Jacob Lash is a brutal bruiser of a Hero, eagerly initiating fights and chasing down fleeing opponents. He leaps into combat with his Grappling hook, Flogging his foes with a life-stealing whip and stomping the ground with a ground Strike to damage multiple targets. If the enemy team groups up, Lash can pick them all up at once and Death Slam them into the ground.
A former sailor and a champion of an underground fighting arena, Lash has built a reputation as a tough and unsavoury character.
Stomp the ground beneath you, damaging enemies in front of you. If you perform Ground Strike while airborne, you quickly dive towards the ground. Damage grows slower after 25m.
Focus on enemies to connect whips to them. After channeling, connected enemies are lifted and stunned then slammed into the ground. Your victims and any enemies in the landing zone will be damaged and slowed. Press [Fire] to throw connected enemies early. Enemies that are not in line of sight or go out of range during the latch time will not be grabbed.
Lash is speculated to have a sailor background given the various ornaments and ship’s anchor that he wears. However, it is most likely not a traditional nautical sailor, but an aeronaut, a sailor of the skies. Statements from Deadlock developer Yoshi indicate that no airplanes exist in the Deadlock world.[1] Instead, airships use zephyrs, or wind spirits, for air travel. On Lash’s left arm, he adorns a ship’s anchor tattoo surrounded by a cloud-like emblem, or possibly a zephyr.[2] Additionally, Lash’s aptitude of air mobility and the ship’s horn sound on his ultimate ability “Death Slam” further imply an aeronaut background. Voice lines from Mo & Krill call Lash a “stevedore”, a person that helps unloads cargo from ships, which suggest that Lash could be a dockworker or a ship rigger that helps in the smuggling business.
Past the shipping background, Lash is a champion of the Bear Pit, an underground arena of blood sport where spectators can gamble on matches. Bebop is another known pit fighter who is often referred to as Lash’s titular rival. Lash makes a few remarks to Wraith, leader of New York’s gambling syndicate, mocking her for betting on Bebop.[3][4] Lash also taunts Kali, a former Bear Pit competitor, for coming out of retirement only to go back to a 2 decade hiatus after losing to Bebop.[5]
Despite a rambunctious persona, Lash states he donates 3% of his income to his own charity Lash-Back for children who suck.[6]
- Death Slam Range is now defined as the horizontal distance to the units rather than the distance from his position in the air (so being high up doesn't work against you).
↑Lash's in-game voice line - "So, you're the lady who bets on Bebop?"
↑Lash's in-game voice line - "Backed the wrong horse, Wraith... Like always."
↑Lash's in-game voice line - "Not gonna dunk on you, Kali. You were a hell of a fighter before you retired. Lived in obscurity, came out of retirement in a desperate bid for relevancy, only to get injured by Bebop. Ouch! And put on a shelf for the better part of two decades. Uhf."
↑Lash's in-game voice line - "You know it's important to give back. That's why I'm taking three percent of my earnings a day and donating them to Lash Back. It's my charity dedicated to children who kinda suck."