 • Gain +2 m/s move speed while at full rage.
2 • +8% Enemy health threshold
5 • Finishing off an enemy with Killing Blow resets its cooldown.
A loyal member of "The Baxter Society", an international order of monster hunters, Shiv travels across North America looking to put down creatures that prey on the living.
While his less polished nature and criminal past make some of the more traditional members of the Society wary, no one can deny his effectiveness.
Shiv's Serrated Knives are one of the best early-game pokes, due to their large hitbox, long range, and Bleed ability. He is often able to hold a lane solo with these alone, especially when combined with his healing ability negating the need for a support-focused character. Mid- and late-game, Slice and Dice allows for an aggressive, up-close playstyle, especially when combined with high Rage.
- Bullet Damage Growth per Boon Reduced: 0.5 → 0.4.
- Gun Falloff Range reduced by 10%.
- Health Growth per Boon Reduced: +41 → +35.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Slice and Dice T2 Reduced: +100 → +85.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Slice and Dice T3 now considers creeps for only half value.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Bloodletting Deferred Damage Reduced: 35% → 30%.
- The targeting UI for Shiv's Ability {{{1}}} not found Killing Blow is now more clear about when the target will be killed.
Update 08-22-2024
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Bloodletting Deferred Damage Reduced: 40% → 35%.
Update 08-16-2024
- Gun Base Damage Reduced: 6.3 → 5.7.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Serrated Knives Collision Size reduced by 10%.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Serrated Knives Projectile Speed reduced by 10%.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Serrated Knives Base Damage Reduced: 75 → 35.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Serrated Knives Spirit Scaling Reduced: x1 → x0.6.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Serrated Knives DPS Spirit Scaling Reduced: x0.2 → x0.16.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Serrated Knives T3 Reduced: +75 Damage and +5 Bleed → +40 Damage and +5 Bleed.
- Fixed Ability {{{1}}} not found Serrated Knives bouncing to other units even if it did not impact the target.
- Fixed Rage and Ability {{{1}}} not found Bloodletting not clearing out on death.
- Fixed Ability {{{1}}} not found Bloodletting deferred damage waking him up from sleep.
- Fixed Ability {{{1}}} not found Killing Blow falling through the world sometimes.
Update 08-15-2024
- Introduced.
Shiv has an alternate model in the games files titled "shiv_ult.vmdl_c" which shows an unfinished giant mole transformation presumably meant for an old ultimate ability.[2]