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List of voice-over quotes for '''Holliday''', as well as quotes from other characters referencing Holliday.
List of voice lines for '''Holliday''', as well as lines from other characters referencing Holliday.

== Select ==
== Select ==
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== Generic Voice Lines ==
== Conversations ==
Holliday has the most conversations of any character, with an interaction for all 29 other heroes.
=== Generic Kill Voice Lines ===
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
| rowspan="10" |Kill an enemy Hero
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Abrams}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro atlas 1.mp3]]
|Got 'em!
'''Abrams:''' You're the sheriff from Macomb, right?
'''Holliday:''' Yeah.
'''Abrams:''' I'm so sorry.
'''Holliday:''' Thank you.
|[[File:Astro atlas 2.mp3]]
|You see that?
'''Holliday:''' You got a plan?
'''Abrams:''' Eh, I don't know... I was thinking you grab them and then I punch their skull in!
'''Holliday:''' I like it!
|[[File:Astro atlas 3.mp3]]
|Got 'em good.
'''Abrams:''' Holliday... I don't suppose you're related to...
'''Holliday:''' Yeah.
'''Abrams:''' Long shadow!
'''Holliday:''' I try not to think about it.
'''Abrams:''' Eh, let's make him proud.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Bebop}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro bebop 1.mp3]]
|Put 'em down.
'''Holliday:''' Don't see too many golems in Macomb.
'''Bebop:''' Don't see too many cowboys in New York.
|I'm just gettin' started.
'''Holliday:''' I'm not a cowboy.
'''Bebop:''' What's with the hat?
'''Holliday:''' I'm a sheriff.
'''Bebop:''' Isn't a sheriff just a cowboy with a badge?
'''Holliday:''' Not in the Midwest.
|[[File:Astro bebop 2.mp3]]
|There's more where that came from.
'''Holliday:''' So what's the plan?
'''Bebop:''' I'll pull them in, you grab'em?
'''Holliday:''' I like the way you think, tin man!
|[[File:Astro bebop 3.mp3]]
|No one's a better shot than me.
'''Holliday:''' I know it's against your nature... programming, or whatever. But there are gonna be times when I need you ''not'' to punch someone right after you pull'em.
'''Bebop:''' Hmm... you're right that it does seem rather counter-intuitive.
'''Holliday:''' Just let me grab them first. Then feel free to beat the hell out of them.
'''Bebop:''' I'll make no promises!
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Calico}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
|Took 'em out.
|[[File:Astro nano 1.mp3]]
|Probably should talk to local law enforcement about that one.
'''Holliday:''' Cute cat, what's her name?
'''Calico:''' Ava.
'''Holliday:''' You think it's safe, bringing her out here?
'''Calico:''' Don't worry about us, sheriff. We'll be fine.
|Gets easier every time.
|[[File:Astro nano 2.mp3]]
|Kill a high net worth enemy
|No one's untouchable.
'''Holliday:''' Rumor is, you were in the Baxter Society!
'''Calico:''' I was.

== Hero-Specific Voice Lines ==
'''Holliday:''' You ever hear of something called "The Troubadour"?

=== Enemy ===
'''Calico:''' Enough to know to stay away from it.
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Abrams}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|[[File:Astro nano 3.mp3]]
|Sorry, detective.
'''Calico:''' You're not much of a talker, are you?
'''Holliday:''' No.
'''Calico:''' God, you and Wesley would get along famously.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Dynamo}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
|[[File:Astro dynamo 1.mp3]]
|Abrams' down!
'''Dynamo:''' I'm glad you're here, sheriff. If the Troubadour's in New York, the city's gonna need your expertise.
'''Holliday:''' Yeah, well I hope local law enforcement feels the same way.
|[[File:Astro dynamo 2.mp3]]
|Abrams... I hoped it wouldn't have come to this...
'''Dynamo:''' Sheriff, I do my best to be precise, but sometimes even I miscalculate the area of a black hole. If you would be so kind...
'''Holliday:''' I'm happy to drag back anyone you miss.
'''Dynamo:''' I thank you in advance.
|[[File:Astro dynamo 3.mp3]]
|Big boy is down!
'''Dynamo:''' Read about what happened in Macomb. Absolutely ghoulish.
'''Holliday:''' I really don't wanna talk about it.
'''Dynamo:''' Understandable. I just... I just hope you catch whoever's responsible.
'''Holliday:''' i'm not gonna catch him. I'm gonna kill him.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Grey Talon}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
'''Grey Talon:''' What do you want from the Patron?
'''Holliday:''' Revenge.
'''Grey Talon:''' Looks like we have something in common.
|I put down the detective.
'''Grey Talon:''' Can I give you an unsolicited word of advice, Holliday?
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Bebop}}
'''Holliday:''' Why not?
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Grey Talon:''' People are going to tell you that there is a difference between justice and revenge. That you will dishonor the dead by stooping to their killer's level. Ignore them. Revenge isn't for the dead. It's for the living.
|Took down Bebop.
'''Holliday:''' I knew I liked you.
'''Holliday:''' I know that look in your eyes. Who did they take from you?
|Took out Bebop.
'''Grey Talon:''' My son. My daughter-in-law. My... grandkids.
'''Holliday:''' I hope today we both find peace.
'''Grey Talon:''' Indeed.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Fathom}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
|Sorry, tin man.
'''Holliday:''' What are you?
'''Holliday:''' This is gonna be a long day.
|I'm not getting killed by a machine.
'''Holliday:''' It's a hat.
'''Holliday:''' Yeah, well, it's my hat.
'''Holliday:''' Oh, look! The ritual's about to start, great talk.
|Only person grabbin' people is me, Bebop.
'''Holliday:''' It's my job.
'''Holliday:''' Enforce the law.
'''Holliday:''' I don't rule anybody. I make sure people are safe.
'''Holliday:''' I... mean... I guess?
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Calico}}
| rowspan="6" |{{PageRef|Haze}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="6" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro haze 1.mp3]]
'''Haze:''' I've read your file, sheriff. You seem competent.
|Took out Calico.
'''Holliday:''' I have a file?
'''Haze:''' We're the OSIC. Of course there's a file.
'''Holliday:''' That's comforting...
|[[File:Astro haze 2.mp3]]
'''Haze:''' You don't have any issues working with the OSIC, do you?
|"Most dangerous woman on the planet" my ass.
'''Holliday:''' I'm happy to work with anyone who doesn't get in my way.
'''Haze:''' Don't worry, sheriff. I think our partnership will be good for everyone.
|[[File:Astro haze 3.mp3]]
'''Haze:''' You have a plan, sheriff?
|That cat deserved better than to be attached to you.
'''Holliday:''' You sleep'em, I grab'em, you shoot'em.
'''Haze:''' Seem solid enough.
| rowspan="3" |Unlocked in Holliday's visual novel
|[[File:Astro haze troubadour 1.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' You had no right to jump in my head.
|You belong in jail, Calico, but I'll settle for you in the dirt.
'''Haze:''' I would think you of all people would appreciate the ends justifying the means.
'''Holliday:''' You should have told me what you were gonna do.
'''Haze:''' I don't waste time. I get results.
|[[File:Astro haze troubadour 2.mp3]]
'''Haze:''' I thought you'd be back on your way to Macomb.
|No one's above the law, Calico.
'''Holliday:''' There are some loose ends I'm trying to tie up.
'''Haze:''' Captain Murphy's married.
'''Holliday:''' I'm gonna kill that goddamn receptionist!
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Dynamo}}
|[[File:Astro haze troubadour 3.mp3]]
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Holliday:''' I don't think I ever said "Thank you".
|You're not winnin', Dynamo.
'''Haze:''' No need to thank me. We both were doing our job.
'''Holliday:''' We didn't just stop the Troubadour. You kept me from crossing a line, and I owe you for that.
'''Haze:''' We can talk later. Let's focus on the task at hand.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Infernus}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro inferno 1.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' What you're doing is noble.
|Stopped the professor.
'''Infernus:''' Excuse me?
'''Holliday:''' Helping your friend. It's noble.
'''Infernus:''' Well... he'd do the same for me.
|[[File:Astro inferno 2.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' Bet you had quite the life before you became a bartender?
|Dynamo, just go home already.
'''Infernus:''' Hm, I'm not sure if the statute of limitations lets me answer that question, honestly.
'''Holliday:''' You're not in my jurisidiction.
'''Infernus:''' How about when this is over, we have a chat at the bar?
'''Holliday:''' Sounds like a plan.
'''Infernus:''' Sounds like a date.
|[[File:Astro inferno 3.mp3]]
'''Infernus:''' You in town for long?
|Give up, Dynamo, it's not gonna get any easier for ya.
'''Holliday:''' God, I hope not.
'''Infernus:''' Afraid of the big city?
'''Holliday:''' Not afraid. Just don't like it.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Ivy}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
'''Ivy:''' Are you angry like, all the time?
|Professor's down.
'''Holliday:''' It's hard not to be.
'''Ivy:''' You know, my sister told me that when I get mad, I should take a deep breath and count to four. It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does!
'''Holliday:''' My sister's dead.
'''Ivy:''' Yeah, I'm... going to shut up now.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Grey Talon}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Holliday:''' Heard about you on the news.
|Stopped Grey Talon!
'''Ivy:''' Thought you were from Illinois.
'''Holliday:''' I am. Turns out lots of people are interested in crimefighting gargoyles.
'''Ivy:''' Were they saying nice things, at least?
'''Holliday:''' Ivy, it's hard not to say nice things about you.
'''Ivy:''' So, what do you think of New York?
|God damn it, Talon, I don't wanna do this!
'''Holliday:''' I'm here to catch a killer, not go sightseeing.
'''Ivy:''' Ok, so, that's totally fair, but! If you decide to go sightseeing, let me know. I've only recently started leaving Spanish Harlem, so it would be nice to have someone to do stuff with that's... not in my family. Not that there's anything wrong with my family, I love...
'''Holliday:''' Can we focus on shooting?
'''Ivy:''' You got it!
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Kelvin}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
'''Holliday:''' You look more out of place than I do.
|Grey Talon's dead.
'''Kelvin:''' The dead rarely are consumed by fashion.
'''Holliday:''' What happened to you?
|Feelin' pretty conflicted about that one.
'''Kelvin:''' My friend, I wish I knew. I'm just looking for answers.
'''Holliday:''' Aren't we all...
'''Kelvin:''' How goes your investigation, sheriff?
|Won't be seein' that owl anytime soon.
'''Holliday:''' If all goes well, it ends today.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Haze}}
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Lady Geist}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="3" |Yes
|[[File:Astro ghost 1.mp3]]
|Haze is down!
'''Holliday:''' Nice gun.
'''Lady Geist:''' It was a gift from my husband.
'''Holliday:''' You know how to use it?
'''Lady Geist:''' It looks like we're about to find out, aren't we?
|[[File:Astro ghost 2.mp3]]
|If I never see a Sandman again, it'll be too soon.
'''Lady Geist:''' I don't mean to be rude...
'''Holliday:''' This should be good.
'''Lady Geist:''' Your clothes.
'''Holliday:''' What about 'em?
'''Lady Geist:''' They're horrible.
'''Holliday:''' Good talk.
|[[File:Astro ghost 3.mp3]]
|Should've known the OSIC would be here.
'''Holliday:''' I see you, Geist.
'''Lady Geist:''' I'm relieved to know that you have eyes, sheriff.
'''Holliday:''' You're a monster.
'''Lady Geist:''' Excuse me?
'''Holliday:''' You've done some horrible things, and after I stop the Troubadour, I'm gonna find out what.
'''Lady Geist:''' Good luck.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Lash}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro lash 1.mp3]]
'''Lash:''' So... you using that rope for work or recreation?
|Never should've come after me, Haze.
'''Holliday:''' You are such a pig.
'''Lash:''' Nah babe... I'm Lash.
'''Holliday:''' Shut up!
|[[File:Astro lash 2.mp3]]
'''Lash:''' Small town lady looking to get a... taste of the big city?
'''Holliday:''' I'm tracking down a serial killer.
'''Lash:''' If you're looking for someone with a body count, I'm turning myself in.
'''Holliday:''' Oh my god, I hate you.
|[[File:Astro lash 3.mp3]]
|Dealt with Haze.
'''Holliday:''' Lash, here's the thing: I'm gonna need you to talk to me as little as humanly possible.
'''Lash:''' What's in it for me?
'''Holliday:''' I don't knock your teeth in.
'''Lash:''' The Lash accepts.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Infernus}}
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|McGinnis}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="3" |Yes
|[[File:Astro forge 1.mp3]]
|Eh, I'll leave him a tip later.
'''Holliday:''' What's it like working for Fairfax?
'''McGinnis:''' You ever work with rich people?
'''Holliday:''' Nah, I'm from Central Illinois. I just assume they're assholes with god complexes.
'''McGinnis:''' Eh, pretty close.
|[[File:Astro forge 2.mp3]]
|You picked a bad day to leave the bar.
'''Holliday:''' You were that kid genius, right?
'''McGinnis:''' Yeah.
'''Holliday:''' How that worked out for you?
'''McGinnis:''' I'm the lead engineer for the occult industrial complex?
'''Holliday:''' So... good?
|[[File:Astro forge 3.mp3]]
|One less demon to worry about.
'''Holliday:''' How long you think you'll stay with Fairfax Industries?
'''McGinnis:''' I don't know. Probably until I get bored or open some portal to hell and die?
'''Holliday:''' Pretty specific.
'''McGinnis:''' Eh, I think about it a lot.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Mirage}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro_mirage 1.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' You... really think the US is gonna sell Wyoming to the Djinn.
|Infernus is out of the picture.
'''Mirage:''' Well, I think the US is interested in money... and power. And the Djinn can offer both.
|[[File:Astro_mirage 2.mp3]]
'''Mirage:''' You're blinded by hatred, Holliday.
|Almost got burned alive.
'''Holliday:''' I'll keep that in mind.
'''Mirage:''' That's the problem, you won't. And when you cling to that path... you'll die because of it.
'''Holliday:''' Thanks for the advice.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Ivy}}
|[[File:Astro_mirage 3.mp3]]
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Holliday:''' You like working for Nashala?
|Took down the Gargoyle!
'''Mirage:''' I do. When she's free of her vessel, she offers... scintillating conversation. When she rests... I get to go bowling.
'''Holliday:''' Bowling?
'''Mirage:''' I learned about it in England, it is the sport of kings.
| rowspan="4" |{{PageRef|Mo & Krill}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro krill 1.mp3]]
'''Krill:''' Your revolver is a thing to behold.
|Ivy's down!
'''Holliday:''' Thanks. It belonged to my grandfather.
'''Krill:''' I don't suppose it's for sale...
'''Holliday:''' You're damn right it's not.
'''Krill:''' I wouldn't respect myself if I didn't ask!
|[[File:Astro krill 2.mp3]]
'''Krill:''' Sheriff, I know that you're new to our great city. But if you ever find yourself in need of information, Mo and I are happy to avail ourselves to you.
|See ya Ivy!
'''Holliday:''' I bet you are. How much you charge?
'''Krill:''' I think you'll find our rates to be... reasonable.
'''Holliday:''' Good to know.
|[[File:Astro krill 3.mp3]]
'''Krill:''' Just pull them to Maurice, and I'll make sure we finish the job!
|She seemed nice.
'''Holliday:''' You got it Mo!
'''Krill:''' I'm Krill.
'''Holliday:''' Whatever.
|Unlocked in Holliday's visual novel
|She should've flown away while she could.
'''Holliday:''' Yeah, how do you know?
'''Holliday:''' I'm not sleeping with him.
'''Holliday:''' Ugh.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Kelvin}}
| rowspan="4" |{{PageRef|Paradox}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="4" |Yes
| rowspan="4" |
|[[File:Astro chrono 1.mp3]]
'''Paradox:''' We're... not going to have any... problems, right sheriff?
|I tried to reason with you, Kelvin.
'''Holliday:''' I don't care about you or your friends.
'''Paradox:''' In that case, welcome to New York!
|[[File:Astro chrono 2.mp3]]
'''Paradox:''' A word of advice, sheriff?
|Ice man's down.
'''Holliday:''' Can't wait to hear this.
'''Paradox:''' Don't trust the OSIC. Their goals and your goals are not in alignment.
|[[File:Astro chrono 3.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' How often do you take the mask off?
|Kelvin's outta commission.
'''Paradox:''' You think I keep this on all the time?
'''Holliday:''' Lady, you're running around with a fishbowl on your head. I think it's safe not to assume anything.
|[[File:Astro chrono 4.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' So, what's your story, lady? You fall in a vat of clocks?
|And I thought I was out of place in New York.
'''Paradox:''' It's not wise to mock Paradox.
'''Holliday:''' Yeah, you're real spooky.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Pocket}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
|Kelvin. You're not ready to fight someone like me.
'''Holliday:''' You ready for this, kid?
'''Holliday:''' Yes, you are. And I need to know if I have to look after you.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Lady Geist}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|Stopped Geist!
'''Holliday:''' You look like you've lived a life.
'''Holliday:''' You wanna talk about it?
|'''Holliday:''' I think that if we don't, we'll be dead, so it's not gonna matter a whole hell of a lot.
|You're no better than the Troubadour, Geist.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Raven}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
|'''Holliday:''' Why are you dressed up like a waiter?
|What the hell was wrong with her arm?
|Stay away from me, Geist!
'''Holliday:''' It doesn't matter.
'''Holliday:''' Don't worry about me.
'''Holliday:''' ''Don't'' worry about me!
|'''Holliday:''' I think I'm good.
|Rich people are weird.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Lash}}
| rowspan="6" |{{PageRef|Seven}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="6" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro gigawatt 1.mp3]]
'''Seven:''' So you're the sheriff from Macomb.
'''Holliday:''' And you're the one who escaped Lost Whisper.
'''Seven:''' This should prove to be interesting.
|[[File:Astro gigawatt 2.mp3]]
|Stopped Lash.
'''Seven:''' Hmm... Look at you. So consumed by revenge that you would even fight alongside me.
'''Holliday:''' Don't talk to me, Seven.
'''Seven:''' Apologies. I would never dream of upsetting you, Holliday.
|[[File:Astro gigawatt 3.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' When this is over, I have to turn you in.
|That guy thought he owned the skies.
'''Seven:''' When this is over, if you're determined to throw your life away, I would be happy to take it.
| rowspan="3" |Unlocked in Holliday's visual novel
|[[File:Astro gigawatt troubadour 1.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' How do you know Allie?
|Lash. Everything you do, I'm just better at.
'''Seven:''' You haven't heard? She's writing a story about me.
'''Holliday:''' Why?
'''Seven:''' I'm fascinating.
|[[File:Astro gigawatt troubadour 2.mp3]]
'''Seven:''' Rejoice, Holliday. Soon you will get the revenge you seek.
|A little humility'll do him good.
'''Holliday:''' Only if we summon this thing.
'''Seven:''' Our victory is assured.
'''Holliday:''' Is that so?
'''Seven:''' Look who stands with you. They don't have a chance.
|[[File:Astro gigawatt troubadour 3.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' I can't believe the OSIC wanted to recruit that thing.
'''Seven:''' You're too smart to be that naive.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=McGinnis}}
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Shiv}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
|All that talent, wasted.
'''Holliday:''' So you're with the Baxter Society?
'''Holliday:''' Must have liked your hair.
|Sorry, McGinnis.
'''Holliday:''' How come the Baxter Society isn't trying to stop the Troubadour?
'''Holliday:''' Must be nice to have the luxury to drag your feet while innocent people are dying.
|McGinnis is down!
'''Holliday:''' Yeah.
'''Holliday:''' I'll think about it.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Sinclair}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
|Those machines didn't work out like you thought they would, huh?
'''Holliday:''' What are you fighting for?
'''Holliday:''' Pftt, been there.
|It'll take more than some turrets to stop me.
'''Holliday:''' Hope you're better at fighting than you are at magic.
'''Holliday:''' Yeah? Then why are you dead?
'''Holliday:''' Yeah, okay.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Mirage}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|Mirage is down.
'''Holliday:''' You're the guy that throws cards at people, right?
'''Holliday:''' Oh. So what do you do?
'''Holliday:''' I could see why your wife left you.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Trapper}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
|Stick to sightseeing, Mirage.
'''Holliday:''' You're with the Municipal Coven, right?
'''Holliday:''' Not at all. Just nice to get the chance to work with someone normal.
|'''Holliday:''' Been a little busy!
|You picked a hell of a time to visit New York.
|Nothing personal.
'''Holliday:''' You're worried about basketball?
'''Holliday:''' Just set a trap and I'll grab 'em.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Vindicta}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro hornet 1.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' How good are you at hitting moving targets?
'''Vindicta:''' I shot Hathorme's brother while he was day-drinking on a speedboat.
'''Holliday:''' ... I'm gonna pretend that was a joke.
'''Vindicta:''' It was not.
'''Holliday:''' You know I have to arrest you now.
'''Vindicta:''' When this is over, you are more than welcome to try.
|[[File:Astro hornet 2.mp3]]
|It was you or me, pal.
'''Vindicta:''' Bind them, sheriff. And leave the rest to me.
'''Holliday:''' Yeah, that's not ominous.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Mo & Krill}}
|[[File:Astro hornet 3.mp3]]
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Holliday:''' You look concerned.
|Krill's down!
'''Vindicta:''' Forgive me for not having much faith in servants of the law.
'''Holliday:''' Law has come a long way since you died.
'''Vindicta:''' No, sheriff. It really hasn't.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Viscous}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro viscous 1.mp3]]
'''Viscous:''' I like your hat.
|Took down the Tunnel Rats.
'''Holliday:''' Thanks...?
'''Viscous:''' Can I wear it?
'''Holliday:''' Tell you what: If we win, sure.
'''Viscous:''' Yaaaaaay!
|[[File:Astro viscous 2.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' So, where you from?
|Glad I got him before they tore me in half.
'''Viscous:''' The Deep.
'''Holliday:''' So like, Mobile?
'''Viscous:''' Sure.
'''Holliday:''' You don't know what I said, do you?
'''Viscous:''' No.
'''Holliday:''' This is gonna go great.
|[[File:Astro viscous 3.mp3]]
'''Viscous:''' What does revenge feel like?
|Fightin' those two is always risky.
'''Holliday:''' What do you mean?
'''Viscous:''' When I'm in the cube, it's warm. I like being in the cube. You seem to like revenge, so I wonder if it feels the same.
|Glad that went my way. Molemen are no joke.
'''Holliday:''' No Viscous, it, um... it doesn't feel warm.
'''Viscous:''' But it feels good?
'''Holliday:''' No, it really doesn't.
'''Viscous:''' Then why do you want to live in it?
'''Holliday:''' Because there's nothing else I can do about it.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Paradox}}
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Vyper}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="3" |Yes
|[[File:Astro viper 1.mp3]]
|It's over, Paradox.
'''Vyper:''' Hey, you're a cop, right?
'''Holliday:''' Yeah.
'''Vyper:''' Because, uh, you like the law, or... because you like being in a power trip?
'''Holliday:''' What sorta question is that?
'''Vyper:''' I'm just trying to figure out if we could be friends!
'''Holliday:''' I uphold the law.
'''Vyper:''' Yeah, so we should not be friends.
|[[File:Astro viper 2.mp3]]
|The legend was way more impressive than the reality.
'''Vyper:''' You look familiar.
'''Holliday:''' Doubt it. I'm not from around here.
'''Vyper:''' Where from?
'''Holliday:''' Illinois.
'''Vyper:''' No shit! You know, I did a little time in Cook County.
'''Holliday:''' I'm further south.
'''Vyper:''' Well, If you ever find yourself in the BG, just... pretend you don't know me, okay? I don't want people knowin' I'm tight with a cop.
'''Holliday:''' You're not.
'''Vyper:''' Exactly.
|[[File:Astro viper 3.mp3]]
|Time thief? Please, you're just a petty crook.
'''Holliday:''' You're a criminal.
'''Vyper:''' Well, that's a little judgy.
'''Holliday:''' Am I wrong?
'''Vyper:''' No, I didn't say you were, I'm just saying you're being needlessly hostile.
'''Holliday:''' If you didn't need my help right now, you would stab me in the back!
'''Vyper:''' Ok, sorry, you are really good at reading people, 'cause at first I was offended, but now I'm like, kind of impressed!
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Warden}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
|Paradox won't be bothering us for a while.
'''Holliday:''' I'm guessing I don't need to remind you that the stakes are high?
'''Holliday:''' What are you fighting for?
'''Holliday:''' That's alarmingly vague.
|Crawl back to whatever hole you were hiding in, Paradox.
'''Holliday:''' So what are you supposed to be?
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Pocket}}
'''Holliday:''' Well, you look like you're dressed up for Halloween, so I figured I'd ask.
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="5" |kill_pocket_01-05 (unused)
'''Holliday:''' ... So you're a creepy homeschooled kid, got it.
|Pocket's down.
|You have a trust fund, why are you wasting your time here?
|'''Holliday:''' Works for me!
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Wraith}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro wraith 1.mp3]]
|Kid, just go home.
'''Holliday:''' Don't worry, Wraith. I'm here for the Troubadour, not your gambling ring.
'''Wraith:''' If you think I'd be worried about a sheriff from Missoula...
'''Holliday:''' Macomb.
'''Wraith:''' Wherever. The point is I don't get scared by cops who probably just experienced running water for the first time.
'''Holliday:''' You know what? Maybe I'll stay for your gambling ring.
|[[File:Astro wraith 2.mp3]]
|That bag of tricks was never gonna get the job done.
'''Wraith:''' You a gambling woman?
'''Holliday:''' No.
'''Wraith:''' I knew you were boring.
|[[File:Astro wraith 3.mp3]]
|You're never completing the ritual, Pocket.
'''Holliday:''' You should quit while you're ahead.
'''Wraith:''' What are you talking about?
'''Holliday:''' Your organization. Shut it down. Quit while you're ahead.
'''Wraith:''' I will repent all my wicked ways.
'''Holliday:''' You think I'm joking.
'''Wraith:''' No. I think you're a joke.
'''Holliday:''' Either you shut it down, or Murphy's gonna shut it down for you.
'''Wraith:''' Yeah... we'll see about that.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Seven}}
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Wrecker}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
|It was always gonna end this way, Seven.
'''Holliday:''' How weird are you gonna make this?
'''Holliday:''' Great.
|I knew I couldn't trust you.
'''Holliday:''' We have a plan?
'''Holliday:''' I can't wait to get out of this goddamn city.
|You're done running from justice.
'''Holliday:''' They call you "The Butcher of Ixia", right?
'''Holliday:''' You pull that shit here, I put a bullet in your skull.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Yamato}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro yamato 1.mp3]]
'''Yamato:''' まさか警察の犬と協力することになるとはな。''(I never thought I'd end up working with a police dog.)''
|I came here to kill the Troubadour, but I'll settle for you.
'''Holliday:''' I'm sorry, I don't speak Japanese.
'''Yamato:''' Of course you don't.
|[[File:Astro yamato 2.mp3]]
'''Yamato:''' あんたがマーフィーの女か。''(You're Murphy's girl.)''
|Pompous ass.
'''Holliday:''' What did you say about Murphy?
'''Yamato:''' Don't worry sheriff, play your part and he lives.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Shiv}}
|[[File:Astro yamato 3.mp3]]
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Holliday:''' I heard about you.
'''Yamato:''' Really?
'''Holliday:''' Picking a fight with the other families isn't gonna end well for you.
'''Yamato:''' We'll see.
== Generic Voice Lines ==
=== Generic Kill Voice Lines ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
| rowspan="10" |Kill an enemy Hero
|Shiv, Shiv, Shiv, when are you gonna wise up?
|Got 'em!
|You see that?
|You're not above the law, Shiv. You're just a shitty biker.
|Got 'em good.
|Put 'em down.
|You lost, Shiv. Deal with it.
|I'm just gettin' started.
|There's more where that came from.
|Shiv's down!
|No one's a better shot than me.
|By the way: Your hair is ridiculous.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Vindicta}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|Took 'em out.
|Took out Vindicta!
|Probably should talk to local law enforcement about that one.
|Dropped their sniper!
|Gets easier every time.
|Put on some shoes, for god's sake!
|Kill a high net worth enemy
|No one's untouchable.
== Hero-Specific Voice Lines ==
=== Enemy ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Abrams}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|What is wrong with this city?
|Sorry, detective.
|Abrams' down!
|A lot more snipers here than back in Macomb.
|Abrams... I hoped it wouldn't have come to this...
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Viscous}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|Big boy is down!
|Whatever, goo boy.
|I put down the detective.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Bebop}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|I'm not gettin' bossed around by a pile of goo.
|Took down Bebop.
|Took out Bebop.
|I don't know what that thing was, but I think it's still on me.
|Sorry, tin man.
|I'm not getting killed by a machine.
|Hey Gooey! Slink off into a lake or something.
|Only person grabbin' people is me, Bebop.
|Took out Viscous.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Warden}}
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Calico}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|Took out Calico.
|We could've worked together, Warden.
|"Most dangerous woman on the planet" my ass.
|That cat deserved better than to be attached to you.
|You picked the wrong day to mess with me, Warden.
|You belong in jail, Calico, but I'll settle for you in the dirt.
|No one's above the law, Calico.
|Only one of us gets to take the law into their own hands.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Dynamo}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|You're not winnin', Dynamo.
|Stopped Warden!
|Stopped the professor.
|Dynamo, just go home already.
|Give up, Dynamo, it's not gonna get any easier for ya.
|Was only a matter of time before I had to put you down, Warden.
|Professor's down.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Wraith}}
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Grey Talon}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|Stopped Grey Talon!
|Stopped Wraith!
|God damn it, Talon, I don't wanna do this!
|Grey Talon's dead.
|I'm lucky Wraith didn't get the drop on me.
|Feelin' pretty conflicted about that one.
|Won't be seein' that owl anytime soon.
|I'm not on your payroll, Wraith.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Haze}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|Haze is down!
|God, that lady creeps me out.
|If I never see a Sandman again, it'll be too soon.
|Should've known the OSIC would be here.
|Never should've come after me, Haze.
|That woman's nuts!
|Dealt with Haze.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Wrecker}}
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Infernus}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|Eh, I'll leave him a tip later.
|What the hell was that thing?
|You picked a bad day to leave the bar.
|One less demon to worry about.
|Infernus is out of the picture.
|Almost got burned alive.
|Wrecker's dead!
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Ivy}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|Took down the Gargoyle!
|That thing's a monster!
|Ivy's down!
|See ya Ivy!
|She seemed nice.
|I hate New York.
|She should've flown away while she could.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Yamato}}
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Kelvin}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|I tried to reason with you, Kelvin.
|One less crime lord to deal with.
|Ice man's down.
|Kelvin's outta commission.
|You failed, Yamato.
|And I thought I was out of place in New York.
|Kelvin. You're not ready to fight someone like me.
|Hey Yamato! Next time you try to lead by example, be competent.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Lady Geist}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|Stopped Geist!
|That sword was never gonna get it done.
|You're no better than the Troubadour, Geist.
|What the hell was wrong with her arm?
|Yamato's down.
|Stay away from me, Geist!
== Conversations ==
Conversation voice lines are intended to play at the beginning of a match, but have not yet been implemented.
Holliday currently has the most conversations of any character, with an interaction for 22 of the 25 other released heroes, plus [[Wrecker]] from [[Hero Labs]].
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Abrams}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro atlas 1.mp3]]
'''Abrams:''' You're the sheriff from Macomb, right?
|Rich people are weird.
'''Holliday:''' Yeah.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Lash}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Abrams:''' I'm so sorry.
|Stopped Lash.
'''Holliday:''' Thank you.
|[[File:Astro atlas 2.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' You got a plan?
|That guy thought he owned the skies.
'''Abrams:''' Eh, I don't know... I was thinking you grab them and then I punch their skull in!
'''Holliday:''' I like it!
|[[File:Astro atlas 3.mp3]]
'''Abrams:''' Holliday... I don't suppose you're related to...
|Lash. Everything you do, I'm just better at.
'''Holliday:''' Yeah.
'''Abrams:''' Long shadow!
'''Holliday:''' I try not to think about it.
'''Abrams:''' Eh, let's make him proud.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Bebop}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro bebop 1.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' Don't see too many golems in Macomb.
|A little humility'll do him good.
'''Bebop:''' Don't see too many cowboys in New York.
'''Holliday:''' I'm not a cowboy.
'''Bebop:''' What's with the hat?
'''Holliday:''' I'm a sheriff.
'''Bebop:''' Isn't a sheriff just a cowboy with a badge?
'''Holliday:''' Not in the Midwest.
|[[File:Astro bebop 2.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' So what's the plan?
'''Bebop:''' I'll pull them in, you grab'em?
'''Holliday:''' I like the way you think, tin man!
|[[File:Astro bebop 3.mp3]]
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=McGinnis}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Holliday:''' I know it's against your nature... programming, or whatever. But there are gonna be times when I need you ''not'' to punch someone right after you pull'em.
|All that talent, wasted.
'''Bebop:''' Hmm... you're right that it does seem rather counter-intuitive.
'''Holliday:''' Just let me grab them first. Then feel free to beat the hell out of them.
'''Bebop:''' I'll make no promises!
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Dynamo}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
|'''Holliday:''' Yeah, well I hope local law enforcement feels the same way.
|Sorry, McGinnis.
|'''Holliday:''' I'm happy to drag back anyone you miss.
|McGinnis is down!
|Those machines didn't work out like you thought they would, huh?
'''Holliday:''' I really don't wanna talk about it.
|It'll take more than some turrets to stop me.
'''Holliday:''' i'm not gonna catch him. I'm gonna kill him.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Grey Talon}}
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Mirage}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="3" |
|Mirage is down.
|'''Grey Talon:''' What do you want from the Patron?
'''Holliday:''' Revenge.
'''Grey Talon:''' Looks like we have something in common.
'''Grey Talon:''' Can I give you an unsolicited word of advice, Holliday?
|Stick to sightseeing, Mirage.
'''Holliday:''' Why not?
'''Grey Talon:''' People are going to tell you that there is a difference between justice and revenge. That you will dishonor the dead by stooping to their killer's level. Ignore them. Revenge isn't for the dead. It's for the living.
'''Holliday:''' I knew I liked you.
'''Holliday:''' I know that look in your eyes. Who did they take from you?
|You picked a hell of a time to visit New York.
'''Grey Talon:''' My son. My daughter-in-law. My... grandkids.
|Nothing personal.
'''Holliday:''' I hope today we both find peace.
'''Grey Talon:''' Indeed.
| rowspan="6" |{{PageRef|Haze}}
| rowspan="6" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro haze 1.mp3]]
'''Haze:''' I've read your file, sheriff. You seem competent.
|It was you or me, pal.
'''Holliday:''' I have a file?
'''Haze:''' We're the OSIC. Of course there's a file.
'''Holliday:''' That's comforting...
|[[File:Astro haze 2.mp3]]
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Mo & Krill}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Haze:''' You don't have any issues working with the OSIC, do you?
|Krill's down!
'''Holliday:''' I'm happy to work with anyone who doesn't get in my way.
|Took down the Tunnel Rats.
'''Haze:''' Don't worry, sheriff. I think our partnership will be good for everyone.
|[[File:Astro haze 3.mp3]]
'''Haze:''' You have a plan, sheriff?
|Glad I got him before they tore me in half.
'''Holliday:''' You sleep'em, I grab'em, you shoot'em.
'''Haze:''' Seem solid enough.
| rowspan="3" |Unlocked in Holliday's visual novel
|[[File:Astro haze troubadour 1.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' You had no right to jump in my head.
|Fightin' those two is always risky.
'''Haze:''' I would think you of all people would appreciate the ends justifying the means.
'''Holliday:''' You should have told me what you were gonna do.
'''Haze:''' I don't waste time. I get results.
|[[File:Astro haze troubadour 2.mp3]]
'''Haze:''' I thought you'd be back on your way to Macomb.
|Glad that went my way. Molemen are no joke.
'''Holliday:''' There are some loose ends I'm trying to tie up.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Paradox}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Haze:''' Captain Murphy's married.
|It's over, Paradox.
'''Holliday:''' I'm gonna kill that goddamn receptionist!
|[[File:Astro haze troubadour 3.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' I don't think I ever said "Thank you".
|The legend was way more impressive than the reality.
'''Haze:''' No need to thank me. We both were doing our job.
'''Holliday:''' We didn't just stop the Troubadour. You kept me from crossing a line, and I owe you for that.
'''Haze:''' We can talk later. Let's focus on the task at hand.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Infernus}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro inferno 1.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' What you're doing is noble.
|Time thief? Please, you're just a petty crook.
'''Infernus:''' Excuse me?
'''Holliday:''' Helping your friend. It's noble.
'''Infernus:''' Well... he'd do the same for me.
|[[File:Astro inferno 2.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' Bet you had quite the life before you became a bartender?
|Paradox won't be bothering us for a while.
'''Infernus:''' Hm, I'm not sure if the statute of limitations lets me answer that question, honestly.
'''Holliday:''' You're not in my jurisidiction.
'''Infernus:''' How about when this is over, we have a chat at the bar?
'''Holliday:''' Sounds like a plan.
'''Infernus:''' Sounds like a date.
|[[File:Astro inferno 3.mp3]]
'''Infernus:''' You in town for long?
|Crawl back to whatever hole you were hiding in, Paradox.
'''Holliday:''' God, I hope not.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Pocket}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Infernus:''' Afraid of the big city?
|Pocket's down.
'''Holliday:''' Not afraid. Just don't like it.
|You have a trust fund, why are you wasting your time here?
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Ivy}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
'''Ivy:''' Are you angry like, all the time?
|Kid, just go home.
'''Holliday:''' It's hard not to be.
'''Ivy:''' You know, my sister told me that when I get mad, I should take a deep breath and count to four. It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does!
'''Holliday:''' My sister's dead.
'''Ivy:''' Yeah, I'm... going to shut up now.
'''Holliday:''' Heard about you on the news.
|That bag of tricks was never gonna get the job done.
'''Ivy:''' Thought you were from Illinois.
'''Holliday:''' I am. Turns out lots of people are interested in crimefighting gargoyles.
'''Ivy:''' Were they saying nice things, at least?
'''Holliday:''' Ivy, it's hard not to say nice things about you.
'''Ivy:''' So, what do you think of New York?
|You're never completing the ritual, Pocket.
'''Holliday:''' I'm here to catch a killer, not go sightseeing.
'''Ivy:''' Ok, so, that's totally fair, but! If you decide to go sightseeing, let me know. I've only recently started leaving Spanish Harlem, so it would be nice to have someone to do stuff with that's... not in my family. Not that there's anything wrong with my family, I love...
'''Holliday:''' Can we focus on shooting?
'''Ivy:''' You got it!
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Kelvin}}
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Seven}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="5" |Kill
| rowspan="3" |
'''Holliday:''' You look more out of place than I do.
|It was always gonna end this way, Seven.
'''Kelvin:''' The dead rarely are consumed by fashion.
'''Holliday:''' What happened to you?
|I knew I couldn't trust you.
'''Kelvin:''' My friend, I wish I knew. I'm just looking for answers.
'''Holliday:''' Aren't we all...
'''Kelvin:''' How goes your investigation, sheriff?
|You're done running from justice.
'''Holliday:''' If all goes well, it ends today.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Lady Geist}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
|I came here to kill the Troubadour, but I'll settle for you.
'''Holliday:''' Nice gun.
|Pompous ass.
'''Holliday:''' You know how to use it?
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Shiv}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|Shiv, Shiv, Shiv, when are you gonna wise up?
'''Holliday:''' This should be good.
|You're not above the law, Shiv. You're just a shitty biker.
'''Holliday:''' What about'em?
'''Holliday:''' Good talk.
|You lost, Shiv. Deal with it.
'''Holliday:''' I see you, Geist.
|Shiv's down!
'''Holliday:''' You're a monster.
'''Holliday:''' You've done some horrible things, and after I stop the Troubadour, I'm gonna find out what.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Lash}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro lash 1.mp3]]
'''Lash:''' So... you using that rope for work or recreation?
|By the way: Your hair is ridiculous.
'''Holliday:''' You are such a pig.
'''Lash:''' Nah babe... I'm Lash.
'''Holliday:''' Shut the fuck up.
|[[File:Astro lash 2.mp3]]
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Vindicta}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Lash:''' Small town lady looking to get a... taste of the big city?
|Took out Vindicta!
'''Holliday:''' I'm tracking down a serial killer.
'''Lash:''' If you're looking for someone with a body count, I'm turning myself in.
'''Holliday:''' Oh my god, I hate you.
|[[File:Astro lash 3.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' Lash, here's the thing: I'm gonna need you to talk to me as little as humanly possible.
|Dropped their sniper!
'''Lash:''' What's in it for me?
'''Holliday:''' I don't knock your teeth in.
'''Lash:''' The Lash accepts.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|McGinnis}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
|Put on some shoes, for god's sake!
'''Holliday:''' What's it like working for Fairfax?
|What is wrong with this city?
'''Holliday:''' Nah, I'm from Central Illinois. I just assume they're assholes with god complexes.
|A lot more snipers here than back in Macomb.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Viscous}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Holliday:''' You were that kid genius, right?
|Whatever, goo boy.
'''Holliday:''' How that worked out for you?
'''Holliday:''' So... good?
|I'm not gettin' bossed around by a pile of goo.
'''Holliday:''' How long you think you'll stay with Fairfax Industries?
|I don't know what that thing was, but I think it's still on me.
'''Holliday:''' Pretty specific.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Mirage}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro_mirage 1.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' You... really think the US is gonna sell Wyoming to the Djinn.
|Hey Gooey! Slink off into a lake or something.
'''Mirage:''' Well, I think the US is interested in money... and power. And the Djinn can offer both.
|[[File:Astro_mirage 2.mp3]]
'''Mirage:''' You're blinded by hatred, Holliday.
|Took out Viscous.
'''Holliday:''' I'll keep that in mind.
'''Mirage:''' That's the problem, you won't. And when you cling to that path... you'll die because of it.
'''Holliday:''' Thanks for the advice.
|[[File:Astro_mirage 3.mp3]]
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Warden}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Holliday:''' You like working for Nashala?
|We could've worked together, Warden.
'''Mirage:''' I do. When she's free of her vessel, she offers... scintillating conversation. When she rests... I get to go bowling.
'''Holliday:''' Bowling?
'''Mirage:''' I learned about it in England, it is the sport of kings.
| rowspan="4" |{{PageRef|Mo & Krill}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro krill 1.mp3]]
'''Krill:''' Your revolver is a thing to behold.
|You picked the wrong day to mess with me, Warden.
'''Holliday:''' Thanks. It belonged to my grandfather.
|Only one of us gets to take the law into their own hands.
'''Krill:''' I don't suppose it's for sale...
'''Holliday:''' You're damn right it's not.
'''Krill:''' I wouldn't respect myself if I didn't ask!
|[[File:Astro krill 2.mp3]]
'''Krill:''' Sheriff, I know that you're new to our great city. But if you ever find yourself in need of information, Mo and I are happy to avail ourselves to you.
|Stopped Warden!
'''Holliday:''' I bet you are. How much you charge?
'''Krill:''' I think you'll find our rates to be... reasonable.
'''Holliday:''' Good to know.
|[[File:Astro krill 3.mp3]]
'''Krill:''' Just pull them to Maurice, and I'll make sure we finish the job!
|Was only a matter of time before I had to put you down, Warden.
'''Holliday:''' You got it Mo!
'''Krill:''' I'm Krill.
'''Holliday:''' Whatever.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Wraith}}
|Unlocked in Holliday's visual novel
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|Stopped Wraith!
'''Holliday:''' Yeah, how do you know?
|I'm lucky Wraith didn't get the drop on me.
'''Holliday:''' I'm not sleeping with him.
'''Holliday:''' Ugh.
| rowspan="4" |{{PageRef|Paradox}}
| rowspan="4" |Yes
| rowspan="4" |
|[[File:Astro chrono 1.mp3]]
'''Paradox:''' We're... not going to have any... problems, right sheriff?
|I'm not on your payroll, Wraith.
'''Holliday:''' I don't care about you or your friends.
'''Paradox:''' In that case, welcome to New York!
|[[File:Astro chrono 2.mp3]]
'''Paradox:''' A word of advice, sheriff?
|God, that lady creeps me out.
'''Holliday:''' Can't wait to hear this.
'''Paradox:''' Don't trust the OSIC. Their goals and your goals are not in alignment.
|[[File:Astro chrono 3.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' How often do you take the mask off?
|That woman's nuts!
'''Paradox:''' You think I keep this on all the time?
'''Holliday:''' Lady, you're running around with a fishbowl on your head. I think it's safe not to assume anything.
|[[File:Astro chrono 4.mp3]]
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Wrecker}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
'''Holliday:''' So, what's your story, lady? You fall in a vat of clocks?
|What the hell was that thing?
'''Paradox:''' It's not wise to mock Paradox.
'''Holliday:''' Yeah, you're real spooky.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Pocket}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
'''Holliday:''' You ready for this, kid?
|Wrecker's dead!
'''Holliday:''' Yes, you are. And I need to know if I have to look after you.
|That thing's a monster!
'''Holliday:''' You look like you've lived a life.
|I hate New York.
'''Holliday:''' You wanna talk about it?
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Yamato}}
| rowspan="5" |Kill
|'''Holliday:''' I think that if we don't, we'll be dead, so it's not gonna matter a whole hell of a lot.
|One less crime lord to deal with.
| rowspan="6" |{{PageRef|Seven}}
| rowspan="6" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro gigawatt 1.mp3]]
'''Seven:''' So you're the sheriff from Macomb.
|You failed, Yamato.
'''Holliday:''' And you're the one who escaped Lost Whisper.
'''Seven:''' This should prove to be interesting.
|[[File:Astro gigawatt 2.mp3]]
'''Seven:''' Hmm... Look at you. So consumed by revenge that you would even fight alongside me.
|Hey Yamato! Next time you try to lead by example, be competent.
'''Holliday:''' Don't talk to me, Seven.
'''Seven:''' Apologies. I would never dream of upsetting you, Holliday.
|[[File:Astro gigawatt 3.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' When this is over, I have to turn you in.
|That sword was never gonna get it done.
'''Seven:''' When this is over, if you're determined to throw your life away, I would be happy to take it.
| rowspan="3" |Unlocked in Holliday's visual novel
|[[File:Astro gigawatt troubadour 1.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' How do you know Allie?
|Yamato's down.

'''Seven:''' You haven't heard? She's writing a story about me.
== Other Characters ==

'''Holliday:''' Why?
=== Patrons - Match Start ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
'''Seven:''' I'm fascinating.
|[[File:Astro gigawatt troubadour 2.mp3]]
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Amber Hand}}
|[[File:Patron male ally astro start 01.mp3]]
'''Seven:''' Rejoice, Holliday. Soon you will get the revenge you seek.
|Holliday, you seek justice for Macomb, and today you shall have it.
'''Holliday:''' Only if we summon this thing.
|[[File:Patron male ally astro start 02.mp3]]
|The Troubadour eludes you, Holliday, but with my help he will get what he deserves.
'''Seven:''' Our victory is assured.
'''Holliday:''' Is that so?
'''Seven:''' Look who stands with you. They don't have a chance.
|[[File:Astro gigawatt troubadour 3.mp3]]
|[[File:Patron male ally astro start 03.mp3]]
|You're a long way from home, Holliday, but if you complete the ritual, your sacrifices will not be in vain.
'''Holliday:''' I can't believe the OSIC wanted to recruit that thing.
'''Seven:''' You're too smart to be that naive.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Shiv}}
|[[File:Patron male ally astro start 04.mp3]]
| rowspan="3" |No
|Bloody retribution awaits, Holliday. All you need to do is summon me.
| rowspan="3" |
'''Holliday:''' So you're with the Baxter Society?
'''Holliday:''' Must have liked your hair.
|[[File:Patron male ally astro start 05.mp3]]
|Summon me, Holliday, and the Troubadour will sing his final song.
'''Holliday:''' How come the Baxter Society isn't trying to stop the Troubadour?
'''Holliday:''' Must be nice to have the luxury to drag your feet while innocent people are dying.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|Sapphire Flame}}
|[[File:Patron female ally astro start 01.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' Yeah.
|Holliday, your grandfather casts a long shadow, but you can eclipse him.
'''Holliday:''' I'll think about it.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Vindicta}}
|[[File:Patron female ally astro start 02.mp3]]
| rowspan="3" |No
|The eclipse is upon us, Holliday. Don't squander this opportunity.
| rowspan="3" |
'''Holliday:''' How good are you at hitting moving targets?
'''Holliday:''' ... I'm gonna pretend that was a joke.
'''Holliday:''' You know I have to arrest you now.
|[[File:Patron female ally astro start 03.mp3]]
|'''Holliday:''' Yeah, that's not ominous.
|You didn't come this far to fail now, Holliday. It's time to enact the ritual.
|[[File:Patron female ally astro start 04.mp3]]
|You hunt a monster, Holliday. Summon me and I will help you bring him to justice.
'''Holliday:''' You look concerned.
'''Holliday:''' Law has come a long way since you died.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Viscous}}
|[[File:Patron female ally astro start 05.mp3]]
| rowspan="3" |Yes
|You're a long way from home, Holliday, but you're so close to finding the killer you seek. Complete the ritual and I will ensure your success.
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro viscous 1.mp3]]
=== Shopkeeper ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
'''Viscous:''' I like your hat.
'''Holliday:''' Thanks...?
'''Viscous:''' Can I wear it?
'''Holliday:''' Tell you what: If we win, sure.
'''Viscous:''' Yaaaaaay!
|[[File:Astro viscous 2.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' So, where you from?
'''Viscous:''' The Deep.
'''Holliday:''' So like, Mobile?
'''Viscous:''' Sure.
'''Holliday:''' You don't know what I said, do you?
'''Viscous:''' No.
'''Holliday:''' This is gonna go great.
|[[File:Astro viscous 3.mp3]]
'''Viscous:''' What does revenge feel like?
'''Holliday:''' What do you mean?
'''Viscous:''' When I'm in the cube, it's warm. I like being in the cube. You seem to like revenge, so I wonder if it feels the same.
'''Holliday:''' No Viscous, it, um... it doesn't feel warm.
'''Viscous:''' But it feels good?
'''Holliday:''' No, it really doesn't.
'''Viscous:''' Then why do you want to live in it?
'''Holliday:''' Because there's nothing else I can do about it.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Warden}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
'''Holliday:''' I'm guessing I don't need to remind you that the stakes are high?
'''Holliday:''' What are you fighting for?
'''Holliday:''' That's alarmingly vague.
'''Holliday:''' So what are you supposed to be?
'''Holliday:''' Well, you look like you're dressed up for Halloween, so I figured I'd ask.
'''Holliday:''' ... So you're a creepy homeschooled kid, got it.
|'''Holliday:''' Works for me!
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Wraith}}
| rowspan="3" |Yes
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro wraith 1.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' Don't worry, Wraith. I'm here for the Troubadour, not your gambling ring.
'''Wraith:''' If you think I'd be worried about a sheriff from Missoula...
'''Holliday:''' Macomb.
'''Wraith:''' Wherever. The point is I don't get scared by cops who probably just experienced running water for the first time.
'''Holliday:''' You know what? Maybe I'll stay for your gambling ring.
|[[File:Astro wraith 2.mp3]]
'''Wraith:''' You a gambling woman?
'''Holliday:''' No.
'''Wraith:''' I knew you were boring.
|[[File:Astro wraith 3.mp3]]
'''Holliday:''' You should quit while you're ahead.
'''Wraith:''' What are you talking about?
'''Holliday:''' Your organization. Shut it down. Quit while you're ahead.
'''Wraith:''' I will repent all my wicked ways.
'''Holliday:''' You think I'm joking.
'''Wraith:''' No. I think you're a joke.
'''Holliday:''' Either you shut it down, or Murphy's gonna shut it down for you.
'''Wraith:''' Yeah... we'll see about that.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Wrecker}}
| rowspan="3" |No
| rowspan="3" |
'''Holliday:''' How weird are you gonna make this?
'''Holliday:''' Great.
'''Holliday:''' We have a plan?
'''Holliday:''' I can't wait to get out of this goddamn city.
'''Holliday:''' They call you "The Butcher of Ixia", right?
'''Holliday:''' You pull that shit here, I put a bullet in your skull.
| rowspan="3" |{{PageRef|Yamato}}
|[[File:Shopkeeper hotdog t4 holliday 01.mp3]]
| rowspan="3" |Yes
|I will happily sell you this, as you don’t have jurisdiction in New York.
| rowspan="3" |
|[[File:Astro yamato 1.mp3]]
'''Yamato:''' ''I never thought I'd end up working with a police dog.'' (まさか警察の犬と協力することになるとはな)
'''Holliday:''' I'm sorry, I don't speak Japanese.
'''Yamato:''' Of course you don't.
|[[File:Astro yamato 2.mp3]]
|[[File:Shopkeeper hotdog t4 holliday 02.mp3]]
|Good huntin‘, Holliday.
'''Yamato:''' ''You're Murphy's girl.'' (あんたがマーフィーの女か)
'''Holliday:''' What did you say about Murphy?
'''Yamato:''' Don't worry sheriff, play your part and he lives.
|[[File:Astro yamato 3.mp3]]
|[[File:Shopkeeper hotdog t4 holliday 03.mp3]]
|I’d hate to be on your bad side, Holliday.
'''Holliday:''' I heard about you.
'''Yamato:''' Really?
'''Holliday:''' Picking a fight with the other families isn't gonna end well for you.
'''Yamato:''' We'll see.

== Other characters ==
== Removed/Unused Voice Lines ==

=== Patrons - Match Start ===
=== Conversations ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
Removed voice line from Holliday's conversation.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|name=Amber Hand}}
|[[File:Patron male ally astro start 01.mp3]]
|Holliday, you seek justice for Macomb, and today you shall have it.
|[[File:Patron male ally astro start 02.mp3]]
|The Troubadour eludes you, Holliday, but with my help he will get what he deserves.
|[[File:Patron male ally astro start 03.mp3]]
|You're a long way from home, Holliday, but if you complete the ritual, your sacrifices will not be in vain.
|[[File:Patron male ally astro start 04.mp3]]
|Bloody retribution awaits, Holliday. All you need to do is summon me.
|[[File:Patron male ally astro start 05.mp3]]
|Summon me, Holliday, and the Troubadour will sing his final song.
| rowspan="5" |{{PageRef|Sapphire Flame}}
|[[File:Patron female ally astro start 01.mp3]]
|Holliday, your grandfather casts a long shadow, but you can eclipse him.
|[[File:Patron female ally astro start 02.mp3]]
|The eclipse is upon us, Holliday. Don't squander this opportunity.
|[[File:Patron female ally astro start 03.mp3]]
|You didn't come this far to fail now, Holliday. It's time to enact the ritual.
|[[File:Patron female ally astro start 04.mp3]]
|You hunt a monster, Holliday. Summon me and I will help you bring him to justice.
|[[File:Patron female ally astro start 05.mp3]]
|You're a long way from home, Holliday, but you're so close to finding the killer you seek. Complete the ritual and I will ensure your success.
=== Shopkeeper ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="max-width:100%; width:auto;"
|[[File:Shopkeeper hotdog t4 holliday 01.mp3]]
|I will happily sell you this, as you don’t have jurisdiction in New York.
|[[File:Astro match start astro lash convo01 04.mp3]]
|'''Holliday:''' Shut the fuck up.
|[[File:Shopkeeper hotdog t4 holliday 02.mp3]]
|Good huntin‘, Holliday.
|[[File:Shopkeeper hotdog t4 holliday 03.mp3]]
|I’d hate to be on your bad side, Holliday.
{{Quotes Navbox}}
{{Quotes Navbox}}

Latest revision as of 03:26, 6 March 2025

List of voice lines for Holliday, as well as lines from other characters referencing Holliday.

Select[edit | edit source]

Audio Transcription
God, I hate this city.
I never got to meet my grandpa, but I know I'll make him proud.
You can only run from the law for so long.
When I find who I'm looking for, I'm not bringing him in. I'm putting him down.
I let my town down once, but I'm gonna make it right today.
Justice isn't always swift, but it comes for everyone.
I'll complete the ritual, and I'll find who I'm looking for.
I'm not leaving New York until I stop the Troubadour!
If I'm gonna stop that sick bastard, I'm gonna need the Patron's help.
The sooner I stop the Troubadour, the sooner I can go back home.

Unselect[edit | edit source]

Audio Transcription
I don't have time to mess around with the ritual, lives are at stake!
I should, uh... check in with people back home.
I got a lead on the Troubadour that I need to follow up on.
If you change your mind, I'll be around.
Heard reports another body was found. I need to investigate.
Sounds like my investigation is rubbing people the wrong way.
Another dead end.
You got my hopes up. Hope you're happy.
Come on, don't put me on the shelf!
At this rate, this case is never gonna get solved!

Conversations[edit | edit source]

Holliday has the most conversations of any character, with an interaction for all 29 other heroes.

Hero Complete? Notes Audio Transcription
Abrams Yes

Abrams: You're the sheriff from Macomb, right?

Holliday: Yeah.

Abrams: I'm so sorry.

Holliday: Thank you.

Holliday: You got a plan?

Abrams: Eh, I don't know... I was thinking you grab them and then I punch their skull in!

Holliday: I like it!

Abrams: Holliday... I don't suppose you're related to...

Holliday: Yeah.

Abrams: Long shadow!

Holliday: I try not to think about it.

Abrams: Eh, let's make him proud.

Bebop Yes

Holliday: Don't see too many golems in Macomb.

Bebop: Don't see too many cowboys in New York.

Holliday: I'm not a cowboy.

Bebop: What's with the hat?

Holliday: I'm a sheriff.

Bebop: Isn't a sheriff just a cowboy with a badge?

Holliday: Not in the Midwest.

Holliday: So what's the plan?

Bebop: I'll pull them in, you grab'em?

Holliday: I like the way you think, tin man!

Holliday: I know it's against your nature... programming, or whatever. But there are gonna be times when I need you not to punch someone right after you pull'em.

Bebop: Hmm... you're right that it does seem rather counter-intuitive.

Holliday: Just let me grab them first. Then feel free to beat the hell out of them.

Bebop: I'll make no promises!

Calico Yes

Holliday: Cute cat, what's her name?

Calico: Ava.

Holliday: You think it's safe, bringing her out here?

Calico: Don't worry about us, sheriff. We'll be fine.

Holliday: Rumor is, you were in the Baxter Society!

Calico: I was.

Holliday: You ever hear of something called "The Troubadour"?

Calico: Enough to know to stay away from it.

Calico: You're not much of a talker, are you?

Holliday: No.

Calico: God, you and Wesley would get along famously.

Dynamo Yes

Dynamo: I'm glad you're here, sheriff. If the Troubadour's in New York, the city's gonna need your expertise.

Holliday: Yeah, well I hope local law enforcement feels the same way.

Dynamo: Sheriff, I do my best to be precise, but sometimes even I miscalculate the area of a black hole. If you would be so kind...

Holliday: I'm happy to drag back anyone you miss.

Dynamo: I thank you in advance.

Dynamo: Read about what happened in Macomb. Absolutely ghoulish.

Holliday: I really don't wanna talk about it.

Dynamo: Understandable. I just... I just hope you catch whoever's responsible.

Holliday: i'm not gonna catch him. I'm gonna kill him.

Grey Talon Yes

Grey Talon: What do you want from the Patron?

Holliday: Revenge.

Grey Talon: Looks like we have something in common.

Grey Talon: Can I give you an unsolicited word of advice, Holliday?

Holliday: Why not?

Grey Talon: People are going to tell you that there is a difference between justice and revenge. That you will dishonor the dead by stooping to their killer's level. Ignore them. Revenge isn't for the dead. It's for the living.

Holliday: I knew I liked you.

Holliday: I know that look in your eyes. Who did they take from you?

Grey Talon: My son. My daughter-in-law. My... grandkids.

Holliday: I hope today we both find peace.

Grey Talon: Indeed.

Fathom No

Holliday: What are you?

Holliday: This is gonna be a long day.

Holliday: It's a hat.

Holliday: Yeah, well, it's my hat.

Holliday: Oh, look! The ritual's about to start, great talk.

Holliday: It's my job.

Holliday: Enforce the law.

Holliday: I don't rule anybody. I make sure people are safe.

Holliday: I... mean... I guess?

Haze Yes

Haze: I've read your file, sheriff. You seem competent.

Holliday: I have a file?

Haze: We're the OSIC. Of course there's a file.

Holliday: That's comforting...

Haze: You don't have any issues working with the OSIC, do you?

Holliday: I'm happy to work with anyone who doesn't get in my way.

Haze: Don't worry, sheriff. I think our partnership will be good for everyone.

Haze: You have a plan, sheriff?

Holliday: You sleep'em, I grab'em, you shoot'em.

Haze: Seem solid enough.

Unlocked in Holliday's visual novel

Holliday: You had no right to jump in my head.

Haze: I would think you of all people would appreciate the ends justifying the means.

Holliday: You should have told me what you were gonna do.

Haze: I don't waste time. I get results.

Haze: I thought you'd be back on your way to Macomb.

Holliday: There are some loose ends I'm trying to tie up.

Haze: Captain Murphy's married.

Holliday: I'm gonna kill that goddamn receptionist!

Holliday: I don't think I ever said "Thank you".

Haze: No need to thank me. We both were doing our job.

Holliday: We didn't just stop the Troubadour. You kept me from crossing a line, and I owe you for that.

Haze: We can talk later. Let's focus on the task at hand.

Infernus Yes

Holliday: What you're doing is noble.

Infernus: Excuse me?

Holliday: Helping your friend. It's noble.

Infernus: Well... he'd do the same for me.

Holliday: Bet you had quite the life before you became a bartender?

Infernus: Hm, I'm not sure if the statute of limitations lets me answer that question, honestly.

Holliday: You're not in my jurisidiction.

Infernus: How about when this is over, we have a chat at the bar?

Holliday: Sounds like a plan.

Infernus: Sounds like a date.

Infernus: You in town for long?

Holliday: God, I hope not.

Infernus: Afraid of the big city?

Holliday: Not afraid. Just don't like it.

Ivy Yes

Ivy: Are you angry like, all the time?

Holliday: It's hard not to be.

Ivy: You know, my sister told me that when I get mad, I should take a deep breath and count to four. It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does!

Holliday: My sister's dead.

Ivy: Yeah, I'm... going to shut up now.

Holliday: Heard about you on the news.

Ivy: Thought you were from Illinois.

Holliday: I am. Turns out lots of people are interested in crimefighting gargoyles.

Ivy: Were they saying nice things, at least?

Holliday: Ivy, it's hard not to say nice things about you.

Ivy: So, what do you think of New York?

Holliday: I'm here to catch a killer, not go sightseeing.

Ivy: Ok, so, that's totally fair, but! If you decide to go sightseeing, let me know. I've only recently started leaving Spanish Harlem, so it would be nice to have someone to do stuff with that's... not in my family. Not that there's anything wrong with my family, I love...

Holliday: Can we focus on shooting?

Ivy: You got it!

Kelvin Yes

Holliday: You look more out of place than I do.

Kelvin: The dead rarely are consumed by fashion.

Holliday: What happened to you?

Kelvin: My friend, I wish I knew. I'm just looking for answers.

Holliday: Aren't we all...

Kelvin: How goes your investigation, sheriff?

Holliday: If all goes well, it ends today.

Lady Geist Yes

Holliday: Nice gun.

Lady Geist: It was a gift from my husband.

Holliday: You know how to use it?

Lady Geist: It looks like we're about to find out, aren't we?

Lady Geist: I don't mean to be rude...

Holliday: This should be good.

Lady Geist: Your clothes.

Holliday: What about 'em?

Lady Geist: They're horrible.

Holliday: Good talk.

Holliday: I see you, Geist.

Lady Geist: I'm relieved to know that you have eyes, sheriff.

Holliday: You're a monster.

Lady Geist: Excuse me?

Holliday: You've done some horrible things, and after I stop the Troubadour, I'm gonna find out what.

Lady Geist: Good luck.

Lash Yes

Lash: So... you using that rope for work or recreation?

Holliday: You are such a pig.

Lash: Nah babe... I'm Lash.

Holliday: Shut up!

Lash: Small town lady looking to get a... taste of the big city?

Holliday: I'm tracking down a serial killer.

Lash: If you're looking for someone with a body count, I'm turning myself in.

Holliday: Oh my god, I hate you.

Holliday: Lash, here's the thing: I'm gonna need you to talk to me as little as humanly possible.

Lash: What's in it for me?

Holliday: I don't knock your teeth in.

Lash: The Lash accepts.

McGinnis Yes

Holliday: What's it like working for Fairfax?

McGinnis: You ever work with rich people?

Holliday: Nah, I'm from Central Illinois. I just assume they're assholes with god complexes.

McGinnis: Eh, pretty close.

Holliday: You were that kid genius, right?

McGinnis: Yeah.

Holliday: How that worked out for you?

McGinnis: I'm the lead engineer for the occult industrial complex?

Holliday: So... good?

Holliday: How long you think you'll stay with Fairfax Industries?

McGinnis: I don't know. Probably until I get bored or open some portal to hell and die?

Holliday: Pretty specific.

McGinnis: Eh, I think about it a lot.

Mirage Yes

Holliday: You... really think the US is gonna sell Wyoming to the Djinn.

Mirage: Well, I think the US is interested in money... and power. And the Djinn can offer both.

Mirage: You're blinded by hatred, Holliday.

Holliday: I'll keep that in mind.

Mirage: That's the problem, you won't. And when you cling to that path... you'll die because of it.

Holliday: Thanks for the advice.

Holliday: You like working for Nashala?

Mirage: I do. When she's free of her vessel, she offers... scintillating conversation. When she rests... I get to go bowling.

Holliday: Bowling?

Mirage: I learned about it in England, it is the sport of kings.

Mo & Krill Yes

Krill: Your revolver is a thing to behold.

Holliday: Thanks. It belonged to my grandfather.

Krill: I don't suppose it's for sale...

Holliday: You're damn right it's not.

Krill: I wouldn't respect myself if I didn't ask!

Krill: Sheriff, I know that you're new to our great city. But if you ever find yourself in need of information, Mo and I are happy to avail ourselves to you.

Holliday: I bet you are. How much you charge?

Krill: I think you'll find our rates to be... reasonable.

Holliday: Good to know.

Krill: Just pull them to Maurice, and I'll make sure we finish the job!

Holliday: You got it Mo!

Krill: I'm Krill.

Holliday: Whatever.

No Unlocked in Holliday's visual novel

Holliday: Yeah, how do you know?

Holliday: I'm not sleeping with him.

Holliday: Ugh.

Paradox Yes

Paradox: We're... not going to have any... problems, right sheriff?

Holliday: I don't care about you or your friends.

Paradox: In that case, welcome to New York!

Paradox: A word of advice, sheriff?

Holliday: Can't wait to hear this.

Paradox: Don't trust the OSIC. Their goals and your goals are not in alignment.

Holliday: How often do you take the mask off?

Paradox: You think I keep this on all the time?

Holliday: Lady, you're running around with a fishbowl on your head. I think it's safe not to assume anything.

Holliday: So, what's your story, lady? You fall in a vat of clocks?

Paradox: It's not wise to mock Paradox.

Holliday: Yeah, you're real spooky.

Pocket No

Holliday: You ready for this, kid?

Holliday: Yes, you are. And I need to know if I have to look after you.

Holliday: You look like you've lived a life.

Holliday: You wanna talk about it?

Holliday: I think that if we don't, we'll be dead, so it's not gonna matter a whole hell of a lot.
Raven No Holliday: Why are you dressed up like a waiter?

Holliday: It doesn't matter.

Holliday: Don't worry about me.

Holliday: Don't worry about me!

Holliday: I think I'm good.
Seven Yes

Seven: So you're the sheriff from Macomb.

Holliday: And you're the one who escaped Lost Whisper.

Seven: This should prove to be interesting.

Seven: Hmm... Look at you. So consumed by revenge that you would even fight alongside me.

Holliday: Don't talk to me, Seven.

Seven: Apologies. I would never dream of upsetting you, Holliday.

Holliday: When this is over, I have to turn you in.

Seven: When this is over, if you're determined to throw your life away, I would be happy to take it.

Unlocked in Holliday's visual novel

Holliday: How do you know Allie?

Seven: You haven't heard? She's writing a story about me.

Holliday: Why?

Seven: I'm fascinating.

Seven: Rejoice, Holliday. Soon you will get the revenge you seek.

Holliday: Only if we summon this thing.

Seven: Our victory is assured.

Holliday: Is that so?

Seven: Look who stands with you. They don't have a chance.

Holliday: I can't believe the OSIC wanted to recruit that thing.

Seven: You're too smart to be that naive.

Shiv No

Holliday: So you're with the Baxter Society?

Holliday: Must have liked your hair.

Holliday: How come the Baxter Society isn't trying to stop the Troubadour?

Holliday: Must be nice to have the luxury to drag your feet while innocent people are dying.

Holliday: Yeah.

Holliday: I'll think about it.

Sinclair No

Holliday: What are you fighting for?

Holliday: Pftt, been there.

Holliday: Hope you're better at fighting than you are at magic.

Holliday: Yeah? Then why are you dead?

Holliday: Yeah, okay.

Holliday: You're the guy that throws cards at people, right?

Holliday: Oh. So what do you do?

Holliday: I could see why your wife left you.

Trapper No

Holliday: You're with the Municipal Coven, right?

Holliday: Not at all. Just nice to get the chance to work with someone normal.

Holliday: Been a little busy!

Holliday: You're worried about basketball?

Holliday: Just set a trap and I'll grab 'em.

Vindicta Yes

Holliday: How good are you at hitting moving targets?

Vindicta: I shot Hathorme's brother while he was day-drinking on a speedboat.

Holliday: ... I'm gonna pretend that was a joke.

Vindicta: It was not.

Holliday: You know I have to arrest you now.

Vindicta: When this is over, you are more than welcome to try.

Vindicta: Bind them, sheriff. And leave the rest to me.

Holliday: Yeah, that's not ominous.

Holliday: You look concerned.

Vindicta: Forgive me for not having much faith in servants of the law.

Holliday: Law has come a long way since you died.

Vindicta: No, sheriff. It really hasn't.

Viscous Yes

Viscous: I like your hat.

Holliday: Thanks...?

Viscous: Can I wear it?

Holliday: Tell you what: If we win, sure.

Viscous: Yaaaaaay!

Holliday: So, where you from?

Viscous: The Deep.

Holliday: So like, Mobile?

Viscous: Sure.

Holliday: You don't know what I said, do you?

Viscous: No.

Holliday: This is gonna go great.

Viscous: What does revenge feel like?

Holliday: What do you mean?

Viscous: When I'm in the cube, it's warm. I like being in the cube. You seem to like revenge, so I wonder if it feels the same.

Holliday: No Viscous, it, um... it doesn't feel warm.

Viscous: But it feels good?

Holliday: No, it really doesn't.

Viscous: Then why do you want to live in it?

Holliday: Because there's nothing else I can do about it.

Vyper Yes

Vyper: Hey, you're a cop, right?

Holliday: Yeah.

Vyper: Because, uh, you like the law, or... because you like being in a power trip?

Holliday: What sorta question is that?

Vyper: I'm just trying to figure out if we could be friends!

Holliday: I uphold the law.

Vyper: Yeah, so we should not be friends.

Vyper: You look familiar.

Holliday: Doubt it. I'm not from around here.

Vyper: Where from?

Holliday: Illinois.

Vyper: No shit! You know, I did a little time in Cook County.

Holliday: I'm further south.

Vyper: Well, If you ever find yourself in the BG, just... pretend you don't know me, okay? I don't want people knowin' I'm tight with a cop.

Holliday: You're not.

Vyper: Exactly.

Holliday: You're a criminal.

Vyper: Well, that's a little judgy.

Holliday: Am I wrong?

Vyper: No, I didn't say you were, I'm just saying you're being needlessly hostile.

Holliday: If you didn't need my help right now, you would stab me in the back!

Vyper: Ok, sorry, you are really good at reading people, 'cause at first I was offended, but now I'm like, kind of impressed!

Warden No

Holliday: I'm guessing I don't need to remind you that the stakes are high?

Holliday: What are you fighting for?

Holliday: That's alarmingly vague.

Holliday: So what are you supposed to be?

Holliday: Well, you look like you're dressed up for Halloween, so I figured I'd ask.

Holliday: ... So you're a creepy homeschooled kid, got it.

Holliday: Works for me!
Wraith Yes

Holliday: Don't worry, Wraith. I'm here for the Troubadour, not your gambling ring.

Wraith: If you think I'd be worried about a sheriff from Missoula...

Holliday: Macomb.

Wraith: Wherever. The point is I don't get scared by cops who probably just experienced running water for the first time.

Holliday: You know what? Maybe I'll stay for your gambling ring.

Wraith: You a gambling woman?

Holliday: No.

Wraith: I knew you were boring.

Holliday: You should quit while you're ahead.

Wraith: What are you talking about?

Holliday: Your organization. Shut it down. Quit while you're ahead.

Wraith: I will repent all my wicked ways.

Holliday: You think I'm joking.

Wraith: No. I think you're a joke.

Holliday: Either you shut it down, or Murphy's gonna shut it down for you.

Wraith: Yeah... we'll see about that.

Wrecker No

Holliday: How weird are you gonna make this?

Holliday: Great.

Holliday: We have a plan?

Holliday: I can't wait to get out of this goddamn city.

Holliday: They call you "The Butcher of Ixia", right?

Holliday: You pull that shit here, I put a bullet in your skull.

Yamato Yes

Yamato: まさか警察の犬と協力することになるとはな。(I never thought I'd end up working with a police dog.)

Holliday: I'm sorry, I don't speak Japanese.

Yamato: Of course you don't.

Yamato: あんたがマーフィーの女か。(You're Murphy's girl.)

Holliday: What did you say about Murphy?

Yamato: Don't worry sheriff, play your part and he lives.

Holliday: I heard about you.

Yamato: Really?

Holliday: Picking a fight with the other families isn't gonna end well for you.

Yamato: We'll see.

Generic Voice Lines[edit | edit source]

Generic Kill Voice Lines[edit | edit source]

Context Audio Transcription
Kill an enemy Hero Got 'em!
You see that?
Got 'em good.
Put 'em down.
I'm just gettin' started.
There's more where that came from.
No one's a better shot than me.
Took 'em out.
Probably should talk to local law enforcement about that one.
Gets easier every time.
Kill a high net worth enemy No one's untouchable.

Hero-Specific Voice Lines[edit | edit source]

Enemy[edit | edit source]

Hero Context Audio Transcription
Abrams Kill Sorry, detective.
Abrams' down!
Abrams... I hoped it wouldn't have come to this...
Big boy is down!
I put down the detective.
Bebop Kill Took down Bebop.
Took out Bebop.
Sorry, tin man.
I'm not getting killed by a machine.
Only person grabbin' people is me, Bebop.
Calico Kill Took out Calico.
"Most dangerous woman on the planet" my ass.
That cat deserved better than to be attached to you.
You belong in jail, Calico, but I'll settle for you in the dirt.
No one's above the law, Calico.
Dynamo Kill You're not winnin', Dynamo.
Stopped the professor.
Dynamo, just go home already.
Give up, Dynamo, it's not gonna get any easier for ya.
Professor's down.
Grey Talon Kill Stopped Grey Talon!
God damn it, Talon, I don't wanna do this!
Grey Talon's dead.
Feelin' pretty conflicted about that one.
Won't be seein' that owl anytime soon.
Haze Kill Haze is down!
If I never see a Sandman again, it'll be too soon.
Should've known the OSIC would be here.
Never should've come after me, Haze.
Dealt with Haze.
Infernus Kill Eh, I'll leave him a tip later.
You picked a bad day to leave the bar.
One less demon to worry about.
Infernus is out of the picture.
Almost got burned alive.
Ivy Kill Took down the Gargoyle!
Ivy's down!
See ya Ivy!
She seemed nice.
She should've flown away while she could.
Kelvin Kill I tried to reason with you, Kelvin.
Ice man's down.
Kelvin's outta commission.
And I thought I was out of place in New York.
Kelvin. You're not ready to fight someone like me.
Lady Geist Kill Stopped Geist!
You're no better than the Troubadour, Geist.
What the hell was wrong with her arm?
Stay away from me, Geist!
Rich people are weird.
Lash Kill Stopped Lash.
That guy thought he owned the skies.
Lash. Everything you do, I'm just better at.
A little humility'll do him good.
McGinnis Kill All that talent, wasted.
Sorry, McGinnis.
McGinnis is down!
Those machines didn't work out like you thought they would, huh?
It'll take more than some turrets to stop me.
Mirage Kill Mirage is down.
Stick to sightseeing, Mirage.
You picked a hell of a time to visit New York.
Nothing personal.
It was you or me, pal.
Mo & Krill Kill Krill's down!
Took down the Tunnel Rats.
Glad I got him before they tore me in half.
Fightin' those two is always risky.
Glad that went my way. Molemen are no joke.
Paradox Kill It's over, Paradox.
The legend was way more impressive than the reality.
Time thief? Please, you're just a petty crook.
Paradox won't be bothering us for a while.
Crawl back to whatever hole you were hiding in, Paradox.
Pocket Kill Pocket's down.
You have a trust fund, why are you wasting your time here?
Kid, just go home.
That bag of tricks was never gonna get the job done.
You're never completing the ritual, Pocket.
Seven Kill It was always gonna end this way, Seven.
I knew I couldn't trust you.
You're done running from justice.
I came here to kill the Troubadour, but I'll settle for you.
Pompous ass.
Shiv Kill Shiv, Shiv, Shiv, when are you gonna wise up?
You're not above the law, Shiv. You're just a shitty biker.
You lost, Shiv. Deal with it.
Shiv's down!
By the way: Your hair is ridiculous.
Vindicta Kill Took out Vindicta!
Dropped their sniper!
Put on some shoes, for god's sake!
What is wrong with this city?
A lot more snipers here than back in Macomb.
Viscous Kill Whatever, goo boy.
I'm not gettin' bossed around by a pile of goo.
I don't know what that thing was, but I think it's still on me.
Hey Gooey! Slink off into a lake or something.
Took out Viscous.
Warden Kill We could've worked together, Warden.
You picked the wrong day to mess with me, Warden.
Only one of us gets to take the law into their own hands.
Stopped Warden!
Was only a matter of time before I had to put you down, Warden.
Wraith Kill Stopped Wraith!
I'm lucky Wraith didn't get the drop on me.
I'm not on your payroll, Wraith.
God, that lady creeps me out.
That woman's nuts!
Wrecker Kill What the hell was that thing?
Wrecker's dead!
That thing's a monster!
I hate New York.
Yamato Kill One less crime lord to deal with.
You failed, Yamato.
Hey Yamato! Next time you try to lead by example, be competent.
That sword was never gonna get it done.
Yamato's down.

Other Characters[edit | edit source]

Patrons - Match Start[edit | edit source]

Patron Audio Transcription
Amber Hand Holliday, you seek justice for Macomb, and today you shall have it.
The Troubadour eludes you, Holliday, but with my help he will get what he deserves.
You're a long way from home, Holliday, but if you complete the ritual, your sacrifices will not be in vain.
Bloody retribution awaits, Holliday. All you need to do is summon me.
Summon me, Holliday, and the Troubadour will sing his final song.
Sapphire Flame Holliday, your grandfather casts a long shadow, but you can eclipse him.
The eclipse is upon us, Holliday. Don't squander this opportunity.
You didn't come this far to fail now, Holliday. It's time to enact the ritual.
You hunt a monster, Holliday. Summon me and I will help you bring him to justice.
You're a long way from home, Holliday, but you're so close to finding the killer you seek. Complete the ritual and I will ensure your success.

Shopkeeper[edit | edit source]

Audio Transcription
I will happily sell you this, as you don’t have jurisdiction in New York.
Good huntin‘, Holliday.
I’d hate to be on your bad side, Holliday.

Removed/Unused Voice Lines[edit | edit source]

Conversations[edit | edit source]

Removed voice line from Holliday's conversation.

Hero Audio Transcription
Lash Holliday: Shut the fuck up.