List of voice lines for Wraith, as well as lines from other characters referencing Wraith.
Audio | Transcription |
If you think crime doesn't pay, you are outrageously bad at crime. | |
No one builds an empire without sacrifice. | |
Thank god for vices. | |
The great part about being a degenerate gambler is that you get really good at setting up your own action. Broke? Yeah. Bored? Never, | |
I don't appreciate the news labeling some of my services as "rackets". Who wouldn't love being protected by me? | |
You think I handle money? Please. That stuff is filthy. | |
"Blackmail" sounds so sleazy. I prefer... "information retention services". | |
Friends are just acquaintances you feel bad for extorting. | |
You can bet on me. | |
Some people say it's better to be feared than loved. Those people totally get it. |
Audio | Transcription |
See, I bet you were gonna do that. I just made 5 bucks. | |
That's fine, got some legs to break anyway. | |
You'll be back. | |
It shouldn't take you too long to realize you made a mistake. | |
Ha! Okay. | |
Good timing. I was planning on getting rid of some loose ends today anyway. | |
Don't waste my time. | |
Can't help, I need to go over my ledger. People always underestimate how important the "organized" part of "organized crime" is. | |
So long as you don't mess with my business, we're good. | |
You need to find a craps or poker game? Give me a call. |
Hero | Complete? | Audio | Transcription |
Abrams | No |
Wraith: Missed you at the game. Wraith: Just sell the damn book already. Wraith: Yeah yeah, wrong hands, blah blah - Abe, you're not the chosen one. You're just a guy who was dealt a bad hand. Dump the book and get your life back. | |
Wraith: Wanna make any side bets? Wraith: Today's the best day for gambling. You really think if this goes sideways we're walking out of here alive? Wraith: Let's go. | |||
Wraith: Obviously. Wraith: No, I'm thinking smart. When it comes to making wishes, you keep that shit as simple as possible to avoid loopholes. | |||
Bebop | Yes |
Wraith: Hey Bebop, you lookin' for work? Bebop: If it's honest. Wraith: Yeah, never mind. | |
Wraith: Why are you wasting your time at a junk yard? Bebop: Helping Miss Shelly is never a waste of time. Wraith: How long are you planning on lying to that lady? Bebop: I don't lie to her. Wraith: No. You just lie to yourself. | |||
Wraith: Heard you might be retiring. Bebop: If today goes well, I won't have a reason to fight. Wraith: Well, in that case... Let's go out with a bang. | |||
Dynamo | Yes |
Dynamo: I couldn't help but overhear one of my students mention that she frequents your establishment. Wraith: This may surprise you, Professor, but college kids like to have fun. Dynamo: Indeed, they do. They also don't have fully formed brains, and if I find out you are taking advantage of that... I will take it personally. Wraith: Ok, dad. Dynamo: Tread carefully, Wraith. | |
Wraith: I don't suppose you're a gambling man, Professor. Dynamo: Marla and I have been known to make bridge night a little more... interesting. Wraith: Not a poker guy? Dynamo: I prefer working with people, not lying to them. | |||
Dynamo: Wraith, you're a killer, right? Wraith: I mean, I've killed people, but it's not like a recreational thing for me. Dynamo: So... yes. Anyway, a professional question for you. Wraith: Again, not a professional. Dynamo: In your line of work, do people end up dead? Wraith: Oh, yeah. Dynamo: Because of you. Wraith: I am often adjacent, yes. Dynamo: Yeah, close enough. The point is: If I hold someone with a black hole, are you ok with shooting them? Wraith: Honey, I got you covered. Don't worry. | |||
Grey Talon | No |
Wraith: Someone's looking serious. Wraith: Suit yourself. | |
Wraith: Are you as dangerous as they say? Wraith: That when you retired, you had more confirmed kills than anyone in the Baxter Society. | |||
Wraith: I can work with that. | |||
Haze | Yes |
Wraith: You're not here for me, right? Haze: The OSIC isn't concerned with your little casino, Wraith. Wraith: I think "little" is underselling me a bit, but that's good to know. | |
Haze: You look nervous. Wraith: Anyone who says they aren't nervous when the stakes are high are either liars or morons. Haze: I thought you were some big gambler. Wraith: That's why I do it. Nerves let you know you're alive. | |||
Haze: Between the two of us, we should make short work of them. Wraith: Damn right we will! | |||
Holliday | Yes |
Holliday: Don't worry, Wraith. I'm here for the Troubadour, not your gambling ring. Wraith: If you think I'd be worried about a sheriff from Missoula... Holliday: Macomb. Wraith: Wherever. The point is I don't get scared by cops who probably just experienced running water for the first time. Holliday: You know what? Maybe I'll stay for your gambling ring. | |
Wraith: You a gambling woman? Holliday: No. Wraith: I knew you were boring. | |||
Holliday: You should quit while you're ahead. Wraith: What are you talking about? Holliday: Your organization. Shut it down. Quit while you're ahead. Wraith: I will repent all my wicked ways. Holliday: You think I'm joking. Wraith: No. I think you're a joke. Holliday: Either you shut it down, or Murphy's gonna shut it down for you. Wraith: Yeah... we'll see about that. | |||
Infernus | No | Wraith: It's gonna be offensive how fast we burn down their objectives. | |
Wraith: How's working at the boring bar? Wraith: Kinda does. Wraith: He is. A good. Boring. Man. | |||
Wraith: It's ok, you can say it. Wraith: That you miss me. Wraith: Practice that line more so that next time you say it, I might believe you. | |||
Ivy | Yes |
Wraith: It's nice to finally work with you. Ivy: That so? Wraith: Look...I'm a big fan of anyone who makes Mendoza's life hell. Relax. Let's have some fun. | |
Ivy: Stay out of Spanish Harlem, Wraith! Wraith: Now that is needlessly hostile. Ivy: Just 'cause Mendoza was run off doesn't mean you get to muscle in. Wraith: I'm not. Ivy: I saw you poking around the neighborhood. Wraith: Just visiting a friend. Ivy: Visit somewhere else. | |||
Wraith: You gonna cover me? Ivy: Yeah...? Wraith: Try not to sound too excited. Ivy: Just not a fan of criminals. Wraith: That's just because you haven't gotten to know me yet. | |||
Kelvin | Yes |
Kelvin: We don't have time for cynicism today, Wraith. Wraith: I'm not cynical. Kelvin: I've seen the contempt you have for your fellow man. Wraith: You say contempt, I say "managed expectations." | |
Wraith: What happened on your expedition. Kelvin: I wish I knew. Wraith: That why you're here? Kelvin: Correct. It's time I find answers. | |||
Wraith: People say you're a noble man. Kelvin: That's very kind of them. Wraith: Noble men tend to get other people killed. Kelvin: I will endeavor to make sure that's not the case | |||
Lady Geist | Yes |
Wraith: You know what the difference between us is? Lady Geist: You reek of new money. Wraith: I worked for what I have. It wasn't handed to me. Lady Geist: Spoken with a conviction only true ignorance can bring. | |
Lady Geist: I like your hat. Wraith: Thanks. Lady Geist: Who is your haberdasher? Wraith: Jermaine. Lady Geist: That explains it. How long were you on his waitlist? Wraith: I had a marker on him, so not very long. Lady Geist: Hm. Nice. | |||
Wraith: I don't suppose you have any moral issue with taking people out while they're helpless? Lady Geist: Oh, I prefer it. Wraith: I think this will work out just fine. | |||
Lash | Yes |
Wraith: Mendoza said you were gonna take a dive in that fight. Lash: Mendoza says a lot of stupid shit. Wraith: I lost a lot of money. Lash: You didn't lose money. You spent it learning a valuable lesson: Never bet against the Lash. | |
Lash: So, you're the lady who bets on Bebop. Wraith: You're the guy that lost to Bebop. Lash: One time. Wraith: One time is all it takes to be a loser. Lash: Shut up! (Alt lines: "Earmuffs! Earnuffs!"; "And scene"; "And bzzt!"; "...And we're done.") | |||
Lash: Buckle up Four Arms, the Lash is about to take you on a one-way trip to victory city. Wraith: You're insufferable. Lash: I'm undeniable baby. And they're about to find out why. | |||
McGinnis | Yes |
Wraith: You're Fairfax's pet genius, right? McGinnis: I'm no one's "pet" anything. Wraith: Bad choice of words. McGinnis: Little bit. Wraith: Suppose now's not the time to ask for an introduction? McGinnis: You'd be correct. | |
Wraith: Bet your turrets can't keep up with me. McGinnis: You're on. | |||
Wraith: You know, I'm used to working with people that are a little more subtle. McGinnis: You have four arms and a tommy gun, "subtle" is the last word I'd use. Wraith: Subtlety is on a spectrum. McGinnis: Okay. | |||
Mo & Krill | Yes |
Wraith: Thanks for comin' along, boys. Krill: How could we say no to forced conscription. Wraith: Hey! Of all the people I could call markers on I chose you, and that should count for something. | |
Wraith: I almost feel sorry for the poor bastards waiting for us in the lane. Krill: Wraith... Is that... Compassion I hear? Wraith: I said "almost"! | |||
Krill: Wraith, if things go bad and we- Wraith: Boys, we don't talk about losing at the table. Krill: I'm serious. Friends come rarely in our line of work, and it's an honour to be counted amongst yours. Wraith: Feeling's mutual. Now let's summon a god. | |||
Paradox | Yes |
Paradox: At some point, they're going to think they escaped us... And then reality is going to hit them. Wraith: Oh it's gonna be hilarious. | |
Wraith: You know what I like about you, Paradox? You don't just like to win. You like to do it with style. Paradox: The feeling's mutual, Wraith. | |||
Wraith: When's the next event? Paradox: We're securing a few more items of interest, but hopefully the gallery will be opened shortly. Wraith: Anything exciting? Paradox: Blackmail on Fairfax, the Ghent Altarpiece, the Tome of Anubis... Wraith: I thought that was at the Met? | |||
Vyper | No |
Vyper: Who, Molenza? No, who said that? Why'd you ask? She a friend of yours? I didn't know she was a friend of yours. Vyper: Cool, yeah. No, I stabbed the hell outta her. Not a fan. | |
Vyper: Hey, if we survive this and you're looking to hire an enforcer? Tsk, I'm your girl. Vyper: Why, 'cause I tried to rob one of your poker rooms? That's like ancient history! Vyper: You know what, I'll take it. | |||
Vyper: So what, you wanna bet on, uh... how many bullets we go through? Vyper: A thousand sounds great. Hey Wraith, can I borrow a thousand bucks? |
Other characters[edit]
Patrons - Match Start[edit]
Patron | Audio | Transcription |
Amber Hand | You're torn between your desire to be feared and your desire to be loved, today you will be both. | |
Your dreams need not be dreams for much longer, Wraith. | ||
Summon me, Wraith, and live the life you've dreamed about. | ||
Wraith, in the past ambition has driven you to greatness. Today it will enshrine you in legend. | ||
Wealth, power, and so much more await once you complete the ritual. | ||
Sapphire Flame | Summon me and I will provide the answers you seek, Wraith. | |
I can help you find your father. Summon me. | ||
Complete the ritual, Wraith, and I will give you answers. | ||
You've donned your father's chains, Wraith. I hope it works out better for you than it did for him. | ||
No more playing at magic, Wraith. The ritual must be completed. | ||
Your business is thriving, Wraith. And still you yearn for more. Summon me and I will help you find what you seek. | ||
We're not so different. We both provide dreams in transactional fashion. | ||
Despite your exterior, you know in your heart that the walls are closing in, that all you built is threatened. Complete the ritual and I will ensure your legacy is secure. | ||
You live your life one step ahead of death. Let me provide the security you seek. | ||
Your fortune is waiting for you, Wraith. Summon me. |
Audio | Transcription |
Big fan of your operation, Wraith. | |
I don’t suppose you know what lines you’re settin‘ for next weeks game? | |
From one degenerate gambler to another: Good luck. |
Newscaster - Winter Skin Unlock[edit]
Audio | Transcription |
Is Wraith wearing a Santa hat because she lost a bet? Or is she full of holiday cheer? |