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Conversations: added Bebop
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List of voice lines for '''Viscous''', voiced by '''Yuri Lowenthal''', as well as lines from other characters referencing Viscous.
== Select ==
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
|[[File:Viscous select 01.mp3]]
|Greetings from the Deep.
|[[File:Viscous select 02.mp3]]
|This host will serve me well.
|[[File:Viscous select 03.mp3]]
|Most of my kind find legs to be unnerving, but I rather enjoy them.
|[[File:Viscous select 04.mp3]]
|I was hoping that this suit would make people take the problems of the Deep seriously. I'm not sure it's working.
|[[File:Viscous select 05.mp3]]
|I am not a pile of goo. I'm merely piloting a pile of goo.
|[[File:Viscous select 06.mp3]]
|You don't know how easy you have it on the surface.
|[[File:Viscous select 07.mp3]]
|I think I'll like the surface.
|[[File:Viscous select 08.mp3]]
|I represent the concerns of the Deep.
|[[File:Viscous select 09.mp3]]
|There's more going on in this world than what you perceive.
|[[File:Viscous select 10.mp3]]
|I'm squishy!
== Unselect ==
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
|[[File:Viscous unselect 01.mp3]]
|I need to do research on the Adversary.
|[[File:Viscous unselect 02.mp3]]
|I was planning on trying to use stairs today anyway.
|[[File:Viscous unselect 03.mp3]]
|I'm sad.
|[[File:Viscous unselect 04.mp3]]
|When you need to be trapped in a protoplasmic cube, you're going to be thinking, "man, I wish I had Viscous' help. He seems like a nice person who would trap me in a protoplasmic cube".
|[[File:Viscous unselect 05.mp3]]
|There's so much to see in New York.
|[[File:Viscous unselect 06.mp3]]
|The Patrons can wait. I want to see South Pacific.
|[[File:Viscous unselect 07.mp3]]
|If I had a mouth, I'd eat my feelings.
|[[File:Viscous unselect 08.mp3]]
|Are you sure? I'm fun to be around!
|[[File:Viscous unselect 09.mp3]]
|Once again, the needs of the Deep are ignored.
|[[File:Viscous unselect 10.mp3]]
|I'm going to go free my brothers from the prison known as "The Aquarium".
|[[File:Viscous unselect 11.mp3]]
[[File:Viscous unselect 11 02.mp3]]
[[File:Viscous unselect 11 03.mp3]]
[[File:Viscous unselect 11 04.mp3]]
|Today, I'll explore the mysteries of Long Island.
(Alt1: Today, I'll explore the mysteries of Staten Island.)
(Alt2: Today, I'll explore the mysteries of New Jersey.)
(Alt3: Today, I'll explore the mysteries of Secaucus.)
== Conversations ==
== Conversations ==
Conversation voice lines are intended to play at the beginning of a match, but have not yet been implemented.
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
| rowspan="3" |[[Abrams]]
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Abrams}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |No
|Viscous: You're blue!
'''Viscous:''' You're blue!

Viscous: I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just socially awkward!
'''Viscous:''' I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just socially awkward!
|Viscous: I punch people with goo!
'''Viscous:''' I punch people with goo!

Viscous: We're family now.
'''Viscous:''' We're family now.
|Viscous: You're a detective, right?
'''Viscous:''' You're a detective, right?

Viscous: I love mysteries.
'''Viscous:''' I love mysteries.

Viscous: Who is the Adversary and why are they massacring the denizens of the Deep?
'''Viscous:''' Who is the Adversary and why are they massacring the denizens of the Deep?

Viscous: I can't read!
'''Viscous:''' I can't read!
| rowspan="3" |[[Bebop]]
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Bebop}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |No
|Viscous: Ms. Shelly sounds like a nice lady.
'''Viscous:''' Ms. Shelly sounds like a nice lady.

Viscous: I'm sorry that she's sick.
'''Viscous:''' I'm sorry that she's sick.

Viscous: Do you think she'd like being in a cube?
'''Viscous:''' Do you think she'd like being in a cube?

Viscous: I made a friend.
'''Viscous:''' I made a friend.
|Viscous: We don't question the cube.
|'''Viscous:''' We don't question the cube.
'''Viscous:''' I hear Lash doesn't like you.
'''Viscous:''' That must make you sad.
|Viscous: I hear Lash doesn't like you.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Dynamo}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
'''Dynamo:''' Well, aren't you a fascinating creature!

Viscous: That must make you sad.
'''Viscous:''' I think so.
'''Dynamo:''' When the ritual is over, I'd love to pick your brain.
'''Viscous:''' Please don't stab my face.
'''Dynamo:''' Oh, it's an expression. It means "to ask questions".
'''Viscous:''' Oh. That sounds more fun. Okay!
| rowspan="3" |[[Dynamo]]
'''Viscous:''' What happened to your body?
'''Dynamo:''' Obliterated in an Astral Gate.
'''Viscous:''' That sounds... upsetting.
'''Dynamo:''' I do not recommend it.
'''Dynamo:''' So, this Adversary...
'''Viscous:''' Is dangerous. And it's only a matter of time before he tires of the Deep and comes for you on land.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Grey Talon}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |No
|Viscous: I think so.
Viscous: Please don't stab my face.
'''Viscous:''' You look sad.

Viscous: Oh. That sounds more fun. Okay!
'''Viscous:''' Do you want to spend time in the cube? It's where I go when I'm sad. Or injured. Or just want to be in the cube.
|Viscous: What happened to your body?
Viscous: That sounds... upsetting.
'''Viscous:''' The Baxter Society hunts monsters, right?
'''Viscous:''' If we fail to summon the Patron, do you think they can help stop the Adversary?
'''Viscous:''' You'll probably be dead. I'm goo. I'll be fine.
'''Viscous:''' Thanks.
|Viscous: Is dangerous. And it's only a matter of time before he tires of the Deep and comes for you on land.
|[[Grey Talon]]
'''Viscous:''' At your fragile age, I think you'll find the cube to be quite helpful.
'''Viscous:''' No, you are! But you lie to yourself because you're a human.
| rowspan="3" |[[Haze]]
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Haze}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |No
|Viscous: But after the ritual, the Adversary will be gone!
|'''Viscous:''' But after the ritual, the Adversary will be gone!
|Viscous: You seem serious.
'''Viscous:''' You seem serious.

Viscous: Do you ever have fun?
'''Viscous:''' Do you ever have fun?

Viscous: What do you do?
'''Viscous:''' What do you do?

Viscous: Neat!
'''Viscous:''' Neat!
|Viscous: Thanks for your help, Haze. Not everyone takes the problems of the Deep seriously.
'''Viscous:''' Thanks for your help, Haze. Not everyone takes the problems of the Deep seriously.

Viscous: Exactly.
'''Viscous:''' Exactly.
| rowspan="3" |[[Holliday]]
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Holliday}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |Yes
|Viscous: I like your hat.
Holliday: Thanks?
'''Viscous:''' I like your hat.

Viscous: Can I wear it?
'''Holliday:''' Thanks...?

Holliday: Tell you what: If we win, sure.
'''Viscous:''' Can I wear it?

Viscous: Yaaaaaay!
'''Holliday:''' Tell you what: If we win, sure.
'''Viscous:''' Yaaaaaay!
|Holliday: So, where you from?
Viscous: The Deep.
'''Holliday:''' So, where you from?
'''Viscous:''' The Deep.

Holliday: So like, Mobile?
'''Holliday:''' So like, Mobile?

Viscous: Sure.
'''Viscous:''' Sure.

Holliday: You don't know what I said, do you?
'''Holliday:''' You don't know what I said, do you?

Viscous: No.
'''Viscous:''' No.

Holliday: This is gonna go great.
'''Holliday:''' This is gonna go great.
|Viscous: What does revenge feel like?
Holliday: What do you mean?
'''Viscous:''' What does revenge feel like?
'''Holliday:''' What do you mean?

Viscous: When I'm in the cube, it's warm. I like being in the cube. You seem to like revenge, so I wonder if it feels the same.
'''Viscous:''' When I'm in the cube, it's warm. I like being in the cube. You seem to like revenge, so I wonder if it feels the same.

Holliday: No Viscous, it, um... it doesn't feel warm.
'''Holliday:''' No Viscous, it, um... it doesn't feel warm.

Viscous: But it feels good?
'''Viscous:''' But it feels good?

Holliday: No, it really doesn't.
'''Holliday:''' No, it really doesn't.

Viscous: So why do you want to live in it?
'''Viscous:''' Then why do you want to live in it?

Holliday: Because there's nothing else I can do about it
'''Holliday:''' Because there's nothing else I can do about it.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Infernus}}
| rowspan="3" |No
'''Viscous:''' Do you always dress fancy, or is it just for work?
'''Viscous:''' I need a tie!
'''Viscous:''' People-watching is fun!
'''Viscous:''' What's that?
'''Viscous:''' Why isn't it called "Hank's"?
|[[Lady Geist]]
'''Viscous:''' Yep!
'''Viscous:''' Sure.
'''Viscous:''' But that would be rude.
| rowspan="3" |[[Seven]]
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Lady Geist}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |Yes
|Viscous: Hello!
Seven: Oh god, it's talking to me.
'''Viscous:''' You're pretty.
'''Lady Geist:''' Um... Thanks...?
'''Viscous:''' I match your arm.
'''Lady Geist:''' Yes, Viscous!
'''Viscous:''' We're friends.
'''Lady Geist:''' No, Viscous.
'''Viscous:''' Do you like goo?

Viscous: I'm Viscous.
'''Lady Geist:''' No.

Seven: I can see that.
'''Viscous:''' I do.

Viscous: I'm made of goo!
'''Lady Geist:''' Wonderful.
'''Viscous:''' I don't have a nose, but if I did, I bet your hair would smell like flowers.

Seven: This could be a nightmare.
'''Lady Geist:''' It... kind of does, actually.
'''Viscous:''' Neat!
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Seven}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
'''Viscous:''' Hello!
'''Seven:''' Oh god, it's talking to me.
'''Viscous:''' I'm Viscous.
'''Seven:''' I can see that.
'''Viscous:''' I'm made of goo!
'''Seven:''' This could be a nightmare.
'''Viscous:''' So what do you do?
'''Seven:''' Strive for apotheosis.
'''Viscous:''' That's a big word.
'''Seven:''' Indeed.
'''Viscous:''' What does it mean?
'''Seven:''' When we summon the Patron you will see for yourself.
'''Seven:''' So, you say you're from the Deep?
'''Viscous:''' Oh yes.
'''Seven:''' And why are you here?
'''Viscous:''' The Adversary. He comes for the Deep. And if I don't stop him, he'll come for everything.
'''Seven:''' There's more to you than I expected, Viscous.
== Abilities ==
=== Splatter ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
| rowspan="11" |Use
|Throwing goo!
|Launching goo.
|Goo ball!
|Expelling goo!
|Sending goo ball.
|Firing goo.
|This will slow them down!
|Viscous: So what do you do?
Seven: Strive for apotheosis.
|This may hurt!
|Firing protoplasm!

Viscous: That's a big word.
=== The Cube ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
| rowspan="11" |Use
|Taking a moment.
|I need a break.
|Hoo, I needed this!
|This is relaxing.
|Life is simpler in the cube.
|I feel safer already.
| rowspan="10" |Use on allies
|Don't panic.
|Don't worry.
|I have you!
|You're safe, friend.
|Be rejuvenated!
|I'll heal you!
|Let the calm wash over you.
|Let me help.
|Here you go!

Seven: Indeed.
=== Puddle Punch ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
| rowspan="10" |Use
|Goo punch!
|I'm going to punch them.
|I'm subtle.
|Who wants to see a goo fist?
|Hi, friend.
|Puddle punch!
|Leave it to me.
|I'll handle this.

Viscous: What does it mean?
=== Goo Ball ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
| rowspan="12" |Use
|I'm a ball!
|It's like walking, but better!
|Rolling goo!
|It's funny because I'm basically immortal.
|It's fun to roll!
|Time to roll!
|Play with me!
|Let's play a game.
|Time for stealth.
|Time for stealth!

Seven: When we summon the Patron you will see for yourself.
== Other Characters ==
=== Patrons - Match Start ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
|Seven: So, you say you're from the Deep?
Viscous: Oh yes.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|Amber Hand}}
|[[File:Patron male ally viscous start 01.mp3]]
|You wonder why you were made, what your purpose is. Let me help you find answers.
|[[File:Patron male ally viscous start 02.mp3]]
|You yearn to understand humanity even as it shuns you. Summon me, Viscous, and make your dreams reality.
|[[File:Patron male ally viscous start 03.mp3]]
|They call you a mistake, an abomination, but none of that is true. Complete the ritual and find peace.
|[[File:Patron male ally viscous start 04.mp3]]
|New York can be an unwelcoming place, but once you complete the ritual, you will be able to navigate it with ease.
|[[File:Patron male ally viscous start 05.mp3]]
|You have a kind heart, Viscous, and after today, all will know it.
| rowspan="11" |{{PageRef|Sapphire Flame}}
|[[File:Patron female ally viscous start 01.mp3]]
|The Deep is depending on you, Viscous, and you won't let them down.
|[[File:Patron female ally viscous start 02.mp3]]
|You are new to the city, and already you understand the machinations of man. Summon me, and your dreams will become my cause.
|[[File:Patron female ally viscous start 03.mp3]]
|Everyone looks at you and discounts your value, but not me. Complete the ritual, and let me help you.
|[[File:Patron female ally viscous start 04.mp3]]
|Viscous, the needs of the Deep weigh on you. But soon you will complete the ritual, and that burden will be relieved.
|[[File:Patron female ally viscous start 05.mp3]]
|So much glory awaits you once you summon me, Viscous.
|[[File:Patron female ally viscous start 06.mp3]]
|The Adversary comes for your people, Viscous. But together we can save the Deep.
|[[File:Patron female ally viscous start 07.mp3]]
|Viscous, soon your power will match your ambition.
|[[File:Patron female ally viscous start 08.mp3]]
|They mock you, Viscous, but soon they will beg you for mercy.
|[[File:Patron female ally viscous start 09.mp3]]
|Your dreams need not be dreams, Viscous. Complete the ritual, and you will have all you desire and more.
|[[File:Patron female ally viscous start 10.mp3]]
|Only a fool would discount what you bring to the table, Viscous, but I see you for what you are.
|[[File:Patron female ally viscous start 11 02.mp3]]
|Today you face a choice, Viscous. Do you want your life to be etched into history? Or remembered with the fondness of a bus driver you couldn't bother to learn the name of?

Seven: And why are you here?
=== Shopkeeper ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
|[[File:Shopkeeper hotdog t4 viscous 01.mp3]]
|Godspeed, you beautiful ball o’goo.
|[[File:Shopkeeper hotdog t4 viscous 02.mp3]]
|I like the cut of your jib, Viscous.
|[[File:Shopkeeper hotdog t4 viscous 03.mp3]]
|I don’t know where a walking aquarium got that kind of coin, but, I’m happy to take it.
=== Newscaster - Winter Skin Unlock ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
|[[File:Newscaster seasonal viscous unlock 01.mp3|frameless]]
|New York has been charmed by a pile of goo that embodies the holiday season!

Viscous: The Adversary. He comes for the Deep. And if I don't stop him, he'll come for everything.
== Removed/Unused Voice Lines ==

Seven: There's more to you than I expected, Viscous.
=== Unfiltered ===
Unfiltered Viscous voice lines, restored from an old build of the game.
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
|[[File:Viscous select 01 unfiltered.mp3]]
| rowspan="4" |Select
|Greetings from the Deep.
|[[File:Viscous select 02 unfiltered.mp3]]
|This host will serve me well.
|[[File:Viscous select 03 unfiltered.mp3]]
|Most of my kind find legs to be unnerving, but I rather enjoy them.
|[[File:Viscous select 04 unfiltered.mp3]]
|I was hoping that this suit would make people take the problems of the Deep seriously. I'm not sure it's working.
|[[File:Viscous melee kill 04 unfiltered.mp3]]
| rowspan="2" |Melee Kill
|I'm tougher than I thought I was!
|[[File:Viscous melee kill 05 unfiltered.mp3]]
|I just won a melee! That's exciting.
|[[File:Viscous near miss 01 unfiltered.mp3]]
| rowspan="2" |Low health enemy escapes
|I almost had them.
|[[File:Viscous near miss 02 unfiltered.mp3]]
|They barely got away.
|[[File:Viscous use power2 on others 07 unfiltered.mp3]]
| rowspan="4" |Use Cube on allies
|I'll heal you!
|[[File:Viscous use power2 on others 08 unfiltered.mp3]]
|Let the calm wash over you.
|[[File:Viscous use power2 on others 09 unfiltered.mp3]]
|Let me help.
|[[File:Viscous use power2 on others 10 unfiltered.mp3]]
|Here you go!
{{Quotes Navbox}}

Latest revision as of 19:47, 8 March 2025

List of voice lines for Viscous, voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, as well as lines from other characters referencing Viscous.

Select[edit | edit source]

Audio Transcription
Greetings from the Deep.
This host will serve me well.
Most of my kind find legs to be unnerving, but I rather enjoy them.
I was hoping that this suit would make people take the problems of the Deep seriously. I'm not sure it's working.
I am not a pile of goo. I'm merely piloting a pile of goo.
You don't know how easy you have it on the surface.
I think I'll like the surface.
I represent the concerns of the Deep.
There's more going on in this world than what you perceive.
I'm squishy!

Unselect[edit | edit source]

Audio Transcription
I need to do research on the Adversary.
I was planning on trying to use stairs today anyway.
I'm sad.
When you need to be trapped in a protoplasmic cube, you're going to be thinking, "man, I wish I had Viscous' help. He seems like a nice person who would trap me in a protoplasmic cube".
There's so much to see in New York.
The Patrons can wait. I want to see South Pacific.
If I had a mouth, I'd eat my feelings.
Are you sure? I'm fun to be around!
Once again, the needs of the Deep are ignored.
I'm going to go free my brothers from the prison known as "The Aquarium".

Today, I'll explore the mysteries of Long Island.

(Alt1: Today, I'll explore the mysteries of Staten Island.)

(Alt2: Today, I'll explore the mysteries of New Jersey.)

(Alt3: Today, I'll explore the mysteries of Secaucus.)

Conversations[edit | edit source]

Hero Complete? Transcription
Abrams No

Viscous: You're blue!

Viscous: I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just socially awkward!

Viscous: I punch people with goo!

Viscous: We're family now.

Viscous: You're a detective, right?

Viscous: I love mysteries.

Viscous: Who is the Adversary and why are they massacring the denizens of the Deep?

Viscous: I can't read!

Bebop No

Viscous: Ms. Shelly sounds like a nice lady.

Viscous: I'm sorry that she's sick.

Viscous: Do you think she'd like being in a cube?

Viscous: I made a friend.

Viscous: We don't question the cube.

Viscous: I hear Lash doesn't like you.

Viscous: That must make you sad.

Dynamo Yes

Dynamo: Well, aren't you a fascinating creature!

Viscous: I think so.

Dynamo: When the ritual is over, I'd love to pick your brain.

Viscous: Please don't stab my face.

Dynamo: Oh, it's an expression. It means "to ask questions".

Viscous: Oh. That sounds more fun. Okay!

Viscous: What happened to your body?

Dynamo: Obliterated in an Astral Gate.

Viscous: That sounds... upsetting.

Dynamo: I do not recommend it.

Dynamo: So, this Adversary...

Viscous: Is dangerous. And it's only a matter of time before he tires of the Deep and comes for you on land.

Grey Talon No

Viscous: You look sad.

Viscous: Do you want to spend time in the cube? It's where I go when I'm sad. Or injured. Or just want to be in the cube.

Viscous: The Baxter Society hunts monsters, right?

Viscous: If we fail to summon the Patron, do you think they can help stop the Adversary?

Viscous: You'll probably be dead. I'm goo. I'll be fine.

Viscous: Thanks.

Viscous: At your fragile age, I think you'll find the cube to be quite helpful.

Viscous: No, you are! But you lie to yourself because you're a human.

Haze No Viscous: But after the ritual, the Adversary will be gone!

Viscous: You seem serious.

Viscous: Do you ever have fun?

Viscous: What do you do?

Viscous: Neat!

Viscous: Thanks for your help, Haze. Not everyone takes the problems of the Deep seriously.

Viscous: Exactly.

Holliday Yes

Viscous: I like your hat.

Holliday: Thanks...?

Viscous: Can I wear it?

Holliday: Tell you what: If we win, sure.

Viscous: Yaaaaaay!

Holliday: So, where you from?

Viscous: The Deep.

Holliday: So like, Mobile?

Viscous: Sure.

Holliday: You don't know what I said, do you?

Viscous: No.

Holliday: This is gonna go great.

Viscous: What does revenge feel like?

Holliday: What do you mean?

Viscous: When I'm in the cube, it's warm. I like being in the cube. You seem to like revenge, so I wonder if it feels the same.

Holliday: No Viscous, it, um... it doesn't feel warm.

Viscous: But it feels good?

Holliday: No, it really doesn't.

Viscous: Then why do you want to live in it?

Holliday: Because there's nothing else I can do about it.

Infernus No

Viscous: Do you always dress fancy, or is it just for work?

Viscous: I need a tie!

Viscous: People-watching is fun!

Viscous: What's that?

Viscous: Why isn't it called "Hank's"?

Viscous: Yep!

Viscous: Sure.

Viscous: But that would be rude.

Lady Geist Yes

Viscous: You're pretty.

Lady Geist: Um... Thanks...?

Viscous: I match your arm.

Lady Geist: Yes, Viscous!

Viscous: We're friends.

Lady Geist: No, Viscous.

Viscous: Do you like goo?

Lady Geist: No.

Viscous: I do.

Lady Geist: Wonderful.

Viscous: I don't have a nose, but if I did, I bet your hair would smell like flowers.

Lady Geist: It... kind of does, actually.

Viscous: Neat!

Seven Yes

Viscous: Hello!

Seven: Oh god, it's talking to me.

Viscous: I'm Viscous.

Seven: I can see that.

Viscous: I'm made of goo!

Seven: This could be a nightmare.

Viscous: So what do you do?

Seven: Strive for apotheosis.

Viscous: That's a big word.

Seven: Indeed.

Viscous: What does it mean?

Seven: When we summon the Patron you will see for yourself.

Seven: So, you say you're from the Deep?

Viscous: Oh yes.

Seven: And why are you here?

Viscous: The Adversary. He comes for the Deep. And if I don't stop him, he'll come for everything.

Seven: There's more to you than I expected, Viscous.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Splatter[edit | edit source]

Context Audio Transcription
Use Throwing goo!
Launching goo.
Goo ball!
Expelling goo!
Sending goo ball.
Firing goo.
This will slow them down!
This may hurt!
Firing protoplasm!

The Cube[edit | edit source]

Context Audio Transcription
Use Rejuvenating!
Taking a moment.
I need a break.
Hoo, I needed this!
This is relaxing.
Life is simpler in the cube.
I feel safer already.
Use on allies Don't panic.
Don't worry.
I have you!
You're safe, friend.
Be rejuvenated!
I'll heal you!
Let the calm wash over you.
Let me help.
Here you go!

Puddle Punch[edit | edit source]

Context Audio Transcription
Use Goo punch!
I'm going to punch them.
I'm subtle.
Who wants to see a goo fist?
Hi, friend.
Puddle punch!
Leave it to me.
I'll handle this.

Goo Ball[edit | edit source]

Context Audio Transcription
Use I'm a ball!
It's like walking, but better!
Rolling goo!
It's funny because I'm basically immortal.
It's fun to roll!
Time to roll!
Play with me!
Let's play a game.
Time for stealth.
Time for stealth!

Other Characters[edit | edit source]

Patrons - Match Start[edit | edit source]

Patron Audio Transcription
Amber Hand You wonder why you were made, what your purpose is. Let me help you find answers.
You yearn to understand humanity even as it shuns you. Summon me, Viscous, and make your dreams reality.
They call you a mistake, an abomination, but none of that is true. Complete the ritual and find peace.
New York can be an unwelcoming place, but once you complete the ritual, you will be able to navigate it with ease.
You have a kind heart, Viscous, and after today, all will know it.
Sapphire Flame The Deep is depending on you, Viscous, and you won't let them down.
You are new to the city, and already you understand the machinations of man. Summon me, and your dreams will become my cause.
Everyone looks at you and discounts your value, but not me. Complete the ritual, and let me help you.
Viscous, the needs of the Deep weigh on you. But soon you will complete the ritual, and that burden will be relieved.
So much glory awaits you once you summon me, Viscous.
The Adversary comes for your people, Viscous. But together we can save the Deep.
Viscous, soon your power will match your ambition.
They mock you, Viscous, but soon they will beg you for mercy.
Your dreams need not be dreams, Viscous. Complete the ritual, and you will have all you desire and more.
Only a fool would discount what you bring to the table, Viscous, but I see you for what you are.
Today you face a choice, Viscous. Do you want your life to be etched into history? Or remembered with the fondness of a bus driver you couldn't bother to learn the name of?

Shopkeeper[edit | edit source]

Audio Transcription
Godspeed, you beautiful ball o’goo.
I like the cut of your jib, Viscous.
I don’t know where a walking aquarium got that kind of coin, but, I’m happy to take it.

Newscaster - Winter Skin Unlock[edit | edit source]

Audio Transcription
New York has been charmed by a pile of goo that embodies the holiday season!

Removed/Unused Voice Lines[edit | edit source]

Unfiltered[edit | edit source]

Unfiltered Viscous voice lines, restored from an old build of the game.

Audio Context Transcription
Select Greetings from the Deep.
This host will serve me well.
Most of my kind find legs to be unnerving, but I rather enjoy them.
I was hoping that this suit would make people take the problems of the Deep seriously. I'm not sure it's working.
Melee Kill I'm tougher than I thought I was!
I just won a melee! That's exciting.
Low health enemy escapes I almost had them.
They barely got away.
Use Cube on allies I'll heal you!
Let the calm wash over you.
Let me help.
Here you go!