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"Protector's Hand"


Weapon Stats
DPS: 67
Bullet Damage: 4.68+0.31


Bullets per sec:


Reload Time:


Bullet Velocity:


Light Melee: 54+2.27
Heavy Melee: 99+4.16
Falloff Range: 20m → 58m
Vitality Stats


Health Regen:


Move Speed:




Voice Actor:   Jeannie Tirado
Release Date:   April 16, 2024
Voice Lines:   Ivy/Quotes
Sets up a power duo with a lucky ally

Ivy has disruptive combat tricks that slow and stun enemies. She's most effective when linking up with an ally, empowering her and her ally's guns as well as sharing heals.

Ivy is a Hero in Deadlock. She is a gargoyle-turned-vigilante with potent supportive and disruptive abilities to assist her allies in combat. After linking up with an ally to share healing and buffs, she can summon patches of snarling vines from her Kudzu bomb and transform into a stony gargoyle to damage and stun the enemy while healing herself. With her abilities of flight, she can pick up any ally or bomb and fly them to any point on the battlefield, choosing to either explosively Air Drop them into the middle of the enemy battle group, or rescue an ally from danger.

Ivy's former life as an inanimate gargoyle ended abruptly when she was summoned to life to protect a girl and her family from The Mendoza Syndicate. Vowing to protect her new family, The Arroyo's, Ivy began a vigilante mission to dismantle the Syndicate. After 18 years of work, she succeeded at defeating the organization, and now searches outside Spanish Harlem to find a new goal to dedicate her life to.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Kudzu Bomb

Radius 6m

Duration 4s

Number of Charges 1

Charge Cooldown 8s

Cooldown 32s

Summon a patch of choking vines that damages and slows enemies in its radius.

Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.6




Movement Slow
Ability Point 1
+1 Charges
Ability Point 2
+2s Duration
Ability Point 5
+50 DPS and +2m Radius

Watcher's Covenant

Cast Range 16m

Duration 12s

Cooldown 37s

Gain bonuses and automatically connect with a nearby ally to share them. Healing is replicated among all those connected. Connection requires line of sight. Press 2 to Lock on to a target

Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.3


Fire Rate

Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.3


Bullet Lifesteal


Replicated Healing

1  Tether Count

Ability Point 1
+10% Fire Rate
Ability Point 2
+2.0m/s movement bonus
Ability Point 5
+1 Tether Count
  • All health gained from any source is replicated, after applying modifiers
  • The only exception to this is the healing provided by Watcher's Covenant itself, which is never replicated. This includes its bullet lifesteal effect
  • If a hero is at max health, any health they would receive is still replicated
  • Shared health is treated as having no source player, meaning it is not increased by Healing Booster or other healing buffs

Stone Form

Radius 6m

Duration 2s

Cooldown 42s

Turn yourself into impervious stone and smash into the ground, stunning and damaging enemies nearby. Heals you for a percentage of your max health. You have some air control before falling.

Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.05




Stun Duration


Max Health Heal
Ability Point 1
-19s Cooldown
Ability Point 2
+80 Damage and stuns for 0.5s.
Ability Point 5
+16% Max Health Heal

Air Drop

Cast Range 8m

Duration 16s

Cooldown 90s

Grab an ally and take flight with them. Drop your ally to cause a large explosion that slows movement. You and your ally gain a bullet shield when flying ends.
While lifted, your ally gains bullet resist but cannot attack and deals -50% damage.
[Alt-cast] lets you fly without an ally, carrying a bomb instead.
to drop ally/bomb.
UNKNOWN[key_forward] to fly faster.
Hold Down during cast to reduce launch height

Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx2.5


Explode Damage

Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx2.5


Bullet Shield


Bullet Resist

12s  Buff Duration

14m  Landing Radius

30%  Movement Slow

4s  Debuff Duration

Ability Point 1
-20% Bullet Resist on enemies hit for 12s
Ability Point 2
+300 Bullet Shield and +5m Explode Radius
Ability Point 5
Applies Silence on enemies hit for +4.5s

Weapon[edit | edit source]

Weapon Stats
Falloff Range
20m - 58m
67 DPS
Protector's Hand
Rapid Fire Medium Range

Ivy is the only character who does not lose movement speed while firing her gun.

Update history[edit | edit source]

Main article: Update history
Update Changes

February 25, 2025

  • Adjusted hitboxes to conform to model.
  • Fixed tether getting removed then applied every frame if Ivy was above the bridge and target is below the bridge (or vice versa) causing the vfx to flicker.
  • (Undocumented) Air Drop default keybinds changed to Mouse 1 to drop bomb and Z to fly faster.

December 6, 2024

  • Melee damage and growth reduced by 15%
  • Starting Health reduced from 550 to 525
  • Watcher's Covenant fixed to replicate healing even when you are full
  • Watcher's Covenant now initially locks onto the target in your facing direction if there is one
  • Stone Form now shows the Ivy player a visible radius indicator for where your hero will hit
  • Kudzu Bomb now grows on the ground if it hits geo instead of floating in the air
  • Air Drop damage reduced from 150 to 125
  • Fixed Phantom Strike not grounding Ivy when using Air Drop
  • Air Drop now lets you choose to significantly reduce your initial upward momentum by holding the fly key down while casting the ability

November 21, 2024

  • Bullet damage increased from 5 to 5.2
  • Bullet damage growth reduced from 0.36 to 0.34
  • Fixed being launched incorrectly when using Stone Form on certain geometry
  • Fixed Stone Form having a brief period of vulnerability after cast
  • Watcher's Covenant Bullet Lifesteal reduced from 15% to 12%
  • Stone Form drag down collision improved a bit
  • Stone Form Max Health Heal reduced from 10% to 8%
  • Stone Form T3 Max Health Heal reduced from +20% to +16%
  • Air Drop flight controls improved a bit
  • Air Drop duration reduced from 17s to 16s
  • Air Drop cooldown increased from 85s to 90s
  • Air Drop speed can now be increased with movespeed or sprint items (when out of combat)
  • Air Drop now amplifies Sprint values by 1.5x

Background[edit | edit source]

The gargoyle didn’t know what was happening when it sprang to life... just that a big human and a small human were being hurt. And so the gargoyle leapt to action, sending the attackers fleeing in horror. The small human said thank you and asked the gargoyle’s name. The gargoyle didn’t have one. And so the small human said, "I’m going to call you Ivy." The gargoyle, being covered in ivy at the time, thought it was a bit obvious, but decided to go along with it for the small human’s sake.

The humans asked if Ivy would come home with them so they could show their appreciation, and so Ivy walked with them. That night she learned much. The family were called The Arroyo's. The little one, Sophia. Mofongo is what they called a plate of deliciousness. But most importantly, she learned that the people attacking them were called "The Mendoza Syndicate", and they were hurting people…nice people like The Arroyo's.

18 years have passed since the day the Arroyo's took Ivy home... and during that she made it her mission to dismantle the Mendoza Syndicate and free Spanish Harlem from its grasp. However the thing about dedicating your life to a single pursuit for nearly 2 decades is that you don’t really know what to do once you achieve it. For the first time in her life, Ivy is prepared to venture outside of Spanish Harlem and see what the world has to offer beyond vigilante justice.


Lore[edit | edit source]

Ivy's sister, Sophia Arroyo, is studying at university under Dynamo,[1] and works with Wraith to pay for her tuition. Carlos Arroyo is running an election campaign for mayor of New York.[2] Ivy also has a little brother called Manny,[3] who's a fan of Kelvin.[4]

Ivy's Visual Novel will show her efforts to get a job and support the Arroyos.

Ivy is referred to as "the savior of Spanish Harlem",[5][6] but she doesn't like the nickname.[7]

Ivy's efforts to save Spanish Harlem were reported by news in Illinois, due to public interest.[8]

Character interactions[edit | edit source]

  • After dedicating most of her life to destroying the Mendoza Syndicate, Ivy is naturally distrustful towards other criminals, especially Wraith [9] and Yamato,[10] who are members of criminal organizations. Ivy warns Wraith not to approach Spanish Harlem.[11]
  • With Sophia being a university student under Dynamo, Ivy worries her fighting Dynamo during the ritual[1] would preconceive him against Sophia.[12]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Ivy was named Tengu in Neon Prime.
  • Several of Ivy's current animations are derived from those of Kali, an unreleased hero.
  • Ivy's weapon is inspired by the German MP 18 submachine gun modified to resemble a crossbow.
  • Some of Ivy's voice lines were changed in the 2024-12-06 Update to make her use of Spanish more accurate.
  • Ivy, Grey Talon, and Vyper are currently the only heroes with base Stamina at 4.
  • Ivy has the Roman numeral IV carved on her back.
  • Ivy's wings have a pattern resembling church windows.

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Ivy's in-game voice line (killed Dynamo) - "I think I just beat up Sophie's professor."
  2. Ivy's visual novel
  3. Ivy's in-game voice line - "I bet Sophie and Manny would get a kick out of watching me win!"
  4. Ivy and Kelvin conversation
  5. Shopkeeper's in-game voice line - "It’s a pleasure to serve the savior of Spanish Harlem."
  6. Newscaster's in-game voice line - "The savior of Spanish Harlem continues to melt New York's heart, as she dispenses vigilante justice dressed for the holidays!"
  7. Ivy and Abrams conversation - Abrams: "So, you're the savior of Spanish Harlem, huh?" Ivy: "I really hate that nickname."
  8. Ivy and Holliday conversation
  9. Ivy's in-game voice line (killed Wraith) - "First Mendoza, now you!"
  10. Ivy's in-game voice line (killed Yamato) - "I took out Mendoza, and I will take out you!"
  11. Ivy and Wraith conversation
  12. Ivy's in-game voice line (killed Dynamo) - "Please don't take that out on Sophie, professor!"

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