Heroes are the playable characters of Deadlock. There are currently get_headcount()'s hero_type parameter must be either 'Released' or 'HeroLabs' heroes available with more to be released as the game develops.
Heroes come in a wide variety in Deadlock, each with their own specialisations and playstyles. Each hero wields their own unique primary weapon which has its own name, stats and weapon type. Weapons are affected by Weapon Class Items and are the primary means of dealing damage for most heroes. Some weapons possess an alternate fire mode activated with RMB.
Besides their weapons, heroes also possess 4 unique abilities with a variety of effects. Some abilities are completely passive, and will always be active regardless (such as
Infernal Resilience), though most are simply activated with their respective bindings (1-4 by default). Abilities come with up to 3 upgrades, which can be purchased with an increasing number of Ability Points. Abilities most often scale with Spirit Power.
Heroes have set base stats that they can improve through leveling up or purchasing items. They also have additional Power Increases, gained at specific levels which grant bonuses to specific stats. Heroes can hold up to 16 individual items at a time, so long as they conform to their categories and Flex Slots. Some hero stats are also affected by Spirit Power, referred to as Spirit Scaling.
get_headcount()'s hero_type parameter must be either 'Released' or 'HeroLabs' heroes are available in the current alpha build, with additional characters confirmed for future releases. For a comparison between existing heroes, see Hero Comparison.
The most recently released hero is
Mirage, introduced in the September 26 2024 Update.
Currently Available Heroes
Charges into close combat
Abrams has the bulk and sustain to lead from the front, often running into the middle of his foes and watching them scatter. If his enemies waste their fire on him, his backline teammates can lay out damage with impunity.
Hooks an enemy for a knockout combo
Bebop can string together his abilities in many different ways. Disrupting enemy positions, saving an ally or dealing bursts of damage. When the situation doesn't require subtlety his giant laser still solves many problems.
Locks down the enemy team
Dynamo keeps himself and his allies healthy while waiting for his moment. Few things can warp a team fight more than a well-coordinated use of Singularity.
Grey Talon
Delivers long range skill-shots
A cunning predator, Grey Talon uses a combination of deadly accuracy, traps, and clever positioning to bring down the toughest of opponents.
Sneaks in and sprays bullets
When Haze fixates on a target she can hold her own in a firefight. She prefers to create one sided exchanges, avoiding damage then picking off unsuspecting targets up close.
Lights up enemies and watches them burn
Infernus has many ways to deal damage over time, burning foes before swooping in for the kill. Due to Infernus' blazing speed, his enemies won't be able to escape the flames.
Sets up a power duo with a lucky ally
Ivy has disruptive combat tricks that slow and stun enemies. She's most effective when linking up with an ally, empowering her and her ally's guns as well as sharing heals.
Freezes enemies in their tracks
Timely heals and splitting a teamfight properly is the difference between an easy victory or a ruinous defeat. Gliding around slowing enemies gives Kelvin's team the maneuvering advantage to make this happen.
Lady Geist
Sacrifices health then drains it back
Expending health to achieve devastating effects is the source of Lady Geist's power. When running low, she can drain the life out of her rivals.
Dives down to stomp his foes
Lash gives his enemies little room to breathe, either by flying in from long distances to initiate combat with unsuspecting enemies, or pursuing said enemies when they try to run.
Controls the battle with combat turrets
Precise placement is everything for McGinnis, whether she's creating a killzone or splitting the enemy team. She can help keep her team running making them hard to dislodge when entrenched.
Times his shots and catches fleeing targets
Mirage can envelop himself in a violent tornado to catch up to enemies and lift them up. His scarabs help him sustain against multiple enemies, and he's always ready to help an ally or punish an enemy anywhere.
Mo & Krill
Burrows underneath his enemies
By burrowing through the ground, Mo and Krill can get the drop on almost anyone; and once they get in close the results can be devastating.
Manipulates Space and Time
Manipulating time lets Paradox outpace an enemy in one on one combat. She thrives by subjecting her enemies to timely swaps into a waiting pulse grenade, her wall, or into the middle of her teammates.
Infiltrates and disrupts the backline
With a powerful shotgun and a thin frame, Pocket relies on their ability to briefly escape into a mystic suitcase and teleport via a flying cloak in order to survive close encounters.
Electrocutes crowds of enemies
Seven thrives in a skirmish waiting for the time to strike. Then he rolls into the fight like a storm and batters his enemies with a cascade of lightning.
Bleeds out foes, then goes in for a kill
Shiv has zero interest in playing fair, which is why he relies on hit and run tactics to weaken enemies before he dives in for the kill.
Snipes the unsuspecting
Vindicta has the mobility to engage at her leisure, picking at her prey and bleeding them out slowly. Injured enemies at any distance should fear being picked off when she is on the map.
Rolls around deflecting bullets
Viscous vexes his opponents through clever evasion and strategic uses of healing, enabling him to withstand the most brutal of enemy attacks.
Melts isolated targets
Excelling at one-on-one combat, Wraith isolates targets, eliminating them with ruthless efficiency. Then teleporting away before anyone can retaliate.
Delivers charged attacks with finesse
Yamato uses precise strikes to decimate her rivals. However, such damaging attacks often will leave her exposed, so she needs to make every shot count.
Hero Labs
The following Heroes are only accessible in the Hero Labs, and cannot be played in standard Deadlock matches.
Wreaks havoc from the sidelines
Calico uses the shadows to her advantage, weaving in and out of combat to hunt down her enemies one by one.
Slips into combat and then hides to recover
A short-ranged assassin, Fathom can slip in and out of combat and win long engagements.
Bounces about dispensing trick shots
Holliday depends on her skills as a crack shot, shooting things she's bounced into the air. With good aim she can lay out heavy damage. Her movement skills let her isolate her enemies or beat a hasty retreat.
Misdirect and hex enemies
With the help of their unwilling assistant, The Magnificent Sinclair can confuse enemies with curving hexes and rapid bolts.
Slither in and assassinate enemies
With a powerful weapon (and deadly venom to match), Vyper can slither into the back of teams and assassinate high-priority targets in a storm of bullets.
Salvages scrap to create weapons
Salvaging and scrapping for parts, Wrecker can disassemble troopers, crush foes with his Wrecking Ball, and capture all enemies in his Stasis Trap.
 Hero Labs Abrams  Hero Labs Bebop  Hero Labs Calico  Hero Labs Dynamo  Hero Labs Grey Talon  Hero Labs Haze  Hero Labs Holliday  Hero Labs Infernus  Hero Labs Ivy  Hero Labs Kelvin  Hero Labs Lady Geist  Hero Labs Lash  Hero Labs McGinnis  Hero Labs Mirage  Hero Labs Mo & Krill  Hero Labs Paradox  Hero Labs Pocket  Hero Labs Seven  Hero Labs Shiv  Hero Labs Sinclair  Hero Labs Vindicta  Hero Labs Viscous  Hero Labs Vyper  Hero Labs Warden  Hero Labs Wraith  Hero Labs Yamato
Hero Labs
 Hero Labs Fathom  Hero Labs Raven  Hero Labs Trapper  Hero Labs Wrecker