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'''Grey Talon:''' No.
'''Grey Talon:''' No.
| rowspan="3" | [[Haze]]
| rowspan="3" | {{PageRef|Haze}}
| rowspan="3" | Yes
| rowspan="3" | Yes
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Revision as of 02:57, 12 January 2025

Krill is the only one of the duo who has voice lines.


Conversation voice lines are intended to play at the beginning of a match, but have not yet been implemented.

Character Complete? Notes Transcription
Abrams Yes Abrams: So, do we wanna have a plan, or we just walk in there punching the hell out of everyone?

Krill: I was thinking the latter but, if you wanna mastermind something, we're all ears!

Abrams: Punching's good.

Krill: Great.

Krill: Abrams, I know this isn't exactly the most ideal time to bring it up but, do you remember last week's card game?

Abrams: We're about to summon the Patron, and you're worried about 50 bucks?

Krill: We owe Wraith money.

Abrams: Makes a lot more sense now. I'll square up after the fight.

Abrams: Didn't expect to be working with you two today.

Krill: A delight for us as well! Our enemies will likely be... less enthused.

Abrams: Oh, they are going to hate us.

Bebop Yes Bebop: Alright boys, when I pull 'em in, I need you to be ready to grab 'em.

Krill: You can count on us, Bebop.

Krill: Great job at the fights the other night.

Bebop: Thanks mate. That might've been my last night.

Krill: What?

Bebop: All goes well today, I won't need to fight in the pit any more.

Krill: Bebop, you have a gift, one that we can gamble on. Please don't waste it.

Krill: How is Miss Shelly doing?

Bebop: Yeah, good, all things considered.

Krill: Sorry we couldn't do more for her.

Bebop: Ah you tried. That's good enough.

Dynamo No Krill: Professor, you teach at Columbia, yes?

Krill: I don't suppose you have any connections in the art department? Mo is hoping to audit a pottery class.

Krill: Ahhh, well, I guess we'll fall back on the original plan of threatening someone in the admissions office.

Krill: Ha! You've made his day, Professor! Thank you.

Krill: We will endeavour not to grab someone in your... black hole.
Krill: We have lived quite the life, yes!

Krill: What are you thinking? Jewels, fine art, Ixian trinkets?

Krill: My friend, what if I told you I knew someone looking to move a first edition Don Quixote?

Krill: That does make it a challenge but, one I gladly accept. I will find you options.

Grey Talon Yes Krill: You're the man making life hell for the Friends of Humanity, yes?

Grey Talon: I am.

Krill: Thank you.

Grey Talon: If we fail today, can you help me track someone down?

Krill: Traditionally, we deal with objects more than people, but for you, we'd be happy to ask some questions.

Krill: Are you ready to go hunting, Talon?

Grey Talon: Always.

Krill: Are you ready to say... anything else?

Grey Talon: No.

Haze Yes Krill: So you're one of the fabled sandmen of the OSIC.

Haze: I am.

Krill: How impressed will I be when I see my tax dollars at work?

Haze: Neither of you pay taxes.

Krill: That is very true.

Krill: Once Momo grabs them, they'll be easy for you to shoot.

Haze: Once I put them to sleep it will be easy for Momo to grab them.

Krill: This is going to work out well, I can tell.

Krill: Today doesn't end with us getting arrested, right?

Haze: You want me to spoil the surprise?

Krill: That's not funny.

Haze: Yeah, I'm hilarious.

Holliday Yes Krill: Your revolver is a thing to behold.

Holliday: Thanks. It belonged to my grandfather.

Krill: I don't suppose it's for sale...

Holliday: You're damn right it's not.

Krill: I wouldn't respect myself if I didn't ask!

Krill: Sheriff, I know that you're new to our great city. But if you ever find yourself in need of information, Mo and I are happy to avail ourselves to you.

Holliday: I bet you are. How much you charge?

Krill: I think you'll find our rates to be... reasonable.

Holliday: Good to know.

Krill: Just pull them to Maurice, and I'll make sure we finish the job!

Holliday: You got it Mo!

Krill: I'm Krill.

Holliday: Whatever.

No Unlocked in Holliday's VN Holliday: Yeah, how do you know?

Holliday: I'm not sleeping with him.

Holliday: Ugh.

Infernus No Krill: Fern? Haven't seen you at the game in a while.

Krill: Afraid she'll want to pull you back in?

Krill: Not bad! Work is interesting and violent, Momo's trying his paws at pottery, I am 31 chapters into my memoir.

Krill: My friend, if I died before telling the world of our adventures, it would be a far greater crime than any we have committed.

Krill: You look good, Fern!

Krill: How's Hank doing? I heard the bar is going through a... transitional period.

Krill: If there's anything we can do, let us know.

Ivy Yes Krill: You're the gargoyle that rode Mendoza out on a rail, yes?

Ivy: Pretty much.

Krill: He was a good client.

Ivy: He was a bad man.

Krill: They're not mutually exclusive.

Ivy: You guys seem nice.

Krill: That's because we are.

Ivy: Why do you help horrible people?

Krill: Horrible people tend to have the most money.

Ivy: Is money all that matters to you?

Krill: Parquet floors don't just arrive in your hovel, Ivy.

Ivy: So, what do you guys do?

Krill: Crime, mostly. Yourself?

Ivy: Vigilante justice...!

Krill: Good, good! That's...that's fun too...!

Kelvin Yes Krill: Your adventures were inspiring to read about, Kelvin.

Kelvin: It's nice to meet someone who actually read them.

Krill: They were riveting! I'm a, hrm, bit of an author myself, actually.

Kelvin: That's great.

Krill: If you would be willing to take a... look at my manuscript-

Kelvin: I believe the ritual is about to start, but we'll catch up afterwards.

Kelvin: Your friendship is inspiring to behold.

Krill: Respect and certain death have a way of binding people together, don't they?

Kelvin: Yes. Yes they do.

Krill: I actually moved quite a few pieces from your Ixian expedition.

Kelvin: Wait. The ones that were stolen?

Krill: Certainly not the ones that are still in the Met... Yet.

Lady Geist No Krill: Mole.

Krill: Lady Geist, for now our purposes are aligned. But if you wish for that pretty arm of yours to remain attached after the ritual, I suggest you be kinder to Maurice.

Krill: That binding ward on your arm is... very impressive.

Krill: Whoever made it was an artist at their craft.

Krill: It's nice to meet you, Lady Geist!

Krill: It does. It also plays a critical role in your survival, so perhaps we should try that again. "It's nice to meet you, Lady Geist!"

Krill: And so our friendship begins!

Seven Yes Krill: I hear you have made the old subway tunnels your home.

Seven: Temporarily, yes.

Krill: We never gave you permission.

Seven: That's because I didn't ask.

Seven: Gentlemen, a word?

Krill: What is it, Seven?

Seven: After the ritual, I have some "particular needs" in regards to new tunnels.

Krill: Is the OSIC still looking for you?

Seven: If they weren't, I wouldn't have "particular needs" in regards to new tunnels.

Krill: We can help but, oh, the rate will be higher.

Seven: I expected nothing less.

Krill: Uh, do you want to come up with a plan?

Seven: The mole grabs them, then I make them suffer.

Wraith Yes Wraith: Thanks for comin' along, boys.

Krill: How could we say no to forced conscription.

Wraith: Hey! Of all the people I could call markers on I chose you, and that should count for something.

Wraith: I almost feel sorry for the poor bastards waiting for us in the lane.

Krill: Wraith... Is that... Compassion I hear?

Wraith: I said "almost"!

Krill: Wraith, if things go bad and we-

Wraith: Boys, we don't talk about losing at the table.

Krill: I'm serious. Friends come rarely in our line of work, and it's an honour to be counted amongst yours.

Wraith: Feeling's mutual. Now let's summon a god.