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From Deadlock Wiki
Revision as of 21:59, 22 December 2024 by Sur (talk | contribs) (fixed bug caused by merging of logic from write_changelog)


Generates lines of changes for all data pages. See [[Category:Changelog Dates]] for the dates of all changelogs, and Changelogs for list of all the data pages that contain a Changelog.


All of these functions are callable by wikitext, i.e. {{#invoke|Changelog|invokable_name|param1|paramN}}


The main invokable that will be used. Given a specific tag, it outputs all relevant changelogs from all dates in a Template:Update history table.


  • tag - Tag to search relevant changelogs for. Should be localized, i.e. Abrams for hero_atlas in english.
  • num_dates - (OPTIONAL) Number of dates to add, recommend 3 for articles. If unprovided, defaults to all.


For use on Pocket/Update history: {{#invoke:Changelog|write_changelog_by_tag|Pocket}}


Update Changes


  • Fixed Flying Cloak teleporting players into geometry or out of the world



  • Pocket: Barrage T3 added, now heals Pocket for 100% of its damage (33% vs non-heroes)
    * Pocket: Fixed some issues with Barrage projectiles getting caught on map geometry
    * Pocket: Flying Cloak pathing improved, it will no longer bounce erratically off map geometry





For use on Pocket#Update history: {{#invoke:Changelog|write_changelog_by_tag|Pocket|3}}


Update Changes


  • Fixed Flying Cloak teleporting players into geometry or out of the world



Write's a specific date's changelog, as opposed to a specific tag's changelog.


  • date_id_to_write - Date-id to write, format yyyy-mm-dd, view all at [[Category:Changelog Dates]]


For a non-herolab patch page

← N/A 2024-05-03 2024-05-10

Patch notes

General Changes

* Added a Recommend A Friend button to the dashboard that you can use to send us requests for people to include in our playtesting
* Added a Resources page to the dashboard which contains a browsable item shop
* Added overhead text display when another hero uses active items
* The hotkeys F1-F5 to change cameras to allied heroes now maps directly to the order of heroes on the top bar left to right
* Added the Patron to the spectate-when-dead cycle if the enemy is in your base or everyone on your team is dead
* Added support for Flex Items in the Hero Sandbox
* Increased the range of the mouse sensitivity slider from 0.5→4.0 to 0.05→8.0
* Increased the default framerate cap from 120 to 400
* Improved UI display when endgame objectives are being attacked
* Added music for when the base is under attack
* Changed the local player icon on the the minimap to always be on top of enemy icons
* Shop music will now only play for shops players can access
* Postgame graphs now default to team stats rather than individual
* Added borders around hero icons on the minimap when watching replays/spectating
* Top bar now shows incoming players before they are fully connected
* Added console command to hide the bar at the bottom in replays ('citadel_hide_replay_hud 1' to hide it, 'citadel_hide_replay_hud 0' to bring it back)
* Various VOIP improvements
* Fixed open mic threshold
* Fixed various consistency issues with the presentation of Souls terminology, icons, etc
* Fixed Flying Cloak teleporting players into geometry or out of the world
* Fixed Warp Stone teleporting you through geometry
* Fixed Fixation decimal point display
* Fixed Parry animation not playing
* Fixed various issues with the spectate UI display
* Removed the slow climbing vertical recoil on Yamato's alt fire
* Fixed AP count not showing if you are dead, spectating a team mate or when holding alt/tab to upgrade your abilities

Gameplay Changes

* Troopers DPS vs Lane Guardians reduced from 44 to 36
* Objectives now have 80% damage reduction anti-backdoor defense when there haven't been creeps nearby in a while
* The uncapturable zipline nodes near your base now extend out 2 more nodes (this means attackers can't capture ziplines quite as close to the enemy base)
* You are now silenced while carrying the Urn
* Urn bounty increased from 900 + 160/minute to 900 + 200/minute
* Vaults base bounty increased from 150 to 200
* Abrams: Base Health increased from 550 to 600
* Abrams: Siphon DPS increased from 24 to 35
* Bebop: Weapon no longer has horizontal/vertical recoil
* Dynamo: Singularity DPS increased from 48 to 60
* Dynamo: Singularity T3 Max HP DPS increased from 3.2% to 3.8%
* Grey Talon: Charge Shot damage increased from 95 to 105
* Grey Talon: Charge Shot T2 damage reduced from 80 to 70
* Grey Talon: Guided Owl damage increased from 200 to 300
* Haze: Bullet Dance bonus Fire Rate reduced from +30 to +20
* Haze: Smoke Bomb duration scaling from Spirit improved from 0.2 to 0.3
* Infernus: Catalyst no longer slows Infernus to 1.3 m/s during the cast delay
* Infernus: Concussive Combustion damage increased from 130 to 160
* Kelvin: Frost Grenade T3 bonus damage increased from +100 to +175
* Lady Geist: Blood Bomb damage increased from 80 to 100
* Lady Geist: Blood Bomb T2 damage increased from +65 to +70
* Lady Geist: Blood Bomb tooltip fixed to reference the correct self damage type and that it can be reduced with armor
* Lady Geist: Malice damage amp per shard increased from 10% to 15%
* Lash: Grapple cooldown reduced from 55 to 45
* Lash: Flog Damage increased from 55 to 65
* Lash: Flog lifesteal from heroes increased from 70% to 80% of damage dealt
* Lash: Flog lifesteal from non-heroes reduced from 35% to 30% of damage dealt
* Lash: Death Slam T1 from +3m to +5m
* Lash: Fixed Death Slam's targeting cone not finding enemies near the edges
* Lash: Fixed Death Slam to only target enemies who stay in the targeting cone
* McGinnis: Heavy Barrage now reduces your speed rather than setting it to a low cap (by itself this change isn't a buff or a nerf, but it allows you to buy items to move faster during the ultimate)
* McGinnis: Heavy Barrage camera interaction with Fleetfoot Boots has been fixed
* Mo & Krill: Sand Blast range increased from 25m to 30m
* Mo & Krill: Sand Blast width increased from 3m to 5m
* Mo & Krill: Sand Blast is now permissive with small obstructions in the way
* Mo & Krill: Burrow no longer loses its state as you change elevations
* Mo & Krill: Burrow now knocks enemies up when you come up
* Mo & Krill: Combo DPS increased from 50 to 60
* Mo & Krill: No longer listed as a recommended new player hero
* Vindicta: Base Bullet Damage reduced from 15 to 14
* Vindicta: Bullet Damage gained per boon reduced from 0.88 to 0.7 (these are gained occasionally as you earn souls, up to 11 times)
* Vindicta: Stake T1 bonus duration reduced from +1.5s to +1.0s
* Vindicta: Is now a recommended hero for new players
* Yamato: Crimson Slash radius increased from 11m to 12m
* Yamato: Crimson Slash fire rate debuff duration increased from 3s to 4s
* Yamato: Crimson Slash T2 changed from "-5s Cooldown" to "10% Max Health heal on hero hit"
* Yamato: Crimson Slash T3 changed from "12% Max Health heal on hero hit" to "-6s Cooldown"
* Yamato: Power Slash T1 Bullet Resist increased from 40% to 60%
* Yamato: Flying Strike cooldown reduced from 35 to 20
* Yamato: Flying Strike T2 changed from "-15s Cooldown" to "+20 Cast Range"
* Yamato: Flying Strike range no longer scales with Spirit
* Yamato Shadow Explosion bonus Spirit per victim increased from 10 to 15
* Yamato: Shadow Explosion bonus Fire Rate per victim increased from 5 to 10
* Yamato: Shadow Explosion buff duration increased from 8s to 15s

For a herolab patch page

date_id 2024-12-06_HeroLab not found


Writes list of all changelog data pages using the list of patches at Data:ChangelogConfigs.json. Used on [[Category:Changelog Dates]].






Data:Changelog 2024-05-03.json
Data:Changelog 2024-05-10.json
Data:Changelog 2024-05-13.json
Data:Changelog 2024-05-16.json
Data:Changelog 2024-05-19.json
Data:Changelog 2024-05-23.json
Data:Changelog 2024-05-24.json
Data:Changelog 2024-05-30.json
Data:Changelog 2024-06-01.json
Data:Changelog 2024-06-06.json
Data:Changelog 2024-06-07.json
Data:Changelog 2024-06-13.json
Data:Changelog 2024-06-14.json
Data:Changelog 2024-06-16.json
Data:Changelog 2024-06-20.json


Retrieve the last (or first) date that a tag was updated on. Planned to be used on a given tag's page, i.e. Abrams's infobox could mention that it was last updated on 2024-05-03, or that Mirage was released on 2024-05-03, etc.


  • tag - Tag to search
  • last_or_first - Named optional - Must be last or first - defaults to last - Retrieves last or first date


Example using last {{#invoke:Changelog|get_last_updated|Basic Magazine}}



Example using first {{#invoke:Changelog|get_last_updated|Basic Magazine|last_or_first=first}}



local p = {};
local date_module = require('Module:Date')
local changelog_configs = mw.loadJsonData("Data:ChangelogConfigs.json")
local tag_tree = mw.loadJsonData("Data:ChangelogTagTree.json")
local dictionary_module = require('Module:Dictionary')

-- Takes in changelog_configs
-- Returns [oldest_id, next_oldest_id, ..., newest_id]
local function get_ordered_ids(data)
	-- Collect the keys into a table
    local keys = {}
    for key in pairs(data) do
        table.insert(keys, key)

    -- Sort the keys (ascending order)

    -- Build an ordered array
    local ordered_array = {}
    for _, key in ipairs(keys) do
        table.insert(ordered_array, key)

    return ordered_array	

--Global scope
local ordered_ids = get_ordered_ids(changelog_configs)

--Only Data:Changelog_05-03-2024.json is loaded right now, as it still needs work and for now it was uploaded manually, need an uploader script to handle it
--Returns all lines of a given date that has that tag
local function write_changelog_lines(id, config, tag_to_filter) 
	-- Get the data for the respective line
	local page_name = id_to_changelog_data_page(id)
	local title =
	if not (title and title.exists) then
		return ""
	local changelog_data = mw.loadJsonData(page_name)
	local lines = ""
	for index, line in ipairs(changelog_data) do
		description = line["Description"]
		if tag_to_filter == 'All' then
			lines = lines .. description .. "<br>"
			for index2, tag in ipairs(line["Tags"]) do
				if tag == tag_to_filter then
					lines = lines .. description .. "<br>"
	return lines

-- Write changelogs table
p.write_changelog_by_tag = function(frame)
	tag = frame.args[1]
	num_dates_str = frame.args[2]
	local num_dates
	if (tag == nil) then return "tag parameter must be provided" end
	if (num_dates_str ~= nil) then
		num_dates = tonumber(num_dates_str)
		if (num_dates == nil) then return "num_dates parameter must be numerical" end
	local template_title = "Update history table"
	local template_args = {}
	local content = "\n"
	-- Write changelog for each date
	for index, id in ipairs(ordered_ids) do
		config = changelog_configs[id]
		if (num_dates_str ~= nil and index > num_dates) then
			local date = config["date"]
			local template_title_row = "Update history table/row"
			local template_args_row = {}
			local changes
			--05-03-2024 to May 3, 2024
			template_args_row["update"] = date--date_module.format_date(date)
			template_args_row["changes"] = write_changelog_lines(id, config, tag)
			if (template_args_row["changes"] ~= "") then
				changes = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = template_title_row, args = template_args_row }
				changes = ""
			content = content .. mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(changes) .. "\n"
		index = index+1
	template_args["contents"] = content
	return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = template_title, args = template_args }

function id_to_changelog_data_page(id)
	return "Data:Changelog " .. id .. ".json"	

--Shows all changelog date data pages as a list of pages
p.write_data_pages_list = function(frame)
	local str = ""
	for i, id in ipairs(ordered_ids) do
		str = str .. "[[" .. id_to_changelog_data_page(id) .. "]]<br>"
	return str

p.write_changelog_by_date_id = function(frame)
	local date_id_to_write = frame.args[1]
	-- Determine the previous and next update
	-- Find the index in dates list
	--ordered_ids defined at global scope
	local previous_id = ''
	local the_id = ''
	local next_id = ''
	local id_found = false
	for i, id in ipairs(ordered_ids) do
		if id == date_id_to_write then
			--id found
			the_id = id
			id_found = true
		elseif id_found and next_id == '' then --on next iteration, save the next id
			next_id = id
		if not id_found then
			previous_id = id -- only update previous if the_id isnt found
	if not id_found then
		return "date_id " .. date_id_to_write .. " not found"
	local config = changelog_configs[the_id]
	local template_title = 'Update layout'
	local template_args = {
		['prev_update'] = prev_id,
		['current_update'] = the_id,
		['next_update'] = next_id,
		['source'] = config[link],
		['source_title'] = the_id .. ' Update',
		['notes'] = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(write_changelog_lines(the_id, config, 'All'))

	return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{title = template_title, args = template_args}

p.get_last_updated = function(frame)
	local tag_to_search = frame.args[1]
	local last_or_first = frame.args["last_or_first"]
	if last_or_first == nil or last_or_first == 'last' then
		last_or_first = 'last'
		last_or_first = 'first'
	local list = {}
	if last_or_first == 'last' then
		list = ordered_ids
		-- Create the list in reverse
		for i = #ordered_ids, 1, -1 do
			table.insert(list, ordered_ids[i])
	-- Iterate changelog dates
	for i, id in ipairs(list) do
		-- If next changelog data page doesn't yet exist, return latest page that exists
		local page_name = id_to_changelog_data_page(id)
		local title =
		if not (title and title.exists) then
			return '[[Update:' .. id .. '|' .. id .. ']]'
		local changelog_data = mw.loadJsonData(page_name)
		-- Iterate lines
		for _, line in ipairs(changelog_data) do
			local tags = line['Tags']
			-- Iterate tags
			for _, tag in ipairs(tags) do
				if tag_to_search == tag then
					return '[[Update:' .. id .. '|' .. id .. ']]'
	return dictionary_module.translate('N/A')

function p.write_tag_tree(frame)
	return p.write_branch(tag_tree, 1)
function p.write_branch(branch, depth)
	local list_str = ""
	if branch == nil then return "" end
	for parent, children in pairs(branch) do
		list_str = list_str .. string.rep("*", depth) .. string.format("[[%s#Update history|%s]]\n", parent, parent)
		if children ~= nil then
			list_str = list_str .. p.write_branch(children, depth+1)
	return list_str

return p