List of voice lines for Dynamo, voiced by John Patrick Lowrie, as well as lines from other characters referencing Dynamo.
Audio | Transcription |
Grading can wait. | |
Looks like I'll have to cancel class this afternoon! | |
Oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world! | |
One day, my body will be returned to me. | |
Let me collect my extremities and I'll be right there. | |
Well then, looks like we have work to do. | |
And here I was, thinking I would be reviewing term papers all day. | |
Time for a little field work. | |
Ohh, this is going to be exciting! | |
Splendid! |
Audio | Transcription |
Phew, I was worried I'd miss the faculty meeting. | |
Another time, then. | |
Stay safe out there. | |
Be careful: Strange things are afoot. | |
Enjoy the eclipse! | |
Sorry I can't join ya. Maybe next time. | |
Maybe I'll see you in the field. | |
Do be safe out there! | |
I'm gonna take that "no" as a strong "maybe". | |
I wish I could help, but I'm drowning in term papers. |
Hero | Complete? | Notes | Transcription |
Abrams | No | Abrams: You ready for this, Professor? | |
Abrams: Stay close to me Professor, I'll keep you safe. | |||
Abrams: Professor, if things go our way, there won't be a tome for you to look at! | |||
Unlocked in Geist's visual novel |
Abrams: Don't wanna talk about it. Abrams: Nothing romantic about it, pal! Abrams: Not ever! | ||
Abrams: Sorry about crashing your party. Abrams: No. Never called back. Abrams: It's probably for the best. I heard that woman is bad news. | |||
Bebop | No |
Bebop: So who made you? Bebop: Shame. I thought I'd found a kindred spirit. Bebop: Suppose you're right then. | |
Bebop: Don't worry Professor, if anyone escapes your black hole I'll be sure to pull them back in. | |||
Bebop: Ms Shelly stresses the importance of etiquette. Bebop: My creator. Very kind woman. Bebop: I like to think she is. | |||
Grey Talon | No | Grey Talon: Then don't. | |
Grey Talon: You have courage, Professor. Grey Talon: A lot more than most. You endured something horrible and yet you live your life like it's going to be ok. Grey Talon: I wish I could be like you. | |||
Grey Talon: Have you been to Ixia, Professor? Grey Talon: It is. Grey Talon: I don't think so. But thank you for the offer. | |||
Haze | Yes |
Haze: Marlowe wanted me to tell you that the offer still stands. Dynamo: For a moment, I thought you said "Marla" and got terribly confused. Haze: It's a good offer. Dynamo: i'm quite happy on the private sector. Haze: You change your mind, you let me know. | |
Dynamo: So, you're in the Sandman Division! Haze: Yes. Dynamo: Are there a lot of you? Haze: Enough that we call ourselves a division. Dynamo: It's a rather unsettling idea. Haze: We like it that way. | |||
Dynamo: Once I open the black hole, I'm going to be pretty exposed. Haze: Don't worry Professor, I'll do what I can to capitalize on the opportunity. Dynamo: i'm not worried about you capitalizing on the opportunity, I'm worried about dying in the process. Haze: Your survival might not be a top priority, but it is still a priority. Dynamo: Great. | |||
Holliday | No | Holliday: Yeah, well I hope local law enforcement feels the same way. | |
Holliday: I'm happy to drag back anyone you miss. | |||
Holliday: I really don't wanna talk about it. Holliday: i'm not gonna catch him. I'm gonna kill him. | |||
Kelvin | No |
Kelvin: Haven't seen you since the Black Château! Kelvin: Ah, it certainly does cut down on socializing. | |
Kelvin: This story writes itself. Two men of science fighting to get our lives back. Kelvin: Indeed, it will. | |||
Kelvin: How's Marla doing? Kelvin: Wonderful. How long? Kelvin: You picked out a gift yet? Kelvin: You won't have to settle, Professor. We'll win this day. | |||
Mirage | No |
Mirage: They're people. Some are fascinating, some are... are, uh... Mirage: What does that word mean? Mirage: No, that's not it. What do you say when someone is... cruel as a child would be? Mirage: Yes. Asshole. Some are fascinating, some are... assholes. | |
Mirage: Professor, would you be willing to give Nashala and I a tour of Columbia? Mirage: Thank you. | |||
Mirage: We haven't had the opportunity to do much sightseeing. But the library was stunning. Mirage: I can see why. | |||
Mo & Krill | No |
Krill: Professor, you teach at Columbia, yes? Krill: I don't suppose you have any connections in the art department? Mo is hoping to audit a pottery class. Krill: Ahhh, well, I guess we'll fall back on the original plan of threatening someone in the admissions office. Krill: Ha! You've made his day, Professor! Thank you. | |
Krill: We will endeavour not to grab someone in your... black hole. | |||
Krill: We have lived quite the life, yes! Krill: What are you thinking? Jewels, fine art, Ixian trinkets? Krill: My friend, what if I told you I knew someone looking to move a first edition Don Quixote? Krill: That does make it a challenge but, one I gladly accept. I will find you options. | |||
Seven | No |
Seven: I don't understand you, Professor. You've been bestowed a great gift, and you're willing to throw it all away for nothing. Seven: No. Easy words to say when you have. | |
Seven: I'm a fan of your work, Professor. Seven: Your research into the Astral Gates paved the way for my own. In my rare moments of doubt, sometimes I even wonder if I would have become the man I am were it not for you. | |||
Seven: I mean no disrespect, Professor, but some things may be beyond you. Seven: Hmm... Perhaps we're cut from the same cloth. Seven: I'll consider your request, Professor. | |||
Viscous | No |
Viscous: I think so. Viscous: Please don't stab my face. Viscous: Oh. That sounds more fun. Okay! | |
Viscous: What happened to your body? Viscous: That sounds... upsetting. | |||
Viscous: Is dangerous. And it's only a matter of time before he tires of the Deep and comes for you on land. | |||
Wraith | No |
Wraith: This may surprise you, Professor, but college kids like to have fun. Wraith: Ok, dad. | |
Wraith: I don't suppose you're a gambling man, Professor. Wraith: Not a poker guy? | |||
Wraith: I mean, I've killed people, but it's not like a recreational thing for me. Wraith: Again, not a professional. Wraith: Oh, yeah. Wraith: I am often adjacent, yes. Wraith: Honey, I got you covered. Don't worry. | |||
Yamato | No |
Yamato: I have to make a plan. (計画を立てなくては) Yamato: I guess you don't understand anyway. (どうせ分かってないんだろう) Yamato: Absolutely. (全く) | |
Yamato: The result of your ego. (お前のエゴが招いた結果) Yamato: It wasn't. | |||
Yamato: It is. Yamato: Very. Yamato: No. |
Generic Voice Lines[edit]
Generic Kill Voice Lines[edit]
Context | Audio | Transcription |
Kill an enemy Hero | Apologies. | |
They're down! | ||
I got one! | ||
I took 'em out! | ||
I'm doing rather well, aren't I? | ||
[Laughter] | ||
I did the thing! | ||
Just need to keep this up. | ||
I can't let you stop us. | ||
Things are lookin' up! | ||
Kill a high net worth enemy | Did you see that? |
Hero-Specific Voice Lines[edit]
Hero | Context | Audio | Transcription |
Abrams | Kill | Took out the detective. | |
Sorry, detective. | |||
Hope you didn't have any friends on the force... | |||
That was a very large man. | |||
Can't believe I took down Abrams. | |||
Grey Talon | Kill | Stopped Grey Talon. | |
Vengeance will only get you so far, Grey Talon. | |||
Took down their archer. | |||
That could've gone very poorly... | |||
Grey Talon's dead! | |||
Haze | Kill | She's... probably going to want revenge, isn't she? | |
I should probably stop telling my students that "OSIC Sandmen" was just a conspiracy theory...
(Alt: Looks like "OSIC Sandmen" are a conspiracy theory after all.) | |||
And now I picked a fight with the OSIC. Great. | |||
Stopped Haze! | |||
Took down their assassin! | |||
Holliday | Kill | Stopped Holliday! | |
Welcome to New York, sheriff. | |||
I am so sorry, sheriff... | |||
Nothin' personal, Holliday. | |||
My friends don't appreciate being dragged around by you. | |||
Infernus | Kill | Infernus is dead. | |
Not a fan of being immolated. | |||
And that, my friends, is how we snuff out a fire. | |||
I hope my jacket isn't singed too badly... | |||
Dealt with Infernus! | |||
Ivy | Kill | Sorry, Ivy. | |
I'll be sure to give my condolences to Sophia, Ivy. | |||
I assure you, Ivy, your behavior will not impact my grading of Sophia Arroyo. | |||
Stopped the gargoyle! | |||
Gargoyle's down! | |||
Kelvin | Kill | Kelvin, you are a man after my own heart, and I am so sorry I had to do that. | |
It's an awkward time to say this, Kelvin, but I love your book. | |||
Even when he's fighting you, that guy is just so classy. | |||
Best of luck next time, Kelvin. | |||
I took out Kelvin! | |||
Lady Geist | Kill | That was one evil woman. | |
The world is a little safer without you in it, Geist. | |||
She'll be back, and she'll be pissed... | |||
I took down Geist! | |||
That's one way to deal with the Oathkeeper problem. | |||
Lash | Kill | A little humility would do you good, Lash. | |
Humbled Lash! | |||
Pride always comes before the fall, Lash. | |||
You, sir, are an egomaniac. | |||
Lash, you need to learn to be a little nicer. | |||
McGinnis | Kill | McGinnis, you are letting a brilliant mind go to waste. | |
You don't need Fairfax, McGinnis. | |||
Took down the engineer! | |||
Never was a fan of the occult industrial complex... | |||
Did Fairfax put you up to this, McGinnis? | |||
Mirage | Kill | Stopped Mirage! | |
Mirage is down! | |||
That could've gone worse... | |||
Mirage is tough to bring down. | |||
Tough fight! | |||
Mo & Krill | Kill | Mo and Krill are down! | |
Stopped the Tunnel Rats. | |||
Easy there, big guy. | |||
That was one big mole guy. | |||
So which one was Krill? | |||
Paradox | Kill | Stopped Paradox! | |
Took care o' the time thief! | |||
Kids these days... | |||
Close call... | |||
She made me work for that. | |||
Kill | Pocket. Assuming we don't die today, I would love to learn more about that case of yours. | ||
Pocket didn't make that easy... | |||
Took down Pocket! | |||
They couldn't hide in that case forever. | |||
You should audit my class some time, Pocket. | |||
Seven | Kill | Took down Seven! | |
I've never seen power like his. | |||
Thank god he's dead. | |||
He's even more terrifying than I thought... | |||
Got some breathing room from Seven. | |||
Shiv | Kill | Took out Shiv! | |
I hope the Baxter Society doesn't take this personally... | |||
I admire what the Baxter Society does, but I can't let you stop me. | |||
Shiv won't be bothering us for a while. | |||
A classic example of style over substance. | |||
Vindicta | Kill | For a minute there I thought Marla was going to be a widow... | |
Put a stop to Vindicta! | |||
Sniper's down! | |||
The ends never justify the means, Vindicta. | |||
You can't change hearts and minds with a bullet, Vindicta. | |||
Viscous | Kill | That... is something you don't see everyday. | |
What a strange little creature. | |||
Someone has delusions of grandeur. | |||
Stopped Viscous! | |||
Goo washes out of tweed, right? | |||
Warden | Kill | Progress is inevitable, Warden. | |
Your crusade comes to an end here. | |||
Took out Warden! | |||
Warden is down! | |||
I don't trust zealots. | |||
Wraith | Kill | Took out Wraith. | |
One less crime lord to deal with. | |||
Didn't expect to deal with a telekinetic mobster today. | |||
Probably won't be invited to the poker game this week... | |||
Wraith's down! | |||
Wrecker | Kill | The students are not gonna believe me when I talk about my day. | |
Is this what the future of war looks like? | |||
Took out Wrecker! | |||
I really hate eldritch horrors... | |||
Feeding time's over, Wrecker. | |||
Yamato | Kill | Took out Yamato! | |
The swordsman is dead. | |||
The Seventh Moon will never take root in New York. | |||
New York has enough crime lords, thank you very much. | |||
That woman was really invested in stabbing people. |
Seasonal (Winter)[edit]
Winter select and unselect lines are played during the Winter seasonal event. Singularity lines play when using Singularity after unlocking Dynamo's winter skin.
Audio | Transcription |
T'was the night before the Maelstrom, and all through the house, a Columbia professor got no sleep because he was afraid of death. | |
I just love the holidays! | |
I think it's great that strangers are coming together for a common goal. It's really the spirit of the season. | |
You know, I bet this body of mine would make for one hell of a sled. | |
Looking at department store windows can wait. It's time for adventure. | |
I think I have time to complete a ritual before meeting Marla at Rockefeller Center. | |
First I summon a god, then I go to a madrigal concert. | |
(Singing) "Good King Wenceslas looked out on the Feast of Stephen, when the snow lay round about deep and crisp and even, brightly shone the moon that night though the frost was cruel, when a poor man came in sight gathering winter fuuuuuel!" | |
I love winter in New York. | |
This year's holiday is going to be unforgettable. |
Audio | Transcription |
I think it's time for a little holiday shopping. | |
I better go pick out a present for Marla... | |
I miss candy canes. | |
I don't want to spend my holidays with Lash. | |
I'm off to the Black Chateau. | |
Ah, afraid I have to proctor midterms. | |
Summoning a god has to wait until after the faculty holiday party. | |
I promised Marla we'd go ice skating. | |
Can't help, I have a shift at the soup kitchen today. | |
If you think I'm missing caroling today you'd be sorely mistaken! |
Audio | Transcription |
Ho ho ho! | |
Season's greetings! | |
Happy holidays! | |
Holiday cheer! | |
Santa's here! | |
I'm Santa! | |
I have a gift for you! | |
You're on the naughty list! | |
Someone's been naughty! | |
Don't mess with Santa! |
Other Characters[edit]
Patrons - Match Start[edit]
Patron | Audio | Transcription |
Amber Hand | This is your chance, Professor. Summon me and reclaim your humanity. | |
You possess an open mind and a courageous heart, Professor. Both will be needed to complete the ritual. | ||
You long to feel Marla's hand once more, Professor. Summon me. | ||
Your lust for knowledge changed your body. Are you strong enough to do what it takes to change it back? | ||
You are loved by your wife, your colleagues, and your students. Yet it isn't enough, is it, Professor? Complete the ritual and make your life complete. | ||
Sapphire Flame | You've paid a terrible price for knowledge, Professor. But today, you can make things right. | |
Marla is counting on you, Professor. Don't let her down. | ||
Your wife seeks to embrace flesh, not steel. Don't fail her. Don't fail yourself. Complete the ritual. | ||
Professor, if it's knowledge you seek, I can provide it. | ||
Professor, your allies will depend on you as you depend on them. |
Audio | Transcription |
How’s Marla doing, Professor? | |
Good luck gettin‘ your body back, Professor. | |
Okay, so how does this work. I sell you guns, you get my kid through admissions…? |
Newscaster - Winter Skin Unlocked[edit]
Audio | Transcription |
This just in: Professor Dynamo rang in the holiday season with style! |
Removed/Unused lines[edit]
These unused lines are presumably meant to be played during the scene of Dynamo's lecture in The Binding of Oathkeeper Chapter 2A.
Audio | Transcription |
Welcome! Ah, forgive the mess, I just finished a lecture on metaphysics, astral gates and the intersection between the two... I swear, I could talk about the intricacies of quantum entanglement and the intertwining of consciousness, cosmic vibrations and esoteric mysteries forever, but... Sorry, I can't help but notice you have the exact expression my students made during class. | |
The night he got tenured, Zurkzark (?) said I paved the way for him with the university. it's a flattering thought, but I knew there was no one better to teach theoretical abstract referential geometry than someone who was born in an infernal hellscape. | |
Hah, this picture takes me back. Anyone who says metaphysicists are boring obviously never played pinochle in Bristol. | |
And that's Jake, me, Ixiv (?) and Fairfax. We called ourselves "The Squid Boys", which made little sense, since only one of us had a squid head. | |
The Central Park astral gate. Investigating that changed my life forever. | |
This year, when the celestial alignment begins, mystic energy will be at its apex. Perhaps then I'll be able to make contact with the Patron. Perhaps... then I'll be able to get my body back. |