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List of voice lines for Paradox, as well as lines from other characters referencing Paradox.


Audio Transcription
In time, all men die, the gun just speeds things up.
Trust me: You want me on your side.
People who say you can't outrun a bullet have a severe lack of imagination.
Time travel isn't a thing... yet.
Time's a-wastin'! That was a little time joke. Not sure if you picked up on that.
I gave up my name to join Paradox. And it's a choice I would gladly make again.
Do- really? Don't expect me to explain how this all works. Just be happy that it works.
No one can stop me from taking what I want.
It was smart to turn to Paradox for help.
I represent Paradox, and we always get what we want.


Audio Transcription
More time to plan a heist.
That certainly was a choice.
Spurning Paradox is a mistake.
Paradox will remember this insult.
You... realize I create walls of time, right?
Think I'll take a walk through the museum.
Great. I didn't wanna miss the Paradox blackmail party tonight, anyway.
You know where to find me if you want my help.
You're gonna regret it.
Good luck out there.


Pulse Grenade

Context Audio Transcription
Upgrade Time manipulation is fun and all, but sometimes you just need explosives.
If you're gonna blow something up, you might as well do it with style!
And to think some people waste their time with normal grenades...
Sometimes you need time tricks, other times, you just need explosives.
This should do some work.
Well if they aren't paying attention, they're as good as dead.
I hope I get to catch someone shopping.
When this goes off, they won't even know what hit them.
I'll blow them to hell!
There’s a time for elegance… And a time for brute force.
Use Setting a bomb.
Pulse grenade's out.
Pulse grenade!
Tick, tick, tick!
They should run.
Have I got a surprise for them!
Explosives planted.
Time bomb set.
Bomb's ready.
Time bomb's primed.
Use (low health) Hope I catch them.
This has to work!
Pulse grenade!
Can I get some help?
Come on, die!

Time Wall

Context Audio Transcription
Upgrade I'll stop their fire.
This will help when we push.
I can defend our objectives.
Can't wait to swap people through this.
This will buy us time.
This is gonna be fun!
Time to set a trap!
They'll fight on my terms.
Ouh, this is going to infuriate them!
Ready to support the team.
Use Wall's up.
Stopping time.
Locking projectiles.
Time wall!
Oh, I love this part!
I should swap 'em through this.
Come and get me!
Wall set.
They can't shoot through this.
This'll slow 'em down.
Use (low health) Walk through this!
Wall's up!
Come and get me!
Set wall!
Stopping bullets.

Kinetic Carbine

Context Audio Transcription
Upgrade Ready to speed things up.
Who doesn't love playing with time?
This can disrupt their plans.
Speed kills!
I'll pick up the pace.
I don't have time to play fair.
By the time I slow down, they'll be dead.
Time is right, and it can change the tide of a fight.
Time to pick up the pace.
Got to make every second count.
Use Time to make my move.
Accelerating time!
Time to do my thing.
Speeding up.
Cannot waste time!
Storing time.
Gathering time.
Here we go!
Charging time.
Use (low health) Need to move.
Got to pick up the pace!
Charging time.
Need to go faster!
Focusing time.

Paradoxical Swap

Context Audio Transcription
Upgrade This is a great way to initiate.
If someone's by themselves, I'll drag 'em to where I want them to be.
Getting them out of position can make the difference.
One well-timed swap can change everything...
High risk, high reward.
Ooh, I love using this when they try to run away!
Well they can try to escape. Tch, see how that works out for them.
I'll move them all over the battlefield!
They'll go, where I want them to go.
Hope I get to catch someone delivering an urn.
Use Swapping!
I got them!
Where are you going?
I got this!
Leave this to me.
I'll catch them!
Get ready for them!
Swapping now!
Not so fast, buddy!
Use (low health) I'm not dead yet!
You thought you had me?
Got you where I want you.

Generic Voice Lines

Generic Kill Voice Lines

Context Audio Transcription
Kill They're done!
Got one!
Enemy down.
Target neutralized.
Took 'em down.
They're not a threat.
One less to deal with.
That's what I like to see.
Took care o' that.


Conversation voice lines are intended to play at the beginning of a match, but have not yet been implemented.

Hero Complete? Audio Transcription
Abrams Yes

Abrams: I don't like the way you've been looking at the tome.

Paradox: Can't a girl be curious?

Abrams: I'm warning you Paradox. You touch my property, you won't like what happens next.

Paradox: We've been following your work, detective.

Abrams: Who's we?

Paradox: Paradox.

Abrams: And why's that?

Paradox: We like secrets and you seem to have a knack for finding them. But a word of advice. Some things aren't meant to be revealed. Stop asking questions about us.

Abrams: Ugh, I'll keep that in mind.

Paradox: Be sure that you do.

Paradox: You look uneasy, detective.

Abrams: Just wondering if we're going to have a problem.

Paradox: With the ritual upon us, Paradox has bigger concerns than your nose in our business. So no, you have nothing to fear from me.

Bebop No

Paradox: You're a marvel to behold, Bebop. Truly exquisite craftsmanship.

Paradox: I can't wait to see it.

Paradox: Between the two of us, we'll put them right where we want them.

Paradox: "Bebop". That's a curious name for a golem.

Paradox: Do you play?

Paradox: Are you gonna let a little thing like "hands" stop you?

Paradox: S'pose so but, I bet there's a solution if you try hard enough.

Holliday Yes

Paradox: We're... not going to have any... problems, right sheriff?

Holliday: I don't care about you or your friends.

Paradox: In that case, welcome to New York!

Paradox: A word of advice, sheriff?

Holliday: Can't wait to hear this.

Paradox: Don't trust the OSIC. Their goals and your goals are not in alignment.

Holliday: How often do you take the mask off?

Paradox: You think I keep this on all the time?

Holliday: Lady, you're running around with a fishbowl on your head. I think it's safe not to assume anything.

Holliday: So, what's your story, lady? You fall in a vat of clocks?

Paradox: It's not wise to mock Paradox.

Holliday: Yeah, you're real spooky.

Kelvin Yes

Paradox: I don't suppose you have any trinkets you'd be willing to donate to the Paradox Museum?

Kelvin: Why do I have the feeling that you already robbed me?

Paradox: Goes to say, we definitely planned on robbing you during the ritual, but my colleague may or may not have broken into your home yet.

Kelvin: I'm... Not sure what to say to that.

Paradox: Be flattered that you lived a life interesting enough to be robbed by us.

Kelvin: You have so many gifts and yet you waste them on petty theft and childish stunts.

Paradox: That's a little judgemental.

Kelvin: It's the truth.

Paradox: The heart wants what the heart wants, Kevin.

Paradox: You... Know you're held in high regard by Paradox, right?

Kelvin: Why? I'm an explorer, not a thief.

Paradox: An explorer is just a thief that specializes in stealing from the dead.

Kelvin: That's a gross oversimplification.

Paradox: Who's got time for nuance?

Lady Geist No

Paradox: I wouldn't know, art's not really my thing.

Paradox: I don't blame you.

Paradox: Lady, we already robbed you. You're exactly the person to play games with. If you want the painting back, I recommend that you try to find it. Good luck.

Paradox: Did you enjoy yourself?

Paradox: Excuse me?

Paradox: It had a hellenistic bust of Homer!

Paradox: A few times a year.

Paradox: We're a bunch of bored rich people, of course we brag about what we stole.

Seven Yes

Seven: For all the might your organization wields, you waste it on publicity stunts.

Paradox: We don't need to explain ourselves to you.

Seven: I would settle for you explaining it to anyone.

Paradox: What is it worth it to you to have your safehouses location... Not exposed?

Seven: Your life.

Paradox: I won't be threatened by you, Seven.

Seven: And yet you just were.

Paradox: You have until the end of the ritual to consider your answer.

Seven: Does Paradox take commissions?

Paradox: ... No. Our jobs are based on individual interest and challenge.

Seven: But if I proposed something... Would you consider it?

Paradox: I would be lying if I didn't say I was curious.

Seven: We'll speak later.

Wraith Yes

Paradox: At some point, they're going to think they escaped us... And then reality is going to hit them.

Wraith: Oh it's gonna be hilarious.

Wraith: You know what I like about you, Paradox? You don't just like to win. You like to do it with style.

Paradox: The feeling's mutual, Wraith.

Wraith: When's the next event?

Paradox: We're securing a few more items of interest, but hopefully the gallery will be opened shortly.

Wraith: Anything exciting?

Paradox: Blackmail on Fairfax, the Ghent Altarpiece, the Tome of Anubis...

Wraith: I thought that was at the Met?

Other Characters

Patrons - Match Start

Patron Audio Transcription
Amber Hand You'll show the other members of Paradox why you are fit to lead. Summon me.
Paradox. Today marks the greatest heist you've ever performed. Don't fail me.
Paradox, your mind is ablaze with possibilities. I look forward to seeing what you claim as your reward for summoning me.
No one else in Paradox could dream of topping the glory that comes from completing the ritual.
This is the moment you've been waiting for to prove to the world you're as good as you claim to be. Don't let yourself down.
Sapphire Flame Paradox. Your legend will only grow once you summon me.
Paradox, you take what you want. Don't let them stop you from completing the ritual.
Your organization has quite the reputation to uphold, Paradox. Don't let them down.
Together, Paradox, we will enshrine your name in legend.
Fight on my behalf, Paradox, and tear them asunder!


Audio Transcription
They should know better than to mess with you.
Time comes for everyone, eh?
Good luck, Paradox.

Newscaster - Winter Skin Unlock

Audio Transcription
Paradox has seemingly stolen a Santa hat, in what appears to be a low-stakes, yet surprisingly meaningful crime.

Removed/Unused Voice Lines

Voice lines that were either removed from the game files or have no triggers to be played in-game.

Chrono (Neon Prime) - Enemy

Hero Context Notes Audio Transcription
Astro Killed by Old name for Holliday Ok, sheriff. If that's how you wanna play, fine by me.
Gotta look out for that lasso of hers.
I do not know what Forge sees in her.
Well, I know someone who's getting their museum privileges revoked!
I'll remember that, Astro.
Ballista Killed by I gotta stop Ballista.
That little anarchist is ruining everything.
God, I hate them.
Lash's ex is as obnoxious as he is. I'm shocked.
They wanna play with explosives, I'll show them explosives.
Chrono Killed by I won't let her sully Paradox's name.
I won't be replaced by her.
I can't let that impostor win.
Won't lie, wasn't expecting to see a doppleganger.
Suddenly I understand why people hate me.
Ghost Killed by Old name for Lady Geist They can't drain me if I keep my distance.
I won't let that creepy grandpa get his hands on me again.
Need to be smart about how I engage with Ghost.
The Eighth Sun started this war. I'm just finishing it.
I need to figure out a way to offset his healing.
Hornet Killed by Old name for Vindicta I can't let Hornet keep her distance.
I need to swap her into my allies.
Ugh, Hornet is lethal at range.
The Alliance trained her well.
Fighting the leader of Strike Team Endeavor was never gonna be easy.
Yamato Kill C'mon Yamato, don't tell me you're still mad at me.
I can't wait to steal that sword.
Hopefully, she stays down this time.
Killed by Her dad's scary, she's scary, and I bet her kids wear matching outfits.
That sword's gonna be a problem.
The Seventh Moon is overstepping. And there will be consequences.
If Yamato wants to start a war with Paradox, so be it.
Yamato is about to learn what happens when you cross Paradox.