Channel to increase damage over 1.4 seconds, then release a fully-charged sword strike. Press [1] or [LMB] to trigger the strike early, dealing partial damage.
Become infused with Yamato's shadow soul. After an initial invincible transformation, your abilities are refreshed and are 60% faster, your weapon has infinite ammo, and you gain damage resists and immunity to negative status effects. You are unable to die in this mode.
Born into a family of crime bosses, Kaori and her brother Yamato always knew they were destined to take over control of the Seventh Moon after their father's death. Together they ran the organization for years, bringing it profit and success, and even planning an expansion into America.
The plan was simple: Kaori would remain in Japan to control the country, while Yamato would travel to America to establish an international base. Unfortunately for the siblings, some of their subordinates were not happy about Kaori's plan to take command in Japan.
The rebellion was swift and violent. Yamato sacrificed his life to protect Kaori, and Kaori was saved by a handful of loyal members.
Together with her subordinates, she managed to escape from Japan to the United States. When Kaori and her group arrived in the United States, they were greeted by the man was supposed to greet the Yamato. He was not familiar with Japanese names and did not know Kaori.
"Yamato." Kaori thought about correcting his mistake, but...
She decided that the best way to remember her brother was to take on the Yamato name and make his dream come true.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Power Slash Max damage time requirement Reduced: 1.5s → 1.4s.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Power Slash Collision radius Reduced by 8%.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Crimson Slash Radius Increased: 12m → 13m.
- Fixed being able to die during Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation If hit by File:MM.png [[|]]Grey Talon's Ability {{{1}}} not found Guided Owl.
- Fixed some cases where Ability {{{1}}} not found Flying Strike Could get into a stuck state.
- Fixed some cases where Ability {{{1}}} not found Crimson Slash Would appear to be cast when it wasn't.
Update 08-15-2024
- Base melee damage Increased by 10%.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Flying Strike T3 Now procs after the ability ends, rather than when connecting to the target.
- Bullet damage growth Increased: 0.4 → 0.5.
Update 08-01-2024
- Fixed crosshair sometimes being stuck for Yamato after Ability {{{1}}} not found Flying Strike was interrupted.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Power Slash Collision Size Reduced by 10%.
- Bullet Damage Growth Increased: 0.4 → 0.5.
Update 07-11-2024
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation Damage resistance Reduced: 70% → 55%.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation Changed: 70% Debuff Resistance → Unstoppable.
Update 06-27-2024
Ability {{{1}}} not found Power Slash Damage Reduced: 175 → 170.
- Can now cancel Ability {{{1}}} not found Flying Strike.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation Damage and debuff resistance Reduced: 80% → 70%.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation Duration Increased: 4.5s → 5s.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation T3 Increased: +1s → +1.5s.
Update 06-23-2024
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation Now causes you to be unable to die during the buff.
Update 06-20-2024
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation Now provides 80% Damage Resistance and 80% Debuff Resistance instead of invulnerability during the post-channel buff.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation Cooldown Reduced: 110s → 100s.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation T3 Increased: +1s → +1.5s.
Update 06-13-2024
- Fixed Ability {{{1}}} not found Crimson Slash Visual direction being wrong sometimes.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Power Slash T3 Bonus damage Reduced: +210 → +200.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation Cooldown Increased: 100s → 110s.
Update 05-30-2024
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Power Slash Spirit scaling Increased: x1.6 → x2.0.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Power Slash No longer does a very minor movement on enemies hit.
- Fixed Ability {{{1}}} not found Power Slash Sometimes not being a full charge when channeled fully during the Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation Ability speedup now affects the post-cast durations as well.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation Ability speedup now improves the visual animations (cosmetic only change).
Update 05-23-2024
- Shadow Explosion Renamed: Shadow Explosion → Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation and reworked into a new ability.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation No longer has radius impact behavior.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation Now gives you 4.5s of invulnerability after the initial 2s invulnerable channel period. You transform and refresh your abilities, improving ability speeds by 60% and gaining unlimited ammo. "Ability Speeds" affects Ability {{{1}}} not found Power Slash cast time, Ability {{{1}}} not found Flying Strike flying time, and Ability {{{1}}} not found Crimson Slash cast time.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation Cooldown Increased: 90s → 100s.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation T2 Is now +4 m/s during Shadow Form.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Transformation T3 Is now +1s Duration.
Update 05-16-2024
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Shadow Explosion Cooldown Reduced: 120s → 90s.
Update 05-10-2024
- - Ability {{{1}}} not found Crimson Slash Cooldown Reduced: 13s → 11s.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Power Slash Physics/world collision Reduced: 15 → 4 (allowing it to be more easily used near objects).
- Shadow Explosion Radius Increased: 14m → 16m.
- Shadow Explosion Fire rate and spirit buff duration Increased: 15s → 20s.
- Shadow Explosion T3 Spirit bonus Increased: +10% → +15%.
- Shadow Explosion T3 Fire rate bonus Increased: +5% → +10%.
Update 05-03-2024
- Removed the slow climbing vertical recoil on Yamato's alt fire.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Crimson Slash Radius Increased: 11m → 12m.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Crimson Slash Fire rate slow duration Increased: 3s → 4s.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Crimson Slash T2 Changed: -5s Cooldown → 10% Max Health heal on hero hit.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Crimson Slash T3 Changed: 12% Max Health on hero hit → -6s Cooldown.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Power Slash T1 Bullet resist Increased: 40% → 60%.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Flying Strike Cooldown Reduced: 35s → 20s.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Flying Strike T2 Changed: -15s Cooldown → +20m Cast Range.
- Ability {{{1}}} not found Flying Strike Range no longer scales with Spirit.