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List of voice lines for Vyper, as well as lines from other characters referencing Vyper.

Select[edit | edit source]

Audio Transcription
Hahaha, how hard can summoning an elder god be?
Yeah, yeah, I'm a work-in-progress. Pick me.
Look, I'm not saying you need my help, I'm just saying, uh... No, I'm- I actually am saying you need my help.
Ah, sometimes I think "Man, it would be so fun to break out of Lost Whisper" and then I think "V, that is a dumbass idea".
I don't get why Wraith won't let me take out a marker, I paid it off! Once.
You ever get the feeling that something bad is gonna happen?... Yeah so, I don't, that's why I end up in jail so much.
I'm just gonna say it: Lash is awesome, and he kicked Bebop's ass.
Infernus used to be hard, but now he's just a bitch, slinging Mary Pickfords to other bitches... Oh my god, don't tell him I said that.
I know a guy who owed the Seventh Moon a C-note... well, I knew a guy who owed the Seventh Moon a C-Note... Yamato murdered the shit out of him.
You wanna know the best bars to get kicked out of, I am your girl.

Unselect[edit | edit source]

These lines currently do not play in-game.

Audio Transcription
Ah, whatever. I needed to make pruno anyway.
I can't help ya, I gotta go hide from a loan shark... also some cops... and, uh, and another loan shark.
Look, man, I'm- I'm gonna be honest with you, summoning the Patrons sounds like a lotta work, I'm feeling lazy as hell today...
Go talk to Ivy, say it's a favor for the Arroyos, she'll help you.
You know what? I'm good not getting shot at today.
Think I'll just stick to crime.
I don't have the energy to lie today: I don't wanna help.
You didn't want my help anyway, I'm a degenerate.
No, I got a healthy desire to not get dead.
Buddy, if you think I'm gonna go out in the Maelstrom today, you're gonna be so disappointed.

Conversations[edit | edit source]

Hero Complete? Audio Transcription
Abrams No

Vyper: Who lets anyone out of jail?

Vyper: We're gonna have a blast, Abe, don't sweat it.

Vyper: You're looking good, detective!

Vyper: You suck.

Vyper: Abe, you wanna meet up for a drink after this?

Vyper: Am I buying- No! I'm not buy- I'm a lady, have some manners!

Bebop No

Vyper: You take care of an old lady, right?

Vyper: You want me to, uh... tsk, move something for a medication?

Vyper: How did I get stuck working with the choir boy robot?

Vyper: Nah, I like to work up close.

Vyper: Yeah, me too.

Vyper: Well I mean, I killed my parole officer, so probably... It's a joke. I got jokes. He probably survived.

Calico Yes

Vyper: It's nice, to finally get to work with someone like me.

Calico: I'm nothing like you.

Vyper: Come on! we're a couple of tough broads who kill people for money.

Calico: I kill people for money. You kill people for a pack of cigarettes and a hot meal, we're not the same.

Vyper: Oh, Cal- you're soundin' a little classist there, C.

Calico: Oh, I'm sounding a lot classist, because I'm nothing like you.

Vyper: You know, when I was in the joint I heard stories about you.

Calico: I didn't realise my exploits were things of New Jersey lore.

Vyper: No, not New Jersey, Wisconsin! There's actually a lot of assassins in Wisconsin.

Calico: Why?

Vyper: Safehouses are cheap in Milwaukee, I dunno? Point is, word on the street is that you do sloppy work.

Calico: Excuse me?!

Vyper: There was something about... like a hit, that went bad? I don't remember all the details, honestly, Wisconsin hooch is top-shelf.

Vyper: Three bucks for your cat.

Calico: She's not for sale.

Vyper: Tell you what, I'll bump it up to a crisp Lincoln.

Calico: Vyper, there are some who may find your pathetic nature endearing. I am not one of them. So let me lay down ground rules. If you touch my cat, I'll take your hand. If you hurt my cat, I'll kill you. And if for some pruno-addled reason you decide that it's a good idea to steal my cat, you will pray for a death that will not come.

Vyper: You know, I like the way you threaten people, C. We're gonna be best friends, I can tell.

Dynamo No

Vyper: Hey, Professor. Can I, uh, audit one of your classes?

Vyper: Oh, I'm not. I just wanted to move product to your students.

Vyper: I get it, I just wanted to be respectful.

Vyper: Oh no no, it really is.

Vyper: Hey listen, by the way, I'm not trying to make this weird or anything but you smell like key lime pie.

Vyper: Oh my god, that's like the sweetest thing ever. Ok, really quick, another question: She knows you don't have a mouth. So you can't eat the pie, right?

Grey Talon No

Vyper: I'm not trained in CPR, by the way.

Vyper: Like, if you have a heart attack, you're gonna die, probably? 'Cause, I ain't helping ya!

Vyper: Tsk, you got it.

Vyper: You know, that's cool. 'Cause I'm not really looking to make friends with an old guy that carries a bow around Manhattan.

Vyper: How do you like to work?

Vyper: Yeah, that's not me.

Holliday Yes

Vyper: Hey, you're a cop, right?

Holliday: Yeah.

Vyper: Because, uh, you like the law, or... because you like being in a power trip?

Holliday: What sorta question is that?

Vyper: I'm just trying to figure out if we could be friends!

Holliday: I uphold the law.

Vyper: Yeah, so we should not be friends.

Vyper: You look familiar.

Holliday: Doubt it. I'm not from around here.

Vyper: Where from?

Holliday: Illinois.

Vyper: No shit! You know, I did a little time in Cook County.

Holliday: I'm further south.

Vyper: Well, If you ever find yourself in the BG, just... pretend you don't know me, okay? I don't want people knowin' I'm tight with a cop.

Holliday: You're not.

Vyper: Exactly.

Holliday: You're a criminal.

Vyper: Well, that's a little judgy.

Holliday: Am I wrong?

Vyper: No, I didn't say you were, I'm just saying you're being needlessly hostile.

Holliday: If you didn't need my help right now, you would stab me in the back!

Vyper: Ok, sorry, you are really good at reading people, 'cause at first I was offended, but now I'm like, kind of impressed!

Lady Geist No

Vyper: Hey, where can I get a pair of those earrings?

Vyper: Ok, so it's sounding like "off your dead body".

Vyper: Lady, are you a moron? It's obviously a threat. After this ritual, I'm gonna mug the shit outta you.

Vyper: You don't even know me.

Vyper: You got a son?

Vyper: 'Cause I wanna marry into money. Like, wait five years and bump off my husband for the inheritance, 'cause this bird wasn't meant to be in a gilded cage, baby!

Wraith No

Vyper: Who, Molenza? No, who said that? Why'd you ask? She a friend of yours? I didn't know she was a friend of yours.

Vyper: Cool, yeah. No, I stabbed the hell outta her. Not a fan.

Vyper: Hey, if we survive this and you're looking to hire an enforcer? Tsk, I'm your girl.

Vyper: Why, 'cause I tried to rob one of your poker rooms? That's like ancient history!

Vyper: You know what, I'll take it.

Vyper: So what, you wanna bet on, uh... how many bullets we go through?

Vyper: A thousand sounds great. Hey Wraith, can I borrow a thousand bucks?

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Screwjab Dagger[edit | edit source]

Audio Context Transcription
Upgrade Building shanks is like a meditative thing, you know?
And my P.O. thinks I don't have marketable skills.
Gotta love a good knife.
I never took to needlepoint like I did to, uh, stabbing people.
Nothing flashy about it but tsk, it works!
Shiv's like the filet mignon of bladework, you know? I'm more like the greasy spoon diner food that you get when you're hung over but you never really wanna finish when you're sober, you know what I mean? Flawed, but lovable.
Ready to sling some knives!
You gotta find joy in the little things.
(Laughs) Oh, this is so much fancier than the toothbrush-mattress spring combo I used to stick Molly Molenzo back on Long Island.
Sometimes you just gotta let it all out, like "Aaaah" when you stab someone, you know what I'm saying?
Use Learned this trick in Jersey.
Shiv's got nothing on me.
Throwing shank!
I'll stick'em!
Don't mess with me.
Where you going, pal?
You wanna play, buddy?
They're about to get got.
Slinging knife!
Try running now!

Lethal Venom[edit | edit source]

Audio Context Transcription
Upgrade Oh, what can I say? Poison is fun!
I mean, who hasn't tried to poison someone in Atlantic City, right? I'm right?
Anyone who wants to complain about me using poison should come over to my place for drinks. They'll never whine about it again.
Poison is awesome, it's like the slow cooker for murder!
Yeah, I'm whipping up some good stuff today!
They're not even ready for what's coming their way.
Nah, I can't wait to try this on folks.
I'm gonna be slinging more poison than my mom after she found out about the life insurance policy.
I'm ready to ruin some people's day!
I'm gonna mess some people up with this.
Use They'll be dead soon.
Your time's running out.
Let's see how you're feeling in a few seconds.
A Staten Island classic!
Enjoy the venom.
Have some pruno on the house!
Drink up.
Need that venom to kick in!
For the love of god, just die!
Right where I want ya!

Slither[edit | edit source]

Audio Context Transcription
Upgrade Gotta be slippery in this business.
This got me outta lottta jams.
Need to be able to get the hell outta there!
This is my bread and butter, baby!
Hey, this is why the Patrons want me!
Slidin', pop-pop! Hit Jezebel's for an overpriced Manhattan to celebrate.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to gettin' to work!
The amount of copper I'm gonna be throwing down Broadway is absolutely stupid!
Buckle up kids, it's about to get exciting!
Playtime's here, baby!

Petrifying Bola[edit | edit source]

Audio Context Transcription
Upgrade Gorgon's gonna gorgon! You know what I'm saying?
I'm still working out the kinks, but I think this baby's gonna work.
Gotta be accurate with this baby.
I'm stepping out of my "spray and pray" comfort zone.
I hope they bunch up!
Hitting people with a rock always gets- it just makes me feel better.
I may not be able to spell "pentrification", but that ain't gonna matter after I turn them into a rock!
Gotta be able to make an impact!
I'm looking forward to see how this plays out.
Time to throw stones, baby!
Use I'll turn them to stone.
Throwing bola!
This never gets old.
Alright V, don't screw this up.
This will take 'em out.
The old gorgon special.
We're having fun now!
You know, they love this in Philly.
Yeah, I don't fight fair.